Poster Session and Reception

Accepted Posters

The following posters will be presented at the Poster Session and Reception on Tuesday, May 5, 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m., in Exhibit Hall East.

High Speed Load Balancing at the Datacenter Edge
Keqiang He, University of Wisconsin—Madison; Eric Rozner, Kanak Agarwal, Wes Felter and John Carter, IBM Research; Aditya Akella, University of Wisconsin—Madison

Weaver: A High-Performance, Transactional Graph Store Based on Refinable Timestamps
Ayush Dubey, Cornell University; Gregory D. Hill, Stanford University; Robert Escriva and Emin Gun Sirer, Cornell University

Scalable Testing of Context-Dependent Policies over Stateful Data Planes with BUZZ
Seyed K. Fayaz and Yoshiaki Tobioka, Carnegie Mellon University; Sagar Chaki, Carnegie Mellon University and Software Engineering Institute; Vyas Sekar, Carnegie Mellon University

MANGO: scalable modularity for transparently elastic cloud applications
Wei-Chiu Chuang, Purdue University; Charles Killian, Purdue University and Google; Milind Kulkarni, Purdue University

Exploiting Path Diversity with Multipath TCP
Savvas Zannettou, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos, and Michael Sirivianos, Cyprus University of Technology

Secure and Private Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant Aggregation
Edward Tremel, Ken Birman, and Robert Kleinberg, Cornell University; Mark Jelasity, University of Szegednetwork load

NetAlytics: Flexible and Dynamic Network Analysis Framework
Guyue Liu and Timothy Wood, The George Washington University

Software Defined Backpressure Mechanism for WAN Router
Xiangqing Chang, Jun Li, Zexin Zhang, Lingling Li, and Yalin Niu, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Enabling Software-Defined Network Optimization Applications Using SOL
Victor Heorhiadi and Michael K. Reiter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Vyas Sekar, Carnegie Mellon University

MoonGen: Software Packet Generation for 10 GBit and Beyond
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, and Georg Carle, Technische Universität München

In-Network Load Balancing with OpenFlow
Luis Carlos Oviedo Garcia, University of Nottingham; Richard Mortier, University of Cambridge; Derek McAuley and Masoud Koleini, University of Nottingham

SDNFV: Towards a Flexible and Dynamic Smart Data Plane
Wei Zhang and Guyue Liu, The George Washington University; Ali Mohammadkhan, University of California, Riverside; Jinho Hwang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center; K.K. Ramakrishnan, University of California, Riverside; Timothy Wood, The George Washington University

WebCapsule: Platform-Agnostic Record & Replay for Web Applications
Christopher Neasbitt and Roberto Perdisci, University of Georgia; Long Lu, Stony Brook University; Kapil Singh, IBM Research; Kang Li, University of Georgia

Beyond Scalable Error Isolation
Diogo Behrens, Technische Universität Dresden; Marco Serafini, Qatar Computing Research Institute; Flavio P. Junqueira, Microsoft Research, Cambridge; Sergei Arnautov and Christof Fetzer, Technische Universität Dresden

Improving Optical Switch Scheduling through Indirection
Conglong Li and David G. Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael Kaminsky, Intel Labs; Alex C. Snoeren and George Porter, University of California, San Diego

Making CAPTCHA a Trusted System Service
Hongze Zhao, Zhenyu Zhou, and Xiaowei Yang, Duke University

Privacy-preserving Experimentation with Sensibility Testbed
Yanyan Zhuang, New York University and University of British Columbia; Albert Rafetseder, New York University; Ivan Beschastnikh, University of British Columbia; Justin Cappos, New York University

Quantifying and Leveraging Energy-Performance Tradeoff in Content Datacenters
Abhigyan Sharma and Arun Venkataramani, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Ramesh Sitaraman, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Akamai Technologies

Beetle: Many-to-Many Communication in Bluetooth Low Energy
Amit Levy, Laurynas Riliskis, Phil Levis, David Mazieres, and Keith Winstein, Stanford University

Web-QoS2: Web-browsing Quickly and of Course Safely, Too
Zhenyu Zhou and Theophilus Benson, Duke University

SPA: A General Framework for Systematic Protocol Analysis
Luis Pedrosa, University of Southern California; Ari Fogel, University of California, Los Angeles; Nupur Kothari, Microsoft; Ratul Mahajan, Microsoft Research; Todd Millstein, University of California, Los Angeles; Ramesh Govindan, University of Southern California

HyperTrace: Dynamic Runtime Monitoring for Distributed Systems
Jonathan Mace, Ryan Roelke, and Rodrigo Fonseca, Brown University

Raising the Bar for Using GPUs in Software Packet Processing
Anuj Kalia and Dong Zhou, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael Kaminsky, Intel Labs; David G. Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University

Stateless Network Functions
Murad Kablan, Blake Caldwell, and Richard Han, University of Colorado; Hani Jamjoom; Eric Keller, University of Colorado