USENIX 2005 Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track — Abstract
Pp. 83–94 of the Proceedings
Grave Robbers from Outer Space: Using 9P2000 Under Linux
Eric Van Hensbergen, IBM Austin Research Lab; Ron Minnich, Los Alamos National Labs
This paper describes the implementation
and use of the Plan 9 distributed resource protocol 9P under the
Linux 2.6 operating system. The use of the 9P protocol along with the
recent addition of private name spaces to the 2.6 kernel creates a
foundation for seamless distributed computing using Linux. We review
the design principles and benefits of Plan 9 distributed systems, go
over the basics of the 9P protocol, describe 9P extensions to better
support UNIX® file systems, and show some example Linux
distributed applications using 9P to provide system and application
services. We conclude by providing a performance analysis of the
protocol versus NFS for sharing a static file system.
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