MobiSys '03 Abstract
iMASH: Interactive Mobile Application Session Handoff
R. Bagrodia, S. Bhattacharyya, F. Cheng, S. Gerding, G. Glazer, R. Guy, Z. Ji, J. Lin, T. Phan, E. Skow, M. Varshney, and G. Zorpas, University of California, Los Angeles
Mobile computing research has often focused on untethering an in-use computing device, rather than enabling the mobility of the computation task itself. This paper presents an architecture, implementation, and experimental evidence that together validate a new continuous computing concept, application session handoff. The iMASH architecture leverages previous work on proxies, content adaptation, and client awareness to provide a unique, middleware-enabled capability for continuous computing. Implementation in both socket- and RPC-based environments shows that very fast, secure session handoff of non-trivial client/server applications across heterogeneous client devices and networks is feasible: experiments on a number of applications produced handoff latencies ranging from 0.5s to 2s.
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