Hotel and Travel Information


Why should you stay in the headquarters hotel?

We encourage you to stay in the headquarters hotel and when making your reservation to identify yourself as a USENIX conference attendee.

It is by contracting sleeping rooms that we can significantly reduce hotel charges for meeting room rental. When the sleeping rooms are not utilized, we face significant financial penalties. As a result, these penalties ultimately force us to raise registration fees.

We recognize, however, that not everyone can afford to stay in the conference hotel. We always try to book venues that have some low-cost alternatives available near the conference.

With costs going higher and higher, USENIX is working very hard to negotiate the very best hotel rates and keep other conference expenses down in order to keep registration fees as low as possible. We appreciate your help in this endeavor.


All symposium events will take place at the:

Hyatt Regency Bellevue
900 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: 1.888.421.1442

The hotel deadline was on Wednesday, July 18. If you are unable to make a reservation at the conference hotel, we recommend that you check out hotels in the surrounding area for availability. Reservations at these hotels will be handled on a space-available basis at the hotel's standard rate.


Room Sharing

Need a roommate at SEC '12? Subscribe to the roomshare email list.


USENIX has partnered with American Airlines to provide a 5% discount on your trip to Bellevue. Plan to book early for the best airfare discounts. Use the following information while booking your flights to receive the USENIX discount:


USENIX has partnered with Avis to provide discounts on car rentals for your trip to Bellevue. To book at the discounted rate, click here or call Reservation Phone at (888) 754-8878.



Sea-Tac International Airport (SEA)
(located approximately 17 miles from Hyatt Regency Bellevue)


Shuttle Service

Shuttle Express
One-way fares (24 hours/7 days a week)
Starting at $19 per person
(425) 981-7000 or (800) 487-RIDE (7433)

Cab fare is approximately $30-$40 from Sea-Tac to the Hyatt Regency Bellevue.

Limousine service is available via Carey Seattle. Ask concierge for rates or call (206) 762-3517.

Local Transportation
Bus fare is $5.00 from Sea-Tac to the Hyatt Regency Bellevue via Sound Transit Bus 560 transferring to King County Metro Bus 271 or 246. (Bus stop is one block from Hyatt Regency Bellevue)


  • Self parking is available for $25 per day.
  • Valet parking is $28 per day.

About Bellevue
Bellevue Tourism and Visitors Bureaus

Local Restaurants
Discover more than 45 sit-down restaurant options at The Bellevue Collection with several located steps from the lobby.

Traveling to USENIX Security '12 from outside the U.S.A.?
See detailed advice from the National Academies about visiting the United States.