Accepted Posters
The following posters will be presented during a happy hour on Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m., in the Ballroom West.
On the Consistability of Storage Systems
Amitanand Aiyer, Eric Anderson, Xiaozhou Li, Mehul Shah, and Jay J. Wylie, HP Laboratories
Can Clustered File Systems Support Data Intensive Applications?
Rajagopal Ananthanarayanan, Karan Gupta, Prashant Pandey, Himabindu Pucha, Prasenjit Sarkar, Mansi Shah, and Renu Tewari, IBM Research
Intermediate Gateway Service to Aggregate and Cache the I/O Operations into Distributed Storage Repositories
Mehmet Balman, Ismail Akturk, and Tevfik Kosar, Louisiana State University
Moderated Collaboration to Modify Shared Files Among Wireless Users
Surendar Chandra and Nathan Regola, University of Notre Dame
NFSv4 Proxy in User Space on a Massive Cluster Architecture: Issues and Perspectives
Philippe Deniel, Commissariat à L'Énergie Atomique, France
KVM on Clusters: Tackling the Disk I/O Bottleneck for HPC Virtualization
Benjamin Eckart and Xubin He, Tennessee Technological University; Hong Ong and Stephen L. Scott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Power-Aware Storage-Tiering Management for High-Speed Tiered-Storage Systems
Kazuhisa Fujimoto, Tohoku University; Hirotoshi Akaike, Hitachi, Ltd.; Naoya Okada, Kenji Miura, and Hiroaki Muraoka, Tohoku University
Out-of-Place Journaling
Ping Ge, Saba Sehrish, and Jun Wang, University of Central Florida
Adaptive Context Switch for Very Fast Block Device
Jongmin Gim, Kwangho Lee, and Youjip Won, Hanyang University, Korea
SmartStore: A New Metadata Organization Paradigm with Semantic-Awareness
Yu Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Hong Jiang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Yifeng Zhu, University of Maine; Dan Feng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Lei Tian, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and University of Nebraska—Lincoln
Taming Workload Bursts in Data Centers
Lanyue Lu and Peter Varman, Rice University
Making the Most of Your SSD: A Case for Differentiated Storage Services
Michael Mesnier and Scott Hahn, Intel Corporation; Brian McKean, LSI Corporation
Overlapped HPC Checkpointing with Hardware Assist
Christopher Mitchell and Jun Wang, University of Central Florida; James Nunez and Andrew Nelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Comparing the Performance of Different Parallel Filesystem Placement Strategies
Esteban Molina-Estolano, Carlos Maltzahn, and Scott Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz; John Bent, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Predictable and Guaranteeable Performance with Throughput, Latency, and Firmness Controls in Buffer-Cache
Roberto Pineiro and Scott Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz
Supporting Data-Intensive Applications on Accelerator-Based Distributed Systems
M. Mustafa Rafique, Ali R. Butt, and Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Virginia Tech
Improving I/O Performance by Co-scheduling of I/O and Computation on Commodity-Based Clusters Abstract
Saba Sehrish, Grant Mackey, and Jun Wang, University of Central Florida
Exploiting the Overlap Between Temporal Redundancy and Spatial Redundancy in Storage System Abstract
Pengju Shang, Saba Sehrish, and Jun Wang, University of Central Florida
Solving TCP Incast in Cluster Storage Systems Abstract
Vijay Vasudevan, Hiral Shah, Amar Phanishayee, Elie Krevat, David Andersen, Greg Ganger, and Garth Gibson, Carnegie Mellon University
Using Realistic Simulation to Identify I/O Bottlenecks in MapReduce Setups Abstract
Guanying Wang and Ali R. Butt, Virginia Tech; Prashant Pandey and Karan Gupta, IBM Almaden Research
Probabilistic Reputation for Personal Trust Networks Abstract
Avani Wildani and Ethan Miller, University of California, Santa Cruz
Progress on FileBench Abstract
Andrew Wilson, Sun Microsystems