Designing for Privacy Needs of Bystanders in Smart Homes: A Systematic Review of Recommendations

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 2:40 pm3:00 pm

Julia Bernd, International Computer Science Institute


Researchers have proposed numerous design recommendations to make smart home devices more privacy-friendly for bystanders, and studies have highlighted the privacy/utility tensions these proposals introduce for smart home device owners, secondary users, and bystanders. In this talk, we will summarize recent research on bystander (or non-primary user) privacy concerns; present a systematic overview of design proposals and recommendations from the last several years of research on smart home bystander privacy; and initiate a discussion of the potential for industry uptake. The aim of this talk is to draw the attention of industry practitioners to the rich body of research on this topic, and to begin bridging the gap between academic literature and industry in addressing the privacy needs of bystanders. This talk is based on a systemization of knowledge conducted in collaboration with Eimaan Saqib (LUMS), Junghyun Choy (ICSI/CMU), Shijing He (KCL), Ruba Abu-Salma (KCL), José Such (KCL), and Mobin Javed (LUMS/ICSI).

Julia Bernd, International Computer Science Institute

Julia Bernd is a research scientist at the International Computer Science Institute and a member of the Berkeley Laboratory for Usable and Experimental Security (BLUES). She is a linguist and social scientist by background (MA, Linguistics, Stanford University); she has applied this training in academic research, public health projects, and curriculum development. Current research interests include user and bystander expectations about smart homes, privacy culture in software development, and the intersections of privacy and social power dynamics.

@conference {290895,
author = {Julia Bernd},
title = {Designing for Privacy Needs of Bystanders in Smart Homes: A Systematic Review of Recommendations},
year = {2023},
address = {Santa Clara, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = sep

Presentation Video