Measuring Up to (Reasonable) Consumer Expectations: Providing an Empirical Basis for Holding IoT Manufacturers Legally Responsible

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Lorenz Kustosch and Carlos Gañán, TU Delft; Mattis van 't Schip, Radboud University; Michel van Eeten and Simon Parkin, TU Delft


With continued cases of security and privacy incidents with consumer Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices comes the need to identify which actors are in the best place to respond. Previous literature studied expectations of consumers regarding how security and privacy should be implemented and who should take on preventive efforts. But how do such normative consumer expectations differ from what is actually realistic, or reasonable to expect how security and privacy-related events will be handled? Using a vignette survey with 862 participants, we studied consumer expectations on how IoT manufacturers and users would and should respond when confronted with a potentially infected or privacy-invading IoT device. We find that expectations differ considerably between what is realistic and what is appropriate. Furthermore, security and privacy lead to different expectations around users’ and manufacturers’ actions, with a general diffusion of expectations on how to handle privacy-related events. We offer recommendations to IoT manufacturers and regulators on how to support users in addressing security and privacy issues.

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@inproceedings {287376,
author = {Lorenz Kustosch and Carlos Ga{\~n}{\'a}n and Mattis van {\textquoteright}t Schip and Michel van Eeten and Simon Parkin},
title = {Measuring Up to (Reasonable) Consumer Expectations: Providing an Empirical Basis for Holding {IoT} Manufacturers Legally Responsible},
booktitle = {32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23)},
year = {2023},
isbn = {978-1-939133-37-3},
address = {Anaheim, CA},
pages = {1487--1504},
url = {},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = aug

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