Tianyin Xu is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). His research focuses on techniques for design and implementation of reliable computer systems, especially those that operate at the cloud and datacenter scale. He has been in the UIUC List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent for five times since he joined the CS department in 2018. He is the recipient of a Jay Lepreau Best Paper Award at OSDI 2016, a Best Paper Award at ASPLOS 2020, a Best Student Paper Award at SIGCOMM 2021, two SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards at ISSTA 2021 and FSE 2021, a Gilles Muller Best Artifact Award at EuroSys 2023, and a CACM Research Highlight. He is a recipient of NSF CAREER Award, an Intel Rising Star Faculty Award, a Facebook Distributed Systems Research award, and a Doctoral Award for Research at the Department of CSE at the University of California San Diego. He is an editor of the SIGOPS Blog and is an area chair of the Journal of Systems Research. More details can be found on his webpage: https://tianyin.github.io/.