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- 1
B. Alpern, C. R. Attanasio, J. J. Barton, M. G. Burke, P. Cheng, J.-D. Choi,
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B. Alpern, A. Cocchi, S. Fink, D. Grove, and D. Lieber.
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P. Bothner.
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D. Chambers, C. Dean, J. Grove.
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D. Chase, R. Hoover, and K. Zadeck.
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O. P. Doederlein.
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S. Drossopoulou, D. Wragg, and S. Eisenbach.
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Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre.
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Excelsior, LLC.
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I. R. Forman, M. H. Conner, S. H. Danforth, and L. K. Raper.
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J. Gosling, B. Joy, G. Steele, and G. Bracha.
The Java Language Specification (Second Edition).
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IBM Corporation.
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K. Ishizaki, M. Kawahito, T. Yasue, H. Komatsu, and T. Nakatani.
A study of devirtualization techniques for Java Just-In-Time
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- 17
P. G. Joisha, S. P. Midkiff, M. J. Serrano, and M. Gupta.
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- 18
A. Krall and R. Grafl.
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C. League, V. Trifonov, and Z. Shao.
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- 20
T. Lindholm and F. Yellin.
The Java Virtual Machine Specification (Second Edition).
Addison-Wesley, 1999.
- 21
G. Morrisett, D. Walker, K. Crary, and N. Glew.
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- 22
NaturalBridge, Inc.
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- 23
G. C. Necula and P. Lee.
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H. Ogawa, K. Shimura, S. Matsuoka, F. Maruyama, Y. Sohda, and Y. Kimura.
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- 25
M. Paleczny, C. Vick, and C. Click.
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P. Potrebic.
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- 27
M. J. Serrano, R. Bordawekar, S. P. Midkiff, and M. Gupta.
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K. Shudo.
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- 29
Sun Microsystems.
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Symbian Ltd.
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- 31
The FLINT project.
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- 32
The Free Software Foundation.
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Dachuan Yu