While it is infeasible for an adversary to forge new requests, it is trivial to replay requests that have already been sent to a disk. Hence, a NAD file system that operates using an unsecured network must have robust defenses against replay attacks. (Note that replay attack prevention is harder than duplicate detection [2,12], which assumes all parties are honest.) Fortunately, it is possible to achieve this at low cost in memory and computation, without requiring per-client information. The method, which we believe is novel in the context of replay attacks, employs a data structure called a Bloom filter [4] to remember recent requests.
Bloom filters are a highly efficient way of performing approximate
set-membership queries; given a membership query, they answer either
``probably an element'' or ``definitely not an element''. A Bloom
filter consists of an array of bits, denoted
, together with
hash functions,
The hash functions are chosen randomly from a family of independent hash
functions at filter construction time; each maps requests to integers in
. The filter is defined to be empty when
all bits are 0. A request
is added to the filter by setting the
bits with indices
--i.e., we set
, for all
To answer the question ``is request
in the filter?'', we reply
``probably'' if
, for all
, and ``definitely not''
A disk can detect replays by keeping a list of seen requests in a Bloom filter. When a new request arrives, the disk checks to see if it is already in the filter. If the filter reply is ``definitely not'', the disk can safely proceed to process the request after adding it to the filter as it cannot be a replay. Otherwise, it is likely that the request has already been issued in the past, so the disk sends a replay rejection message. The client continues to retransmit a request until it receives either an acceptance or rejection message for that request. If it gets a reply rejection message, it changes the request's nonce (so that it hashes differently) and continues retransmitting. For the nonce, we use a small sequence number, which serves no other purpose. Note that in a system with message losses, a client may sometimes end up executing its own request multiple times consecutively, but this is not a problem when requests are idempotent.
Of course, after enough requests have been added, the filter will begin to have a non-negligible false-positive rate. We consider a filter in need of replacement when more than a fixed proportion of its bits are set. We implement filter replacement by maintaining several filters at the disk together with a monotonically-increasing epoch number, which is periodically checkpointed to disk. Each filter is associated with a recent epoch. When the filter corresponding to the current epoch needs replacement, the disk increments its epoch number, deletes its oldest filter, and starts a new filter to handle the new epoch. On reboot, the epoch number is incremented by the number of filters; this prevents replaying messages sent while the disk was down.
A client sends what it believes to be a disk's latest epoch number--each disk message includes the current number--with every message to the disk. If the epoch number in a client request is too old (i.e., more out of date than the number of filters being maintained), the request is rejected. Otherwise, it is checked against the appropriate Bloom filter. In this way, the switch to a new filter can be made transparent to active clients of the disk. (Clients idle sufficiently long will have their first request rejected due to its out-of-date epoch number.)
It is worth pointing out the following optimization: instead of
applying the hash functions to the whole request , which can be quite
large (e.g., it includes the data in a write operation), it suffices to
apply them to just the request MAC
(described in
Section 2.1), which is only a few bytes long. Note
that the request epoch number and nonce are included in the operation
, which is guarded by the MAC, preventing an attacker from
altering them.
Another optimization involves not storing read requests in the Bloom filter, allowing for even smaller filters. Note that read requests need only be checked if encryption is turned off. And even in that case, it may not be necessary to check recent read requests, because the attacker could have snooped on the reply of the original read. Thus, only very old read requests need to be filtered out, and this can be accomplished by simply verifying that the request's epoch number is valid; there is no need to use the Bloom filter at all. (Epoch numbers should be periodically advanced with this optimization.) Our performance numbers do not include this optimization.
Our method to prevent replay attacks with Bloom filters is simple, robust, and frugal. In contrast, existing methods such as [3], which keep per-client state, have two drawbacks: (1) they can support only a limited number of clients when constrained to use similarly small amounts of memory, and (2) they require the extra complexity of authenticating clients to the disk to guard against a rogue client claiming too large a share of the client-state table.
Our approach is also different from NASD, which relies on a real-time disk clock and expiration times instead of an epoch number that can be bumped at any time. Unfortunately the NASD scheme limits the maximum rate of requests that NASD can handle to the maximum size of its recent-request list (stored using a less space-efficient array) divided by its expiration time [9]. This could be a problem if many requests hit the disk cache.