Panel Discussion: Layoffs in Tech and The Day After

Tuesday, 10 October, 2023 - 16:5017:30

Moderator: Emil Stolarsky, Wave Mobile Money


For the past couple of years (and counting), we have witnessed tech companies of any size, drastically reducing their positions, and slowing down hiring. In this panel we will discuss how we got here, and what does this mean about the past and the future of SRE.

Emil Stolarsky, Wave Mobile Money

Emil is an SRE at Wave Mobile Money, helping make Africa the first cashless continent. Previously, he worked on caching, performance, and disaster recovery at Shopify, the internal Kubernetes platform at DigitalOcean, and everything in between at Cheddar. In addition to speaking at and organizing a number of conferences, he was a contributor to Seeking SRE and co-authored 97 Things Every SRE Should Know.

@conference {292219,
author = {Emil Stolarsky},
title = {Panel Discussion: Layoffs in Tech and The Day After},
year = {2023},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct