The total cost of ownership of a fully managed data
center with a 1.3 megawatt cooling capacity is approximately $18 million per
year (e.g. 100 fully loaded 13KW racks with 4000 1U servers) [7]. About 15% of
the cost is for operation and maintenance of the environmental control system.
This partly reflects that cooling resources are over-provisioned to cover
worst-case situations. The temperature at the air inlet of all servers must be
kept below a target threshold, ≤ 28º C for example, even when
all servers are 100% busy.
Local variations in airflow
and server heat generation impact the efficiency of cooling different places within
the data center. Air conditioning units on the periphery supply cool air into
an under-floor plenum. The cool air is delivered to the room via ventilation
tiles on the floor located in between the two rows of equipment racks. The
equipment racks are oriented such that their air intakes are facing the “cold aisle”
with the vent tiles. Hot spots in the top middle of the row result from
recirculation of hot air exhausted on the opposite side of the server racks. The
temperature of the exhaust air is primarily a function of equipment power
consumption which is driven by server design and computational workload. Hot
spots are a ubiquitous problem in air-cooled data centers, and drive the
environmental control system to work much harder to ensure that no server is
fed hot air (i.e. air at a temperature greater than the target threshold).
Related work [6,8,9,15] considered the placement of
computational workload to alleviate these local hotspots and provide failure mitigation.
Various algorithms have been developed to guide the placement of resources
according to the external environment, but none yet have considered the varying
ability of the air conditioning units to cool different places in the room. For
example, a location might appear to be a good place because it is currently cold,
but it may be difficult to cool, such as in a corner of the room in a location
far removed from an air conditioning unit. Secondly, while simulations have
been used to prove the concept of the various approaches, validation in a real
data center under realistic workload conditions has not previously been
Section 2 describes a new practical metric to grade cooling-efficiency,
which involves both the current air temperature and the historical ability of
the computer room air conditioners (CRACs) to cool the location along with
information about local airflow conditions. This metric can then be used to
rank the different places in the data center, providing a preference for where
to place heat-generating computational workload. The great complexity of
managing a data center makes any additional considerations for cooling
efficiency unwelcome. But the adaptive enterprise vision is that next-generation
data centers will have management control software that will provide increased
levels of automation and can more easily integrate cooling considerations into
their policies. Of course, adding such software complexity to future data
centers—as well as the research on how best to do it—is only warranted if the
savings are sufficiently substantial. We address this strategic research
question empirically:
We use our efficiency metric of Section 2 in a
practical experiment described in Section 3 that measures the total power
consumed by a thermally isolated portion of our data center under different control
policies. The experiment assumes that computational workload, such as batch
jobs, can be placed or moved within a data center based on cooling efficiency.
Although this is not the practice today, it could be achieved easily enough by
having job schedulers take a server preference list into account when
allocating large new jobs onto the servers, or else by future data centers that
leverage Virtual Machine technology to dynamically migrate running jobs from one
server to another in order to improve cooling efficiency.

1. Utilization of HP rendering service for 30 days (x-axis) over 345
servers (y-axis): white= busy.
The experiment results are described in Section 4. Briefly,
we observed ~⅓ savings in the cooling power required, despite only having
control of a fraction of the computers in the isolated data center. The ensuing
discussion in Section 5 includes a translation of this savings into an estimate
of the dollar savings for a modern, large scale data center. Depending on
usage and other factors discussed in that section, it could easily exceed $1,000,000
savings per year.
We round out this introduction
with a final item of motivation. The proposed savings depends considerably on
the utilization of the data center, e.g. when the data center servers are ~100%
busy or ~100% idle there is no flexibility about where to place workload. Thus,
the potential for savings depends on the data center being only partially
utilized a substantial fraction of the time. Although one cannot argue that
this is the case in most data centers, we find various evidence that this is
the case in at least some data centers:
Reports from the field indicate that many customer data centers run at fairly
low utilization most of the time. Indeed, this has recently led to research and
services in server consolidation via virtualization technology [12].
Anecdotal evidence of several academic batch job servers and our experience
with those within HP Labs suggest that, although there are periods when all
servers are continually busy (e.g. conference submission season), many other
times the offered workload is sporadic.
As a final anecdote, we examined the utilization of the HP Labs movie
rendering service used by DreamWorks in the production of the movie Shrek II,
and again found substantial periods of middling utilization. Refer to the
visualization in Figure 1, where a black pixel indicates a server was idle for
an entire 5 minute interval, and is white otherwise. Over this 30 day period
corresponding to Nov. 2004, we see many times when only a portion of the
servers were busy.
Further analysis of this data,
as well as additional discussion and color photographs, is available in the
longer technical report version of this paper at: www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2007/HPL-2007-62.html
Initial work regarding measurement and optimization
of data center cooling efficiency was centered around the modeling and
characterization of airflow and heat transfer in the data center [3,10,13].
The work relied upon numerical simulations to improve the placement of cooling
resources via the manipulation of vent tiles, CRAC unit placement and server
placement. Additional work has focused on the optimization of the fundamental
equations of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics within racks [11] and data
centers [14] to minimize a given cost function and improve operational
efficiency. Although much progress has been made in this area, the modeling
techniques involved are time consuming and have to be re-run as data center
operation changes with time, either due to changes in workload distribution or
physical configuration.
More recent work has focused on real-time control
systems that can directly manipulate the distribution of cooling resources
throughout the data center according to the needs of the computer equipment.
One such system, called Dynamic Smart Cooling, uses a network of temperature
sensors at the air inlet and exhaust of equipment racks [2]. Data from the
sensors is fed to a controller where it is evaluated. The controller can then
independently manipulate the supply air temperature and airflow rate of each
CRAC in the data center. In order to accomplish this efficiently, the impact of
each CRAC in the data center must be evaluated with respect to each sensor.
The result of such an evaluation will define the “regions of influence” of each
CRAC unit. This information can then be used to determine which CRACs to
manipulate when a given sensor location requires more or less cool air. Such a
system has been shown to operate much more efficiently than traditional control
systems that contain sparse temperature sensing, usually only at the inlet of
each CRAC, and rudimentary operating algorithms that do not consider local
environmental conditions [2].
regions of influence are defined with respect to a metric called the Thermal
Correlation Index (TCI) shown in Equation 1. It quantifies the response at the
ith rack inlet sensor to a step change in the supply temperature of
the jth CRAC. TCI is a static metric based on the physical
configuration of the data center. Since it does not contain dynamic
information, it can be thought of as the steady-state thermal gain at the sensor
to a step change in thermal input at the CRAC. The regions of influence that
are defined by the TCI metric are stable with time, but are functions of data
center geometry and infrastructure (e.g. vent tile arrangement) as well as CRAC
flow rate uniformity.
The process by which TCI is evaluated can be
performed numerically or in-situ in the data center with the deployed sensor
network. In-situ measurements are more accurate while numerical simulations
can be done off-line and enable parametric analysis.
Another attribute of TCI is that it describes the
efficiency by which any given CRAC can provide cooling resources to any given
server. We therefore use it in the development of a more general workload
placement index that we term the “Local Workload Placement Index” described by Equation
2 as follows:
where the numerator quantifies the thermal
management and air conditioning margin at sensor location i and the
denominator quantifies the amount of hot air recirculation at the server (this
is related to the Supply Heat Index described in [3]). Specifically, Tset
is the desired computer equipment inlet temperature setpoint within Dynamic
Smart Cooling, Tin is the current inlet temperature measured within
the server or with an externally deployed sensor network, TSAT and TSAT,min
are the supply air temperature and minimum allowable supply air temperature of
the air conditioning unit(s) respectively. Both are reported by the CRAC. The
Thermal Correlation Index TCIi,j represents the degree to which CRAC
j can provide cooling resources to the computer equipment at sensor i. Finally,
T’SAT,i is the temperature of the air delivered through
the vent tiles in close proximity to the ith server and is a strong
function of the supply air temperature (TSAT) of the CRACs that
serve the region in which the ith sensor resides. As defined, the
metric is a ratio of local (i.e. server level) thermal management and air
conditioning margin to hot air recirculation and can therefore be used to gauge
the efficiency of cooling resource placement and, by extension, workload

8am 10am 3pm
Figure 2. Example server utilization, 8am burst
Experiment Methodology
Fundamentally, any sort of workload might be placed so
as to optimize cooling efficiency. We chose to focus on an opportunity that
may be practical for widespread use in the near term: the placement of
CPU-intense batch jobs. An obvious experiment scenario is to have jobs arrive
occasionally, and to allocate each to the most cooling-efficient server
available. It would remain only to choose job arrival rates and a distribution
of job durations. One could then measure the power savings of cooling-efficient
placement vs. today’s cooling-oblivious placement. Though uncomplicated, this
scenario is naïve. In batch processing systems it is common that a user
enqueues a large number of jobs in a burst. For example, in the server
utilization diagram in Figure 2, a large burst of jobs arrives at 8am, making
all the servers go from idle (black) to busy (white). As each job completes,
servers are kept busy by the supply of enqueued jobs. When the queue finally
goes empty (~10am), each server runs its last allocated job to completion and
then goes idle (the last being at 3pm). This type of pattern is evidenced
repeatedly in the 30 day snapshot in Figure 1. Thus, in a practical
deployment, the savings of cooling-aware placement will likely be realized only
after the work queue is drained and servers begin to go idle.
The duration of this ‘wind-down phase’ can be
substantial, especially if the variance in job lengths is large, as we often observe
in practice. As a practical example, the job lengths in the NASA iPSC benchmark
[5] have a coefficient of variation of ~350% (CV=std.dev/mean), and for a recent
machine learning experiment by the second author, the CV was 130%. Thus, the
placement of the last few long jobs determines which servers will remain busy
long after the others have finished. It is here in the wind-down phase that we
focus our experiments. We will compare today’s cooling-oblivious, first-come
first-served (FCFS) placement vs. a smart cooling-aware placement that puts the
longer running jobs on the more efficient servers to cool, given the schedule
shown in Figure 2.
In practical implementations, this could be achieved
either by (1) having rough estimates of job lengths so that an efficient
schedule can be devised, or (2) dynamically migrating long running jobs to the
more efficient servers via virtualization technology, such as Xen. We initially
attempted the latter, which is perhaps more elegant because it can be difficult
to obtain job length estimates. Unfortunately, due to ownership constraints, we
could not get Xen installed on enough servers to make any significant impact on
the room temperature, considering the many other computers present. Forced to
resort to method (1), we developed a simple FCFS scheduler that placed the
longest schedule on the most efficient server and the progressively shorter
schedules on the less efficient servers in sequence. We used the
pre-determined job lengths of 126 jobs from a previous experiment having
CV 130%. This created the schedule shown in Figure 2.
But assuming one takes power savings seriously,
there is another factor to consider: putting servers that are not being used
into a low power state, e.g. shutting them off. This is simple enough to
implement, and with quick hibernation available in future servers, it will
become quite easy to effect. As we shall show, this complements efficient
placement nicely, and used together, a great deal of power savings can be had.
To conclude, the experiment design follows a lesion
study model, determining the power savings of cooling-efficient placement together
with server shutdowns, as well as the marginal benefit of each technique by
itself. The detailed protocol will be discussed after we introduce the test
Figure 3. Experimental test bed.
Test Bed
We are fortunate to have available to us a thermally
isolated portion of an active data center at HP Labs, Palo Alto, depicted in Figure
3. We isolated the research area (upper right quadrant) via a heavy plastic
curtain and closeable air baffles beneath the floor plenum. This area is
cooled by two redundant Computer Room Air Conditioning units (CRACs), but for
these experiments we turned off CRAC 5. Both CRACs 5 and 6 have two
operational modes. One mode utilizes the facility’s chilled water system to
remove heat from the air via an internal heat exchanger while the other uses a
vapor compression refrigeration system internal to the unit. When operating
in the latter mode, power consumption of the unit can be directly measured and
was therefore used throughout the experimental phase of this work. This CRAC
was controlled via Dynamic Smart Cooling by using temperature sensors in the
test bed. More modern Proliant-class HP servers have inlet temperature sensors
built into each server.
We obtained control of 54 of the 76 NetServer
LP2000r servers in the 6 racks in Row F (marked in Figure 3). Although other
users had control of the remaining NetServers and many servers in the other
row, we monitored their power consumption and discarded measurements affected
by any substantial change.
Experiment Protocol
Rank the servers by their LWPIi value, computed from the temperature
sensors and TCI efficiencies.
Determine the FCFS job schedules from the batch job predicted run-times,
and place the longest running schedules on the most efficient servers.
At 8am, all servers go busy for two hours, giving the data center ample
time to come to a thermally steady state, and reflects the situation after an
arbitrary number of hours of being fully busy.
As each server completes between 10am and 3pm, it shuts down (simulating
a low power mode).
As servers shut down and contiguous regions of servers around a sensor
are all off, the acceptable temperature limit for that sensor is increased by
about +5ºC—enough to essentially remove it from control while still providing
minimal cooling.
Measure the server and CRAC power consumption during the wind-down
phase: 10am to 3pm (efficient placement has no effect when all servers are busy
or all are idle).
On separate days, repeat the above experiment without server shutdowns,
without efficient placement, and without either—for the baseline mimicking
current behavior of batch services.
Table 1 shows the
experimental results in terms of average power consumed over the duration of
the experiment and the savings with respect to the baseline setting. Power
consumption of the servers in row F of Figure 3 is reduced by 30% when the test
machines are shut down after their jobs have each completed. Naturally, the server
power consumption is unaffected by load placement. By contrast, power
consumption of the air conditioning equipment is reduced by 8% via
cooling-aware placement alone, 15% via shutdown alone, and 33% when both
cooling-aware placement and shutdown are employed. Overall, the total power
savings is reduced 32% when both techniques are used.
Table 1. Kilowatts consumed by
each setting.
% savings
% savings
% savings
The savings afforded by cooling-aware
placement of workloads without shutting servers down is due to the change in
the distribution of heat that results in the reduction of recirculation of hot
air into the inlet of the racked equipment. Recall that recirculation is a
component of LWPI. This recirculation increases air conditioning costs, thus placement
alone provides savings primarily in the cost to provision air conditioning
resources. Shutting down machines, however, provides both savings at the
power delivery level (i.e. power delivered to the computers) and the air
conditioning level. The latter is due to the fact that the air conditioning
system need not expend the energy to remove the heat formerly dissipated by the
inactive computer equipment. When both placement and shutdown are used, added
benefit is derived from the fact that clusters of machines in close proximity
to each other are shut down as load is compacted to the most efficient places
in the data center. These inactive clusters result in zones that can tolerate
warmer air than active clusters and the cooling distribution can be adjusted
accordingly (e.g. via Dynamic Smart Cooling) resulting in an additional 18%
savings in the air conditioning costs from baseline over that achieved by
shutting down machines without regard for placement (the shutdown scenario).
Indeed, the air conditioning savings of including cooling-aware placement more
than doubles the savings of shutdown alone.
To help convey the practical impact of these results, we
work through a simple computation to translate this savings into dollars, and then
we discuss issues one may face in practical deployment. Finally, we give a
remark on how difficult it is to perform this sort of research on a real, physical
data center.
The results indicate that the application of job
allocation based on environmental factors can significantly reduce the overall
power consumption of the data center. As an example, if we consider a typical
large-scale data center with a power consumption of 2.5 MW by the computational
equipment (~190 13 kW racks) and a cooling load factor of 2.2 (defined as
the ratio of the amount of heat being removed by the amount of power consumed
by the air conditioning system to remove the heat), the total power consumption
of the data center is 3.6 MW. (Note the load factor of 2.2 matches our
experimental conditions and is a conservative assumption given that many data
centers operate with load factors much lower than this—i.e. worse.) If we
further assume that the data center is partially active 70% of the time per an
analysis of data from Figure 1, and that the savings we observed in our
experiment (32%) can be extended to the rest of the data center, at an energy
cost of $0.15/kW×hr the energy savings
will result in an operational savings of more than $1,000,000 per year.
Naturally, a rough computation such as this is only an illustration.
Our experiments avoided several complications that may
need to be surmounted for practical deployment, of course. One issue is that
after servers have been shut down, they must be booted up again when new jobs
arrive. It takes only a moment for Dynamic Smart Cooling to provide cooler air
to such servers, but the delay of the reboot process is comparatively lengthy and
undesirable. Future servers will have fast methods for low power or hibernation
modes. Until available, one could trade off some cooling efficiency in order
to avoid some of the boot-up delays by (a) never shutting off some of the most
cooling-efficient servers, and/or (b) imposing a minimum idleness delay before
shutting down any server.
We proposed to place workload either by requiring
estimates of job length in advance (which can be difficult to obtain in most
general settings), or else by migrating long-running jobs during the wind-down
phase via virtualization technology. We believe this migration would be quite
practical for most types of CPU-intense batch jobs, with only a sub-second
suspension in computation. Note, however, that the job’s memory needs to be
migrated across the high-speed data center network. If the jobs are very
memory intense, or if many migrations are requested in a short time window, the
volume of network traffic may begin to pose a substantial cost and delay. Thus,
practical controllers may occasionally need to temper their eagerness for
cooling efficiency in order to avoid network overload.
In our experiments, we only considered homogeneous
servers, i.e. no matter which server is selected to run a job, the same amount
of heat is generated. But over time, real data centers may accumulate a
mixture of servers of different generations. Thus, optimal placement decisions
may also need to take into account the differing amount of heat generated by
different servers. And with widely different CPU speeds, the placement
decisions will also affect how long the jobs take to complete. This leads to a
complex area of optimization that mixes cooling efficiency considerations with traditional
scheduling. Furthermore, economics may play a role: although it may be most
efficient to run a user’s jobs on a small set of old, slow servers that produce
little heat, the user may be willing to pay more for a higher class of service
that returns their results sooner at additional expense. These issues are
beginning to be explored [4].
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