Robert Marmorstein and Phil Kearns - The College of
William and Mary
Pp. 103-112 of the Proceedings of LISA '05:
Nineteenth Systems Administration Conference,
(San Diego, CA:
USENIX Association, December 2005).
As firewalls have increased in power and flexibility, the
complexity of configuring them correctly has grown significantly. An
error in the firewall configuration can compromise the security of the
system or interfere with normal network activity. The chance of an
error increases when coordinating multiple firewalls, because the
interaction between filters may hide errors more easily noticed on a
single firewall. Firewalls on many networks use network address
translation, which further increases the complexity of the firewall
policy and creates additional opportunities for errors. Because errors
in the firewall configuration are often extremely costly in time and
security, system administrators need tools for verifying and debugging
their firewall policy. ITVal is a tool for analyzing
iptables-based firewalls that provides a plain English
query language for simple firewall analysis. In this work, we describe
extensions to ITVal that allow it to process network
address translation rules and analyze multiple firewalls connected
Figure 1: Common firewall architecture for defeating
insider threats.
Networks with a large number of hosts must defend against both
external and internal intruders. While a perimeter firewall will block
many external threats, it is useless against attacks from inside the
network. With Trojan horses and viruses extremely prevalent, the
problem of intrusions from internal hosts is growing rapidly [11]. To
solve this problem, many system administrators complement the
perimeter firewall with local firewalls on important internal hosts
[10]. If the network is sufficiently large, the system administrator
may also place additional firewalls between the perimeter firewall and
groups of related hosts. The resulting architecture looks something
like Figure 1, which depicts a network with a perimeter firewall, one
unprotected host, two protected hosts, and a protected subnet. The
protected hosts could be a mail server and a web server, while the
protected subnet might consist of clients in an accounting department
with financial information that must be secured. The perimeter
firewall can mitigate denial of service and other external threats,
while the firewall on each workstation secures services that must be
protected from an inside intruder. Usually, most of the workstations
have very similar filtering policies, which simplifies the
distribution of changes to the policy, since the policy can be edited
on a single administration host and then distributed across the
network. One or more of the firewalls may also use network address
translation(NAT) to further protect internal hosts or to work around
the IPv4 address space problem.
The Linux firewall system, iptables, which
provides NAT and stateful filtering, is well-suited for securing large
networks of workstations and can be a cheap solution for providing
security against internal threats. Unfortunately,
iptables rule sets are particularly difficult to
understand and debug. Changes to the firewall may introduce subtle
errors that disrupt normal traffic and can be difficult to diagnose.
Chain FORWARD (Default Policy DROP)
| target | prot | source | destination | flags
1 | DROP | tcp | | anywhere |
2 | DROP | tcp | anywhere | |
3 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:80
4 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:53
Rule Set on the Perimeter Firewall
Chain INPUT (Default Policy DROP)
| target | prot | source | destination | flags
1 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:22
2 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:993
3 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:25
Rule Set on the Mail Server
Figure 2: Rule sets for an example network.
Chain FORWARD (Default Policy DROP)
| target | prot | source | destination | flags
1 | DROP | tcp | | anywhere |
2 | ACCEPT | tcp | | anywhere |
3 | DROP | tcp | anywhere | |
4 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:80
5 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:53
Figure 3: An incorrect perimeter
rule set.
Chain FORWARD (Default Policy DROP)
| target | prot | source | destination | flags
1 | DROP | tcp | | anywhere |
2 | DROP | tcp | anywhere | |
3 | ACCEPT | tcp | | anywhere |
4 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:80
5 | ACCEPT | tcp | anywhere | anywhere | TCP dpt:53
Figure 4: A correctly modified
rule set.
The multiplicity of firewalls, in networks like the one described,
greatly increases the difficulty of avoiding configuration errors.
Removing a rule at the perimeter often means exposing hosts that are
not sufficiently protected by their local firewalls. Incorrectly
adding rules to a local or intermediate firewall can unintentionally
block important network services. Firewalls with NAT are even more
complex because a set of translation rules must be considered in
addition to the filtering rules.
For example, consider the filtering chains given in Figure 2 that
could be used to secure the network shown in Figure 1. The first chain
is the forwarding chain of a perimeter firewall that protects a
network from intrusions on an insecure network Rule 1 of the chain blocks traffic from the insecure
network. Rule 2 protects the mail server by blocking all traffic from
the outside world. The remaining rules secure various services that
should be allowed to pass through the firewall. The second chain is
the INPUT chain of the internal mail server, It permits
SMTP, secure IMAP, and SSH traffic, but blocks anything else.
There are several invariants that the administrator wishes to
preserve about this network. First, web traffic from anywhere but the
insecure network should always be allowed to host, the
web server. Second, hosts from the outside world should never be able
to SSH into the mail server. Third, no traffic should ever be
permitted from the insecure network.
Let's assume that the administrator decides to allow SSH traffic
through the perimeter firewall for hosts on subnet by
adding a rule to the forwarding chain of the perimeter firewall as
shown in Figure 3. The first rule and the last three rules are the
same as those in Figure 2, but the second rule is new. This change
preserves the first and third invariant, but violates the second,
because SSH traffic from the outside world can now reach the mail
server. To correct the violation, she can either add restrictions to
the filter on the mail server or switch the order of rules two and
three in the perimeter filter.
A correct rule set for the perimeter firewall is shown in Figure
4. The new rule set allows HTTP and DNS traffic from,
but preserves all three invariants.
Existing Tools
There is a fairly large body of tools available for testing
firewalls. Port scanners, such as nmap [6], can be used to reveal open
and closed ports on each host. Tools that perform general security
audits, such as SATAN [5], Nessus [2], SARA [17], and ISS [9] also
include components for testing firewalls by sending specially crafted
packets to a host. In addition, there are a few tools, such as Ftester
[3], designed specifically for analyzing stateful firewalls.
All of these tools are active tools that test the firewall
by sending traffic through it. This has the disadvantage of consuming
bandwidth and interfering with normal traffic. Furthermore, active
tools are usually very inflexible. Rather than providing general
functionality for investigating the firewall configuration, they are
usually designed to test specific vulnerabilities. Also, they usually
only simulate packets originating from a single host or small group of
hosts. Incorrectly configured firewalls that allow packets from an
untested host will pass the test even though an error exists. Some
tools use address spoofing to mitigate this problem, but because of
bandwidth constraints, no active tool can test every possible address
that might originate a packet to the firewall.
More importantly, active tools do not work well with multiple
firewalls and network address translation. Because packets dropped by
one firewall are never seen by the second, it is often difficult for
an active tool to generate a spoofed packet that will exploit
configuration errors in both firewalls. Also, replies to packets with
NAT'd source addresses may never been seen by the active analysis
Because active tools have these drawbacks, passive tools,
which perform an offline analysis of the firewall can be more
practical. One such tool is the Lumeta firewall analyzer [18], a
commercial product. Lumeta is based on Fang [1] and provides general
query capability for Checkpoint and PIX firewalls. Because Lumeta
provides an offline analysis of the firewall policy, it has many
advantages over active tools. Unfortunately, Lumeta is not designed to
work with iptables firewalls.
A few other groups have also done some work on passive analysis. A
team at the University of Texas has developed a tool that uses SQL-like queries for firewall analysis [12]. They have also developed a
system for improving the structure of the rule set using decision
diagrams [7]. Another group has used decision diagrams to implement
basic firewall queries [8, 16]. None of these tools are specifically
targeted at iptables and they do not support NAT.
In previous work, we presented an open source tool,
ITVal, for performing a passive analysis of a single
iptables firewall. ITVal uses an
efficient decision diagram library [13] to provide a plain-English
query language that a system administrator can use to quickly test for
vulnerabilities. ITVal is particularly useful for
evaluating changes to the firewall configuration. A system
administrator can perform an ITVal audit before and
after each change to the firewall and examine the results to quickly
determine if any of the important security invariants of the network
have changed. As presented in [15], ITVal supported
neither NAT nor analysis of multiple connected firewalls. In this
work, we present extensions to ITVal that allow it to
take these into account.
ITVal implements a query engine for evaluating the
configuration of a firewall. Some example queries are shown in Figure
5. The main components of each query are the keyword QUERY followed by
an optional input chain, a subject, and a query condition. The input
chain parameter determines whether the query should consider traffic
inbound to the firewall, traffic outbound from the firewall, or
traffic forwarded through the firewall.
The subject tells ITVal what information to
report. For instance, the subject SADDY instructs
ITVal to list the source addresses of packets that
match the query. The condition is made up of primitives that can be
combined with the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT to form complex
queries. The available primitives are FROM, TO, ON, FOR, WITH, and IN,
which specify source address, destination address, source port,
destination port, TCP flag status, and connection state, respectively.
There is also a special primitive, LOGGED, which matches packets for
which the firewall contains a matching LOG rule. The reader is
referred to [15] for the details of the query language. One feature of
the query language we will exploit in our examples is the ability to
name groups of hosts and services for use in multiple queries with the
GROUP and SERVICE keywords, respectively.
The internal representation of both the queries and the rule sets
is handled by the FDDL [13] decision diagram library. FDDL provides a
data structure called a Multi-way Decision Diagram(MDD) for
representing large sets of vectors compactly. MDDs are particularly
well suited for representing firewall rules. In fact, an MDD
implementation of the iptables filtering algorithm
showed significant performance gains over the existing implementation
QUERY SADDY TO 192.168.*;
List all hosts with
access to subnet
List all destination ports, except the secure IMAP port(993),
that can be accessed by hosts in the subnet.
List all source ports open on host to machines other than host
List all hosts that can receive packets on port 25 on a
connection in the NEW or ESTABLISHED state.
FOR TCP 110);
List all hosts that can receive SSH, SMTP,
or HTTP traffic from hosts on the subnet.
Figure 5: Some example ITVal
Formally, an MDD is a directed acyclic graph in which the nodes
are organized into levels and every arc from a node at a level
k>0 points to a node at level k-1. In
ITVal, each level of the MDD corresponds to one
attribute of a packet potentially seen by the firewall. Every node of
the diagram represents a set of packets that share some common
attributes. Each arc at level k represents a choice of value
for attribute k. An example MDD for the last query of Figure 5
is shown in Figure 6. Because we do not allow duplicate nodes with all
arcs pointing to the same descendants, this means that a path through
the MDD represents exactly one packet.
We use MDDs to represent both the rule set of the firewall and a
set of queries. To represent a rule set, we add a level of terminal
nodes to the bottom of the MDD which correspond to the ultimate fate
of the packet (accepted or dropped) as determined by the rule set. To
represent the queries, we instead add a level of terminals that
indicate whether the packet matches the query conditions or not.
Intuitively, a rule set MDD represents the set of packets accepted
by the firewall, while a query MDD represents the set of packets that
satisfy the query conditions. When depicting MDDs graphically, we will
often show only paths to the ACCEPT node or the MATCHES node. To save
space, we also omit the terminal level.
To perform a query, we first represent the query and the rule set
as MDDs. The MDD for the rule set is constructed from a rule set
description generated using the "iptables -L -n"
command. The MDD for the query is generated from a query file provided
by the user. We then evaluate the query on the rule set by applying an
MDD intersection operator to the two MDDs. The intersection of the two
MDDs is the set of packets accepted by the firewall which match the
conditions of the query.
Figure 6: An example MDD.
In the following sections, we present the MDD-based infrastructure
of the changes made to ITVal to provide support for nested firewalls
and NAT. The system administrator should have access to such
information in order to increase his understanding of, and trust in,
the tool.
Composing Nested Firewalls
In order to extend ITVal to work with multiple
firewalls, we introduce the concept of a meta-firewall. A meta-firewall is an imaginary firewall that represents a composition of the
rule sets of two or more serially connected firewalls. To analyze a
meta-firewall, the user passes the names of the rule set description
files on the command line. The order of the filenames must reflect the
topology of the firewalls, with the innermost filter first on the
command line and the outermost filter last.
The meta-firewall has three filter chains analogous to the three
built-in chains of a normal firewall. The FORWARD chain of the meta-firewall regulates traffic passing through all the firewalls in either
direction. The INPUT chain of the meta-firewall regulates traffic
inbound to the innermost firewall through all of the outer firewalls.
The OUTPUT chain represents traffic generated by the innermost
firewall that successfully passes through the outer firewalls to the
outside world.
Queries are performed against the meta-firewall as if it were a
single iptables firewall. For instance, the query
will list the destination ports of packets bound for the subnet that pass through all the firewalls in the set.
To construct the meta-firewall, ITVal joins the
MDD for each chain of the component filters using the MDD intersection
operator described in [15]. The algorithm is recursive and uses
caching to improve performance. Using the caches, we are guaranteed to
consider each pair of nodes in the MDDs only once. Because the
performance depends only on the number of nodes in each MDD and not on
the number of rules, this algorithm scales well to extremely large
rule sets and queries.
Firewall* ConstructFirewall(int n, Firewall* fws)
1 newFW = NewFirewall()
2 newFW.forward = fws[0].forward
3 newFW.input = fws[0].input
4 newFW.output = fws[0].output
5 for i in 1 to n-1:
6 newFW.forward = IntersectMDD(K, newFW.forward, fws[i].forward).
7 newFW.input = IntersectMDD(K, newFW.input, fws[i].forward).
8 newFW.output = IntersectMDD(K, newFW.output, fws[i].forward).
9 return newFW.
Figure 7: Algorithm for constructing a meta-firewall.
Pseudocode for generating the meta-firewall is shown in Figure 7.
The INPUT chain of the meta-firewall is constructed by intersecting
the FORWARD chains of the outer n-1 firewalls and the INPUT
chain of the innermost firewall. The OUTPUT chain is created by
intersecting the OUTPUT chain of the innermost firewall with the
FORWARD chains of the outer n-1 firewalls. The FORWARD chain is
the intersection of all n FORWARD chains.
An MDD depicting the meta-firewall for the rule sets in Figure 2
is shown in Figure 8. In order to save space, only the levels for
source address, destination address, and destination port are shown.
Figure 8: Combining two rule sets into a meta-firewall.
Figure 9 illustrates how ITVal might be used to
detect the errors described in section 1. We depict the results of
three queries before and after the incorrect change. The original,
valid, results are shown in Roman font, while the later query results
are shown in bold.
>ITVal Example.fw mail.nat perimeter.nat
#First invariant: Web traffic not from insecure net
#can always reach the web server
GROUP insecure 113.137.9.*;
# Addresses: [0-112].*.*.* [114-255].*.*.* 113.[0-136].*.*
# 113.[138-255].*.* 113.137.[0-8].* 113.137.[10-255].*
# 4294967040 results.
# Addresses: [0-112].*.*.* [114-255].*.*.* 113.[0-136].*.*
# 113.[138-255].*.* 113.137.[0-8].* 113.137.[10-255].*
# 4294967040 results.
#Second invariant: External hosts should never be able to SSH to the mail
# server.
GROUP internal 113.137.10.*;
# Ports:
# 0 results.
# Ports: 22
# 1 results.
#Third invariant: No traffic from the insecure network can reach
#the mail server.
# Ports:
# 0 results.
# Ports:
# 0 results.
Figure 9: Query results before and after
the change.
| target | prot | source | destination | flags
1 | DNAT | all | anywhere | | TCP dpt:2002
2 | DNAT | all | anywhere | | TCP dpt:2003
3 | DNAT | all | anywhere | | TCP dpt:2004
4 | DNAT | all | anywhere | | TCP dpt:3000
to |
NAT rules for the intermediate
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
| target | prot | source | destination | flags
1 | DROP | tcp | | | $nbsp;
Filter rules for the intermediate firewall
Figure 10: Rule set of a NAT'ing firewall.
Each query corresponds to one invariant that the administrator
wishes to preserve. The first query asks which hosts, other than those
on the insecure net, can access the web server. In the original
results, we see that, as expected, any other host can access the web
server. In the modified results, we see that this important invariant
still holds.
The second query asks whether the SSH port on the mail server can
be accessed from outside the firewall. In the original results, no
external machine can reach it. After the modification, however, the
results show that the SSH port can be accessed from outside the
firewall. SSH traffic from can now reach the mail
server. By comparing these results, the administrator will realize
that she has made a mistake and take steps to correct it.
The last query tests whether services on the mail server are
available to the insecure network. In both cases, the answer is no.
Network Address Translation
In addition to filtering packets that pass through the firewall,
iptables provides a mechanism for modifying the
destination or source address of a packet before and after filtering,
respectively. This network address translation (NAT) can also alter
the destination and source ports of the packet. Properly handling NAT
in the query engine is important, because the modified packet may be
treated differently by the filtering rules than the original packet.
In order for our queries to take NAT into account, we must modify the
rule set MDD to reflect each of the NAT rules.
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
| target | prot | source | destination | flags
1 | DROP | tcp | | |
2 | DROP | tcp | | | TCP
dpt:3000 |
Figure 11: Incorrectly
configured filter on the NAT'ing firewall.
Rule Set Before NAT
Rule Set
After NAT
Figure 12: Applying DNAT to the
example rule set.
Like filtering rules, NAT rules are specified using chains.
Destination NAT(DNAT) rules for incoming packets are specified in the
PREROUTING chain, which is processed before filtering. In addition to
the PREROUTING chain, iptables provides a POSTROUTING
chain, processed after filtering, which is appropriate for source
NAT(SNAT), and an OUTPUT chain for performing DNAT on locally
generated packets.
An example rule set for a NAT'ing firewall, which might represent
the intermediate firewall in Figure 1 is shown in Figure 10. This
firewall protects an internal network by hiding the
addresses of hosts from the outside world. To access a host, an
external system must connect to the NAT'ing firewall, which will
forward the connection on the appropriate port. Each NAT rule has a
domain and a range. The domain of the NAT rule specifies the set of
packets that will be modified. In Figure 10, the domain of the first
rule is "all TCP packets from on port 2002". The
range of the NAT rule specifies a set of new destination or source
addresses and ports. In this case, the range of the rule is "for on port 22". Because NAT can be used for primitive load
balancing, the range may be a set of destinations rather than a single
value. In this case, packets may be sent to any of the addresses in
the range.
In the figure, the PREROUTING chain maps ports 2002-2004 to the
SSH ports of internal hosts and also maps port 3000 to some
proprietary database software running on port 9999 of machine The FORWARD chain blocks traffic from the web server to
those hosts.
To access host in the example a user should connect to
port 2002 on The firewall will then replace the
destination address of the packet with "" and the
destination port with "22" before passing it through the filter
rules and sending it to the router.
NAT adds another layer of complexity to the configuration of a
firewall. One common mistake is to add filtering rules for the
original address rather than the NAT'd address. For instance, if the
system administrator decides to further restrict access to the
internal hosts, she might add rule 2 of Figure 11 to prevent the mail
server from accessing the proprietary database. While this blocks
connections to the firewall itself, it does not block forwarded
connections to the internal hosts. Unfortunately, such a mistake is
very subtle and difficult to catch.
To model network address translation using MDDs, we create an
operator which takes as inputs a NAT rule and the MDD representation
of a set of packets. It produces as output an MDD representing the
NAT-modified set of packets. Figure 12 shows the filtering rule set of
the example before and after application of the DNAT algorithm.
Tracing the MDD from the root node along the path for a packet from
address to port 3000 of host, we find that
the packet will be accepted by the firewall. Pseudocode for performing
DNAT on the MDD representation of the rule set of a single firewall is
shown in Figure 13. SNAT is implemented similarly.
node_idx DNAT(NAT_RULE nr, level k, node p, node q)
2 return q.
3 if r = (k,p,q) is in the cache:
4 return r.
5 r = NewNode(k).
7 for each arc i <k, p>:
8 <k, r>[i] = DNAT(nr, k-1, pchild, pchild).
9 r = RemoveDuplicates(r).
10 Add (k, p, q) = r to the cache.
11 return r.
12 For each arc i E <k, p>:
13 pchild = <k, p>[i]
14 if i E Range(nr[k]):
15 for each value j in nr[k](i):
16 qchild = DNAT(nr, k-1, pchild, <k, p>[j]).
17 <k,r>[i] = Union(<k,r>[i],
DNAT(nr, k-1, pchild, qchild)).
18 otherwise:
19 <k,r>[i] = pchild.
20 r = RemoveDuplicates(r).
21 Add (k,p,q) = r to the cache.
22 return r.
Figure 13: Algorithm for destination NAT of
The algorithm takes as parameters a NAT rule and two MDD nodes at
level k. The first node represents a set of unmodified packets.
The second node represents the same packets after NAT has been
applied. Initially, both parameters point to the root node of the rule
set MDD. Our goal is to create a new set of rules which map each
original packet to the target of its NAT'd equivalent.
Lines 1 and 2 check for the base case condition. If we have passed
the levels which correspond to the destination port, we don't need to
do any more work as all the NAT related information is contained in
the preceding levels. We simply return the node representing the
destination of the NAT'd packets.
Lines 3 and 4 check to see if the result has already been
computed. If so, it is retrieved from the cache and returned.
Line 5 creates the result node. If the recursion has not yet
reached the destination address levels, lines 6-11 set its arcs to the
result of the recursive call. Otherwise, we consider each value
i of the current attribute. If i is in the domain of the
NAT rule, line 17 creates an arc to child of the NAT'd node.
Otherwise, we point arc i at the child of node p.
Finally, in lines 20 and 21, we remove the node if it duplicates
another node. If it is a duplicate, the index of the original node is
added to the cache. Otherwise, the index of the result is added to the
Figure 14 provides a query that might be used to detect the error
in Figure 11. The group "insecure" is a list of hosts that should be
prevented from accessing the secure server. A correctly configured
firewall should always return an empty result. After making the
incorrect change to the filtering rules, the system administrator adds to the group. Now, if she again runs the query, she will
see the results in Figure 15 and detect the error.
GROUP insecure;
# Addresses:
# 0 results.
Figure 14: Query for detecting errors in the
NAT'ing firewall.
GROUP insecure;
# Addresses:
# 1 result.
Figure 15: Results for an incorrectly configured
Nested Composition with Network Address Translation
In order to analyze a network that contains nested and NAT'd
firewalls, the user specifies the filenames of filter rule sets and
NAT rule sets alternately on the command line starting with the
innermost firewall and working toward the outside.
Firewall* NAT(int n, Firewall** FW)
1 newFW = NewFirewall()
2 newFW.forward = DNAT_ALL(fws[0].dnat, fws[0].forward).
3 newFW.input = DNAT_ALL(fws[0].dnat, fws[0].input).
4 newFW.output = DNAT_ALL(fws[n-1].nat, fws[n-1].output).
5 for i in 1 to n-1:
6 newFW.forward = IntersectMDD(K, newFW.forward, fws[i].forward).
7 newFW.forward = SNAT_ALL(fws[i-1].snat, newFw.forward).
8 newFW.forward = DNAT_ALL(fws[i].dnat, newFW.forward).
9 newFW.input = IntersectMDD(K, newFW.input, fws[i].forward).
10 newFW.input = SNAT_ALL(fws[i-1].snat, newFw.input).
11 newFW.input = DNAT_ALL(fws[i].dnat, newFW.input).
12 newFW.output = IntersectMDD(K, newFW.output, fws[(n-i)-1].forward).
13 newFW.output = SNAT_ALL(fws[(n-i)].snat, newFw.output).
14 newFW.output = DNAT_ALL(fws[(n-i)-1].output, newFW.output).
15 newFW.forward = SNAT_ALL(fws[n-1].snat, newFw.forward).
16 newFW.input = SNAT_ALL(fws[n-1].snat, newFw.input).
17 newFW.output = SNAT_ALL(fws[0].snat, newFw.output).
18 return newFW.
Figure 16: NAT with multiple
The pseudocode in Figure 16 combines NAT with analysis of multiple
firewalls. The procedure DNAT_ALL applies the chain of DNAT rules
pointed to by its first parameter to the MDD specified by the second
parameter. The procedure SNAT_ALL works similarly for SNAT.
In order to correctly derive the output chain of the meta-firewall, we work from the outermost firewall toward the innermost
firewall combining pairs of firewalls. We DNAT the outermost firewall,
then enter a loop in which we intersect the result with the unNAT'd
filter rules of the next firewall to be considered. In each iteration,
of the loop, we perform SNAT on the result of the intersection using
the SNAT rules of the first firewall. We then DNAT using the DNAT
rules of the second firewall. This alternating behavior simulates the
traversal of a packet first through the PREROUTING chain, then through
the filtering rules, and finally through the POSTROUTING chain.
To derive the input and forward chains, we perform the same
operations in reverse order, working from the innermost firewall to
the outermost firewall.
Conclusions and Future Work
Although modifying rule sets can be a complicated and error-prone
process, the use of passive analysis tools can greatly simplify the
task. Tools like ITVal that identify firewall
configuration errors can prevent subtle mistakes from compromising the
long-term security of a network. With our modifications,
ITVal can be successfully used to analyze NAT'd
firewalls in a hierarchical network topology. While this works well
for networks in which the internal workstations share a common policy,
developing algorithms for processing a more general topology is
In addition to supporting destination and source NAT,
iptables provides two special case NAT targets. The
REDIRECT target rewrites the destination address of a packet so that
it will be routed to the firewall itself. The MASQUERADE target
rewrites the source address of a packet so that it appears to have
been originated by the firewall. The REDIRECT and MASQUERADE targets
are extremely useful for environments in which addresses are assigned
dynamically, since the address of the original host need not be known
apriori when designing the rule set. In order to represent REDIRECT
and MASQUERADE rules, ITVal needs to lookup the IP
address of the host and perform SNAT or DNAT using the host IP as the
new IP address. Although this is not currently implemented in the
tool, we plan to add it soon. In order to perform MASQUERADE and
REDIRECT, ITVal needs to know the IP addresses of each
network interface. Since this information cannot be determined from
the rule set, we will need to create an input mechanism for specifying
these addresses.
Improving the output mechanism could also greatly improve the
tool. Queries that return a large number of results can sometimes
generate "information overload." Investigating ways to present this
information more concisely, perhaps through a graphical tool, would
greatly improve the utility of the tool. While system administrators
can use ITVal to catch configuration errors, it is
still sometimes difficult to identify the particular rules that cause
the problem. Labeling arcs in the rule set and result MDDs could
address this issue. Identifying the rules that cause a configuration
error would also make it possible to perform guided repair of the
firewall. Future versions of ITVal may not only catch
firewall errors, but give a system administrator suggestions about how
to change those errors to satisfy safety and liveness invariants of
the network.
The latest version of ITVal is available on the
web at
Author Information
Robert Marmorstein is a graduate student at the College of William
and Mary and a hard-core free software geek. When he is not hacking
away at firewall analysis tools, he can usually be found tinkering
with his assortment of Linux and BSD based systems. His e-mail address
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