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Traditionally, disk IOs have been thought of as non-preemptible operations. Once initiated, they cannot be stopped until completed. Over the years, operating system designers have learned to live with this restriction. However, non-preemptible IOs can be a stumbling block for applications that require short response time. In this paper, we propose methods to make disk IOs semi-preemptible, thus providing the operating system a finer level of control over the disk-drive.

Preemptible disk access is desirable in certain settings. One such domain is that of real-time disk scheduling. Real-time scheduling theoreticians have developed schedulability tests (the test of whether a task set is schedulable such that all deadlines are met) in various settings [9,10,11]. In real-time scheduling theory, blocking1, or priority inversion, is defined as the time spent when a higher-priority task is prevented from running due to the non-preemptibility of a low-priority task. Blocking degrades schedulability of real-time tasks and is thus undesirable. Making disk IOs preemptible would reduce blocking and improve the schedulability of real-time disk IOs.

Another domain where preemptible disk access is essential is that of interactive multimedia such as video, audio, and interactive virtual reality. Because of the large amount of memory required by these media data, they are stored on disks and are retrieved into main memory only when needed. For interactive multimedia applications that require short response time, a disk IO request must be serviced promptly. For example, in an immersive virtual world, the latency tolerance between a head movement and the rendering of the next scene (which may involve a disk IO to retrieve relevant media data) is around $ 15$ milliseconds [2]. Such interactive IOs can be modeled as higher-priority IO requests. However, due to the typically large IO size and the non-preemptible nature of ongoing disk commands, even such higher-priority IO requests can be kept waiting for tens, if not hundreds, of milliseconds before being serviced by the disk.

To reduce the response time for a higher-priority request, its waiting time must be reduced. The waiting time for an IO request is the amount of time it must wait, due to the non-preemptibility of the ongoing IO request, before being serviced by the disk. The response time for the higher-priority request is then the sum of its waiting time and service time. The service time is the sum of the seek time, rotational delay, and data transfer time for an IO request. (The service time can be reduced by intelligent data placement  [27] and scheduling policies [26]. However, our focus is on reducing the waiting time by increasing the preemptibility of disk access.)

In this study, we explore Semi-preemptible IO (previously called Virtual IO [5]), an abstraction for disk IO, which provides highly preemptible disk access (average preemptibility of the order of one millisecond) with little loss in disk throughput. Semi-preemptible IO breaks the components of an IO job into fine-grained physical disk-commands and enables IO preemption between them. It thus separates the preemptibility from the size and duration of the operating system's IO requests.

Semi-preemptible IO maps each IO request into multiple fast-executing disk commands using three methods. Each method addresses the reduction of one of the possible components of the waiting time--ongoing IO's transfer time ( $ { T_{transfer}}$), rotational delay ($ T_{rot}$), and seek time ($ T_{seek}$).

The following example illustrates how Semi-preemptible IO can reduce the waiting time for higher-priority IOs (and hence improve the preemptibility of disk access).

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Zoran Dimitrijevic 2003-01-06