Filipe Felisbino, Udemy Inc
Feeling overwhelmed by a mountain of overdue system patches and a tiny team? You're not alone!
Our team was on a similar position a few years ago: buried in tech debt, unable to keep up with patching for new vulnerabilities, being consumed by toil - all while trying to keep up with business growth and stricter requirements for security compliance in general.
In this talk you'll learn how we used a three pronged strategy to break this vicious cycle without growing the team, the risks we faced, the trade offs and hard decisions we made.
Filipe Felisbino, Udemy Inc

Filipe is a site reliability engineer at Udemy working on infrastructure, automation, kubernetes, etc. Before that he's worked with software development for network security solutions for several years. Originally from Brazil, currently living in California!

author = {Filipe Felisbino},
title = {Patching Your Way to Compliance with a Small Team and a Pile of Technical Debt},
year = {2024},
address = {San Francisco, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = mar