Emil Stolarsky, Increase, and Joan O’Callaghan, Udemy
This session is an opportunity for people to come together and discuss running SRE teams in small organisations, facilitated by our knowledgeable guides. This is not a prepared talk or workshop—expect a less-formal session,with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and to talk to other attendees who are part of SRE teams in small organisation.
Emil Stolarsky, Increase
Emil is an engineer at Increase where he works on building modern banking infrastructure. Before that, he was at companies such as Wave Mobile Money, DigitalOcean, and Shopify, working on everything from building data centres in Sub-Saharan Africa to caching & performance optimizations in the cloud. In addition to speaking at & organising a number of conferences, he was a contributor to Seeking SRE and co-authored 97 Things Every SRE Should Know.
Joan O'Callaghan, Udemy
Joan O'Callaghan is a Monitoring and Observability Director at Udemy. She has worked in SRE and Incident Management and M&O (in one form or another), for many, many years. She likes to host and write blameless incident reviews and take long walks on the beach where she has imaginary arguments with people that don't like resilience as much as she does. She is always very happy when she meets people more paranoid than her.
author = {Emil Stolarsky and Joan O{\textquoteright}Callaghan},
title = {{SRE} in Small Orgs},
year = {2024},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct