"The 18th USENIX Security Symposium was held in Montreal, Quebec (August 10-14, 2009). This conference always provides an excellent opportunity to catch up on the thinking of some impressive minds and delivers the most technical content of all the major security-focused IT conferences."
–Richard Power,
CyBlog, 8.16.09
"USENIX: the Advanced Computing Systems Association allows technicians, scientists, systems administrators and engineers to share information on developments in the field of computer science."
–Joab Jackson,
GCN, 7.1.08
"The interactive session was designed to help the sysadmins in attendance solve their most pressing data center challenges, and some creative solutions were thrown around."
–Bridget Botelho,
TechTarget, 6.27.08
"The USENIX LEET workshop held earlier this week in San Francisco offered neat insights into the Storm botnet, including two papers showing the difficulty of accurately measuring the botnet's size, and one on the way it conducts its spamming campaigns (down to the template language used). There was a bunch of other cool work too, so check out the papers."
–Slashdot, 4.17.08
"The annual USENIX security symposium is a gathering place for all kinds of ideas: those on how to stop security flaws and those about what kinds of new security issues may emerge in the future."
–Jeremy Reimer,
Ars Technica, 7.11.07
"Two bombshell papers released at the USENIX FAST '07 (File and Storage Technology) conference this week bring a welcome dose of reality to the basic building block of storage: the disk drive."
–Robin Harris,
Computerworld, 2.21.07
"The 20th annual LISA (Large Installation System Administration) conference was held in Washington DC this year, from December 3rd to December 8th, continuing its tradition of excellent speakers, thought provoking side-topics and an all-around good time."
–Charlie Schluting,
EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet.com, 12.14.06
"[T]he number of famous and significant leaders in the Unix and free software world I saw walking the hallways was impressive, and the line-up on the podiums was even more so."
–Andy Oram,
O'Reilly Media, 06.02.06
"Some of the best Internet minds in the world met last week to discuss a wide range of methods to rid the Web of malicious traffic. The USENIX invitation-only workshop, called Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet (SRUTI), brought together more than 50 academics from all over the world as well as technical staff from equipment vendors and ISPs to develop methods to cut down on spam, viruses, worms and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks - methods that are practical at an operational level."
–Tim Greene,
ARNnet, 07.11.05
"USENIX conferences are not to be missed. The meetings were open technically, had topics that were well-thought out and ultimately created an environment of serious discussion. It's a great privilege to be with over 900 of the best and the brightest of technology."
–George Rosamond,
Dæmon News, 07.04
"A respected computer users group has begun lobbying Congress to ignore arguments against open-source software made by Unix vendor The SCO Group."
–Robert McMillan,
InfoWorld, 02.27.04
"[T]he quality and quantity of thoughtful and innovative work being demonstrated at BSDCon is nothing short of astonishing."
–Michael W. Lucas,
Dæmon News, 09.03
"Large-scale systems must be secured from the bottom up with a layered approach of separately protecting the Internet, network system and site levels of activity, Akamai chief security architect Andrew Ellis said at the Usenix Security Symposium in Washington..."
–Warren's Washington Internet Daily, 08.07.03
"One of my favorite conferences of the year is coming up. It's the USENIX [Annual] Technical Conference....The great thing about USENIX is it's not only Linux and free software. People with deep knowledge of both free and proprietary software attend. The result is neither free software world domination hype nor proprietary FUD stand a chance in the blazing light of USENIX scrutiny."
–Don Marti, Editor in Chief, Linux Journal, 05.29.03
Coverage of the 25th Large Installation System Administration Conference:

Coverage of the 20th USENIX Security Symposium:

Mobile Security's Future: 4 Expert Predictions
InformationWeek, 9.28.11
Penn Researchers Work to Make Federal Agents' Radios More Secure
Philly.com, 9.19.11
5 Essential Mobile Security Tips
InformationWeek, 9.9.11
Car Systems Reminiscent of Early PCs
Dark Reading, 9.8.11
The Next Wave of Botnets Could Descend from the Skies
MIT Technology Review, 9.7.11
Security Flaws Found in Project 25 Mobile Radios
PoliceOne.com, 8.25.11
MIT Researchers Craft Defense against Wireless Man-in-Middle Attacks
Computer World, 8.24.11
Better ATM Skimming Through Thermal Imaging
The Register, 8.18.11
Dropbox Cloud Was a Haven for Data Thieves, Researchers Say
Network World, 8.17.11
Thermal Cameras Can Steal ATM PINs
msnbc.com, 8.17.11
Could a Crypto-Computer in Your Pocket Replace All Passwords?
Forbes.com, 8.17.11
Web Searches for Drug Data Often Redirect to Illicit Online Pharmacies
iHealthBeat, 8.15.11
US and UK Zombies Demand Top Dollar
Network World, 8.15.11
Hackers Hijack Websites in Online Pharmacy Scam
NPR, 8.12.11
Study Finds Android App-makers Careless with Some Data
PCWorld, 8.12.11
How the West is Arming the Anti-Censorship Movement
The Globe and Mail, 8.12.11
Government Censoring of Web Could End
Montreal Gazette, 8.12.11
USENIX Security 2011: CyLab Researchers Release Study on Illicit Online Drug Trade and Attacks on Pharma Industry
CyLab, 8.12.11
Damballa Principal Scientist to Present at USENIX Security Symposium
BusinessWire, 8.12.11
Anti-Censorship Scheme Could Make Site Blocking a Thing of the Past
TG Daily, 8.11.11
P25 Radios Vulnerable to Eavesdropping, Can Be Jammed by Child's Toy
Government Computer News, 8.11.11
Q: Why Do Defenders Keep Losing to Smaller Cyberwarriors?
The Register, 8.11.11
New Software May End Internet Censorship Once and for All
SmartPlanet, 8.11.11
Can Somebody Steal Your Car by Calling It on the Phone?
The Truth About Cars, 8.10.11
Feds' Radios Have Significant Security Flaws
Slashdot, 8.10.11
USENIX: Forensic Analysis, Refereed Papers
www.bubbva.blogspot.com, 8.10.11
Eavesdropping on the Fed's Radios is Drop Dead Simple
The Inquisitr, 8.10.11
Measuring Search-Redirection Attacks in the Illicit Online Prescription Drug Trade
Light Blue Touchpaper, 8.10.11
Security Flaws in Feds' Radios Make for Easy Eavesdropping
The Wall Street Journal, 8.10.11
New Anticensorship Scheme Could Make It Impossible to Block Individual Sites
Newswise, 8.10.11
One Year Ago, I Got Grilled by the Secret Service
CSO, 8.9.11
Security Flaw Found in Feds' Digital Radios
CNET, 8.9.11
Telex Software Circumvents Internet Censorship
Tom's Guide, 8.4.11
Seeking Tomorrow's Security Solutions Today, Part 2
TechNewsWorld, 7.28.11
Telex to Help Defeat Web Censors
BBC News, 7.19.11
Metricon 6: Be There
CSO, 7.11.11
Coverage of the 2011 USENIX Federated Conferences Week:
2011 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Journal of a Programmer, 6.20.11
Cloud Storage Providers Need Sharper Billing Metrics
PCWorld, 6.17.11
Microsoft, Google, and Twitter Debate Whether HTML5 is "Holy Grail"
Network World, 6.17.11
'Dead Media' Never Really Die
Network World, 6.16.11
Research Tackles Powering the Virtual Data Center
Network World, 6.16.11
Want to Stop Cybercrime? Follow the Money
Network World, 6.15.11
TidyFS: Microsoft's Simpler Distributed File System
ZDNet, 6.15.11
Cloud Economics Favor the Small Workload
CIO, 6.15.11
Get More from the Cloud
The Data Center Journal, 6.15.11
Building a More Resourceful Cloud
IDG News Service, 6.14.11
Coverage of the 4th USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats:
Coverage of the 8th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation:
Coverage of the 9th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies:
USENIX Mention:
Coverage of the 24th Large Installation System Administration Conference:
Coverage of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation:
Coverage of the 19th USENIX Security Symposium:
Attack Reads Smudges to Retrieve Android Password Patterns
The Register, 8.11.10
Security Blunders 'Dumber than Dog Snot'
CSO, 8.11.10
Researchers: Car Safety Feature Vulnerable to Hack
CNET News.com, 8.10.10
Wireless Car Sensors Vulnerable to Hackers
Technology Review, 8.10.10
How an Ancient Printer Can Spill Your Most Intimate Secrets
The Register, 8.10.10
Private Browsing is Not as Secure as Users Think, Says Study
OUT-LAW.com, 8.10.10
Private Web Browser Modes Not as Anonymous as You Might Think
Infosecurity Magazine, 8.9.10
'Porn Mode' Not Necessarily Anonymous
CNET News.com, 8.7.10
Private Browsing Modes in Four Biggest Browsers Often Fail
The Register, 8.6.10
Chatroulette Calls Upon the Power of Napster
WebProNews, 8.6.10
Web Add-ons Compromise 'Private Browsing'
Network World, 8.6.10
Experts Uncover Flaws in 'Private Browsing'
V3.co.uk, 8.6.10
Researchers Find Leaks in Private Browsing Modes
PC Pro, 8.6.10
Private Browsing Modes Leak Data
BBC News, 8.6.10
Is Ubiquitous Encryption Technology on the Horizon?
Network World, 7.19.10
Coverage of HealthSec '10: 1st USENIX Workshop on Health Security and Privacy
Coverage of 2010 USENIX Federated Conferences Week:
Faster Servers, Services with FlashStore
R&D Mag, 2.14.11
Google: 129 Million Different Books Have Been Published
PCWorld, 8.6.10
Google Keeps Riding the HTML5 Train—Adds Support for Safari
WebWorkerDaily, 7.13.10
Enterprise PCs Work While They Sleep, Saving Energy and Money
redOrbit, 6.24.10
A 'fat-free' Programming Framework for the Cloud
GoodGearGuide, 6.23.10
Facebook Engineer: Going Large Requires Thinking Small
PCWorld, 6.23.10
Enterprise PCs Work While They Sleep - Saving Energy and Money - with New Software
Physorg.com, 6.23.10
Microsoft Research Has Its Head in the Clouds, Too
ZDNet, 6.18.10
Microsoft Mulls Improving Hypervisor Security for the Cloud with Bunker-V
ZDNet, 6.15.10
IBM Analysis of Amazon Finds Cloud Support Forums Lacking
Network World, 6.11.10
Microsoft's Sleep Proxy Lowers PC Energy Use
Network World, 6.10.10
Coverage of LEET '10: 3rd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats :
Google Warns: 15% of All Malware Coming From Fake Antivirus Sites
Before It's News, 5.2.10
Researchers Spy on BitTorrent Users in Real-time
The Register, 4.30.10
Google Warns Fake Antivirus Software Spreads Through SEO, Ads
MediaPostNews, 4.29.10
Google Warning on Fake Anti-virus Software
BBC News, 4.28.10
Anyone Can Play Big Brother With BitTorrent
Slashdot.org, 4.28.10
Google: Fake AV Operations Grow on Back of SEO, Malicious Ads
eWeek.com, 4.28.10
Fake Anti-Virus Software a Growing Online Threat, Google Warns
FOXNews.com, 4.28.10
Google Warns: Attention to Fake Anti-virus
Reality News, 4.28.10
Google: Fake Antivirus Is 15 percent of All Malware
CNET News.com, 4.27.10
Google Says 11,000 Domains Distributing Rogue Anti-virus
SC Magazine, 4.16.10
Scareware: Nocebo Instead of Placebo
The H Security, 4.16.10
Coverage of LISA '09: 23rd Large Installation System Administration Conference:
Coverage of EVT/WOTE '09: 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy Elections:
Coverage of the 18th USENIX Security Symposium:
Nozzle: Counteracting Memory Exploits
Dr. Dobb's, 11.24.09
Android Security, Naked Keystrokes, Selling Viagra, Crying Wolf & More! — A Report from the 18th USENIX Security Symposium (Montreal, 2009)
CyBlog, 8.16.09
RFID Tags Get an Intelligence Upgrade
New Scientist, 8.14.09
Self-Destructing Digital Data
P2PNET.net, 8.13.09
Gazelle Closer to Shutting Down Browser Security Weaknesses
IT Business Edge, 8.13.09
Head of Android Security Sees Smartphones as Hacker Targets
SmarTrend News & Market Analysis, 8.13.09
Android Security Chief: Mobile-phone Attacks Coming
PC World, 8.12.09
SNARE, Gazelle, Vanish, Nemesis and Nozzle: Sounds Like Quite the Wild Security Conference
Network World, 8.7.09
UW-Developed Software Helps Erase Personal Information from Databases
The Daily of the University of Washington, 8.5.09
This Message Will Self-Destruct
Economist.com, 8.4.09
Crying Wolf: Do Security Warnings Help?
ABC News, 7.30.09
Good Morning, Mr. Phelps. This Data Will Self-Destruct
DaniWeb, 7.28.09
Browser SSL Warnings Shown to be Ineffective
SC Magazine, 7.28.09
Research: Security Certificate Warnings are Not Working
The Tech Herald, 7.28.09
Mission Possible: Self-Destructing E-mail
GovInfoSecurity.com, 7.23.09
US Scientists Find Ways to Make Electronic Data Self-Destruct
The Hindu, 7.23.09
This Blogpost Will Vanish...
Lab Rats, 7.22.09
Researchers Build Auto-Destruct Code for Personal Data
V3.co.uk, 7.22.09
Self-Destructing Code Developed by Researchers that Automatically Deletes Files
SC Magazine, 7.22.09
Emails Can Resurface After Deletion—in the Wrong Hands
Thaindian News, 7.22.09
Now, a Novel Tool to Make Online Personal Data Automatically 'Vanish'
Sindh Today, 7.22.09
How to Make Your E-mails "Vanish"
Network World, 7.22.09
This Message Will Self-Destruct
Watching the Watchers, 7.21.09
Internet Vagabonds to Be Foiled by Gazelle
Security Watch, 7.15.09
Microsoft's Gazelle Project Tackles Browser Security
InformationWeek, 7.13.09
Microsoft Plots Big News to Take on Google
StrategyEye, 7.10.09
Browser as Operating System Microsoft-Style
search.SYS-CON.com, 7.9.09
Microsoft Set to Respond to Google OS Next Monday?
Neowin.net, 7.9.09
Inside Microsoft's Radical, New Web Browser
ZDNet.com, 7.7.09
Gazelle: Applying Operating System Concepts to the Browser
OSNews.com, 7.7.09
Microsoft Gazelle Présenté au Sommet USENIX Security
Clubic.com, 7.7.09
Microsoft's "Gazelle" Browser Concept Going on Tour
Redmond Developer News, 7.2.09
Coverage of USENIX '09:
2009 USENIX Annual Technical Conference:
Coverage of HotCloud '09:
Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing:
Coverage of NSDI '09:
6th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation:
Coverage of LEET '09:
2nd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats:
Coverage of OSDI '08:
8th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation:
Coverage of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium:
New Track-and-snap Anti-theft Software Roams Freely...and Privately
BetaNews, 9.26.08
Plug-in Opens Door for Self-signed SSL Certs in Firefox 3
SearchSecurity.com, 8.22.08
Russia and Georgia Continue Attacks—Online
CNET News.com, 8.12.08
No More Need for an Antivirus Software?
ZDNet.com, 8.12.08
Next-generation Computer Antivirus System Developed
ScienceDaily, 8.7.08
Now, Network Cloud for Next-generation Antivirus System
Thaindian News, 8.7.08
Firewall Pioneer Wanted a 'Super-secure' Blogging Service... So He's Built His Own
Network World, 8.5.08
Disk Encryption 'No Silver Bullet'
ZDNet.co.uk, 7.31.08
Phishing Kits Steal from Customers
The Tech Herald, 7.31.08
Researchers Reveal New Blacklisting Method
SearchSecurity.com, 7.31.08
Phishing Kits Widely Compromised to Steal from Phishers
InformationWeek, 7.31.08
Pure Digital's Flip Camcorder No. 1
The Tech Chronicles, SFGate.com, 7.31.08
'Hacktivism' Threatens World of Nations
The Register, 7.31.08
Most Drive-by Malware Comes from China, Google Says
CNET News.com, 7.30.08
Lost Laptops Get Open-source Rescue Service
ZDNet.co.uk, 7.30.08
Calif. Official Votes for Optical Scans, Hand Tallies
CNET News.com, 7.30.08
Most Drive-by Malware Comes from China, Google Says
CNET News.com, 7.30.08
Dr. Strangevote Saves Mankind with Luddite Voting Recipe
The Register, 7.30.08
One Way to Keep Track of Your Lost Laptop
The Tech Chronicles, SFGate.com, 7.28.08
Internet Blacklisting Tool Unveiled
Silicon.com, 7.28.08
PageRank-like Algorithm Creates Predictive Malware Blacklist
Ars Technica, 7.25.08
Researchers Redefine the Internet Blacklist
ZDNet.co.uk, 7.25.08
Attackers' Behavior Builds Better Blacklists
SecurityFocus, 7.24.08
Open Source Adeona Tracks Stolen laptops
p2pnet news, 7.23.08
Researchers Borrow from Google PageRank for Network Defense Service
ZDNet.com, 7.23.08
Data Can Leak From Partially Encrypted Disks
PC World, 7.16.08
New Service Tracks Missing Laptops for Free
InfoWorld, 7.14.08
Coverage of the HotSec '08: 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security:
Coverage of the EVT '08: 2008 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop:
Coverage of the 2008 USENIX Annual Technical Conference:
VMware Engineer Praises AMD's Nested Page Tables
SearchServerVirtualization.com, 7.21.08
Most Network Data Sits Untouched
GCN, 7.1.08
Serial Computing Is Dead; The Future Is Parallelism
SearchDataCenter.com, 6.30.08
The Data Center; A Sysadmin's Playground
TechTarget, 6.27.08
The JavaScript Work Turns at USENIX 2008
TechTarget, 6.27.08
VMware Pioneers Decoupled Dynamic Analysis
GCN, 6.26.08
Microsoft Exchange on Linux?!?
GCN, 6.26.08
Coming Soon: A Laptop in Your Pocket
Computerworld, 6.25.08
At USENIX '08, Worker Productivity Focus a Bone of Contention
TechTarget, 6.25.08
Coverage of NSDI '08:
5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation:
ISPs Alter Web Traffic, Says Study
Web Host Industry Review, 4.18.08
Study Confirms ISPs Meddle With Web Traffic
Slashdot, 4.18.08
Remus: High Availability via Asynchronous Virtual Machine Replication
Virtualization.com, 4.16.08
ISPs Meddled With Their Customers' Web Traffic, Study Finds
PC World, 4.16.08
Internet Full of Cyberspace "Black Holes"
FOXNews.com, 4.11.08
Researchers Map Internet's "Black Holes"
Network World, 4.10.08
Research Reveals Internet "Black Holes"
Daily Tech, 4.9.08
Scientists Tackling Internet's "Black Holes"
Thaindian News, 4.9.08
Researchers Uncover Black Holes Across the Internet
TG Daily, 4.8.08

Coverage of LEET '08: First USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats:

Coverage of UPSEC '08: Usability, Psychology, and Security 2008: