Todd Palino is a Senior Staff Site Reliability Engineer at LinkedIn, tasked with keeping Zookeeper, Kafka, and Samza deployments fed and watered. He is responsible for architecture, day-to-day operations, and tools development, including the creation of an advanced monitoring and notification system. Previously, Todd was a Systems Engineer at Verisign, developing service management automation for DNS, networking, and hardware management, as well as managing hardware and software standards across the company.
In his spare time, Todd is the developer of the open source project Burrow, a Kafka consumer monitoring tool, and can be found sharing his experience on both SRE and Apache Kafka at industry conferences and tech talks. He is also the co-author of Kafka: The Definitive Guide, now available from O'Reilly Media. When everything else is not keeping him busy, you'll find him out on the trails, training for his next marathon.