Just Buy the Printer: Resilience in Action

Wednesday, 30 October, 2024 - 15:1015:30 GMT

Cail Young, Octopus Deploy


A retelling of a recent near-miss at Octopus Deploy involving code signing certificates, multiple teams responding on an incident, and everybody's favourite piece of security hardware - the humble printer. After the story, we'll reflect on what the story says about the resilience factors already in the organisation, and what the telling of the story itself might be able to do for resilience across organisations.

Cail Young, Octopus Deploy

Cail has spent the last couple of decades working at the intersection of people and technology: in the performing arts, in the motion picture industry, and now in the field of software operations. He is fascinated by learning from incidents - large and small - and will gladly trade stories about them.

@conference {302163,
author = {Cail Young},
title = {Just Buy the Printer: Resilience in Action},
year = {2024},
address = {Dublin},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = oct

Presentation Video