I/O-Efficient Dynamic Searchable Encryption meets Forward & Backward Privacy


Priyanka Mondal, University of California, Santa Cruz; Javad Ghareh Chamani, HKUST; Ioannis Demertzis, University of California, Santa Cruz; Dimitrios Papadopoulos, HKUST


We focus on the problem of I/O-efficient Dynamic Searchable Encryption (DSE), i.e., schemes that perform well when executed with the dataset on-disk. Towards this direction, for HDDs, schemes have been proposed with good locality (i.e., low number of performed non-continuous memory reads) and read efficiency (the number of additional memory locations read per result item). Similarly, for SSDs, schemes with good page efficiency (reading as few pages as possible) have been proposed. However, the vast majority of these works are limited to the static case (i.e. no dataset modifications) and the only dynamic scheme fails to achieve forward and backward privacy, the de-facto leakage standard in the literature. In fact, prior related works (Bost [CCS'16] and Minaud and Reichle[CRYPTO'22]) claim that I/O-efficiency and forward-privacy are two irreconcilable notions. Contrary to that, in this work, we "reconcile" for the first time forward and backward privacy with I/O-efficiency for DSE both for HDDs and SSDs. We propose two families of DSE constructions which also improve the state-of-the-art (non I/O-efficient) both asymptotically and experimentally. Indeed, some of our schemes improve the in-memory performance of prior works. At a technical level, we revisit and enhance the lazy de-amortization DSE construction by Demertzis et al. [NDSS'20], transforming it into an I/O-preserving one. Importantly, we introduce an oblivious-merge protocol that merges two equal-sized databases without revealing any information, effectively replacing the costly oblivious data structures with more lightweight computations.

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