Transparent Checkpoint-Restart of Multiple Processes
on Commodity Operating Systems
Oren Laadan |
Jason Nieh |
Department of Computer Science |
Department of Computer Science |
Columbia University |
Columbia University | |
| |
The ability to checkpoint a running application and restart it later
can provide many useful benefits including fault recovery,
advanced resources sharing, dynamic load balancing and
improved service availability. However, applications often involve
multiple processes which have dependencies through the operating system.
We present a transparent mechanism for commodity operating
systems that can checkpoint multiple processes in a consistent state
so that they can be restarted correctly at a later time. We introduce
an efficient algorithm for recording process relationships and
correctly saving and restoring shared state in a manner that leverages
existing operating system kernel functionality. We have implemented
our system as a loadable kernel module and user-space utilities in
Linux. We demonstrate its ability on real-world applications to
provide transparent checkpoint-restart functionality without
modifying, recompiling, or relinking applications, libraries,
or the operating system kernel. Our results show checkpoint and
restart times 3 to 55 times faster than OpenVZ and 5 to 1100 times
faster than Xen.
1 Introduction
Application checkpoint-restart is the ability to save the state of a
running application to secondary storage so that it can later resume
its execution from the time at which it was checkpointed.
Checkpoint-restart can provide many potential benefits, including
fault recovery by rolling back an application to a previous
checkpoint, better application response time by restarting
applications from checkpoints instead of from scratch, and improved
system utilization by stopping long running computationally intensive
jobs during execution and restarting them when load decreases.
An application can be migrated by checkpointing it on one machine and
restarting it on another providing further benefits, including fault
resilience by migrating applications off of faulty hosts, dynamic load
balancing by migrating applications to less loaded hosts, and improved
service availability and administration by migrating applications
before host maintenance so that applications can continue to run with
minimal downtime.
Many important applications consist of multiple cooperating
processes. To checkpoint-restart these applications, not only must
application state associated with each process be saved and restored,
but the state saved and restored must be globally consistent and
preserve process dependencies. Operating system process state
including shared resources and various identifiers that define process
relationships such as group and session identifiers must be saved and
restored correctly. Furthermore, for checkpoint-restart to be useful
in practice, it is crucial that it transparently support the large
existing installed base of applications running on commodity operating
Zap [16] is a system that provides transparent
checkpoint-restart of unmodified applications that may be composed of
multiple processes on commodity operating systems. The key idea is to
introduce a thin virtualization layer on top of the operating system
that encapsulates a group of processes in a virtualized execution
environment and decouples them from the operating system. This
layer presents a host-independent virtualized view of
the system so that applications can make full use of operating system
services and still be checkpointed then restarted at a later time on
the same machine or a different one. While previous work [16]
presents key aspects of Zap's design, it did not describe a number of
important engineering issues in building a robust checkpoint-restart
system. In particular, a key issue that was not discussed is how to
transparently checkpoint multiple processes such that they can be
restarted in a globally consistent state.
Building on Zap, we address this consistency issue and discuss in
detail for the first time key design issues in building a transparent
checkpoint-restart mechanism for multiple processes on commodity
operating systems. We combine a kernel-level checkpoint mechanism with a
hybrid user-level and kernel-level restart mechanism to leverage
existing operating system interfaces and functionality as much as
possible for checkpoint-restart. We introduce a novel algorithm for
accounting for process relationships that correctly saves and
restores all process state in a globally consistent manner. This
algorithm is crucial for enabling transparent
checkpoint-restart of interactive graphical applications and correct
job control. We introduce an efficient algorithm for
identifying and accounting for shared resources and correctly saving
and restoring such shared state across cooperating processes.
To reduce application downtime during checkpoints, we also provide
a copy-on-write mechanism that captures a consistent checkpoint state
and correctly handles shared resources across multiple processes.
We have implemented a checkpoint-restart prototype as a set of
user-space utilities and a loadable kernel module in Linux that
operates without modifying, recompiling, or relinking applications,
libraries, or the operating system kernel. Our measurements on
a wide range of real-world server and desktop Linux applications
demonstrate that our prototype can provide fast checkpoint and
restart times with application downtimes of less than a few tens of
milliseconds. Comparing against commercial products, we show up to 12
times faster checkpoint times and 55 times faster restart times than
OpenVZ [15], another operating system virtualization
approach. We also show up to 550 times faster checkpoint times and
1100 faster restart times than Xen [5], a hardware
virtualization approach.
This paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses related work.
Section 3 provides background on the Zap
virtualization architecture.
Section 4 provides an overview of our
checkpoint-restart architecture.
Section 5 discusses how processes are quiesced to
provide a globally consistent checkpoint across multiple processes.
Section 6 presents the algorithm for saving and
restoring the set of process relationships associated with a
checkpoint. Section 7 describes
how shared state among processes is accounted
for during checkpoint and restart. Section 8 presents
experimental results on server and desktop applications. Finally,
we present some concluding remarks.
2 Related Work
Many application checkpoint-restart mechanisms have been proposed
[17,22,23]. Application-level
mechanisms are directly incorporated into the applications, often
with the help of languages, libraries, and
preprocessors [2,7]. These approaches are generally the
most efficient, but they are non-transparent, place a major burden on
the application developer, may require the use of nonstandard
programming languages [8], and cannot be used for unmodified or
binary-only applications.
Library checkpoint-restart mechanisms [18,28] reduce
the burden on the application developer by only requiring that
applications be compiled or relinked against special libraries.
However, such approaches do not capture important parts of the system
state, such as interprocess communication and process dependencies
through the operating system. As a result, these approaches are
limited to being used with applications that severely restrict their
use of operating system services.
Operating system checkpoint-restart mechanisms utilize kernel-level
support to provide greater application transparency. They do
not require changes to the application source code nor relinking
of the application object code, but they do typically require new
operating systems [9,10] or invasive kernel
modifications [15,21,24,26] in commodity
operating systems. None of these approaches checkpoints multiple
processes consistently on unmodified commodity operating systems.
Our work builds on Zap [16] to provide
transparent checkpoint-restart functionality by leveraging loadable
kernel module technology and operating system virtualization. The
operating system virtualization approach introduced in Zap is also
becoming popular for providing isolation containers for groups of
processes while allowing scalable use of system
resources [15,20,12].
Hardware virtualization approaches such as Xen [5] and
VMware [29] use virtual machine monitors
(VMMs) [19]
that can enable an entire operating system environment, both operating
system and applications, to be checkpointed and restarted.
VMMs can support transparent checkpoint-restart of both Linux and
Windows operating systems. However, because they operate on entire
operating system instances, they cannot provide finer-granularity
checkpoint-restart of individual applications decoupled from operating
system instances, resulting in higher checkpoint-restart
overheads and differences in how these mechanisms can be applied.
3 Virtualization Architecture
To enable checkpoint-restart, we leverage Zap's operating system
virtualization. Zap introduces a thin
virtualization layer between applications and the operating system to
decouple applications from the underlying host. The virtualization
layer provides a pod (PrOcess Domain) virtual machine abstraction
which encapsulates a set of processes in a self-contained unit that
can be isolated from the system, checkpointed to secondary storage,
and transparently restarted later. This is made possible because each pod
has its own virtual private namespace, which provides the only means
for processes to access the underlying operating system. To guarantee
correct operation of unmodified applications, the pod namespace
provides a traditional environment with unchanged application
interfaces and access to operating system services and resources.
Operating system resource identifiers, such as process IDs,
must remain constant throughout the life of a process to ensure its
correct operation. However, when a process is checkpointed and later
restarted, possibly on a different operating system instance, there is
no guarantee that the system will provide the same identifiers to the
restarted process;
those identifiers may in fact be in use by other processes in
the system. The pod namespace addresses these issues by
providing consistent, virtual resource names. Names within a pod
are trivially assigned in a unique manner in the same way that
traditional operating systems assign names, but such names are
localized to the pod. These virtual private names are not changed
when a pod is restarted to ensure correct operation. Instead, pod
virtual resources are transparently remapped to real operating system
In addition to providing a private virtual namespace for processes in
a pod, our virtualization approach provides three key properties so
that it can be used as a platform for checkpoint-restart. First, it
provides mechanisms to synchronize the virtualization of state across
multiple processes consistently with the occurrence of a checkpoint,
and upon restart. Second, it allows the system to select
predetermined virtual identifiers upon the allocation of resources
when restarting a set of processes so that those processes can reclaim
the same set of virtual resources they had used prior to the
checkpoint. Third, it provides virtualization interfaces that can be
used by checkpoint and restart mechanisms to translate between virtual
identifiers and real operating system resource identifiers. During
normal process execution, translating between virtual and real
identifiers is private to the virtualization layer. However, during
checkpoint-restart, the checkpoint and restart functions may also need
to request such translations to match virtual and real namespaces.
4 Checkpoint-Restart Architecture
We combine pod virtualization with a mechanism for
checkpointing and restarting multiple cooperating processes in a pod.
For simplicity, we describe the checkpoint-restart mechanism assuming
a shared storage infrastructure across participating machines. In
this case, filesystem state is not generally saved and restored
as part of the pod checkpoint image to reduce checkpoint image size.
Available filesystem snapshot functionality [14,6] can
be used to also provide a checkpointed filesystem image.
We focus only on checkpointing process state; details on how to
checkpoint filesystem, network, and device state are beyond the scope
of this paper.
Checkpoint: A checkpoint is performed in the following steps:
- Quiesce pod: To ensure that a globally consistent
checkpoint [3] is taken of all the processes in the
pod, the processes are quiesced. This forces the processes to
transfer from their current state to a controlled standby state
to freeze them for the duration of the checkpoint.
- Record pod properties: Record pod configuration information,
in particular filesystem configuration information indicating where
directories private to the pod are stored on the underlying shared
storage infrastructure.
- Dump process forest: Record process inheritance
relationships, including parent-child, sibling, and process session
- Record globally shared resources: Record state associated
with shared resources not tied to any specific process, such as
System V IPC state, pod's network address, hostname, system time and
so forth.
- Record process associated state: Record state associated
with individual processes and shared state attached to processes,
including process run state, program name, scheduling parameters,
credentials, blocking and pending signals, CPU registers, FPU state,
ptrace state, filesystem namespace, open files, signal
handling information, and virtual memory.
- Continue pod: Resume the processes in the pod once the
checkpoint state has been recorded to allow the processes to
continue executing, or terminate the processes and the pod if the
checkpoint is being used to migrate the pod to another machine.
(If a filesystem snapshot is desired, it is taken prior to this step.)
- Commit data: Write out buffered recorded data (if any) to
storage (or to the network) and optionally force flush of the data
to disk.
To reduce application downtime due to the pod being quiesced, we
employ a lazy approach in which the checkpoint data is first recorded
and buffered in memory. We defer writing it out to storage (or to the
network) until after the pod is allowed to continue, thereby avoiding
the cost of expensive I/O operations while the pod is quiesced.
Since allocation of large memory chunks dynamically can become expensive
too, buffers are preallocated before the pod is quiesced, based on an
estimate for the required space.
The data accumulated in the buffer is eventually committed in
step 7 after the pod has been resumed.
We use a standard copy-on-write (COW) mechanism to keep a
reference to memory pages instead of recording an explicit copy of
each page. This helps to reduce memory pressure and avoids degrading
cache performance. It reduces downtime further by deferring the
actual memory to memory copy until when the page is either
modified by the application or finally committed to storage,
whichever occurs first. Using COW ensures that a valid copy of a page
at time of checkpoint remains available if the application modifies
the page after the pod has resumed operation but before the data has
been committed. Pages that belong to shared memory regions cannot be
made copy-on-write,
and are handled by recording an explicit copy in the checkpoint buffer.
Note that we do not use the fork system call for creating a COW
clone [10,18,26] because its semantics require a
process to execute the call itself. This cannot be done while the
process is in a controlled standby state, making it difficult to
ensure global consistency when checkpointing multiple processes.
The contents of files are not normally saved as part of the checkpoint
image since they are available on the filesystem. An exception to this
rule are open files that have been unlinked. They need to be saved
during checkpoint since they will no longer be accessible on the
filesystem. If large unlinked files are involved, saving and
restoring them as part of the checkpoint image incurs high overhead
since the data needs to be both read then written during both
checkpoint and restart. To avoid these data transfer costs, we
instead relink the respective inode back to the filesystem.
To maintain the illusion that the file is still unlinked,
it is placed in a protected area that is unaccessible to processes in
the pod. If relinking is not feasible, such as if a FAT filesystem
implementation is used that does not support hard links, we cannot
relink but instead store the unlinked file contents in a separate file
in a protected area. This is still more efficient than including the
data as part of the checkpoint image.
Restart: Complementary to the checkpoint, a restart is performed
in the following steps:
- Restore pod properties: Create a new pod, read pod
properties from the checkpoint image and configure the pod,
including restoring its filesystem configuration.
- Restore process forest: Read process forest
information, create processes at the roots of the forest, then
have root processes recursively create their children.
- Restore globally shared resources: Create globally shared
resources, including creating the necessary virtual identifiers for those resources.
- Restore process associated state: Each created process in
the forest restores its own state then quiesces itself until all
other processes have been restored.
- Continue: Once all processes in the pod are
restored, resume them so they can continue execution.
Before describing the checkpoint-restart steps in further detail, we
first discuss three key aspects of their overall structure: first,
whether the mechanism is implemented at kernel-level or user-level;
second, whether it is performed within the context of each process or
by an auxiliary process; and finally the ordering of operations to
allow streaming of the checkpoint data.
Kernel-level vs user-level: Checkpoint-restart is performed
primarily at kernel-level, not at user-level. This provides
application transparency and allows applications to make use of the
full range of operating system services. The kernel-level
functionality is explicitly designed so that it can be implemented as
a loadable module without modifying, recompiling, or relinking the operating
system kernel. To simplify process creation, we leverage existing
operating system services to perform the first phase of the restart
algorithm at user-level. The standard process creation system call
fork is used to reconstruct the process forest.
In context vs auxiliary: Processes are checkpointed from outside
of their context and from outside of the pod using a separate
auxiliary process, but processes are restarted from inside the pod
within the respective context of each process.
We use
an auxiliary process that runs outside of the pod for two reasons.
First, since all processes within the pod are checkpointed, this
simplifies the implementation by avoiding the need to special case the
auxiliary process from being checkpointed. Second, the auxiliary
process needs to make use of unvirtualized operating system functions
to perform parts of its operation. Since processes in a pod are
isolated from processes outside of the pod when using the standard
system call interface [16], the auxiliary process uses a
special interface for accessing the processes inside of the pod to
perform the checkpoint.
Furthermore, checkpoint is done not within
the context of each process for four reasons. First, using an
auxiliary process makes it easier to provide a globally consistent
checkpoint across multiple processes by simply quiescing all processes
then taking the checkpoint; there is no need to run each process to
checkpoint itself and attempt to synchronize their checkpoint
execution. Second, a set of processes is allowed to be checkpointed
at any time and not all of the processes may be runnable. If a
process cannot run, for example if it is stopped at a breakpoint as a
result of being
traced by another process, it
cannot perform its own checkpoint. Third, to have checkpoint code run
in the process context, the process must invoke this
code involuntarily since we do not require process collaboration.
While this can be addressed by introducing a new specific
signal to the kernel [11]
that is
served within the kernel, it requires kernel modifications and
cannot be implemented by a kernel module. Fourth, it allows for using
multiple auxiliary processes concurrently (with simple synchronization)
to accelerate the checkpoint operation.
Unlike checkpoint, restart is done within the context of the process
that is restarted for two reasons. First, operating within process
context allows us to leverage the vast majority of available kernel
functionality that can only be invoked from within that context,
including almost all system calls. Although checkpoint only requires
saving process state, restart is more complicated as it must create
the necessary resources and reinstate their desired state. Being able
to run in process context and leverage available kernel functionality
to perform these operations during restart significantly simplifies
the restart mechanism. Second, because the restart mechanism creates
a new set of processes that it completely controls on restart, it is
simple to cause those processes to run, invoke the restart code, and
synchronize their operations as necessary. As a result, the
complications with running in process context during checkpoint do not
arise during restart.
More specifically, restart is done by starting a supervisor process
which creates and configures the pod, then injects itself into the
pod. Once it is in the pod, the supervisor forks the processes that
constitute the roots of the process forest. The root processes then
create their children, which recursively create their descendants.
Once the process forest has been constructed, all processes switch to
operating at kernel-level to complete the restart. The supervisor
process first restores globally shared resources, then each process
executes concurrently to restore its own process context from the
checkpoint. When all processes have been restored, the restart
completes and the processes are allowed to resume normal
Data streaming: The steps in the checkpoint-restart
algorithm are ordered and designed for streaming to support their
execution using a sequential access device. Process state is saved
during checkpoint in the order in which it needs to be used during
restart. For example, the checkpoint can be directly streamed from
one machine to another across the network and then restarted. Using a
streaming model provides the ability to pass checkpoint data
through filters, resulting in extremely flexible and extensible
architecture. Example filters include encryption,
signature/validation, compression, and conversion between operating
system versions.
5 Quiescing Processes
Quiescing a pod is the first step of the checkpoint, and is also the
last step of the restart as a means to synchronize all the restarting
processes and ensure they are all completely restored before they
resume execution. Quiescing processes at checkpoint time prevents
them from modifying system state, and thus prevents inconsistencies
from occurring during the checkpoint. Quiescing also puts processes
in a known state from which they can easily be restarted. Without
quiescing, checkpoints would have to capture potentially arbitrary
restart points deep in the kernel, wherever a process might block.
Processes are quiesced by sending them a
SIGSTOP signal to force them into the stopped state. A process
is normally either running in user-space or executing a system call in
the kernel, in which case it may be blocked. Unless we allow
intrusive changes to the kernel code, signaling a process is the only
method to force a process from user-space into the kernel or to
interrupt a blocking system call. The SIGSTOP signal is
guaranteed to be delivered and not ignored or blocked by the process.
Using signals simplifies quiescing as signal delivery already handles
potential race conditions, particularly in the presence of threads.
Using SIGSTOP to force processes into the stopped state has
additional benefits for processes that are running or blocked in the
kernel, which will handle the SIGSTOP immediately
prior to returning to user mode. If a process is in a
non-interruptible system call or handling an interrupt or trap,
it will be quiesced after the kernel processing of the respective
event. The processing time for these events is generally small. If
a process is in an interruptible system call, it will immediately
return and handle the signal. The effect of the signal is transparent
as the system call will in most cases be automatically restarted, or
in some cases return a suitable error code that the caller should be
prepared to handle. The scheme is elegant in that it builds nicely on
the existing semantics of Unix/Linux, and ideal in that it forces
processes to a state with only a trivial kernel stack to save and
restore on checkpoint-restart.
In quiescing a pod, we must be careful to also handle potential side
effects [27] that can occur when a signal is sent to a
process. For example, the parent of a process is always notified by a
signal when either SIGSTOP or SIGCONT signals are
handled by the process, and a process that is traced always notifies
the tracer process about every signal received. While these signals
can normally occur on a Unix system, they may have undesirable side
effects in the context of checkpoint-restart.
We address this issue by ensuring that the virtualization
layer masks out signals that are generated as a side effect of the
quiesce and restore operations.
The use of SIGSTOP to quiesce processes is sufficiently generic
to handle every execution scenario with the exception of three cases
in which a process may already be in a state similar to the stopped
state. First, a process that is already stopped does not need to be
quiesced, but instead needs to be marked so that the restart correctly
leaves it in the stopped state instead of sending it a SIGCONT
to resume execution.
Second, a process executing the sigsuspend system call is put
in a deliberate suspended state until it receives a signal from a
given set of signals. If a process is blocked in that system call and
then checkpointed, it must be accounted for on restart by having the
restarting process call sigsuspend as the last step of the
restart, instead of stopping itself. Otherwise, it will resume to user
mode without really having received a valid signal.
Third, a process that is traced via the ptrace
mechanism [13] will be stopped for tracing at any location
where a trace event may be generated, such as entry and exit of system
calls, receipt of signals, events like fork, vfork, exec, and so forth.
Each such trace point generates a notification to the controlling
process. The ptrace mechanism raises two issues. First, a
SIGSTOP that is sent to quiesce a pod will itself produce a
trace event for traced processes, which--while possible in Unix--is
undesirable from a look-and-feel point of view (imagine your debugger
reporting spurious signals received by the program). This is solved by
making traced process exempt from quiesce (as they already are
stopped) and from continue (as they should remain stopped). Second,
like sigsuspend, the system must record at which point the
process was traced, and use this data upon restart. The action to be
taken at restart varies with the specific trace event. For instance,
for system call entry, the restart code will not stop the process but
instead cause it to enter a ptrace-like state in which it will block
until told to continue. Only then will it invoke the system call
directly, thus avoiding an improper trigger of the system call entry
6 Process Forest
To checkpoint multiple cooperating processes, it is crucial to
capture a globally consistent state across all processes, and
preserve process dependencies. Process dependencies include process hierarchy such as parent-child relationships, identifiers
that define process relationships such as group and session
identifiers (PGIDs and SIDs respectively), and shared
resources such as common file descriptors. The first two are
particularly important for interactive applications and other
activities that involve job control. All of these dependencies must
be checkpointed and restarted correctly. The term process forest
encapsulates these three components: hierarchy, relationships and
resources sharing. On restart, the restored process forest must
satisfy all of the constraints imposed by process dependencies.
Otherwise, applications may not work correctly. For instance,
incorrect settings of SIDs will cause incorrect handling of signals
related to terminals (including xterm), as well as confuse job
control since PGIDs will not be restored correctly either.
A useful property of our checkpoint-restart algorithm is that the
restart phase can recreate the process forest using standard system
calls, simplifying the restart process. However, system calls do
not allow process relationships and identifiers to be changed
arbitrarily after a process has already been created.
A key observation in devising suitable algorithms for saving and
restoring the process forest is determining what subset of
dependencies require a priori resolution, then leaving others
to be setup retroactively.
There are two primary process relationships that must be established
as part of process creation to correctly construct a process forest.
The key challenge is preserving session relationships. Sessions must
be inherited by correctly ordering process creation because the
operating system interface only allows a process to change its own
session, to change it just once, and to change it to a new session and
become the leader. The second issue is preserving thread group
relationships, which arises in Linux because of its threading model
which treats threads as special processes; this issue does not arise
in operating system implementations which do not treat threads as
processes. Hereinafter we assume the threading model of Linux 2.6 in
which threads are grouped into thread groups with a single thread
group leader, which is always the first thread in the group. A thread
must be created by its thread group leader because the operating
system provides no other way to set the thread group. Given the
correct handling of session identifiers and thread groups, other
relationships and shared resources can be manipulated after process
creation using the operating system interface, and are hence simply
assigned once all processes have been created.
Since these two process relationships must be established at process
creation time to correctly construct a process forest, the order in
which processes are created is crucial. Simply reusing the
parent-child relationships maintained by the kernel to create a
matching process forest is not sufficient since the forest depends on
more than the process hierarchy at the time of checkpoint. For
example, it is important to know the original parent of a process to
ensure that it inherits its correct SID, however since orphaned
children are promptly re-parented to init, the information
about their original parent is lost. While one could log all process
creations and deletions to later determine the original parent, this
adds unnecessary runtime overhead and complexity.
We introduce two algorithms--DumpForest and
MakeForest--that use existing operating system interfaces to
efficiently save and restore the process forest, respectively. The
algorithms correctly restore a process forest at restart that is the
same as the original process forest at checkpoint. However, they do
not require any state other than what is available at checkpoint time
because they do not necessarily recreate the matching process forest
in the same way as the original forest was created.
The DumpForest algorithm captures the state of the process forest
in two passes. It runs in linear time with the number of process
identifiers in use in a pod. A process identifier is in use
if a process has terminated
as long as
the identifier is still being used, for example as an SID for some
session group. The first pass scans the
list of processes identifiers within the pod and fills in a table of
entries; the table is not sorted. Each entry in the table represents
a PID in the forest. The second pass
records the process relationships by filling in information in each
table entry. A primary goal of this pass is to determine the creating
parent (creator) of each process, including which processes have
init as their parent. At restart, those processes will be
created first to serve as the roots of the forest, and will
recursively create the remaining processes as instructed by the
Each entry in the table consists of the following set of fields:
status, PID, SID, thread group identifier, and three pointers to
the table locations of the entry's creator, next sibling, and first
child processes to be used by MakeForest. Note that these
processes may not necessarily correspond to the parent, next sibling,
and first child processes of a process at the time of checkpoint.
Table 1 lists the possible flags for the status
field. In particular, Linux allows a process to be created by its
sibling, thereby inheriting the same parent, which differs from
traditional parent-child only fork creation semantics; a Sibling
flag is necessary to note this case.
Table 1:
Possible flags in the status field
For simplicity, we first assume no parent inheritance in describing
the DumpForest algorithm.
The first pass of the algorithm initializes
the PID and SID fields of each entry according to the process it
represents, and all remaining fields to be empty. As shown in
Algorithm 1, the second pass calls FindCreator
on each table entry to populate the empty fields and alter the status
field as necessary. The algorithm can be thought of as determining
under what circumstances the current parent of a process at time of
checkpoint cannot be used to create the process at restart.
The algorithm looks at each table entry and determines what to do
based on the properties of the entry.
If the entry is a thread and not the thread group
leader, we mark its creator as the thread group leader and add Thread
to its status field so that it must be created as a thread on restart.
The thread group leader can be handled as a
regular process, and hence is treated as part of the other cases.
Otherwise, if the entry is a session leader, this is an entry that at
some point called setsid. It does not need to inherit its
session from anyone, so its creator can just be set to its parent. If
a pod had only one session group, the session leader would be at the
root of the forest and its parent would be init.
Otherwise, if the entry corresponds to a dead process (no current
process exists with the given PID),
the only constraint
that must be satisfied is that it inherit the correct session group
from its parent. Its creator is just set to be its session leader.
The correct session group must be maintained for a process that has
already terminated because it may be necessary to have the
process create other processes before terminating itself,
to ensure that those other processes have their session groups set
Otherwise, if the entry corresponds to an orphan process, it cannot
inherit the correct session group from init. Therefore, we add
a placeholder process in the table whose function on restart is to
inherit the session group from the entry's session leader, create the
process, then terminate so that the process will be orphaned. The
placeholder is assigned an arbitrary PID that is not already in the
table, and the SID identifying the session. To remember to
terminate the placeholder process, the placeholder entry's status
field is marked Dead.
Otherwise, if the entry's SID is equal to its parent's, the only
constraint that must be satisfied is that it inherit the correct
session group from its parent. This is simply done by setting its
creator to be its parent.
If none of the previous cases apply, then the entry corresponds to a
process which is not a session leader, does not have a session group
the same as its parent, and therefore whose session group must be
inherited from an ancestor further up the process forest. This case
arises because the process was forked by its parent before the parent
changed its own SID. Its creator is set to be its parent, but we
also mark its status field Session, indicating that at restart
the parent will need to fork before (potentially) creating a new
When an entry is marked with Session, it is necessary to
propagate this attribute up its ancestry hierarchy until an entry with
that session group is located. In the worst case, this would proceed
all the way to the session leader. This is required for the SID to
correctly descend via inheritance to the current entry. Note that
going up the tree does not increase the runtime complexity of the
algorithm because traversal does not proceed beyond entries that
already possess the Session attribute.
If the traversal fails to find an entry with the same SID,
it will stop at an entry that corresponds to a leader of another
session. This entry must have formerly been a descendant of the
original session leader. Its creator will have already been set
init. Because we now know that it needs to pass the original
SID to its own descendants, we re-parent the entry to become a
descendant of the original session leader. This is done using a
placeholder in a manner similar to how we handle orphans that are not
session leaders.
Figure 1 illustrates the output of the algorithm on a
simple process forest. Figure 1a shows the process
forest at checkpoint time. Figure 1b shows the table
generated by DumpForest. The algorithm first creates a table of
seven entries corresponding to the seven processes, then proceeds to
determine the creator of each entry. Processes 502, 505, and 506 have
their Session attributes set, since they must be forked off
before their parents' session identifiers are changed. Note
that process 505 received this flag by propagating it up from its child
process 506.
Figure 1: Simple process forest |
Figure 2 illustrates the output of the algorithm on a
process forest with a missing process, 501, which exited before the
checkpoint. Figure 2a shows the process forest at
checkpoint time. Figure 2b shows the table
generated by DumpForest. While the algorithm starts with six
entries in the table, the resulting table has nine entries since three
placeholder processes, 997, 998, and 999, were added to maintain
proper process relationships. Observe that process 503 initially has
its creator set to init, but is re-parented to the placeholder
998 as part of propagating its child's Session attribute up the
Figure 2: Process forest with deletions |
We now discuss modifications to the basic DumpForest algorithm
for handling the unique parent inheritance feature in Linux which
allows a process to create a sibling. To inherit session
relationships correctly, parent inheritance must be accounted for in
determining the creators of processes that are not session leaders.
If its session leader is alive, we can determine that a process was
created by its sibling if its parent is the creator of the session
leader. If the session leader is dead, this check will not work since
its parent is now init and there is no longer any information
about its original parent. After a process dies, there is no easy way
to determine its original parent in the presence of parent
To provide the necessary information, we instead record the session a
process inherits when it is created, if and only if the process is
created with parent inheritance and it is a sibling of the session
group leader. This saved-SID is stored as part of the
process's virtualization data structure so that it can be used later
if the process remains alive when the forest needs to be saved. A
process created with parent inheritance is a sibling of the session
group leader if either its creator is the session group leader, or its
creator has the same saved-SID recorded, since the sibling
relationship is transitive.
To support parent inheritance, we modify
Algorithm 1 by inserting a new conditional after
the check for whether an entry's SID is equal to its parent's and
before the final else clause in FindCreator. The conditional
examines whether an entry's saved-SID has been set. If it has been
set and there exists another entry in the process forest table whose
PID is equal to this saved-SID, the entry's status field is
marked Sibling so that it will be created with parent
inheritance on restart. The entry's creator is set to the entry that
owns that PID, which is leader of the session identified by the
saved-SID. Finally, the creator of this session leader is set to
be the parent of the current process, possibly re-parenting the entry
if its creator had already been set previously.
Given the process forest data structure, the MakeForest
algorithm is straightforward, as shown in
Algorithm 2. It reconstructs the process hierarchy
and relationships by executing completely in user mode using standard
system calls, minimizing dependencies on any particular kernel
internal implementation details. The algorithm runs in linear time
with the number of entries in the forest. It works in a recursive
manner by following the instructions set forth by the process forest
data structure. MakeForest begins with a single process that
will be used in place of init to fork the processes that have
init set as their creator. Each process then creates its own
The bulk of the algorithm loops through the list of children of the
current process three times during which the children are forked or
cleaned up. Each child that is forked executes the same algorithm
recursively until all processes have been created. In the first pass
through the list of children, the current process spawns children that
are marked Session and thereby need to be forked before the
current session group is changed. The process then changes its
session group if needed. In the second pass, the process forks the
remainder of the children. In both passes, a child that is marked
Thread is created as a thread and a child that is marked
Sibling is created with parent inheritance. In the third pass,
terminated processes and temporary placeholders are cleaned up.
Finally, the process either terminates if it is marked Dead or
calls RestoreProcessState() which does not return.
RestoreProcessState() restores the state of the process to the
way it was at the time of checkpoint.
7 Shared Resources
After the process hierarchy and relationships have been saved or
restored, we process operating system resources that may be shared
among multiple processes. They are either globally shared at
the pod level, such as IPC identifiers and pseudo terminals, or locally shared among a subset of processes, such as virtual memory,
file descriptors, signal handlers and so forth. As discussed in
Section 4, globally shared resources are processed
first, then locally shared resources are processed. Shared resources
may be referenced by more than one process, yet their state need only
be saved once. We need to be able to uniquely identify each resource,
and to do so in a manner independent of the operating system instance
to be able to restart on another instance.
Every shared resource is represented by a matching kernel object whose
kernel address provides a unique identifier of that instance within
the kernel. We represent each resource by a tuple of the form
< Address , Tag >,
where address is its kernel address,
and tag is a serial number that reflects
the order in which the resources were encountered (counting from 1 and on).
Tags are, therefore, unique logical identifiers for
resources. The tuples allow the same resource representation to be
used for both checkpoint and restart mechanisms, simplifying the
overall implementation. During checkpoint and restart, they are stored in an associative memory in the kernel, enabling fast
translation between physical and logical identifiers. Tuples are registered into the memory as new
resources are discovered, and discarded once the entire checkpoint (or
restart) is completed. This memory is used to decide whether a given
resource (physical or logical for checkpoint or restart respectively)
is a new instance or merely a reference to one already registered.
Both globally and locally shared resources are stored using the same
associative memory.
During checkpoint, as the processes within the pod are scanned one by
one, the resources associated with them are examined by looking up
their kernel addresses in the associative memory. If the entry is not
found (that is, a new resource has been detected) we allocate a new
(unique) tag, register the new tuple and record the state of that
resource. The tag is included as part of that state. On the other
hand, if the entry is found, it means that the resource is shared and
has been already dealt with earlier. Hence it suffices to record its
tag for later reference. Note that the order of the scan is
During restart, the algorithm restores the state of the
processes and the resources they use. The data is read in the same
order as has been written originally, ensuring that the first
occurrence of each resource is accompanied with its actual recorded
state. For each resource identifier, we examine whether the tag is
already registered, and if not we create a new instance of the
required resource, restore its state from the checkpoint data, and
register an appropriate tuple, with the address field set to the
kernel address that corresponds to the new instance. If a tuple with
the specified tag is found, we locate the corresponding resource with
the knowledge of its kernel address as taken from the tuple.
Nested shared objects:
Nested sharing occurs in the kernel when a common resource is
referenced by multiple distinct resources rather than by processes.
One example are objects that represent a FIFO in the
filesystem, as a FIFO is represented by a single inode which is
in turn pointed to by file descriptors of reader and writer ends.
Another example is a single backing file that is mapped multiple times
within distinct address spaces. In both examples shared objects--file descriptors and address
spaces respectively--refer to a shared object, yet may themselves be
shared by multiple processes.
Nested sharing is handled similarly to simple sharing. To ensure
consistency we enforce an additional rule, namely that a nested object
is always recorded prior to the objects that point to it. For
instance, when saving the state of a file descriptor that points to a
FIFO, we first record the state of the FIFO. This
ensures that the tuples for the nested resource exist in time for the
referring object.
Compound shared objects:
Many instances of nested objects involve a pair of coupled resources.
For example, a single pipe is represented in the kernel by two
distinct inodes that are coupled in a special form, and Unix domain
sockets can embody up to three disparate inodes
for the listening, accepting and connecting sockets. We call such
objects compound objects. Unlike unrelated resources, compound
objects have two or more internal elements that are created and
interlinked with the invocation of the appropriate kernel
subroutine(s) such that their lifespans are correlated, e.g. the
two inodes that constitute a pipe.
We consistently track a compound object by capturing the state of the
entire resource including all components at once, at the time it is
first detected, regardless of through which component it was
referred. On restart, the compound object will be
encountered for the first time through some component, and will be
reconstructed in its entirety, including all other components. Then
only the triggering component (the one that was encountered) will need
to be attached to the process that owns it. The remaining components
will linger unattached until they are claimed by their respective
owners at a later time.
The internal ordering of the elements that compose a compound object
may depend on the type of the object. If the object is symmetric, such
as socketpairs, its contents may be saved at an arbitrary
order. Otherwise, the contents are saved in a certain order that is
particularly designed to facilitate the reconstruction of the object
during restart. For example, the order for pipes is first the
read-side followed by the write-side. The order for Unix domain
sockets begins with the listening socket (if it exists), followed by
the connecting socket and finally the accepting socket. This order
reflects the sequence of actions that is required to rebuild such
socket-trios: first create a listening socket, then a socket that
connects to it, and finally the third socket by accepting the
Compound shared objects:
Since memory footprint is typically the most dominant factor in
determining the checkpoint image size, we further discuss how
recording shared resources is done in the case of memory.
A memory region in a process's address space can be classified along
two dimensions, one is whether it is mapped to a backing file or
anonymous, and the other is whether it is private to some
address space or shared among multiple ones. For example, text
segments such as program code and shared libraries are mapped and
shared, IPC shared memory is anonymous and shared, the data
section is mapped and private, and the heap and stack are anonymous
and private.
Memory sharing can occur in any of these four cases. Handling regions
that are shared is straightforward. If a region is mapped and shared,
it does not need to be saved since its contents are already
on the backing file. If a region is anonymous and shared, it is
treated as a normal shared object so that its contents are only saved
once. Handling regions that are private is more subtle. While it
appears contradictory to have memory sharing with private memory
regions, sharing occurs due to the kernel's COW optimization. When a
process forks, the kernel defers the creation of a separate copy of
the pages for the newly created process until one of the processes
sharing the common memory attempts to modify it. During checkpoint,
each page that has been previously modified and belongs to a private
region that is marked COW is treated as a nested shared object so that
its contents are only saved once. During restart, the COW sharing is
restored. Modified pages in either anonymous and private regions or
mapped and private regions are treated in this manner.
8 Experimental Results
To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we have implemented a
checkpoint-restart prototype as a Linux kernel module and associated
user-level tools and evaluated its performance on a wide range of real
applications. We also quantitatively compared our
prototype with two other commercial virtualization systems, OpenVZ and
Xen. OpenVZ provides another operating system virtualization approach
for comparison, while Xen provides a hardware virtualization approach
for comparison. We used the latest versions of OpenVZ and Xen that
were available at the time of our experiments.
The measurements were conducted on an IBM HS20 eServer BladeCenter,
each blade with dual 3.06 GHz Intel Xeon
CPUs, 2.5 GB RAM, a
40 GB local disk, and Q-Logic Fibre Channel 2312 host bus adapters. The
blades were interconnected with a Gigabit Ethernet switch and linked
through Fibre Channel to an IBM FastT500 SAN controller with an Exp500
storage unit with ten 70 GB IBM Fibre Channel hard drives. Each blade
used the GFS cluster filesystem [25] to access a shared
SAN. Unless otherwise indicated, the blades were running Debian 3.1
distribution and the Linux kernel.
Table 2:
Application scenarios
Table 2 lists the nine application scenarios used for our
experiments. The scenarios were running an Apache web server, a kernel
compile, a MySQL database server, a volano chat server, an entire
operating system at user-level using UML, and four desktop
applications scenarios run using a full Gnome X desktop environment
with an XFree86 server and THINC [1] to provide
remote display access to the desktop. The four desktop scenarios were
running a baseline environment without additional applications, a web
browser, a video player, and a Microsoft Office suite using CrossOver
Office. The UML scenario shows the ability to checkpoint and restart
an entire operating system instance. The Microsoft Office scenario
shows the ability to checkpoint and restart Windows applications using
CrossOver Office on Linux.
We measured checkpoint-restart performance by running each of the
application scenarios and taking a series of ten checkpoints during
their execution. We measured the checkpoint image sizes, number of
processes that were checkpointed, checkpoint times, and restart times,
then averaged the measurements across the ten checkpoints for each
application scenario. Figures 3 to 8
show results for our checkpoint-restart prototype.
![\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{experiments/sizes.eps}](img7.png) |
![\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{experiments/procs.eps}](img8.png) |
Figure 3: Average checkpoint size |
Figure 4: Average no. of processes |
Figure 3 shows the average total checkpoint image size,
as well as a breakdown showing the amount of data in the checkpoint
image attributable to the process forest. The total amount of state
that is saved is modest in each case and varies according to
the applications executed, ranging from a few MBs on most applications
to tens of MBs for graphical desktop sessions. The results show that
the total memory in use within the pod is the most prominent component
of the checkpoint image size, accounting for over 99% of the image
An interesting case is UML, that uses memory mapping to
store guest main memory using an unlinked backing file. This file is
separate from memory and amounts to 129MB. By using the optimization
for unlinked files as discussed in Section 4 and
storing the unlinked files separately on the filesystem, the UML state
stored in the checkpoint image can be reduced to roughly 1MB. The same
occurs for CrossOver Office, which also maps additional 16MB of memory
to an unlinked backing file.
Figure 4 shows the average number of processes running
within the pod at checkpoints for each application scenario. On
average the process forest tracks 35 processes in most scenarios,
except for apache and volano with 169 and 839 processes
each, most of which are threads. As Figure 3 shows the
process forest always occupies a small fraction of the checkpoint,
even for volano.
![\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{experiments/ckpt.eps}](img9.png) |
![\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{experiments/ckpt-lazy.eps}](img10.png) |
Figure 5: Average checkpoint time |
Figure 6: COW and buffering impact |
Figure 5 shows the average total checkpoint times for
each application scenario, which is measured from when the pod is
quiesced until the complete checkpoint image is written out to disk.
We also show two other measures. Checkpoint downtime is the
time from when the pod is quiesced until the pod can be resumed; it is
the time to record the checkpoint data without committing it to
disk. Sync checkpoint time is the total checkpoint time plus
the time to force flushing the data to disk. Average total checkpoint
times are under 600ms for all application scenarios and as small as
40ms, which is the case for UML.
Comparing with Figure 3, the results show that both the
total checkpoint times and the sync times are strongly correlated with
the checkpoint sizes. Writing the filesystem, particularly with
forced flushing of the data to disk, is largely limited by the disk
I/O rate. For example, gnome-base has an average checkpoint
size of 39MB and an average sync checkpoint time of just under 3s.
This correlates directly with the sustained write rate for
GFS, which was roughly 15MB/s in our measurements.
Perhaps more importantly, checkpoint downtimes in
Figure 5 show that the average time to actually perform
the checkpoint without incurring storage I/O costs is small, ranging
from 12ms for a kernel make to at most 90ms for a full fledged
desktop running Microsoft Office. Though an application is
unresponsive while it is quiesced and being checkpointed, even the
largest average checkpoint downtimes are less 100ms. Furthermore,
the average checkpoint downtimes were less than 50ms for all
application scenarios except Microsoft Office.
Figure 6 compares the checkpoint
downtime for each application scenario with and without the memory
buffering and COW mechanisms that we employ. Without these
optimizations, checkpoint data must be written out to disk before the
pod can be resumed, resulting in checkpoint downtimes that are close
to the total checkpoint times shown in Figure 5. The
memory buffering and COW checkpoint optimization reduce downtime from
hundreds of milliseconds to almost always under 50ms, in some cases
even as much as an order of magnitude.
![\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{experiments/ckpt-perc.eps}](img11.png) |
![\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{experiments/restart.eps}](img12.png) |
Figure 7: Checkpoint time breakdown |
Figure 8: Average restart time |
Figure 7 shows the breakdown of the total checkpoint
time (excluding sync) for each application scenario, as percentage of
the total time attributable to different steps: quiesce--the
time to quiesce the pod, record--the time to record the
checkpoint data, and commit--the time to commit the data by
writing it out to storage. The commit step amounts to 80-95% of the
total time in almost all application scenarios, except for UML where
it amounts to only 15% due to a much smaller checkpoint size.
Quiescing the processes took less then 700μs for all application
scenarios except apache and volano, which took roughly
1.5ms and 5ms, respectively. The longer quiesce times are due
to the large number of processes being executed in apache and
volano. The time to generate and record the process forest was
even smaller, less than 10μs for all applications except apache
and volano, which took 30μs respectively.
The time to record globally shared resources was under 10μs in all cases.
Figure 8 presents the average total restart times for
each application scenario. The restart times were measured
for two distinct configurations: warm cache--restart was done
with a warm filesystem cache immediately after the checkpoint was
taken, cold-cache--restart was done with a cold filesystem
cache after the system was rebooted, forcing the system to read the
image from the disk. Warm cache restart times were less than 0.5s
in all cases, ranging from 24ms for apache to 386ms
for a complete Gnome desktop running Microsoft Office. Cold cache
restart times were longer as restart becomes limited by the disk I/O
rate. Cold cache restart times were less than 2s in all
cases, ranging from 65ms for UML to 1.9s for Microsoft Office.
The cold restart from a checkpoint image is still noticeably faster
than the checkpoint to the filesystem with flushing because GFS
filesystem read performance is much faster than its write
To provide a comparison with another operating system virtualization
approach, we also performed our experiments with OpenVZ.
We used version on the same Linux installation.
Because of its lack of GFS support, we copied the installation to the
local disk to conduct experiments. Since this configuration is
different from what we used with our prototype, the measurements are
not directly comparable. However, they provide some useful
comparisons between the two approaches.
We report OpenVZ results for apache, make, mysql and
volano; OpenVZ was unable to checkpoint the other scenarios.
Table 3 presents the average total checkpoint times,
warm cache restart times, and checkpoint image sizes for these
applications. We ignore sync checkpoint times and cold cache restart
times to reduce the impact of the different disk configurations used.
Table 3:
Checkpoint-restart performance for subset of applications that worked on OpenVZ
The results show
that OpenVZ checkpoint and restart times are significantly worse than
our system. OpenVZ checkpoint times were 5.2, 5.6, 12.4, and 3.0
times slower for apache, make, mysql and volano,
respectively. OpenVZ restart times were 55.0, 6.6, 29.9, and 5.0
times slower for apache, make, mysql and volano,
respectively. OpenVZ checkpoint sizes were .48, 1.3, 1.2, and .46
times the sizes of our system. The difference in checkpoint sizes was
relatively small and does not account for the huge difference in
checkpoint-restart times even though different filesystem
configurations were used due to OpenVZ's lack of support for GFS.
OpenVZ restart times did not vary much among application scenarios,
suggesting that container setup time may constitute a major component
of latency.
To provide a comparison with a hardware virtualization approach, we
performed our experiments with Xen. We used Xen 3.0.3 with its
default Linux We were unable to find a GFS version that
matched this configuration, so we used the local
disk to conduct experiments. We also used Xen 2.0 with Linux 2.6.11
because this configuration worked with GFS. In both cases, we used
the same kernel for both ``dom0'' and ``domU''. We used three VM
configurations with 128MB, 256MB, and 512MB of memory.
We report results for apache, make, mysql,
UML, and volano; Xen was unable to run the other scenarios due
to lack of support for virtual consoles. Table 4 presents
the average total checkpoint times, warm cache restart times, and
checkpoint image sizes for these applications.
We report a single number for each configuration instead of per
application since Xen results were directly correlated with the VM
memory configuration and did not depend on the applications scenario.
Checkpoint image size was determined by the amount of RAM configured.
Checkpoint and restart times were directly correlated with the
size of the checkpoint images.
Table 4:
Checkpoint-restart performance for Xen VMs
The results show that Xen checkpoint
and restart times are significantly worse than our system. Xen 3
checkpoint times were 5.2 (volano on 128MB) to 563 (UML on
512MB) times slower. Xen 3 restart times were 6.2 (volano
on 128MB) to 1137 (apache on 512MB) slower.
Xen results are also worse than OpenVZ; both operating system
virtualization approaches performed better. Restart times for the
256MB and 512MB VM configurations
were much worse than the 128MB VM because the images ended up being too large to be effectively cached in the kernel,
severely degrading warm cache restart performance.
Note that although precopying can reduce
application downtime for Xen migration [4], it will not
reduce total checkpoint-restart times.
9 Conclusions
We have designed, implemented, and evaluated a transparent
checkpoint-restart mechanism for commodity operating systems that
checkpoints and restarts multiple processes in
a consistent manner. Our system combines a kernel-level checkpoint
mechanism with a hybrid user-level and kernel-level restart mechanism
to leverage existing operating system interfaces and functionality as
much as possible for transparent checkpoint-restart. We have introduced
novel algorithms for saving and restoring extended process
relationships and for efficient handling of shared state across
cooperating processes. We have implemented a checkpoint-restart
prototype and evaluated its performance on real-world applications.
Our system generates modest checkpoint image sizes and provides fast
checkpoint and restart times without modifying, recompiling, or
relinking applications, libraries, or the operating system kernel.
Comparisons with two commercial systems, OpenVZ and Xen, demonstrate
that our
prototype provides much faster checkpoint-restart
performance and more robust checkpoint-restart functionality than
these other approaches.
Dan Phung helped with implementation and experimental results. Eddie
Kohler, Ricardo Baratto, Shaya Potter and Alex Sherman provided
helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. This work was
supported in part by a DOE Early Career Award, NSF ITR grant
CNS-0426623, and an IBM SUR Award.
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