2nd Conference on Domain-Specific Languages (DSL '99)
Our thanks to the summarizer:
Kimberly A. Knowles |
Session: Testing and Experience Reports
Using Production Grammars in Software Testing
Emin Gün Sirer and Brian N. Bershad, University of
One problem Sirer had to address was the "oracle problem": because the test cases may be complex, it is unclear what the correct output should be, compared to the output the system computes. While comparative methods are sometimes feasible, as with testing a Java virtual machine, the oracle problem remains for systems that have no other implementation available for comparison. To address this, Sirer has developed an auxiliary tool that generates lambda expressions that reflect the computation desired; as rules in lava are traversed, the lambda expressions are composed. The result is that when a test case is completed, the production rules have also generated a lambda expression in Scheme that reflects the analogous computation. Thus, the output of a JVM (for example) can be compared to the output of a Scheme interpreter when the corresponding lambda expression is evaluated.
This project has two major contributions: on one hand, test generation is made simple with lava, with very high test coverage and control over the types of tests; the other contribution is the integration of the test generation with a description of the expected behavior.
Jargons for Domain Engineering
Lloyd H. Nakatani, Mark A. Ardis, Robert G. Olsen, and Paul M.
Pontrelli, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Jargons share all the benefits of conventional DSLs including domain-specific expressiveness, high-level abstraction, and evolution while avoiding the pitfalls of DSLs such as high language-development and maintenance costs. In addition, because jargons share a common syntax and interpreter, they are easily composed as long as care is taken to avoid keyword conflicts. Composability means that a complex problem can be broken up into simpler subproblems, each subproblem modeled in its own jargon, and the models merged to express a model for the entire problem. Jargons manage thereby to avoid the Tower of Babel syndrome that would otherwise be a consequence of the proliferation of DSLs.
Slicing Spreadsheets: An Integrated Methodology for Spreadsheet Testing
and Debugging
James Reichwein, Gregg Rothermel, and Margaret Burnett, Oregon State
DSLs for Programming and Security in Active Networks
Carl A. Gunter, University of Pennsylvania
Carl Gunter presented his talk in two parts: programming active networks, and security.
He noted first that whenever he talks about domain-specific languages, the first question everyone asks him is, "Why not just implement another library?" Library extensions of a general-purpose language (GPL) are useful because they give a lot of information about and control over resources. However, the downside is that using GPLs incurs a significant cost in terms of complexity, such as having to explicitly handle memory allocation, lack of mechanisms for resource restriction, and difficulty of detecting termination.
Active networks were proposed in 1997 by Tennenhouse et al. The idea is that in a network, packets could be considered as programs requesting some way to be treated. For example, a packet could arrive at a router with an instruction for multicast; thus, instead of the typical action of passing the packet on, the router could interpret the instruction for multicast and replicate the packet on outgoing lines. This could reduce network traffic, since a Web page that was very popular could be served in one packet requesting multicast, instead of one packet per request. There are many different levels of network programming: a program could be installed at the routers; the packet could carry the program; or the program could be a "switchlet" a combination whereby the packet provides input instructions and the switchlet, resident on the router, interprets those instructions. One application of switchlets is the Queue Management Switchlet (Hicks et al., 1999), which implements Flow-Based Adaptive Routing (FBAR).
This research is being carried out in the SwitchWare project at the University of Pennsylvania. SwitchWare uses a three-layer architecture: the top active packet layer, a service layer, and an OS layer. While the service layer is written in a GPL, the active packet layer uses a DSL called PLAN. PLAN is a scripting language for composing active-network services. PLAN is declarative and functional but has no looping mechanism. The routers are protected from malicious code by typechecking, and the network is protected by resource limits on the code. The typechecking is Anytime Typechecking!: types can be checked either statically or dynamically.
Considerable security problems need to addressed in implementing active networks. Already there exist security problems in just researching active-network technology. SRI runs an active network testbed with machines hosted at different sites across the country. Each site wants to determine its own security policy, but they must all agree on a security protocol. For authentication, a public-key system is preferable but requires a public-key infrastructure (PKI) to establish trust, handle certificates, and express and check authorizations. There are several DSLs for policies; one, the Query Certificate Manager (QCM), achieves general policies, transparent policy distribution, diverse distribution strategies, local autonomy, and a formal model. Thus, in this system, policy-directed certificate retrieval is possible. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to revoke a certificate. For this, Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) must also be maintained and distributed. Fox and Lamaccia (1998) have studied CRLs.
In this talk, we saw how DSLs can be used in multiple ways in emerging technologies. Further questions are:
Language Technology for Performance and Security, or, Making Life
Better, Not Just Easier
Peter Lee, Carnegie Mellon University and Cedilla Systems
This research is motivated by a focus on safety-critical systems, which are those systems in which the cost of failure is "unacceptably high" for example, those used by the space program or for airplane-guidance systems. These systems are everywhere, used all the time. Such systems typically are required never to crash; always meet deadlines; be reconfigurable without the need to shut down; and be secure, trustworthy, lightweight, extensible, and adaptable. With time, safety-critical systems won't disappear; instead, they will be more integrated with daily activities. Programming-language technology will provide the technology for safety, because the same characteristics that make languages easy to program in can also make them easy to reason about.
The idea of proof-carrying code is to provide easy access to remote resources while maintaining invariants, protecting the key, and matching the allowed behavior (according to the resource protector) with what could happen while running a piece of client code. The idea is that the host publishes rules about what is allowed and a set of verification conditions. The verification conditions can be used to produce a proof checker and a proof generator. Anyone who wants to use the resource uses the verification conditions to produce a proof generator, then feeds the program in to get a proof. The program then carries the proof (say, as part of its header) to the resource. If the untrusted client has used anything but the correct proof generator or verification conditions, the proof checker at the host will detect it and reject the program.
DSLs can provide safety policies specific to the domain. Once we have and can manipulate safety policies, we can use them to generate certificates. Consider a certifying compiler, in which the compiler "explains" why the target code it produces preserves the safety properties of the source. Then, by certifying the compiler and the source, we can conclude that the target is safe. However, instead of certifying the compiler, which would be the equivalent of doing a formal proof of correctness, the strategy instead is to have the compiler provide annotations in the output to allow the theorem prover to reconstruct the translation process. This is what Lee's implementation of a certifying compiler does. The compiler generates optimized code from Java source code. The compiler outputs both code with annotations and a proof, which can be verified by a theorem-prover on the host side, given the hints in the annotations. The compiler is mostly off-the-shelf; the theorem-prover is hidden, and the binaries are in standard format.
Thus, the use of DSLs allows for reasoning to be done about code that is optimized and in standard format, thereby making it easier and more efficient to verify and run untrusted code.
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