Corey Quinn, The Duckbill Group
Since not giving a single crap about money turned out to be a purely zero-interest-rate phenomenon, the "cloud is overpriced vs. no it is not" argument has reignited—usually championed on either side by somebody with something to sell you. The speaker has nothing to sell you, and many truths to tell. It's time to find out where the truth is hiding.
Corey Quinn, The Duckbill Group

Corey is the Chief Cloud Economist at The Duckbill Group, where he specializes in helping companies improve their AWS bills by making them smaller and less horrifying. He also hosts the "Screaming in the Cloud" and "AWS Morning Brief" podcasts; and curates "Last Week in AWS," a weekly newsletter summarizing the latest in AWS news, blogs, and tools, sprinkled with snark and thoughtful analysis in roughly equal measure.

author = {Corey Quinn},
title = {Scam or Savings? A Cloud vs. {On-Prem} Economic Slapfight},
year = {2024},
address = {San Francisco, CA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = mar