Are We Really Engineers?

Thursday, 31 October, 2024 - 16:4517:30 GMT

Hillel Wayne


What makes software engineering different from “traditional” engineering? To find out, I interviewed 17 “crossovers”: people who have worked professionally as both a software and a traditional engineer. In aggregate, we learn three things: we are in fact engineers, we’re not actually that different as a field, and there’s a lot we can both teach and learn.

Hillel Wayne[node:field-speakers-institution]

Hillel is a formal methods consultant and the author of Logic for Programmers and Practical TLA+. His other work includes Computer Things, a weekly newsletter on the history and theory of software engineering, and Let's Prove Leftpad. In his free time, he juggles and makes chocolate. He did, in fact, bring enough for everyone.

@conference {302237,
author = {Hillel Wayne},
title = {Are We Really Engineers?},
year = {2024},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct