Jinn: Hijacking Safe Programs with Trojans

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Komail Dharsee and John Criswell, University of Rochester


Untrusted hardware supply chains enable malicious, powerful, and permanent alterations to processors known as hardware trojans. Such hardware trojans can undermine any software-enforced security policies deployed on top of the hardware. Existing defenses target a select set of hardware components, specifically those that implement hardware-enforced security mechanisms such as cryptographic cores, user/kernel privilege isolation, and memory protections.

We observe that computing systems exercise general purpose processor logic to implement software-enforced security policies. This makes general purpose logic security critical since tampering with it could violate software-based security policies. Leveraging this insight, we develop a novel class of hardware trojans, which we dub Jinn trojans, that corrupt general-purpose hardware to enable flexible and powerful high level attacks. Jinn trojans deactivate compiler-based security-enforcement mechanisms, making type-safe software vulnerable to memory-safety attacks. We prototyped design-time Jinn trojans in the gem5 simulator and used them to attack programs written in Rust, inducing memory-safety vulnerabilities to launch control-flow hijacking attacks. We find that Jinn trojans can effectively compromise software-enforced security policies by compromising a single bit of architectural state with as little as 8 bits of persistent trojan-internal state. Thus, we show that Jinn trojans are effective even when planted in general purpose hardware, disjoint from any hardware-enforced security components. We show that protecting hardware-enforced security logic is insufficient to keep a system secure from hardware trojans.

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@inproceedings {287149,
author = {Komail Dharsee and John Criswell},
title = {Jinn: Hijacking Safe Programs with Trojans},
booktitle = {32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23)},
year = {2023},
isbn = {978-1-939133-37-3},
address = {Anaheim, CA},
pages = {6965--6982},
url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity23/presentation/dharsee},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = aug

Presentation Video