Instructions for Authors:
SysML '08
This page is for authors who have had material accepted to
present at SysML '08. If you
wish to submit a paper or deliver a talk at another upcoming USENIX event, please return
to the
Events Calendar and select the conference in which you're interested.
Accepted authors, please read this page!
1. Register for the workshop as soon as possible!
Registration materials will be online soon. If you need a complimentary registration, please contact the Conference Department.
If you need an invitation letter to apply for a visa to attend the conference, please contact Please identify yourself as a paper author and include your mailing address in your email.
2. Electronic versions—PDF and HTML—of your
paper, along with consent forms with the signature of each author, are due on or before 21 November 2008.
Email the PDF and HTML files of your paper to You should send the consent forms by fax or email to the address indicated on the form.
3. Print, sign, and fax the
SysML '08 Consent Form.
4. Using LaTeX? Read these instructions on generating PDF from LaTeX and follow them carefully. You will save a lot of time and hassle at the deadline. Naively produced PDFs may contain such errors as incorrect ligatures, nonprinting figures or parts of figures, or incorrect or missing special characters, any of which make your paper unreadable.
5. Need advice about generating HTML? See these Tips for Conversion from LaTeX to HTML.
6. If you wish, make use of these sample first pages (two-column format):
- LaTeX, a style file, and a bibtex file.
- Troff
- MS Word 97/98
If you experience difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact Jane-Ellen
Long:, 510-528-8649 ext. 14.
If you find yourself in dire
straits, please contact your Program Chairs,
Armando Fox and Sumit Basu,