Informing the Design of Privacy Awareness Mechanisms for Users and Bystanders in Smart Homes

Thursday, June 23, 2022 - 5:10 pm5:25 pm

Yaxing Yao, University of Maryland, Baltimore County


The opaque data practices in smart home devices have raised significant privacy concerns for smart home users and bystanders. One way to learn about the data practices is through privacy-related notifications. However, how to deliver these notifications to users and bystanders and increase their awareness of data practices is not clear. In this talk, we present our recent research on users' and bystanders' responses to four mechanisms that improve privacy awareness. We will demo a subset of the mechanisms, present our findings, discuss the conflicting expectations between users and bystanders, and draw implications for researchers and practitioners on how to design privacy awareness mechanisms for users and bystanders in smart homes.

Yaxing Yao, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Yaxing Yao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. His research focuses on understanding privacy risks and people’s privacy concerns in emerging technologies and contexts (e.g., smart homes, social VR), then designing and evaluating privacy mechanisms to protect people’s privacy. He is particularly interested in the tension among different stakeholders in these technologies (e.g., users and bystanders) and seeks to support the privacy needs of all stakeholders. He is also interested in the privacy issues in underrepresented populations, such as children and people with disabilities.


Presentation Video