Poster Sessions
Poster Session I | Poster Session II
Poster Session I and Reception: Monday, October 6, 2014
Customizable and Extensible Deployment for Mobile/Cloud Applications
Irene Zhang and Adriana Szekeres, University of Washington; Steven D. Gribble, University of Washington and Google; Arvind Krishnamurthy and Henry M. Levy, University of Washington
End-to-end Performance Isolation through Virtual Datacenters
Sebastian Angel, The University of Texas at Austin; Hitesh Ballani, Thomas Karagiannis, Greg O'Shea, and Eno Thereska, Microsoft Research
GPUnet: Networking Abstractions for GPU Programs
Sangman Kim, Seonggu Huh, Xinya Zhang, and Emmet Witchel, The University of Texas at Austin; Amir Watad and Mark Silberstein, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology
lprof: A Non-intrusive Request Flow Profiler
Xu Zhao, Yongle Zhang, David Lion, Yu Luo, Ding Yuan, and Michael Stumm, University of Toronto
Simple Testing Can Prevent Most Critical Failures: An Analysis of Production Failures in Distributed Data-Intensive Systems
Ding Yuan, Yu Luo, Xin Zhuang, Guilherme Rodrigues, Xu Zhao, Yongle Zhang, Pranay U. Jain, and Michael Stumm, University of Toronto
Decoupling Cores, Kernels, and Operating Systems
Gerd Zellweger, Simon Gerber, Kornilios Kourtis, and Timothy Roscoe, ETH Zürich
Willow: A User-Programmable SSD
Mark Gahagan, Sudharsan Seshadri, Sundaram Bhaskaran, Trevor Bunker, Arup De, Yanqin Jin, Yang Liu, and Steven Swanson, University of California, San Diego
Range-Aware Logging for Fast Durable Storage
Giorgos Margaritis and Stergios Anastasiadis, University of Ioannina
An Approach to Improve Read Latency Based on Data Duplication in SSDs
Joon-Young Paik and Eun-Sun Cho, Chungnam National University; Tae-Sun Chung, Ajou University
Worst-Case Energy Consumption Analysis for Soft and Hard Energy Systems
Peter Wägemann and Timo Hönig, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Rüdiger Kapitza, Technische Universität Braunschweig; Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
User-Centric Optimizations for Android Smartphones
Wook Song, Nosub Sung, and Jihong Kim, Seoul National University
Unit Testing Framework for Operating System Kernels
Maxwell Walter and Sven Karlsson, Technical University of Denmark
The Supercloud: Challenges, Current Status, and Open Questions
Zhiming Shen, Qin Jia, Weijia Song, Hakim Weatherspoon, and Robbert van Renesse, Cornell University
HyperVTPM: Minimizing the Trusted Code Base for Remote VM Attestation
Lucas Chaufournier, The George Washington University; Masoud Koleini, The University of Nottingham; Timothy Wood, The George Washington University; Michael Clarkson, Cornell University
Lightweight Capability Domains: Decomposing the Linux Kernel
Charles Jacobsen, Sarah Spall, Muktesh Khole, John Regehr, and Anton Burtsev, University of Utah
Nail: A practical tool for parsing and generating data formats
Julian Bangert and Nickolai Zeldovich, MIT CSAIL
Arrakis: The Operating System is the Control Plane
Simon Peter, Jialin Li, Irene Zhang, Dan R. K. Ports, Doug Woos, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Thomas Anderson, University of Washington; Timothy Roscoe, ETH Zürich
Jitk: A Trustworthy In-Kernel Interpreter Infrastructure
Xi Wang, David Lazar, Nickolai Zeldovich, and Adam Chlipala, MIT CSAIL; Zachary Tatlock, University of Washington
The Mystery Machine: End-to-End Performance analysis of large-scale Internet services
Michael Chow, University of Michigan; David Meisner, Facebook, Inc.; Jason Flinn, University of Michigan; Daniel Peek, Facebook, Inc.; Thomas F. Wenisch, University of Michigan
Eidetic Systems
David Devecsery, Michael Chow, Xianzheng Dou, Jason Flinn, and Peter M. Chen, University of Michigan
Lego: A Modular Emulator of Distributed Object Stores
Dorian J. Perkins and Harsha V. Madhyastha, University of California, Riverside
Detecting Covert Timing Channels with Time-Deterministic Replay
Ang Chen, University of Pennsylvania; W. Brad Moore, Georgetown University; Hanjun Xiao, Andreas Haeberlen, and Linh Thi Xuan Phan, University of Pennsylvania; Micah Sherr and Wenchao Zhou, Georgetown University
Understanding Reliability Implication of Hardware Error in Virtualization Infrastructure
Xin Xu and H. Howie Huang, The George Washington University
Scaling Machine Learning with the Parameter Server
Mu Li, David Andersen, and Alex Smola, Carnegie Mellon University
Physical Disentanglement in a Container-Based File System
Lanyue Lu, Yupu Zhang, Thanh Do, Samer Al-Kiswany, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin—Madison
lOS: Fine-Grained Data Management Abstractions for Modern Operating Systems
Riley Spahn and Jonathan Bell, Columbia University; Michael Z. Lee, The University of Texas at Austin; Sravan Bhamidipati, Roxana Geambasu, and Gail Kaiser, Columbia University
User-Guided Device Driver Synthesis
Adam Walker, NICTA and University of New South Wales; Leonid Ryzhyk, University of Toronto, NICTA, and University of New South Wales
Scaling Concurrent Log-Structured Data Stores
Edward Bortnikov, Guy Gueta, and Eshcar Hillel, Yahoo! Labs; Idit Keidar, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology;
Characterizing Storage Workloads with Counter Stacks
Jake Wires, Stephen Ingram, Zachary Drudi, Nicholas J. A. Harvey, and Andrew Warfield, Coho Data
Ironclad Apps: End-to-End Security via Automated Full-System Verification
Chris Hawblitzel, Jon Howell, and Jacob R. Lorch, Microsoft Research; Arjun Narayan, University of Pennsylvania; Bryan Parno, Microsoft Research; Danfeng Zhang, Cornell University; Brian Zill, Microsoft Research
IX: A Dataplane Operating System for Event-driven, Web-scale Applications
Adam Belay, Stanford University; George Prekas, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Samuel Grossman, Ana Klimovic, and Christos Kozyrakis, Stanford University; Edouard Bugnion, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Identifying Information Disclosure in Web Applications with Retroactive Auditing
Haogang Chen, Taesoo Kim, Xi Wang, Nickolai Zeldovich, and M. Frans Kaashoek, MIT CSAIL
GraphX: Graph Processing in a Distributed Dataflow Framework
Joseph E. Gonzalez, University of California, Berkeley; Reynold S. Xin, University of California, Berkeley, and Databricks; Ankur Dave, Daniel Crankshaw, and Michael J. Franklin, University of California, Berkeley; Ion Stoica, University of California, Berkeley, and Databricks
Poster Session II and Reception: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Protecting critical data structures against hardware faults
Tobias Stumpf, Björn Döbel, and Hermann Härtig, Technische Universität Dresden
An Approach for Managing Large, Heterogeneous Address Spaces
Simon Gerber, ETH Zürich and HP Labs; Dejan Milojicic, HP Labs; Timothy Roscoe, ETH Zürich
Mojim: A Reliable and Highly-Available Non-Volatile Memory System
Yiying Zhang, Jian Yang, Amirsaman Memaripour, and Steven Swanson, University of California, San Diego
Limplock Static Analysis: Preventing Slow Performance Lock-up in Cloud Systems
Riza Suminto, University of Chicago; Thanh Do, University of Wisconsin—Madison; Haryadi S. Gunawi, University of Chicago
OPS Isolation to Meet I/O SLA for VM Shared Flash-based SSDs
Jaeho Kim, University of Seoul; Suyeong Bae, Hongik University; Sam H. Noh, University of Seoul
Supporting Differentiated Services in Datacenter Servers
Jiuyue Ma, Xiufeng Sui, Yupeng Li, Zihao Yu, Bowen Huang, and Yungang Bao, Institute of Computing Technology and Chinese Academy of Sciences
Efficient Live Snapshot for Virtual Machines: A Multi-layer Coordination Approach
Jingsheng Zheng, Jianxin Li, Lei Cui, and Yangyang Zhang, Beihang University
Library Drivers for Improved System Security
Ardalan Amiri Sani, Lin Zhong, and Dan Wallach, Rice University
Flamingo: Synthesizing cold storage stacks
Xiaozhou Li, Microsoft Research and Princeton University; Sergey Legtchenko, Ant Rowstron, Austin Donnelly, and Richard Black, Microsoft Research
Heading Off Correlated Failures through Independence-as-a-Service
Ennan Zhai, Yale University; Ruichuan Chen, Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent; David Isaac Wolinsky and Bryan Ford, Yale University
Plugging Cache-Based Timing Channels Made Easy –With seL4
Qian Ge, Kevin Elphinstone, and Gernot Heiser, NICTA and University of New South Wales
Performance Improvement of DSM-Based Computation Offloading with Selective Shared-Data Tracking and Lock-Visiting Techniques
Jaemin Lee and Euiseong Seo, Sungkyunkwan University
Analysis of incremental redundancy for data retention error of SSDs
Heejin Park, Jaeho Kim, and Donghee Lee, University of Seoul
All File Systems Are Not Created Equal: On the Complexity of Crafting Crash-Consistent Applications
Thanumalayan Sankaranarayana Pillai, Vijay Chidambaram, Ramnatthan Alagappan, Samer Al-Kiswany, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin—Madison
TetriSched: Space-Time Scheduling for Consolidated Heterogeneous Datacenters
Alexey Tumanov and Timothy Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael A. Kozuch, Intel Labs; Mor Harchol-Balter and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University
Quantitatively Modeling and Tuning Data Consistency for Replication
Xu Wang, Hailong Sun, Ting Deng, and Jinpeng Huai, Beihang University
Salt: Combining ACID and BASE in a Distributed Database
Chao Xie, Chunzhi Su, Manos Kapritsos, Yang Wang, Navid Yaghmazadeh, Lorenzo Alvisi, and Prince Mahajan, The University of Texas at Austin
Mobile Applications with Reconfigurable Hardware
Michael Coughlin, Ali Ismail,and Eric Keller, University of Colorado, Boulder
ASAP: High Security at Low Overhead
Jonas Wagner and Volodymyr Kuznetsov, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Johannes Kinder, Royal Holloway, University of London; Azqa Nadeem and George Candea, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Grappa: Enabling Next-Generation Analytics Tools via Latency-tolerant Distributed Shared Memory
Jacob Nelson, Brandon Holt, Brandon Myers, Preston Briggs, Luis Ceze, Simon Kahan, and Mark Oskin, University of Washington
TARDiS: Transactional Storage with Parallel Worlds
Natacha Crooks, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and The University of Texas at Austin; Nancy Estrada, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS); Ionel Gog, University of Cambridge; Allen Clement, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)
A Single-Kernel Approach to OS Specialization and Node Resource Partitioning for Exascale Computing
Judicael A. Zounmevo, Kamil Iskra, and Kazutomo Yoshii, Argonne National Laboratory; Roberto Gioiosa, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Brian C. Van Essen, Maya B. Gokhale, and Edgar A. Leon, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sergeant: A controller for transactional Software Defined Networking
Behram F. T. Mistree and Philip A. Levis, Stanford University
Enhancing Data Recency for Eventually Consistent Data Stores
Yu Tang, Hailong Sun, Xu Wang, and Xudong Liu, Beihang University
Extract More Concurrency in Distributed Transactions
Shuai Mu, Tsinghua University and New York University; Yang Cui and Yang Zhang, New York University; Wyatt Lloyd, University of Southern California and Facebook; Jinyang Li, New York University
Apollo: Scalable and Coordinated Scheduling for Cloud-Scale Computing
Eric Boutin, Jaliya Ekanayake, Wei Lin, Bing Shi, and Jingren Zhou, Microsoft; Zhengping Qian, Ming Wu, Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research
The Power of Choice in Data-Aware Cluster Scheduling
Shivaram Venkataraman, Aurojit Panda, University of California, Berkeley; Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Microsoft Research; Michael J. Franklin and Ion Stoica, University of California, Berkeley
Shielding Applications from an Untrusted Cloud with Haven
Andrew Baumann, Marcus Peinado, and Galen Hunt, Microsoft Research
To Collect or Not to Collect: Just-in-Time Garbage Collection for High-Performance SSDs with Long Lifetimes
Sangwook Shane Hahn, Jaeyong Jeong, and Jihong Kim, Seoul National University
Low-Latency Dissent
Daniel Jackowitz, Yale University; Eleanor Cawthon, Pomona College; David Isaac Wolinsky, Lining Wang, and Bryan Ford, Yale University
Phase Reconciliation for Contended In-Memory Transactions
Neha Narula, MIT CSAIL; Eddie Kohler, Harvard University; Robert Morris and Cody Cutler, MIT CSAIL
SAMC: Semantic-Aware Model Checking for Fast Discovery of Deep Bugs in Cloud Systems
Tanakorn Leesatapornwongsa and Mingzhe Hao, University of Chicago; Pallavi Joshi, NEC Labs America; Jeffrey F. Lukman, Surya University; Haryadi S. Gunawi, University of Chicago
Torturing Databases for Fun and Profit
Mai Zheng, The Ohio State University; Joseph Tucek, HP Labs; Dachuan Huang and Feng Qin, The Ohio State University; Mark Lillibridge, Elizabeth S. Yang, and Bill W Zhao, HP Labs; Shashank Singh, The Ohio State University