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... produced by the Venice Commission 1
The European Commission for Democracy through Law is an advisory body appointed by the CoE. As it meets in Venice, it is commonly called the Venice Commission.
... and Direct suffrage.2
By Universal suffrage, each person shall have access to vote except where restricted by law (for example because of citizenship/age). By Equal suffrage, each voter shall have the same number of votes, usually one. By Free suffrage, voters shall be free to form and express their choice without undue influence. By Secret suffrage, the voter's identity shall not be linked to their vote except to the extent required by law (for example in the UK); where the law does not require that the link be retained, it is preferable that the relationship be impossible to reconstruct. By Direct suffrage, results shall be based on, and only on, the exact votes cast by eligible voters.
... system shall prevent ... 3
Italics are used here to highlight the change from `avoid' to `prevent'.
... level of expertise. (III)4
The very important requirement for a full risk assessment is not included as a standard by the committee, but is mentioned in the introduction to Appendix III
... is recommended. (66)5
The authors are not satisfied that the EML standard recommended by the committee is useful, however discussion of the suitability of EML is outside the scope of this paper.
All websites listed were accessed on May 31st, 2006