USENIX '05 Paper   
[USENIX '05 Technical Program]
BINDER: An Extrusion-based Break-In Detector for Personal ComputersWeidong Cui, Randy H. Katz, and Wai-tian Tan University of California, Berkeley and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories {wdc,randy}@cs.berkeley.edu, dtan@hpl.hp.com
AbstractCompromised computers have been a menace to both personal and business computing. In this paper, we tackle the problem of automated detection of break-ins of new unknown threats such as worms, spyware and adware on personal computers. We propose Break-IN DEtectoR (BINDER), a host-based break-in detection system. Our key observation is that many break-ins make extrusions, stealthy malicious outgoing network connections. BINDER exploits a unique characteristic of personal computers, that most network activities are directly or indirectly triggered by user input. Since threats tend to run as background precesses and thus do not receive any user input, the intuition behind BINDER is that only threats generate connections without user input. By correlating outgoing network connections and processing information with user activities, BINDER can capture extrusions and thus break-ins.
1 IntroductionA variety of threats such as worms, spyware and adware, have affected both personal and business computing significantly. Remotely controlled bot networks of compromised systems are growing quickly [12] and represent a menace to today's computing infrastructure. Many research efforts [8,10,14] and commercial products [13,18] have focused on preventing break-ins by filtering known exploits or unknown ones exploiting known vulnerabilities. To protect computer systems from new threats, these solutions have two requirements. First, some central entities must rapidly generate signatures of new threats after they are detected. Second, distributed computer systems must download and apply these signatures to their local databases in time. However, these requirements can leave computer systems with obsolete signature database unprotected from newly emerging threats. In particular, worms can propagate much more rapidly than humans can respond in terms of generation and distribution of signatures [11]. Instead of targeting at preventing infections, we focus on fast mechanisms for detecting break-ins after they occur that do not require a priori knowledge of exploit or vulnerability signatures. Such mechanisms can decrease the danger of information leak and protect computers and networks, and is complementary to existing prevention schemes. Many threats send malicious outgoing network traffic that is usually happen unknown to users on the compromised personal computers. We refer to these stealthy malicious outgoing network activities as extrusions. The key feature of extrusions is that they are not triggered by user input. In contrast, most normal traffic in personal computers is initiated by users. Leveraging this anomaly of extrusions, we tackle the problem of automated detection of break-ins of new unknown threats such as worms, spyware and adware on personal computers in contrast to server computers. In this paper, we present Break-IN DEtectoR (BINDER), a host-based system that detects break-ins on personal computers by capturing extrusions. To capture extrusions, BINDER correlates outgoing network connections (initiated by the local computer) and process information with user activities (key strokes and mouse clicks). BINDER can detect certain kinds of break-ins after they occur without a priori knowledge of exploit or vulnerability signatures.
2 Design OverviewThe main objectives we want to achieve for the BINDER design are: (1) minimal false alarms: this is the critical requirement for any intrusion detection system to be useful in practice; (2) generality: BINDER should work for a large class of threats without the need for signatures beforehand; (3) small overhead: BINDER must not use intrusive probing and affect the performance of the computers it sits on; (4) security with open design: we want to design BINDER so threats cannot bypass it by knowing its scheme. Patterns of network traffic and system calls have been used for intrusion detection [4,6,17]. To the best of our knowledge, BINDER is the first system to take advantage of a unique characteristic of personal computers: user-driven activities. By trusting the user input, BINDER simply detects extrusions of break-ins by determining they are unrelated to user actions. In Section 4, we discuss how BINDER can verify a user input is not faked or tricked by break-ins. A natural approach for BINDER to take is to correlate network traffic with user input directly. However, a ``smart" threat can bypass it by monitoring user input and sending traffic at appropriate times. To avoid this, BINDER also uses process information to limit the correlation. The intuition behind it is that only malicious processes of break-ins generate connections without user input. BINDER assumes that the boundary between processes is protected by the operating system. In other words, break-ins cannot inject their malicious code into other running processes and must run as independent processes. Although this may not be guaranteed until the next generation operating systems [7] are available, a large class of today's threats run as independent processes.
3 BINDERBINDER detects break-ins by capturing extrusions. Instead of searching for conditions that can detect extrusions directly, BINDER looks for the cases where normal connections may be generated. This is in concert with our objectives of minimizing false alarms and detecting a large class of threats. By covering all normal cases, we can first control false alarms. Then, we can detect any threat that generates connections in a way that does not match any normal case.
3.1 Normal Connection RulesIn the following discussion, we use three kinds of events: user events (user input), process events (process start and process finish), and network events (connection request, data arrival and domain name lookup). A normal outgoing network connection of a process may be triggered either by user inputs directly (e.g., download a news web page after a mouse click) or indirectly (e.g., download an image file embedded in the news web page or refresh a news web page periodically after it is loaded) or by schedule (e.g., a system daemon or a software update check). These cases can be covered by three rules: (1) intra-process rule: a connection of a process may be triggered by a user input, data arrival or connection request event of the same process; (2) inter-process rule: a connection of a process may be triggered by a user input or data arrival event of another process; (3) whitelisting rule: a connection of a process may be triggered according to a rule in the whitelist. To verify if a connection is triggered by the intra-process rule, we just need to monitor all user and network activities of each single process. However, we need to monitor all possible communications among running processes to verify if a connection is triggered by the inter-process rule. This contradicts our objective of small overhead. Instead, we use the following two rules to approximate it: (1) parent-process rule: a connection of a process may be triggered by a user input or data arrival event received by its parent process before it is created; (2) web-browser rule: a connection of a web browser process may be triggered by a user input or data arrival event of other processes. The web-browser rule cannot be covered by the parent-process rule because, when a user clicks a hyperlink in a window of a process, the corresponding web page is loaded by an existing web browser process if there is any. The advantages of this approximation are that (1) the two rules do not require more information than the intra-process rule; (2) they cover a dominant fraction of connections triggered by the inter-process rule. The whitelisting rule can be classified into three categories: system daemons, software updates and network applications automatically started by the operating system.
3.2 Extrusion Detection Algorithm
The extrusion detection algorithm is based on the intra-process, parent-process
and web-browser rule as well as whitelisting.
It is actually about detecting normal connections correctly.
If a connection is not triggered by any of the normal connection rules and thus is detected as anomalous,
it is treated as an extrusion.
The main idea of the extrusion detection algorithm is to limit the delay from a triggering event to
a connection request event. There are three possible delays for a connection request
though some of them may not exist.
For a connection request made by process
The extrusion detection algorithm needs
3.3 Why BINDER WorksIn this section, we discuss why connections made by a large class of threats can be detected as extrusions by the detection algorithm. When a threat breaks into a personal computer, the break-in can be split into two phases by the time of the first restart of the victim computer. The difference of these two phases is how malicious processes of a threat are started. In the first phase, malicious processes are started either by an existing infected process or by a user. Connections made by those processes may not be initially detected as extrusions because, before they are started, their parent processes may have received user input (e.g., a user opens a virus attachment in an email client program) or data (e.g., a vulnerable process receives malicious traffic). However, BINDER can detect a break-in by observing even a single extrusion it makes. The chance of detecting a single extrusion is high unless an attacker crafts the exploit intentionally to evade BINDER in this phase.
In the second phase, malicious processes are started by the
operating system without any user input or data arrival in history. Moreover, threats
tend to run as background processes to avoid being detected or shutdown by computer users.
A feature of background processes is that they do not receive any user input.
BINDER can detect the break-in by capturing the first connection
made by its malicious processes as an extrusion. This is because their parent processes do
not receive any user input before they are created, and they do not
receive any user input after it. So
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 2005 USENIX Annual Technical Conference,
April 1015, 2005, Anaheim, CA, USA Last changed: 2 Mar. 2005 aw |