FAST '05
December 14–16, 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA
The formatting instructions have been condensed into this convenient checklist. Please verify each one against your PDF printout and file!
[__] | 2-column format | [__] | Times Roman text |
[__] | NO running headers or footers | [__] | NO page numbers |
[__] | text block 6.5 x 9 inches | [__] | gutter between columns: .25 inch |
[__] | text: 10 point | [__] | line spacing: 12 point (single-spaced) |
[__] | all fonts embedded | [__] | illustrations reproducible in black and white |
[__] | maximum 14 pp. |
[__] | Mail or fax consent form(s) with each author's signature to:
| USENIX Association |
| 2560 Ninth St., Suite 215 |
| Berkeley, CA 94710 |
| Attn: Rob Carroll, Production/Web Designer |