Life after The Chocolate Factory

Tuesday, 25 October, 2022 - 16:0016:30 CEST

Murali Suriar, Snowflake, and Emil Stolarsky, Wave Mobile Money


It’s no secret that in the SRE community, for better or worse, we often look up to large companies (almost always Google), on how we should go about building secure, reliable & maintainable systems. Lots has been said about what they do right but in reality, these approaches are rarely applicable to SREs at smaller organizations who just don’t have the resources to replicate the same systems.

Here’s the thing - it’s not just the core technology that ex-Google SREs miss the most: it’s all the little things. How do you make on-boarding not suck? What’s an effective way of securing systems, but not getting in the way of people doing their jobs? And who the hell ever thought JIRA was a good idea?

This talk is structured as a comedy double act: a recovering Google Engineer seeks therapy from someone who’s lived their whole career outside the walled garden that is Google.

Murali Suriar is a lapsed computer science graduate, turned network engineer, turned SRE. Working on traffic management at Snowflake after 12 years at Google. Currently learning what "the cloud is just someone else's computer" means.

Emil is an SRE at Wave Mobile Money, helping make Africa the first cashless continent. Previously he worked on caching, performance, & disaster recovery at Shopify, the internal Kubernetes platform at DigitalOcean, and everything in between at Cheddar. In addition to speaking at & organizing a number of conferences, he was a contributor to Seeking SRE and co-authored 97 Things Every SRE Should Know.

@conference {284607,
author = {Murali Suriar and Emil Stolarsky},
title = {Life after The Chocolate Factory},
year = {2022},
address = {Amsterdam},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct

Presentation Video