5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies - Paper
Pp. 93106 of the Proceedings
Design and Implementation of
Verifiable Audit Trails for a
Versioning File System1
Zachary N. J. Peterson
Johns Hopkins University
Randal Burns
Johns Hopkins University
Giuseppe Ateniese
Johns Hopkins University
Stephen Bono
Johns Hopkins University
We present constructs that create, manage, and verify
digital audit trails for versioning file systems.
Based upon a small amount of data published to a
third party, a file system commits to a version history.
At a later date, an auditor uses the published data to verify the
contents of the file system at any point in time.
Digital audit trails create an analog of the paper audit
process for file data, helping to meet the requirements of electronic records
legislation. Our techniques address the I/O and computational efficiency of
generating and verifying audit trails, the aggregation of
audit information in directory hierarchies, and independence to file system
The advent of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) [40]
has irrevocably changed the audit process.
SOX mandates the retention of corporate records and
audit information.
It also requires processes and systems for the verification of the same.
Essentially, it demands
that auditors and companies present proof of compliance.
SOX also specifies that auditors are responsible
for the accuracy of the information
on which they report.
Auditors are taking measures to ensure the veracity of the
content of their audit.
For example, KPMG employs forensic specialists to investigate the
management of information by their clients.
Both auditors and companies require strong audit trails on
electronic records: for both parties to prove compliance and for auditors
to ensure the accuracy of the information on which they report.
The provisions of SOX apply equally to digital systems as they
do to paper records. By a ``strong'' audit trail, we mean
a verifiable, persistent record of how and when
data have changed.
Current systems for compliance with electronic records legislation
meet the record retention and metadata requirements for audit
trails, but cannot be used for verification.
Technologies such as continuous versioning file systems
and provenance-aware storage systems [26]
may be employed in order
to construct and query a data history. All changes to
data are recorded and the system provides access to the
records through time-oriented file system interfaces [31].
However, for verification, past versions of data must
be immutable. While such systems may prevent writes to past versions by
policy, histories may be changed undetectably (see Section 3).
The digital audit parallels paper audits in process
and incentives. The digital audit is a formal assessment of an
organization's compliance with legislation.
Specifically, verifying that companies retain data for a
mandated period.
The audit process does not ensure the accuracy of the data itself,
nor does it prevent data destruction. It verifies that data
have been retained, have not been modified,
and are accessible within the file system.
To fail a digital audit does not
prove wrongdoing.
Despite its limitations, the audit process
has proven itself in the paper world and offers the
same benefits for electronic records.
The penalties for failing an audit
include fines, imprisonment, and civil liability,
as specified by the legislation.
We present a design and implementation of a system
for verification of version histories in
file systems based on generating message authentication codes (MACs) for
versions and archiving them with a third party.
A file system commits to a version history when it presents
a MAC to the third party.
At a later time, a version history may be verified by an auditor.
The file system is challenged to produce data that matches the MAC,
ensuring that the system's past data have not been altered.
Participating in the audit process
should reveal nothing about the contents of data.
Thus, we consider audit models
in which organizations maintain private file systems and
publish privacy-preserving, one-way functions of file data to third
parties. Published data may even be stored publicly, e.g.
on a Web page.
Our design goals include minimizing the network, computational,
and storage resources used in the publication of data and the
audit process. I/O efficiency is the central challenge.
We provide techniques that minimize disk I/O when generating
audit trails and greatly reduce I/O when verifying past data,
when compared with adapting a hierarchy of MACs to versioning
systems [13].
We employ incremental message authentication codes
that allow MACs to be computed
based only on data that have changed from the previous
version. Incremental MAC generation uses only data written
in the cache, avoiding read I/O to file blocks on
disk. Sequences of versions may be verified
by computing a MAC for one version and incrementally
updating the MAC for each additional version, performing
the minimum amount of I/O. Our protocol also reduces
network I/O. With incremental computation,
a natural trade-off exists between the amount of data published and the
efficiency of audits.
Data may be published less frequently or on
file system aggregates (from blocks into files,
files into directories, etc.)
at the expense of verifying more data during an audit.
Our solution is based on keyed, cryptographic
hash functions, such as HMAC-SHA1 [3].
Public-key methods for authenticating data exist [28] and provide
unique advantages over symmetric-key solutions. For instance,
during an audit, a file system would reveal its
public key to the auditor, allowing the auditor to verify
data authenticity only. The auditor would not have the ability to
create new, authentic records.
With symmetric-key hash functions, when the key is revealed to the auditor,
the auditor could also create authentic records,
leaving open the possibility of falsifying data. This is out of
the scope of our attack model. The auditor is a trusted and
independent entity.
In this paper, we do not consider a public-key implementation,
because public-key operations are far too costly to be used in practice.
Our techniques are largely
file system independent in that they
do not require a specific metadata architecture.
This allows verifiable audit trails to be implemented on a wide
variety of systems. Additionally, our design makes the audit
robust to disk failures, immune to backup and
restore techniques, and allows for easy integration into
information life-cycle management (ILM) systems.
We have implemented authentication using incremental MACs in the ext3cow
file system. Ext3cow is a freely-available, open-source file system
designed for version management in the
regulatory environment [31].
Experimental results show that incremental MACs increase performance
by 94% under common workloads
when compared with
traditional, serial hash MACs.
Most closely related to this work is the SFS-RO system [13],
which provides authenticity and integrity
guarantees for a read-only file system.
We follow their model for both the
publication of authentication metadata, replicated to
storage servers, and use similar hierarchical structures.
SFS-RO focuses on reliable and verifiable content distribution.
It does not address writes, multiple versions, or efficient
constructs for generating MACs.
Recently, there has been some focus on adding
integrity and authenticity to storage systems.
Oceanstore creates a tree of secure hashes against the
fragments of an erasure-coded, distributed block. This
detects corruption without relying on error correction and
provides authenticity [42].
Patil et al. [30] provide a transparent
integrity checking service in a
stackable file system. The interposed layer
constructs and verifies secure checksums on data
coming to and from the file system.
Haubert et al. [15] provide a survey of tamper-resistant
storage techniques and identify security challenges and
technology gaps for multimedia storage systems.
Schneier and Kelsey describe a system for securing logs on
untrusted machines [37]. It prevents an attacker
from reading past log entries and makes the log impossible to
corrupt without detection. They employ a similar ``audit model''
that focuses on the detection of attacks, rather
than prevention. As in our system, future attacks are deterred by
legal or financial consequences.
While logs are similar to version histories, in that they describe a sequence
of changes, the methods in Schneier and Kelsey secure the entire log,
i.e. all changes to date.
They do not authenticate individual changes (versions) separately.
Efforts at cryptographic file systems and disk encryption are
orthogonal to audit trails. Such technologies provide
for the privacy of data and authenticate data coming from the disk.
However, the guarantees they provide do not extend
to a third party and, thus, are not suitable for audit.
3 Secure Digital Audits
A digital audit of a versioning file system is the verification of
its contents at a specific time in the past.
The audit is a challenge-response protocol between
an auditor and the file system to be audited.
To prepare for a future audit, a file system generates authentication metadata
that commits the file system to its present content.
This metadata are published to a third party.
To conduct an audit, the auditor accesses the metadata from
the third party and then challenges the file system to
produce information consistent with that metadata.
Using the security constructs we present,
passing an audit establishes that
the file system has preserved the exact data used to
generate authentication metadata in the past.
The audit process applies to individual files, sequences
of versions, directory hierarchies, and an entire file system.
Our general approach resembles that of
digital signature and secure time-stamp services,
the IETF Time-Stamp Protocol [1].
From a model standpoint, audit trails
extend such services to apply to aggregates,
containers of multiple files, and to version histories.
Such services provide a good example of systems that minimize
data transfer and storage for authentication metadata
and reveal nothing about the content of data prior to audit.
We build our system around message authentication codes,
rather than digital signatures, for computational
The publishing process requires long-term storage of
authenticating metadata with ``fidelity'';
the security of the system depends on storing and
returning the same values. This may
be achieved with a trusted third party, similar
to a certificate authority. It may also be
accomplished via publishing to censorship-resistant
stores [41].
The principal attack against which our system defends is the
creation of false version histories that pass the audit process.
This class of attack includes the creation of false versions -
file data that matches published metadata,
but differ from the data used in its creation.
It also
includes the creation of false histories;
inserting or deleting versions into a sequence without detection.
In our audit model, the attacker has complete access to the
file system. This includes the ability to modify the
contents of the disk arbitrarily. This threat is realistic.
Disk drives may be accessed directly through
the device interface and on-disk structures are easily
examined and modified [12].
In fact, we feel that the most likely attacker is the owner of
the file system. For example, a corporation may be motivated
to alter or destroy data after it comes under suspicions of
malfeasance. The shredding of Enron audit documents at Arthur Anderson in 2001
provides a notable paper analog.
Similarly, a hospital or private medical practice
might attempt to amend or delete a patient's
medical records to hide evidence of malpractice.
Such records must be retained in accordance with HIPAA [39].
Obvious methods for securing the file system without a third
party are not promising. Disk encryption provides no
benefit, because the attacker has access to encryption keys.
It is useless to have the file system prevent writes by
policy, because the attacker may modify file system code.
Write-once, read-many (WORM) stores are alone insufficient,
as data may be modified and written to a new WORM device.
Tamper-proof storage devices are a promising technology
for the creation of immutable version histories [24].
However, they do not obviate the need for external audit trails, which
establish the existence of changed data with a third party.
Tamper-resistant storage complements audit trails
in that it protects data from destruction or modification, which
helps prevent audit failures after committing to a version history.
4 A Secure Version History
The basic construct underlying digital audit trails is a
message authentication code (MAC) that authenticates
the data of a file version and binds that
version to previous versions of the file.
We call this a version authenticator and compute it
on version
(1) |
in which
is an authentication key and
is a nonce.
is a randomly derived value that differentiates the authenticators for
files that contain the same data, including empty files.
We also require that the MAC function reveals nothing about the content
of the data. Typical MAC constructions provide this property.
CBC-MAC [2,16] and HMAC-SHA1 [3] suffice.
By including the version data in the MAC, it authenticates
the content of the present version.
By including the previous version authenticator,
we bind
to a unique version
history. This creates a keyed hash chain and couples
past versions to the current authenticator.
The wide application of one-way hash chains in password authentication
[20], micropayments [34],
and certificate revocation [23] testifies
to their utility and security.
The authentication key
binds each MAC to a specific
identity and audit scope.
is a secret key that is selected by the auditor. This
ensures keys are properly formed and meet the security requirements
of the system. During an audit, the auditor verifies
all version histories authenticated with
Keys may be generated to bind a version history to an identity.
A file system may use many keys to
limit the scope of an audit, e.g. to a specific user.
For example, Plutus supports a unique key for
each authentication context [17],
called a filegroup. Authentication keys derived from
filegroup keys would allow each filegroup to be audited independently.
A file system commits to a version history by transmitting and
storing version authenticators at a third party.
The system relies on the third party to store them persistently
and reproduce them accurately, i.e. return
the stored value keyed by file identifier and version number.
It also associates each stored version authenticator with
a secure time-stamp [21].
An audit trail consists of a chain of version authenticators and
can be used to verify the manner in which the file changed over time.
We label the published authenticator
, corresponding
computed at the file system.
The audit trail may be used to verify the contents of a single version.
To audit a single version, the auditor requests version data
and the previous version authenticator
from the
file system, computes
using Equation 1 and compares this to the published value
The computed and published identifiers match if and only if
the data currently stored by the file system are identical
to the data used to compute the published value.
This process verifies the version data content
has not been verified by this audit.
We do not require all version authenticators to be published.
A version history (sequence of changes) to a file may be
audited based on two published version authenticators separated in
time. An auditor
accesses two version authenticators
The auditor verifies the individual version
with the
file system. It then enumerates all versions
, computing each version identifier
in turn until it computes
. Again,
if and only if the data stored on
the file system are identical to the data used to
generate the version identifiers, including all
intermediate versions.
Verifying individual versions and version histories
relies upon the collision resistant properties of MACs.
For individual versions, the auditor uses the unverified and
from the file system.
authenticates version
even when an adversary can choose
. Finding a replacement for
that produces the correct
, finds a hash collision.
A similar argument allows a version history
to be verified based on the authenticators of its first and last version.
Finding an alternate version history that matches both
endpoints finds a collision.
Version authenticators may be published infrequently.
The file system may perform many updates without publication
as long as it maintains a local copy of a version authenticator.
This creates
a natural trade-off between the amount of space and network bandwidth
used by the publishing process and the efficiency of verifying
version histories. We quantify this trade-off in Section 6.3.
4.1 Incrementally Calculable MACs
I/O efficiency is the principal concern in the calculation and verification
of version authenticators in a file system.
A version of a file shares data with its predecessor. It differs only
in the blocks of data that are changed. As a consequence, the file
system performs I/O only on these changed blocks.
For performance reasons, it is imperative that the system
updates audit trails based only on the changed data.
To achieve this, we rely on incremental MAC constructions
that allow the MAC of a new version to be calculated using only
the previous MAC and the data that have changed.
Thus, MAC computation performance scales with the amount
of data that are written, rather than size of the file being MACed.
Typical MAC constructions,
such as HMAC [3] and CBC-MAC [2,16],
are serial in nature; they require the entire input data to compute the MAC.
HMAC relies on a standard hash function
, such as SHA1 [29], which is called twice as
HMAC is very efficient. It costs little more than a single call of the
underlying hash function - the outer hash is computed on a very short input.
However, HMAC is serial because all data are used as input to the inner hash function.
CBC-MAC builds on a symmetric cipher used in CBC mode.
In particular, given a message
, divided in blocks
, and a cipher
it computes
, for
CBC-MAC(M) is then the final value
CBC-MAC is inherently serial because
the computation of
depends on the previous value
We use the XOR MAC construction [5], which improves on CBC-MAC,
making it incremental and parallelizable.
XOR MAC (XMACR in Bellare [5]) builds upon a block cipher
in which the block size is
A message
is divided into blocks, each of a certain length
is padded if its length is less than
) is computed as
, for a random seed
, and
![$\displaystyle Z=E_K(0\vert\vert r)\oplus\left[\bigoplus_{j=1}^{k} E_K(1\vert\vert\langle j \rangle\vert\vert M_j)\right]$](img35.png) |
(2) |
in which 0, 1
are bits and
is the binary representation of block index
The leading bit differentiates the contribution of the random seed from all block inputs.
The inclusion of the block index prevents
reordering attacks. Reordering the message blocks
results in different authenticators.
When using AES-128 [10] for
, n = 128 and |r| = 127
When using 47
bits for the block index
XOR MAC makes an AES call for every 80
bits of the message
Our implementation of XOR MAC aligns the block sizes used in the algorithm to
that of file system blocks:
As suggested by the original publication [5],
a keyed hash function can be used in place of a block cipher to improve performance.
We use HMAC-SHA1 to instantiate
XOR MAC provides several advantages when compared with CBC-MAC or HMAC.
It is parallelizable in that the calls to the block cipher can be made in parallel.
This is important in high-speed networks, multi-processor machines,
or when out-of-order verification is needed [5], for instance when packets
arrive out-of-order owing to loss and retransmission.
Most important to our usage, XOR MAC is incremental with respect to block replacement.
When message block
has been modified into
it is possible to compute a new MAC
, for a fresh random value
on the entire
by starting from the old value
XORing out the contributions of the old block and old random seed to make T
XORing in the contributions of the new block and new random seed to build Z'.
File systems perform only block replacements. They do not insert
or delete data, which would change the alignment of the blocks within a file.
PMAC [6] improves upon XOR MAC in that it makes fewer calls to the
underlying block cipher. XOR MAC expands data by concatenating an index to the
message block. PMAC avoids this expansion by defining a sequence of distinct offsets
that are XORed with each message block.
Thus, it operates on less data, resulting in fewer calls to the underlying block cipher.
Indeed, we initially proposed to use PMAC in our system [7].
However, when XOR MAC or PMAC are instantiated with keyed hash functions (rather than block ciphers), the performance benefits of PMAC are minimal for file systems.
The reason is that HMAC-SHA1 accepts large inputs, permitting the use of a 4096 byte file system block.
The incremental cost of a 64 bit expansion, representing a block index, is irrelevant when amortized over a 4096 byte block.
At the same time, XOR MAC is simpler than PMAC and easier to implement.
(On the other hand, PMAC is deterministic, requires no random inputs, and produces smaller output).
In our system, we elect to implement XOR MAC.
We use the incremental property of XOR MAC to perform block-incremental
computation for copy-on-write file versions.
Each version
comprises blocks
equal to the file system block size and a file system independent
representation of the version's metadata, denoted
(see Section 4.3).
The output of XOR MAC is the exclusive-or of the one-way functions
in which
is a random number unique to version
This adapts equation 2 to our file system data.
We have added an additional leading bit that allows for four
distinct components to the input. Bit sequences 00, 01, and 10 precede
the random seed, block inputs, and normalized metadata respectively.
To these, we add the previous version authenticator, which forms the
version hash chain defined by equation 1.
This form is the full computation and is stored as
the pair
. There is also an incremental
computation. Assuming that version
in one block only
we observe that
This extends trivially to any number of changed blocks.
The updated version authenticator adds the contribution of
the changed blocks and removes the contribution of those
blocks in the previous version. It also updates the contributions of the
past version authenticator, normalized metadata, and random seed.
The computation of XOR MAC authenticators scales with
the amount of I/O, whereas the performance of a hash message authentication code
(HMAC) scales with the file size.
With XOR MAC, only new
data being written to a version will be authenticated. HMACs must
process the entire file, irrespective of the amount of I/O.
This is problematic as
studies of versioning file systems show that data change at a fine
granularity [31,38].
Our results (Section 6) confirm the same.
More importantly, the computation of the XOR MAC version authenticator
requires only those data blocks being
modified, which are already in cache, requiring little to no
additional disk I/O. Computing an HMAC may require additional
I/O. This is because
system caches are managed on a page basis, leaving
unmodified and unread portions of an individual file version on disk.
When computing an HMAC for a file,
all file data would need to be accessed.
As disk accesses are a factor of
slower than memory accesses,
computing an HMAC may be substantially worse than algorithmic performance
would indicate.
The benefits of incremental computation of MACs apply to both
writing data and conducting audits.
When versions of a file share much data in common, the differences
between versions are small, allowing for efficient version verification.
Incremental MACs allow an
auditor to authenticate the next version by computing the authenticity of
only the data blocks that have changed.
When performing an audit, the authenticity
of the entire version history may be determined by
a series of small, incremental computations.
HMACs do not share this advantage and must authenticate all data
in all versions.
4.3 File System Independence
Many storage management tasks alter a file system, including the
metadata of past versions, but should not result in an audit
failure. Examples include: file-oriented restore of backed-up data after
a disk failure, resizing or changing the logical volumes underlying a
file system, compaction/defragmentation of storage,
and migration of data from one file system to another.
Thus, audit models must be robust to such changes. We call this
property file system independence. Audit information
is bound to the file data and metadata
and remains valid when the physical
implementation of a file changes.
This includes transfers of a file from system to system (with the caveat that
all systems storing data support audit trails - we have
implemented only one).
The act of performing a data restoration may be a procedure
worth auditing in and of itself. We consider this outside the scope
of the file system requirements.
Our authenticators use the concept of normalized metadata
for file system independence.
Normalized metadata are the persistent information that
describe attributes of a file system object independent of the file system
architecture. These metadata include: name,
file size, ownership and permissions, and modification, creation and access times.
These fields are common to most file systems and are stored persistently
with every file. Normalized metadata do not include physical offsets and file
system specific information, such as inode number, disk block addresses, or file system flags.
These fields are volatile in that storage management tasks change their values.
Normalized metadata are included in authenticators and become
part of a file's data for the purposes of audit trails.
Figure 1:
Directory version authenticators before and after file
is deleted.
\begin{tabular}{c c}
...g{file=figs/htree3.2.eps, height=3cm}\\
\end{center}\end{figure*}](img69.png) |
4.4 Hierarchies and File Systems
Audit trails must include information about the entire state of the
file system at a given point in time.
Auditors need to discover the relationships between
files and interrogate the contents of the file
system. Having found a file of interest in an
audit, natural questions include: what other data
was in the same directory at this time? or,
did other files in the system store information
on the same topic? The data from each version must
be associated with a coherent view of the entire
file system.
Authenticating directory versions as if they were file versions is insufficient.
A directory is a type of file in which the data are
directory entries (name-inode number pairs) used for indexing and naming files.
Were we to use our previous authenticator construction (Equation 3),
a directory authenticator would be the MAC of its data (directory entries),
the MAC of the previous directory authenticator and its normalized
inode information. However, this construct
fails to bind the data of a directory's files to the names, allowing
an attacker to undetectably exchange the names of files within a directory.
We employ trees of MACs that bind individual
versions and their names to a file system hierarchy,
authenticating the entire versioning file system recursively.
In addition to the normalized inode information and
previous authenticator used to authenticate files,
directory authenticators are composed of name-authenticator pairs.
For each file within the directory, we concatenate
its authenticator to the corresponding name and take a one-way hash
of the result.
This binds files and sub-directories to
the authenticator of the parent directory.
Directory version authenticators continue recursively to
the file system root, protecting the entire file system image.
The SFS-RO system [13] used a similar technique to fix the
contents of a read-only file system without versioning.
Our method differs in that it is incremental
and accounts for updates.
For efficiency reasons, we bind versions to the directory's
authenticator lazily.
Figure 1 shows how directory D
to files S, T, U.
This is done by including the authenticators
for specific versions
that were current at
the time version
was created. However, subsequent file versions
) may be created without updating
the directory version authenticator
The system updates the directory authenticator only when the
directory contents change; i.e., files are created, destroyed, or
In this example, when deleting file
(Figure 1),
the authenticator is updated to the current versions.
Alternatively, were we to bind directory version authenticators
directly to the content of the most recent file version, they
would need to be updated every time that a file is written.
This includes all parent directories recursively to the file
system root - an obvious performance concern as it would
need to be done on every write.
Binding a directory authenticator to a file version binds
it to all subsequent versions of that file, by hash chaining
of the file versions. This is limited to the portion of the
file's version chain within the scope of the directory.
A rename moves a file from one directory's scope to another.
Ext3cow employs timestamps for version numbers, which can be used
to identify the valid file versions within each directory version.
Updating directory authenticators creates a time-space trade-off
similar to that of publication frequency (see Section 4).
When auditing a directory at a given point in time,
the auditor must access the directory at the time when its was created and then
follow the children files' hash chains forward to the specified point in time.
Updating directory authenticators more frequently
may be desirable to speed the audit process.
We have implemented digital audit trails using XOR MAC
in ext3cow [31],
an open-source, block-versioning file system designed to meet
the requirements of electronic records legislation.
Ext3cow supports file system snapshot, per-file versioning, and a
time-oriented interface. Versions of a file are implemented by chaining
inodes together in which each inode represents a
version. The file system traverses the inode chain
to generate a point-in-time view of a file.
Ext3cow provides the
features needed for an implementation of audit trails:
it supports continuous versioning, creating a new version on
every write, and maintains old and new versions of data and
metadata concurrently for the incremental computation of version
We store version authenticators for a file in its inode.
We have already retrofitted the metadata structures of ext3cow
to support versioning and secure deletion (based on
authenticated encryption [32]).
Version authenticators are a straightforward extension to ext3cow's
already augmented metadata, requiring only a few bytes per inode.
Metadata in ext3cow have been improved to support incremental
versioning authenticators for electronic audit trails.
To accomplish this, ext3cow ``steals'' a single
data block pointer from the inode, replacing it with an authentication
block pointer, i.e. a pointer to disk block holding
authentication information. Figure 2
illustrates the metadata architecture. The number of direct
blocks has been reduced by one, from twelve to eleven, for
storing an authenticator block (i_data[11]). Block stealing
for authenticators reduces the effective file size by only
one file system block, typically 4K.
Each authenticator block stores five fields: the
current version authenticator (
the authenticator for the previous version (
), the
one-way hash of the authenticator for the previous version
), the authenticator for the penult-previous
version (
and the the one-way hash of the authenticator for the penult-previous version
). Each authenticator computation requires
access to the previous and penult-previous authenticators and their hashes.
By storing authenticators and hashes for previous versions together,
the system avoids two read I/Os: one
for each previous version authenticator and hash computations.
When a new version is generated and a new inode is created, the
authenticator block is copy-on-written and ``bumps'' each entry; i.e.,
copying the once current authenticator (
) to the previous
authenticator (
), and the previous authenticator
) and hash (
) to
the penult-previous authenticator (
) and hash (
The once current authenticator (
) is zeroed, and is calculated
on an as-needed basis.
Figure 2:
Metadata architecture to support version authenticators.
In almost all cases, authenticator blocks do not increase the number of disk seeks performed
by the system. The block allocator in ext3cow makes efforts to
collocate data, metadata, and authenticator blocks in a
single disk drive track, maintaining contiguity. Authenticator
blocks are very likely to be read out of the disk's track cache.
The same disk movement that reads inode or data blocks
populates the track cache.
5.2 Key Management
Key management in ext3cow uses lockboxes [17]
to store a per-file authentication key.
The file owner's private key unlocks the lockbox
and provides access to the authentication key.
Lockboxes were developed as part of the authenticated encryption
and secure deletion
features of ext3cow [32].
6 Experimental Results
We measure the impact of authentication on versioning file systems
and compare the performance characteristics of HMAC and XOR MAC in
the ext3cow versioning file system.
We begin by comparing the CPU and disk throughput performance of HMAC
and XOR MAC by using two micro-benchmarks: one designed to contrast
the maximum throughput capabilities of each algorithm and one designed
to highlight the benefits of the incremental properties of XOR MAC.
We then use a traced file system workload to
illustrate the aggregate performance benefits of incremental
authentication in a versioning file system.
Lastly, we use file system traces to
characterize some of the overheads of generating authenticators
for the auditing environment.
Both authentication functions, XOR MAC and HMAC, were implemented in the
ext3cow file system using
the standard HMAC-SHA1 keyed-hash function provided by the Linux kernel cryptographic
API [25].
For brevity, XOR MAC implemented with HMAC-SHA1 is further referred to
All experiments were performed on a Pentium 4, 2.8GHz machine
with 1 gigabyte of RAM. Trace experiments were run on a 80 gigabyte
ext3cow partition of a Seagate Barracuda ST380011A disk drive.
6.1 Micro-benchmarks
To quantify the efficiency of XOR MAC, we conducted
two micro-benchmark experiments: create and append.
The create test measures the throughput
of creating and authenticating files
of size
bytes, where
(1 byte to 1 gigabyte files).
The test measures both CPU throughput, i.e. the time to calculate
a MAC, and disk throughput, i.e. the time to calculate a MAC and write
the file to disk. Files are created and written in their entirety.
Thus, there are no benefits from incremental authentication.
The append experiment measures the CPU and disk
throughput of appending
bytes to the same file and calculating a MAC,
(1 byte to 500 megabytes).
For XOR MAC, an append requires only a MAC of a new random
value, a MAC of each new data block and an XOR
of the results with the file's authenticator. HMAC does not have this
incremental property and must MAC the entire file data in order to generate
the correct authenticator, requiring additional read I/O.
We measure both warm and cold cache configurations. In a warm cache,
previous appends are still in memory and the read occurs at memory speed.
In practice, a system does not always find
all data in cache. Therefore, the experiment was also run with a cold cache;
before each append measurement, the cache was flushed.
Figure 3:
Results of micro-benchmarks measuring the CPU and disk throughput.
Figure 3(a) presents the results of the
create micro-benchmark. Traditional HMAC-SHA1 has higher CPU
throughput than XOR MAC-SHA1, saturating the CPU at 134.8 MB/s. The
XOR MAC achieves 118.7 MB/s at saturation.
This is expected as XOR MAC-SHA1 performs two calls
to SHA1 for each block (see Equation 3), compared to HMAC-SHA1 that
only calls SHA1 twice for each file, resulting in additional computation time.
Additionally, SHA1 appends the length
of the message that it's hashing to the end of the message, padding
up to 512-bit boundaries. Therefore, XOR MAC-SHA1 hashes more data,
up to
*512 bits more for
Despite XOR MAC's computational
handicap, disk throughput measurements show little performance disparity.
HMAC-SHA1 achieves a maximum of 28.1 MB/s and
XOR MAC-SHA1 a maximum of 26.6 MB/s. This illustrates that calculating
new authenticators for a file system is I/O-bound,
making XOR MAC-SHA1's ultimate performance comparable to that of HMAC-SHA1.
The results of the
append micro-benchmark make a compelling performance
argument for incremental MAC computation.
Figure 3(b) shows these results - note the log scale. We observe
XOR MAC-SHA1 outperforms HMAC-SHA1 in both CPU and disk throughput
measurements. XOR MAC-SHA1 bests HMAC-SHA1 CPU throughput, saturating at
120.3 MB/s, compared to HMAC-SHA1 at 62.8 MB/s. Looking at
disk throughput, XOR MAC-SHA1 also
outperforms the best-case of an HMAC calculation,
warm-cache HMAC-SHA1, achieving a maximum
31.7 MB/s, compared to warm-cache HMAC-SHA1 at 20.9 MB/s and cold-cache
HMAC-SHA1 at 9.7 MB/s.
These performance gains arise from the incremental nature of XOR MACs.
In addition to
the extra computation to generate the MAC, an ancillary read I/O
is required to bring the old data into the MAC buffer.
While the append benchmark is contrived,
it is a common I/O pattern.
Many versioning file systems implement versioning with a copy-on-write
policy. Therefore, all I/O that is not a full overwrite is, by definition,
incremental and benefits from the incremental qualities of XOR MAC.
We take a broader view of performance by
quantifying the aggregate benefits of XOR MAC
on a versioning file system. To accomplish this,
we replayed four months of system call
traces [35] on an 80 gigabyte ext3cow partition, resulting
in 4.2 gigabytes of data in 81,674 files.
Despite their age, these 1996 traces are the most suitable for these measurements.
They include information that allow multiple open/close sessions on the same file
to be correlated - necessary information to identify versioning.
More recent traces [11,19,36,38]
do not include adequate information to correlate open/close sessions,
are taken at too low a level in the IO system to
be useful, or would introduce new ambiguities,
such as the effects of a network file system, into the aggregate measurements.
Our experiments compare
trace-driven throughput performance as well as the
total computation costs for performing a digital audit using
the XOR MAC and HMAC algorithms. We analyze aggregate results
of run-time and audit performance
and examine how the incremental computation of MACs
benefits copy-on-write versioning.
Figure 4:
Characterization of write I/Os from trace-driven experiments.
Table 1:
The trace-driven throughput of no authentication,
No Authentication |
1.98 MB/s |
1.77 MB/s |
0.11 MB/s |
The incremental computation of XOR MAC minimally degrades
on-line system performance when compared with a system that does
not generate audit trails (No Authentication).
In contrast, HMAC audit trails reduce throughput by more than
an order of magnitude (Table 1).
We measure the average throughput of the system while replaying
four months of system call traces. The traces were played as fast
as possible in an effort to saturate the I/O system.
The experiment was performed on ext3cow using no authentication,
HMAC-SHA1 authentication, and XOR MAC-SHA1 authentication.
XOR MAC-SHA1 achieves a 93.9% improvement in run-time performance
over HMAC-SHA1: 1.77 MB/s versus 0.11 MB/s. HMAC-SHA1's degradation
results from the additional read I/O and computation time it must perform on
every write.
XOR MAC-SHA1 incurs minimal performance penalties owing to its ability to
compute authenticators using in-cache data.
XOR MAC-SHA1 achieves 89% of
the throughput of a system with no authentication.
To better understand the run-time
performance differences between XOR MAC and HMAC, we characterize the number and
size of writes and how they are written to various files in the system.
By looking at each write request as a function of its
destination file size, we can see
why incremental computation of MACs is beneficial to a file system.
Our observations confirm three things: (1) Most write requests are small, (2) write
requests are evenly distributed among all file sizes, and (3) the size of
write requests are usually a tiny fraction of the file size.
Figure 4(a) presents statistics on the number and size of
write I/Os, whereas Figure 4(b) shows number of write I/Os
performed by file size. Both plots are log-log. We observe that of the
16,601,128 write I/Os traced over four months, 99.8% of the I/Os
are less than 100K, 96.8% are less than 10K,
and 72.4% are less than 1K in size.
This shows that a substantial number of I/Os are small. We also
observe that files of all sizes receive many writes. Files as large as
100 megabytes receive as many as 37,000 writes over
the course of four months.
Some files, around 5MB in size, receive nearly two million I/Os.
These graphs show that I/O sizes are, in general, small and that files
of all sizes receive many I/Os.
The relationship between I/O size and file size reveals the necessity of
incremental MAC computation.
Figure 4(c) presents the average write I/O size as a ratio
of the file size over file sizes. This plot shows that there
are few files that receive large writes or entire overwrites in a single I/O.
In particular, files larger than 2MB
receive writes that are a very small percentage of their file size.
The largest files receive as little as 0.025% of their
file size in writes and nearly all files
receive less than 25% of their file size in write I/Os.
It is this disproportionate I/O pattern that benefits the incremental
properties of XOR MAC. When most I/Os received by large files are small,
a traditional HMAC suffers in face of additional computation time
and supplementary I/Os. The performance of XOR MAC, however,
is immune to file size and is a function of write size alone.
Table 2:
The number of seconds required to audit an entire file system using HMAC-SHA1 and XOR MAC-SHA1
for all files and only those files with two or more versions.
Number of Versions |
HMAC-SHA1 (seconds) |
XOR MAC-SHA1 (seconds) |
All |
11209.4 |
10593.1 |
2 |
670.1 |
254.4 |
Figure 5:
Aggregate auditing performance results for XOR MAC-SHA1 and HMAC-SHA1.
To generate aggregate statistics for auditing,
we aged the file system by replaying
four months of traced system calls, taking snapshots daily. We then
performed two audits of the file system, one using HMAC-SHA1 and
one using XOR MAC-SHA1. Our audit
calculated authenticators for every version of every file.
Table 2 presents the aggregate results for performing
an audit using XOR MAC-SHA1 and HMAC-SHA1.
The table shows the result for all files
and the result for those files with two or more versions.
Auditing the entire 4.2 gigabytes of file system data using standard HMAC-SHA1
techniques took 11,209 seconds, or 3.11 hours. Using XOR MAC-SHA1,
the audit took 10,593 seconds, or 2.94 hours; a savings of 5% (10 minutes).
Most files in the trace (88%) contain a single version,
typical of user file systems. These files dominate audit
performance and account for the similarity of HMAC and XOR MAC results.
However, we are interested in file
systems that contain medical, financial, and government records and,
thus, will be populated with versioned data. To look at auditing
performance in the presence of versions, we filter out files
with only one version.
On files with two or more versions, XOR MAC-SHA1 achieves
a 62% performance benefit over HMAC-SHA1, 670 versus 254 seconds.
A CDF of the time to audit files by number of versions is presented in Figure 5(a).
XOR MAC-SHA1 achieves a 37% to 62% benefit in
computation time over HMAC-SHA1 for files with 2 to 112 versions.
This demonstrates the power of incremental MACs when verifying long
version chains. The longer the version chain and the more data in common,
the better XOR MAC performs.
Looking at audit performance by file size shows that the benefit
is derived from long version chains.
Figure 5(b) presents a break down of the aggregate audit results
by file size.
There exists no point at which XOR MAC-SHA1 performs worse
than HMAC-SHA1, only points where they are the same or better.
Performance is the same for files that have a single version and for files that do
not share data among versions.
As the number of versions
increase and much data are shared between versions,
large discrepancies in performance arise. Some examples of
files with many versions that share data are annotated.
XOR MAC shows little performance variance with the number of versions.
6.3 Requirements for Auditing
As part of our audit model, authenticators
are transfered to and stored at a third party. We explore the storage
and bandwidth resources that are required for version authentication.
Four months of file system traces were replayed over different snapshot
intervals. At a snapshot, authentication data are transfered to the third party,
committing the file system to that version history.
Measurements were taken at day, hour, and minute snapshot intervals.
During each interval, the number of file modifications and
number of authenticators generated were captured.
Figure 6:
Size of authentication data from four months of traced
workloads at three snapshot intervals.
Figure 6 presents the size of authentication data
generated over the simulation time for the three snapshot intervals.
Naturally, the longer the snapshot interval, the larger the number
of authenticators generated. However, authentication data are relatively
small; even on a daily snapshot interval,
the largest transfer is 450K, representing about
22,000 modified files. Authenticators generated by
more frequent snapshot (hourly or per-minute) never exceed 50KB per
transfer. Over the course of four months, a total of 15.7MB
of authentication data are generated on a daily basis from 801,473
modified files, 22.7MB on a hourly basis from 1,161,105 modified files,
and 45.4MB on a per-minute basis from 2,324,285 modified files.
The size of authenticator transfer is invariant of individual file size or
total file system size; it is directly
proportional to the number of file modifications made in a snapshot interval.
Therefore, the curves in Figure 6 are identical
to a figure graphing the number of files modified over the same snapshot
Conducting digital audits with
version authenticators leaves work to be explored.
We are investigating authentication and auditing models
that do not rely on trusted third parties.
We also discuss an entirely
different model for authentication based on approximate MACs,
which can tolerate partial data loss.
Having a third party time-stamp and store a file system's authenticators
may place undue burden, in terms of storage capacity and management,
on the third party.
Fortunately, it is only one possible model for a digital auditing system.
We are currently
exploring two other possible architectures for managing authentication
data; a storage-less third party and cooperative authentication.
In a storage-less third party model
a file system would generate authenticators and
transmit them to a third party. Instead of storing them, the third party
would MAC the authenticators and return them to the file system.
The file system
stores both the original authenticators and those authenticated by
the third party. In this way, the third party stores nothing but signing
keys, placing the burden of storing authenticators on the file system.
When the file system is audited, the auditor requests the signing
keys from the third party and performs two authentication steps: first,
checking the legitimacy of the stored authenticators and then checking
the authenticity of the data themselves.
This design has limitations. The scheme doubles the
amount of authentication data transfered.
Additionally, because the third party keeps no
record of any file, an attacker may delete an entire file system without
detection or maintain multiple file systems, choosing which file system
to present at audit time.
Portions of the file system may not be deleted or modified, because the authenticators
for version chains and directory hierarchies bind all data to the
file system root authenticator.
A further variant groups peers of file systems
together into a cooperative ring, each storing their authentication data
on an adjoining file system. A file system would store the previous
system's authenticator in a log file, which is subsequently treated as
data, resulting in the authenticators being
authenticated themselves. This authenticator for the log file is
stored on an adjoining system, creating a ring of authentication.
This design relieves the burden on
a single third party from managing all authentication data and removes
the single point of failure for the system.
This architecture also increases the complexity of tampering by a factor of
, the number of links of in the chain.
Because an adjoining file system's
authenticators are kept in a single log file, only one authenticator
is generated for that entire file system, preventing a glut
of authentication data.
7.2 Availability and Security
A verifiable file system may benefit from accessing only a portion of the
data to establish authenticity.
Storage may be distributed across unreliable sites
such that accessing it in it's entirety is difficult or impossible.
Also, if data from any portion of the file system are
corrupted irreparably, the file system may still be authenticated,
whereas with standard authentication, altering a single bit of the
input data leads to a verification failure.
To audit incomplete data, we propose the use approximately-secure
and approximately-correct MAC (AMAC) introduced
by Di Crescenzo et al. [8].
The system verifies authenticity while
tolerating a small amount of modification, loss, or corruption of the
original data.
We propose to make the AMAC construction incremental to adapt it to file systems; in addition,
we plan to use XOR MAC as a building block in the
AMAC construction [8], to allow for incremental update.
The atom for the computation is a file system block, rather than a bit.
The approximate security and
correctness then refer to the number of corrupted or missing
blocks, rather than bits. The exact level of tolerance may be tuned.
The chief benefit of using the AMAC construction over regular
MAC constructions
lies in verification.
Serial and parallel MACs require the entire
message as input to verify authenticity.
Using AMAC, a portion of the original message can be ignored.
This allows a weaker statement of authenticity to be constructed even
when some data are unavailable.
The drawback of AMAC lies in the reduction of authenticity.
With AMAC, some data
may be acceptably modified in the original source.
We have introduced a model for digital audits of versioning file systems
that supports compliance with federally mandated data retention guidelines.
In this model, a file system commits to a version history by transmitting
audit metadata to a third party. This prevents the owner of the file system
(or a malicious party) from modifying past data without detection.
Our techniques for the
generation of audit metadata use incremental authentication methods that
are efficient when data modifications are fine grained, as in versioning
file systems.
Experimental results show
that incremental authentication can perform up to 94% faster
than traditional serial authentication algorithms.
We have implemented incremental authentication in ext3cow, an open-source
versioning file system, available at: www.ext3cow.com.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
(awards CCF-0238305 and IIS-0456027),
by the Department of Energy, Office of Science
(award DE-FG02-02ER25524), and by the IBM Corporation.
We thank Giovanni Di Crescenzo for discussions on the AMAC construction.
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Design and Implementation of
Verifiable Audit Trails for a
Versioning File System1
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- This is the fully developed version of
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appeared as a short paper at the 2005 ACM StorageSS Workshop [7].
Zachary N. J. Peterson