Emily Ruppe, Jeli.io
“...to prevent this incident from ever happening again.” Every SRE has seen this phrase in almost every public incident write up of the modern tech age. But the terrible truth is, no matter how thorough the action items are, we can’t actually prevent incidents from happening again. Why? Because truly “repeated” incidents within complex systems at scale, are as likely as finding dozens of mosquitoes full of viable "Dino DNA" preserved in amber (they don’t actually exist).
Emily Ruppe, Jeli.io

Emily Ruppe is a Solutions Engineer at Jeli.io whose greatest accomplishment was once being referred to as “the Bob Ross of incident reviews.” Previously Emily has written hundreds of status posts, incident timelines and analyses at SendGrid, and was a founding member of the Incident Command team at Twilio. She’s written on human centered incident management and facilitating incident reviews. Emily believes the most important thing in both life and incidents is having enough snacks.

author = {Emily Ruppe},
title = {The Repeat Incident Fallacy: What Jurassic Park Can Teach Us about Incidents},
year = {2022},
address = {Amsterdam},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct