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Read Bandwidth: In the case of the aggregate read bandwidth results (Figures 7(a) and 7(b)), the policies using the H-cache (SEQ-2, FOR-2, REL-1) start to perform better in comparison to both PVFS and policies not using the H-cache (SEQ-1, FOR-1). This tipping point occurs when the amount of data being transferred is fairly large (around 3 GB). This is intuitively correct, because the larger the file, the greater the number of hashes that need to be obtained from the meta-data server. This requirement imposes a higher load on the server and leads to degraded performance for the uncached case. The sharp drop in the read bandwidth for the H-cache based policies (beyond 4 GB) is an implementation artifact caused by capping the maximum number of hashes that can be stored for a particular file in the H-cache.
On the other hand, reading a small file requires proportionately fewer hashes to be retrieved from the server, as well as fewer RPC call invocations to retrieve the entire set of hashes. In this scenario, the overhead of indexing and retrieving hashes from the H-cache is greater than the time it takes to fetch all the hashes from the server in one shot. This is responsible for the poor performance of the H-cache based policies for smaller file sizes. In fact, a consistency policy that utilizes the H-cache allows us to achieve a peak aggregate read bandwidth of about 450 MB/s with 16 clients. This is almost a 55% increase in peak aggregate read bandwidth in comparison to PVFS which achieves a peak aggregate read bandwidth of about 290 MB/s. For smaller numbers of clients, even the policies that do not make use of the H-cache perform better than PVFS.
In summary, for medium to large file transfers, from an aggregate read bandwidth perspective, consistency policies using the H-cache (SEQ-2, FOR-2, REL-1) outperform both PVFS and consistency policies that do not use the H-cache (SEQ-1, FOR-1).
Write Bandwidth: As explained in Section 3.3, write bandwidths on our system are expected to be lower than read bandwidths and these can be readily corroborated from Figures 7(c) and 7(d). We also see that PVFS performs better than all of our consistency policies for smaller data transfers (upto around 2 GB). At around the 1.5-2 GB size range, PVFS experiences a sharp drop in the write bandwidth because the data starts to be written out to disk on the I/O servers that are equipped with 1.5 GB physical memory. On the other hand no such drop is seen for CAPFS. The benchmark writes data initialized to a repeated sequence of known patterns. We surmise that CAPFS exploits this commonality in the data blocks, causing the content-addressable CAS servers to utilize the available physical memory more efficiently with fewer writes to the disk itself.
At larger values of data transfers (greater than 2 GB), the relaxed consistency policies that use the H-cache (REL-1, FOR-2) outperform both PVFS and the other consistency policies (SEQ-1, SEQ-2, FOR-1). This result is to be expected, because the relaxed consistency semantics avoid the expenses associated with having to retry commits on a conflict and the H-cache coherence protocol. Note that the REL-1 scheme outperforms the FOR-2 scheme as well, since it does not perform even the H-cache coherence protocol. Using the REL-1 scheme, we obtain a peak write bandwidth of about 320 MB/s with 16 clients, which is about a 12% increase in peak aggregate write bandwidth in comparison to that of PVFS, which achieves a peak aggregate write bandwidth of about 280 MB/s.
These experiments confirm that performance is directly influenced by the choice of consistency policies. Choosing an overly strict consistency policy such as SEQ-1 for a workload that does not require sequential consistency impairs the possible performance benefits. For example, the write bandwidth obtained with SEQ-1 decreased by as much as 50% in comparison to REL-1. We also notice that read bandwidth can be improved by incorporating a client-side H-cache. For example, the read bandwidth obtained with SEQ-2 (FOR-2) increased by as much as 80% in comparison to SEQ-1 (FOR-1). However, this does not come for free, because the policy may require that the H-caches be kept coherent. Therefore, using a client-side H-cache may have a detrimental effect on the write bandwidth. All of these performance ramifications have to be carefully addressed by the application designers and plug-in writers before selecting a consistency policy.
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2.2 Lightweight SynchronizationAny distributed file system needs to provide a consistency protocol to arbitrate accesses to data and meta-data blocks. The consistency protocol needs to expose primitives both for atomic read/modify/write operations and for notification of updates to regions that are being managed. The former primitive is necessary to ensure that the state of the system is consistent in the presence of multiple updates, while the latter is necessary to incorporate client caching and prevent stale data from being read. Traditional approaches use locking to address both these issues.
2.2.1 To Lock or Not to Lock?Some parallel cluster file systems (such as Lustre [6] and GPFS [27]) enforce data consistency by using file locks to prevent simultaneous file access from multiple clients. In a networked file system, this strategy usually involves acquiring a lock from a central lock manager on a file before proceeding with the write/read operation. Such a coarse-grained file locks-based approach ensures that only one process at a time can write data to a file. As the number of processes writing to the same file increases, performance (from lock contention) degrades rapidly. On the other hand, fine-grained file-locking schemes, such as byte-range locking, allow multiple processes to simultaneously write to different regions of a shared file. However, they also restrict scalability because of the overhead associated with maintaining state for a large number of locks, eventually leading to performance degradation. Furthermore, any networked locking system introduces a bottleneck for data access: the lock server.The recent explosion in the scale of clusters, coupled with the emphasis on fault tolerance, has made traditional locking less suitable. GPFS [27], for instance, uses a variant of a distributed lock manager algorithm that essentially runs at two levels: one at a central server and the other on every client node. For efficiency reasons, clients can cache lock tokens on their files until they are explicitly revoked. Such optimizations usually have hidden costs. For example, in order to handle situations where clients terminate while holding locks, complex lock recovery/release mechanisms are used. Typically, these involve some combination of a distributed crash recovery algorithm or a lease system [11]. Timeouts guarantee that lost locks can be reclaimed within a bounded time. Any lease-based system that wishes to guarantee a sequentially consistent execution must handle a race condition, where clients must finish their operation after acquiring the lock before the lease terminates. Additionally, the choice of the lease timeout is a tradeoff between performance and reliability concerns and further exacerbates the problem of reliably implementing such a system. The pitfalls of using locks to solve the consistency problems in parallel file systems motivated us to investigate different approaches to providing the same functionality. We use a lockless approach for providing atomic file system data accesses. The approach to providing lockless, sequentially consistent data in the presence of concurrent conflicting accesses presented here has roots in three other transactional systems: store conditional operations in modern microprocessors [18], optimistic concurrency algorithms in databases [17], and optimistic concurrency approach in the Amoeba distributed file service [19]. Herlihy [13] proposed a methodology for constructing lock-free and wait-free implementations for highly concurrent objects using the load-linked and store-conditional instructions. Our lockless approach, similar in spirit, does not imply the absence of any synchronization primitives (such as barriers) but, rather, implies the absence of a distributed byte-range file locking service. By taking an optimistic approach to consistency, we hope to gain on concurrency and scalability, while pinning our bets on the fact that conflicting updates (write-sharing) will be rare [4,8,21]. In general, it is well understood that optimistic concurrency control works best when updates are small or when the probability of simultaneous updates to the same item is small [19]. Consequently, we expect our approach to be ideal for parallel scientific applications. Parallel applications are likely to have each process write to distinct regions in a single shared file. For these types of applications, there is no need for locking, and we would like for all writes to proceed in parallel without the delay introduced by such an approach.
2.2.2 Invalidates or Updates?Given that client-side caching is a proven technique with apparent benefits for a distributed file system, a natural question that arises in the context of parallel file systems is whether the cost of keeping the caches coherent outweighs the benefits of caching. However, as outlined earlier, we believe that deciding to use caches and whether to keep them coherent should be the prerogative of the consistency policy and should not be imposed by the system. Thus, only those applications that require strict policies and cache coherence are penalized, instead of the whole file system. A natural consequence of opting to cache is the mechanism used to synchronize stale caches; that is, should consistency mechanisms for keeping caches coherent be based on expensive update-based protocols or on cheaper invalidation-based protocols or hybrid protocols? Although update-based protocols reduce lookup latencies, they are not considered a suitable choice for workloads that exhibit a high degree of read-write sharing [3]. Furthermore, an update-based protocol is inefficient in its use of network bandwidth for keeping file system caches coherent, thus leading to a common adoption of invalidation-based protocols. As stated before, parallel workloads do not exhibit much block-level sharing [8] . Even when sharing does occur, the number of consumers that actually read the modified data blocks is typically low. In Figure 2 we compute the number of consumers that read a block between two successive writes to the same block (we assume a block size of 4 KB). Upon normalizing against the number of times sharing occurs, we get the values plotted in Figure 2. This figure was computed from the traces of four parallel applications that were obtained from [31]. In other words, Figure 2 attempts to convey the amount of read-write sharing exhibited by typical parallel applications. It indicates that the number of consumers of a newly written block is very small (with the exception of LU, where a newly written block is read by all the remaining processes before the next write to the same block). Thus, an update-based protocol may be viable as long as the update mechanism does not consume too much network bandwidth. This result motivated us to consider content-addressable cryptographic hashes (such as SHA-1 [12]) for maintaining consistency because they allow for a bandwidth-efficient update-based protocol by transferring just the hash in place of the actual data. We defer the description of the actual mechanism to Section 3.5.
2.2.3 Content AddressabilityContent addressability provides an elegant way to summarize the contents of a file. It provides the following advantages:
As shown in Figure 1, the client employs two caches for performance. The H-Cache, or hash cache, stores all or a portion of a file's recipe [30]. A file in the CAPFS file system is composed of content-addressable chunks. Thus, a chunk is the unit of computation of cryptographic hashes and is also the smallest unit of accessibility from the CAS servers. The chunk size is crucial because it can impact the performance of the applications. Choosing a very small value of chunk size increases the CPU computation costs on the clients and the overheads associated with maintaining a large recipe file, while a very large value of chunk size may increase the chances of false sharing and hence coherence traffic. Thus, we leave this as a tunable knob that can be set by the plug-ins at the time of creation of a file and is a part of the file's meta-data. For our experiments, unless otherwise mentioned, we chose a default chunk size of 16 KB. The recipe holds the mapping between the chunk number and the hash value of the chunk holding that data. Using the H-Cache provides a lightweight method of providing updates when sharing occurs. An update to the hashes of a file ensures that the next request for that chunk will fetch the new content. The D-Cache, or the data cache, is a content addressable cache. The basic object stored in the D-Cache is a chunk of data addressed by its SHA1-hash value. One can think of a D-cache as being a local replica of the CAS server's data store. When a section of a file is requested by the client, the corresponding data chunks are brought into the D-Cache. Alternatively, when the client creates new content, it is also cached locally in the D-Cache. The D-Cache serves as a simple cache with no consistency requirements. Since the H-caches are kept coherent (whenever the policy dictates), there is no need to keep the D-caches coherent. Additionally, given a suitable workload, it could also exploit commonality across data chunks and possibly across temporal runs of the same benchmark/application, thus potentially reducing latency and network traffic.
The primary goal of PVFS as a parallel file system is to provide high-speed access to file data for parallel applications. PVFS is designed as a client-server system, as shown in Figure 3 (a).
PVFS uses two server components, both of which run as user-level daemons on one or more nodes of the cluster. One of these is a meta-data server (called MGR) to which requests for meta-data management (access rights, directories, file attributes, and physical distribution of file data) are sent. In addition, there are several instances of a data server daemon (called IOD), one on each node of the cluster whose disk is being used to store data as part of the PVFS name space. There are well-defined protocol structures for exchanging information between the clients and the servers. For instance, when a client wishes to open a file, it communicates with the MGR daemon, which provides it the necessary meta-data information (such as the location of IOD servers for this file, or stripe information) to do subsequent operations on the file. Subsequent reads and writes to this file do not interact with the MGR daemon and are handled directly by the IOD servers.
This strategy is key to achieving scalable performance under concurrent read and write requests from many clients and has been adopted by more recent parallel file system efforts. However, a flip-side to this strategy is that the file system does not guarantee any data consistency semantics in the face of conflicting operations or sessions. Fundamental problems that need to be addressed to offer sequential/ POSIX [28] style semantics are the write atomicity and write propagation requirements. Since file data is striped across different nodes and since the data is always overwritten, the I/O servers cannot guarantee write atomicity, and hence reads issued by clients could contain mixed data that is disallowed by POSIX semantics. Therefore, any application that requires sequential semantics must rely on external tools or higher-level locking solutions to enforce access restrictions. For instance, any application that relies on UNIX/POSIX semantics needs to use a distributed cluster-wide lock manager such as the DLM [15] infrastructure, so that all read/write accesses acquire the appropriate file/byte-range locks before proceeding.
Analogous to the PVFS I/O server daemon is a content-addressable server (CAS) daemon, which supports a simple get/put interface to retrieve/store data blocks based on their cryptographic hashes. However, this differs significantly both in terms of functionality and exposed interfaces from the I/O servers of PVFS. Throughout the rest of this paper, we will use the term CAS server synonymously with data server to refer to this daemon.
Figure 4 depicts a possible sequence of actions and messages that are exchanged in the case of multiple-readers and a single-writer client to the same file. We do not show the steps involved in opening the file and caching the hashes. In step 1, the writer optimistically writes to the CAS servers after computing the hashes locally. Step 2 is the request for committing the write sent to the hash server. Step 3 is an example of the invalidation-based protocol that is used in the multiple reader scenario from the point of view of correctness as well as performance. Our system resorts to an update-based protocol in the single sharer case. Sequential consistency requires that any update-based protocol has to be two-phased for ensuring the write-ordering requirements, and hence we opted to dynamically switch to using invalidation-based protocol in this scenario to alleviate performance concerns. Steps 5 and 6 depict the case where the readers look up the hashes and the local cache. Since the hashes could be invalidated by the writer, this step may also incur an additional network transaction to fetch the latest hashes for the appropriate blocks. After the hashes are fetched, the reader looks up its local data cache or sends requests to the appropriate data servers to fetch the data blocks. Steps 5 and 6 are shown in dotted lines to indicate the possibility that a network transaction may not be necessary if the requested hash and data are cached locally (which happens if both the read's occurred before the write in the total ordering).
Figure 5 depicts a possible sequence of actions and messages that are exchanged in the case of multiple-readers and multiple-writers to the same file. As before, we do not show the steps involved in opening the file and caching the hashes. In step 1, writer client II optimistically writes to the CAS servers after computing hashes locally. In step 2, writer client I does the same after computing hashes locally. Both these writers have atleast one overlapping byte in the file to which they are writing (true-sharing) or are updating different portions of the same chunk (false-sharing). In other words this is an instance of concurrent-write sharing. Since neither writer is aware of the other's updates, one of them is asked to retry. The hash server acts as a serializing agent. Since it processes requests from client II before client I, the write from client II is successfully committed, and step 3 shows the invalidation messages sent to the reader and the writer client. Step 4 is the acknowledgment for the successful write commit. Step 5 is shown dashed to indicate that the hash server requests writer client I to retry its operation. The write done by this client in step 2 is shown dotted to indicate that this created orphaned blocks on the data server and needs to be cleaned. After receiving a reply from the hash server that the write needs to be retried, the writer client I obtains the latest hashes or data blocks to recompute its hashes and reissues the write as shown in step 6.
In summary, our system provides mechanisms to achieve serializability that can be used by the consistency policies if they desire. In our system, read-write serializability and write atomicity across copies are achieved by having the server update or invalidate the client's H-cache when a write successfully commits. Write-write serializability across blocks is achieved by having the clients send in the older hash values at the time of the commit to detect concurrent write-sharing and having one or more of the writers to restart or redo the entire operation.
We emphasize here that, since client state is mostly eliminated, there is no need for a complicated recovery process or lease-based timeouts that are an inherent part of distributed locking-based approaches. Thus, our proposed scheme is inherently more robust and fault tolerant from this perspective when H-caches are disabled. If H-caches are enabled however, temporary failures such as network disconnects can cause clients to read/write stale data. Further, the centralized meta-data server with no built-in support for replication is still a deterrent from the point of view of fault-tolerance and availability. We hope to address both these issues as future extensions.
The CAPFS design incorporates a client-side plug-in architecture that allows users to specify their own consistency policy to fine tune their application's performance. Figure 6 shows the hooks exported by the client-side and what callbacks a plug-in can register with the client-side daemon. Each plug-in is also associated with a "unique'' name and identifier. The plug-in policy's name is used as a command-line option to the mount utility to indicate the desired consistency policy. The CAPFS client-side daemon loads default values based on the command-line specified policy name at mount time. The user is free to define any of the callbacks in the plug-ins (setting the remainder to NULL), and hence choosing the best trade-off between throughput and consistency for the application. The plug-in API/callbacks to be defined by the user provide a flexible and extensible way of defining a large range of (possibly non-standard) consistency policies. Additionally, other optimizations such as pre-fetching of data or hashes, delayed commits, periodic commits(e.g., commit after ``t'' units of time, or commit after every ``n'' requests), and others can be accommodated by the set of callbacks shown in Figure 6). For standard cases, we envision that the callbacks be used as follows.
Client-Side Plug-in API | CAPFS Client-Daemon: Core API |
Setting Parameters at Open: On mounting the CAPFS file system, the client-side daemon loads default values for force_commit, use_hcache, hcache_coherence, delay_commit, and num_hashes parameters. However, these values can be overridden on a per-file basis as well by providing a non-NULL pre_open callback. Section 3.4.4 indicates that in a commit operation, a client tells the server what it thinks the old hashes for the data are and then asks the server to replace them with new, locally calculated hashes. Hence a commit operation fails if the old hashes supplied by the client do not match the ones currently on the server (because of intervening commits by other clients). On setting the force_commit parameter, the client forces the server into accepting the locally computed hashes, overwriting whatever hashes the server currently has. The use_hcache parameter indicates whether the policy desires to use the H-Cache. The hcache_coherence parameter is a flag that indicates to the server the need for maintaining a coherent H-cache on all the clients that may have stale entries. The delay_commit indicates whether the commits due to writes should be delayed (buffered) at the client. The num_hashes parameter specifies how many hashes to fetch from the meta-data server at a time. These parameters can be changed by the user by defining a pre_open callback in the plug-in (Figure 6). This function returns a handle, which is cached by the client and is used as an identifier for the file. This handle is passed back to the user plug-in in post_open and other subsequent callbacks until the last reference to the file is closed. For instance, a plug-in implementing an AFS session like semantics [14] would fetch all hashes at the time of open, delay the commits till the time of a close, set the force_commit flag and commit all the hashes of a file at the end of the session.
Prefetching and Caching: Prior to a read, the client daemon invokes the pre_read callback (if registered). We envision that the user might desire to check H-Cache and D-Cache and fill them using the appropriate hcache_get/dcache_get API (Figure 6) exported by the client daemon. This callback might also be used to implement prefetching data, hashes, and the like.
Delayed commits: A user might overload the pre_write callback routine to implement delayed commits over specific byte ranges. One possible way of doing this is to have the pre_write callback routine set a timer (in case a policy wishes to commit every ``t'' units of time) that would invoke the post_write on expiration. But for the moment, pre_write returns a value for delay_wc (Figure 6) to indicate to the core daemon that the write commits need to be delayed or committed immediately. Hence, on getting triggered, the post_write checks for pending commits and then initiates them by calling the appropriate core daemon API(commit). The post_write could also handle operations such as flushing or clearing the caches.
Summary: The callbacks provide enough flexibility to let the user choose when and how to implement most known optimizations (delayed writes, prefetching, caching, etc.) in addition to specifying any customized consistency policies. By passing in the offsets and sizes of the operations to the callback functions such as pre_read, pre_write, plug-in writers can also use more specialized policies at a very fine granularity (such as optimizations making use of MPI derived data-types [9]). This description details just one possible way of doing things. Users can use the API in a way that suits their workload, or fall back on standard predefined policies. Note that guaranteeing correctness of execution is the prerogative of the plug-in writer. Implementation of a few standard policies (Sequential, SESSION-like, NFS-like) and others (Table 1 in Section 4) indicate that this step does not place an undue burden on the user. The above plug-ins were implemented in less than 150 lines of C code.
Our experimental evaluation of CAPFS was carried out on an IBM pSeries cluster. with the following configuration. There are 20 compute nodes each of which is a dual hyper-threaded Xeon clocked at 2.8 GHz, equipped with 1.5 GB of RAM, a 36 GB SCSI disk and a 32-bit Myrinet card (LANai9.0 clocked at 134 MHz). The nodes run Redhat 9.0 with Linux 2.4.20-8 kernel compiled for SMP use and GM 1.6.5 used to drive the Myrinet cards. Our I/O configuration includes 16 CAS servers with one server doubling as both a meta-data server and a CAS server. All newly created files are striped with a stripe size of 16 KB and use the entire set of servers to store the file data. A modified version of MPICH 1.2.6 distributed by Myricom for GM was used in our experimental evaluations.
We compare the performance of CAPFS against a representative parallel file system - PVFS (Version 1.6.4). To evaluate the flexibility and fine-grained performance tuning made possible by CAPFS' plug-in infrastructure, we divide our experimental evaluation of into categories summarized in Table 1. Five simple plug-ins have been implemented to demonstrate the performance spectrum.
The values of the parameters in Table 1 -- (force_commit, hcache_coherence and use_hcache) dictate the consistency policies of the file system. The force_commit parameter indicates to the meta-data server that the commit operation needs to be carried out without checking for conflicts and being asked to retry. Consequently, this parameter influences write performance. Likewise, the hcache_coherence parameter indicates to the meta-data server that a commit operation needs to be carried out in strict accordance with the H-cache coherence protocol. Since the commit operation is not deemed complete until the H-cache coherence protocol finishes, any consistency policy that relaxes this requirement is also going to show performance improvements for writes. Note that neither of these two parameters is expected to have any significant effect on the read performance of this workload. On the other hand, using the H-cache on the client-side (use_hcache parameter) has the potential to improving the read performance because the number of RPC calls required to reach the data is effectively halved.
The first two rows of Table 1 illustrate two possible ways of implementing a sequentially consistent file system. The first approach denoted as SEQ-1, does not use the H-cache (and therefore H-caches need not be kept coherent) and does not force commits. The second approach denoted as SEQ-2, uses the H-cache, does not force commits, and requires that H-caches be kept coherent. Both approaches implement a sequentially consistent file system image and are expected to have different performance ramifications depending on the workload and the degree of sharing.
The third and fourth rows of Table 1 illustrate a slightly relaxed consistency policy where the commits are forced by clients instead of retrying on conflicts. The approach denoted as FOR-1, does not use the H-cache (no coherence required). The approach denoted as FOR-2, uses the H-cache and requires that they be kept coherent. One can envisage that such policies could be used in mixed-mode-environments where files are possibly accessed or modified by nonoverlapping MPI jobs as well as unrelated processes.
The fifth row of Table 1 illustrates an even more relaxed consistency policy denoted as REL-1, that forces commits, uses the H-cache, and does not require that the H-caches be kept coherent. Such a policy is expected to be used in environments where files are assumed to be non-shared among unrelated process or MPI-based applications or in scenarios where consistency is not desired. Note that it is the prerogative of the application-writer or plug-in developers to determine whether the usage of a consistency policy would violate the correctness of the application's execution.
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We use nine compute nodes for our testing, which mimics the display size of the visualization application. The nine compute nodes are arranged in the 3 x 3 display as shown in Figure 8, each with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with 24-bit color. In order to hide the merging of display edges, there is a 270-pixel horizontal overlap and a 128-pixel vertical overlap. Each frame has a file size of about 118 MB, and our experiment is set up to manipulate a set of 5 frames, for a total of about 600 MB.
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This application can be set up to run both in collective I/O mode [9], wherein all the tasks of the application perform I/O collectively, and in noncollective I/O mode. Collective I/O refers to an MPI I/O optimization technique that enables each processor to do I/O on behalf of other processors if doing so improves the overall performance. The premise upon which collective I/O is based is that it is better to make large requests to the file system and cheaper to exchange data over the network than to transfer it over the I/O buses. Once again, we compare CAPFS against PVFS for the policies described earlier in Table 1. All of our results are the average of five runs.
Read Bandwidth: The aggregate read bandwidth plots (Figures 9(a) and 9(c)), indicate that CAPFS outperforms PVFS for both the noncollective and the collective I/O scenarios, across all the consistency policies. Note that the read phase of this application can benefit only if the policies use the H-caches (if available). As we saw in our previous bandwidth experiments, benefits of using the H-cache start to show up only for larger file sizes. Therefore, read bandwidths for policies that use the H-cache are not significantly different from those that don't in this application. Using our system, we achieve a maximum aggregate read bandwidth of about 90 MB/s without collective I/O and about 120 MB/s with collective I/O. These results translate to a performance improvement of 28% over PVFS read bandwidth for the noncollective scenario and 20% over PVFS read bandwidth for the collective scenario.
Write Bandwidth: The aggregate write bandwidths paint a different picture. For noncollective I/O, Figure 9 (b), the write bandwidth is very low for two of our policies (SEQ-2, FOR-2). The reason is that both these policies use an H-cache and also require that the H-caches be kept coherent. Also, the noncollective I/O version of this program makes a number of small write requests. Consequently, the number of H-cache coherence messages (invalidates) also increases, which in turn increases the time it takes for the writes to commit at the server. One must also bear in mind that commits to a file are serialized by the meta-data server and could end up penalizing other writers that are trying to write simultaneously to the same file. Note that the REL-1 policy does not lose out on write performance despite using the H-cache, since commits to the file do not execute the expensive H-cache coherence protocol. In summary, this result indicates that if a parallel workload performs a lot of small updates to a shared file, then any consistency policy that requires H-caches to be kept coherent is not appropriate from a performance perspective.
Figure 9(d) plots the write bandwidth for the collective I/O scenario. As stated earlier, since the collective I/O optimization makes large, well-structured requests to the file system, all the consistency policies (including the ones that require coherent H-caches) show a marked improvement in write bandwidth. Using our system, we achieve a maximum aggregate write bandwidth of about 35 MBytes/sec without collective I/O and about 120 MB/s with collective I/O. These results translate to a performance improvement of about 6% over PVFS write bandwidth for the noncollective scenario and about 13% improvement over PVFS write bandwidth for the collective scenario.
Providing a plug-in architecture for allowing the user to define their own consistency policies for a parallel file system is a contribution unique to CAPFS file system. Tunable consistency models and tradeoffs with availability have been studied in the context of replicated services by Yu et al. [32].
Distributed file systems such as AFS [14], NFS [26] and Sprite [4,20] have only a single server that doubles in functionality as a meta-data and data server. Because of the centralized nature of the servers, write atomicity is fairly easy to implement. Client-side caches still need to be kept consistent however, and it is with respect to this issue (write propagation) that these approaches differ from the CAPFS architecture. Coda [16] allows for server replication and it solves the write atomicity problem by having modifications propagated in parallel to all available replica servers (volume storages), and eventually to those that missed the updates.
Parallel file systems such as GPFS [27] and Lustre [6] employ distributed locking to synchronize parallel read-write disk accesses from multiple client nodes to its shared disks. The locking protocols are designed to allow maximum throughput, parallelism, and scalability, while simultaneously guaranteeing that file system consistency is maintained. Likewise, the Global File System (GFS) [22,23] (a shared-disk, cluster file system) uses fine-grained SCSI locking commands, lock-caching and callbacks for performance and synchronization of accesses to shared disk blocks, and leases, journalling for handling node failures and replays. Although such algorithms can be highly tuned and efficient, failures of clients can significantly complicate the recovery process. Hence any locking-based consistency protocol needs additional distributed crash recovery algorithms or lease-based timeout mechanisms to guarantee correctness. The CAPFS file system eliminates much of the client state from the entire process, and hence client failures do not need any special handling.
Sprite-LFS [25] proposed a new technique for disk management, where all modifications to a file system are recorded sequentially in a log, which speeds crash recovery and writes. An important property in such a file system is that no disk block is ever overwritten (except after a disk block is reclaimed by the cleaner). Content-addressability helps the CAPFS file system gain this property, wherein updates from a process do not overwrite any existing disk or file system blocks. Recently, content-addressable storage paradigms have started to evolve that are based on distributed hash tables like Chord [29]. A key property of such a storage system is that blocks are addressed by the cryptographic hashes of their contents, like SHA-1 [12]. Tolia et al. [30] propose a distributed file system CASPER that utilizes such a storage layer to opportunistically fetch blocks in low-bandwidth scenarios. Usage of cryptographic content hashes to represent files in file systems has been explored previously in the context of Single Instance Storage [5], Farsite [2], and many others. Similar to log-structured file systems, these storage systems share a similar no-overwrite property because every write of a file/disk block has a different cryptographic hash (assuming no collisions). CAPFS uses content-addressability in the hope of minimizing network traffic by exploiting commonality between data block, and to reduce synchronization overheads, by using hashes for cheap update based synchronization. The no-overwrite property that comes for free with content addressability has been exploited to provide extra concurrency at the data servers.
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