When a node is being traced in unthrottled mode, up to three pieces of information are added to the trace for each I/O: a COMPUTE() call if Approach 2 is being used, the I/O operation and its arguments, and optionally a WAIT() call. The WAIT() is added by the watchdog process if it determines that an application node is blocked.
Recall (Algorithm ), when the throttled node delays an I/O, it issues the
NodeIsBlocked() call to each of the unthrottled nodes. The watchdog
is responsible for handling this call. A node could block either in a
system call (e.g., while reading a socket) or through user-level
polling, and the watchdog should be able to handle both.
There are a variety of ways to determine if a node is blocked; the approach used by //TRACE is a simple one. Because blocking system calls used for inter-process synchronization (e.g., socket I/O, polling, select, pipes) can be intercepted by the causality engine, one can determine the time spent in each call. Similarly, if polling is used, the watchdog can just as easily determine the time spent computing (i.e., the time since the last I/O call completed). Therefore, to determine if an application is blocked, the watchdog checks with the causality engine (through shared memory) to see if the node is in a compute phase or in a system call. It then checks if the time spent in the compute phase or system call has exceeded a predetermined maximum; if so, it is blocked waiting on the throttled node. Note, this approach does not require a semantic understanding of any of the synchronization calls. Rather, the watchdog only needs to check that a computation phase or system call is not taking too long.
The maximum length of a computation phase or system call can be obtained from an analysis of an unthrottled run of the application (e.g., by using Unix strace to determine the maximum inter-arrival delay and system call time). These maxima must be chosen large enough to account for system variance. If too small a maximum is used, the watchdog may prematurely conclude that an application is blocked. In the best case, this introduces extra synchronization. In the worst case, it can lead to deadlock during replay. One heuristic used in this work is to increase the maximum system call time by a few factors. For example, if the maximum system call time in an unthrottled run of the application is 50 ms, then the maximum might be set to 100 ms; any system call taking longer than 100 ms is assumed to be blocked. Selecting too large a value only affects the trace extraction time.