Wrangling your Management Chain

Thursday, 31 October, 2024 - 09:0010:30 GMT

Dave O’Connor and Michael Rembetsy


This session is an opportunity for people to come together and discuss managing your management chain, facilitated by our knowledgeable guides. This is not a prepared talk or workshop—expect a less-formal session with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and to talk to other attendees who are interested in wrangling your management.

Dave O'Connor[node:field-speakers-institution]

Dave is an SRE Leadership practitioner, Advisor and Coach based in Dublin. He's been working on SRE and SRE-adjacent organisations for over 20 years, primarily as an SRE Lead at Google from 2004-2021. Since then, he has spent time leading SRE, Security and Infrastructure teams at Elastic and Twilio.

He's currently a Consultant/Advisor for Busy teams at Co-Servant Systems, and a coach specialising in tech leadership at all levels.

@conference {304272,
author = {Dave O{\textquoteright}Connor and Michael Rembetsy},
title = {Wrangling your Management Chain},
year = {2024},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct