HotOS X Paper   
[HotOS X Final Program]
The Many Faces of Systems Research - And How to Evaluate Them
Aaron B. Brown
IBM Research
Anupam Chanda
Rice University
Rik Farrow
Alexandra Fedorova
Harvard University
Petros Maniatis
Intel Research
Michael L. Scott
University of Rochester
Improper evaluation of systems papers may result in the loss
or delay in publication of possibly important research. This paper
posits that systems research papers may be evaluated in one or more
of the three dimensions of science, engineering and art. Examples
of these dimensions are provided, and methods for evaluating papers
based on these dimensions are suggested. In the dimension of science,
papers can be judged by how well they actually follow the scientific
method, and by the inclusion of proofs or statistical measures of the significance of
results. In engineering, the applicability and utility of the research
in solving real world problems is the main metric. Finally, we argue that art
be considered as a paper category evaluated based on elegance, simplicity,
and beauty.
1 Introduction
Evaluating systems research1 is hard. Systems
research is multifaceted; it often involves proving scientific
hypotheses as well as designing and implementing real systems. As
such, it goes beyond traditional science, spreading into the realm of
engineering and perhaps even art, as system designers strive for
elegance in their systems' blueprints. In this paper, we argue that
evaluation criteria for systems research should match the dimension
-- engineering, science, art -- in which particular work extends.
Every systems project maps to different points on each of these
dimensions. A study evaluating performance of a new system could be
regarded as ``engineering'' research. However, the ultimate goal of a
performance study is typically to prove or disprove a hypothesis, to
find the ``truth,'' and this manifests the scientific dimension of the
study. Likewise, research that might at first be classified as ``art''
can sometimes contribute to ``science'' or ``engineering'' as well,
particularly if it introduces a new perspective that simplifies
scientific understanding or improves ease of use. Failure to recognize
the multi-dimensionality of systems research leads to subjective
evaluation and misuse of evaluation criteria--for example engineering
metrics are used to evaluate an ``artistic'' or a ``scientific''
research result.
In the rest of the paper we describe in more detail these research
categories, partly prescriptively by specifying the qualities that exemplars of each
dimension exhibit, and by example by pointing out specific instances of
each (Section 2). In Section 3, we expand on the evaluation criteria
that appear appropriate for each dimension, drawing from the non-CS disciplines
after which each dimension is modelled. In Section 4 we propose an
action plan for the improvement of systems research evaluation based on
these three dimensions. Finally, we present related work in Section 5
and then conclude.
2 Dimensions of Systems Research
In this section, we identify the driving forces within the evaluation dimensions of science, engineering, and art. We also describe instances whose principal components exemplify individual or combined dimensions.
Ironically, not many obvious opportunities exist readily in Computer
Science to conduct Science. Computer artifacts are human-made; they
are not natural parts of the physical world and, as such, have few
laws to be discovered that computer engineers did not themselves
instill into the field (although this perspective is slowly changing
as systems grow so complex that they begin to exhibit emergent behavior). And
yet, computer science deals with computers, which typically run with
electrons carrying information bits, which in turn are governed by the
laws of physics as much as any other aspect of the physical world. In
the traditional terminology of databases, computer science works on a
view of the ground truths of the universe, as manipulated by computer
architecture, by software, and by the applications that business,
``mainstream'' science, and entertainment have demanded. In this
manner, science in Computer Science deals with studying the
manifestation of the laws of the universe in the artifacts of the
field. Consequently, ``scientific'' systems research strives to
discover truth, by forming hypotheses and then proving or disproving
those hypotheses mathematically or via experimentation, as well as
identifying the effects and limitations of computer artifacts on the
physical world.
A typical scientific example from the systems literature proves the
impossibility of distributed consensus in asynchronous systems under
faults [10]. Given a model of asynchronous communication, the authors show that consensus cannot be achieved when even one participant fails. The truth of the result, under the starting conditions of the analysis, is indisputable and relies on mathematical logic. Engineering, however (see below), can make use of this truth as necessary; for instance, an actual protocol or application that ensures it does not fall under the model of the impossibility result can have hopes of achieving distributed consensus.
In some cases, stepping back and looking at the behavior of large populations of human-made artifacts in the proper scope can yield to scientific study of a manner similar to that employed in physical sciences. Of particular importance in the networking community has been the identification of self-similarity in network traffic [15]. This work establishes that network packet traffic has self-similar characteristics, by performing a thorough statistical analysis of a very large set of Ethernet packet traces. Before this work was published, ``truth'' was that network traffic could be modeled as a Poisson process, deeply affecting every analysis of networks. For example, in the previous model, traffic aggregation was thought to help ``smooth'' bursts in traffic, which conflicted with practical observation; this work identified the reasons for this conflict.
Finally, a third example demonstrates truth at the boundaries of engineering, by
identifying structure within artifacts imposed on the physical world. Work on
the duality of operating systems structures [14] proposes a fundamental set of principles mapping between two competing system engineering disciplines, and demonstrates a fundamental ``truth'': no matter how you slice them, message-oriented systems and procedure-oriented systems are equivalent and can only be differentiated in terms of engineering convenience, not by their inherent strengths or weaknesses compared to each other. Instead of discovering a truth that was out there, this work looks at the effects of design choices to the physical world and identifies structure within them. In this case, the discovered structure is a duality.
Whereas science seeks to uncover truth, regardless of where that truth
resides or how it can be brought to bear on practice, engineering
starts with the inevitability of practical relevance and goes backward
to the principles that make practical utility achievable. In the
example of distributed consensus above, science demanded that a
universally true statement be made. However, where does this statement
leave the systems researcher who still needs to deal with
fault-tolerant consensus in practical systems? The answer lies in the
engineering pursuit of achieving a solution that works for a
particular problem and might not, necessarily, generalize; it lies as
well in the analysis of such heuristics to understand when they are
``good enough'' for practical use. For example, Castro and
Liskov [8] employ a type of weak synchrony to exit the
asynchronous regime of [10] and, thereby, achieve
fault-tolerant, distributed consensus for replicated services. A
practical engineering decision was made (imposing some restrictions on
how communication is conducted) to enable a solution for a real
Unlike this example, in many cases, engineering systems research presents no new truths; it deals with solving a particular problem by synthesizing truths and solutions previously proposed. When the problem is shared by a large population, the utility of such a solution can outstrip significantly the utility of a new truth, at least in the short term. The Google File System, for instance [11], is a layer that supports the Internet searches of millions of users every day. Its authors admit that its design is not intended to be general or even applicable to any other storage problem. Yet, the broad relevance of the target application makes this engineering effort worthwhile and significant.
In systems research, art has been a controversial evaluation
dimension. Its manifestations as elegance, or, when stretched to its
subjective extreme, beauty, can make complex ideas more palatable or
more comprehensible. Elegance, as economy of expression in system
abstractions, interfaces, and languages may help to sell the argument
behind a complex idea [20], or bring order in an area
where chaos reigned before. It it also a key contributor to the user
experience for computer systems, affecting long-term ownership and
maintenance costs: systems with elegance in their
underlying designs are often easier to use and manage as well as being
less prone to human error. On the other hand, elegance is sometimes
parsimonious, economic but hard to
comprehend [5]. Finally, often artful system design
is its own goal.
The classic THE multiprogramming system [9] can be considered an example of elegant, simple, harmonious system design. Layering is pushed to the extreme, providing for a clean separation of concerns and a design that promotes composable verification of individual system components. Though an early version of a complex software system, this work exemplified the beauty and elegance of clean interfaces to enhance system understandability. In a more general way, BAN logic [7] introduced a simple, contained structure to reasoning about authentication protocols, shaping an entire field for years to come. On the side of engineering elegance, Tangler [19] is a collaborative storage system that balances function with participation incentives. To ensure his documents are protected against censorship a user must employ and remember a source of randomness found in another user's documents. Incentives for storing foreign content are balanced by a user's need to retrieve his own content.
As in all art, the beauty in elegant system research often lies in the
(subjective) eye of the beholder. In the examples above, the THE system sacrificed efficiency for strict layering, BAN logic lacked an elegant path for adoption by error-prone humans, and Tangler was a niche application.
One could argue that influential systems research scores high on
multiple dimensions. An elegant and scientifically sound study is
strictly better (more understandable, more extensible, etc.) than a
sterile, unintuitive yet correct study. For example, Gummadi et
al. [12] present a great example of engineering elegance,
by abstracting away implementation-specific details of different
distributed hash table algorithms and distilling a simple engineering
rule for the selection of the geometry of overlays.
On the other hand, elegance that is patently false is often the weapon of a demagogue. As we illustrate in the following section, when evaluating systems research, elegance cannot replace correctness.
3 Evaluation Criteria
Each of the dimensions introduced in the previous section requires its
own set of evaluation criteria. In this section we develop these
criteria, treating the dimensions as independent; work that spans
multiple dimensions should be assessed on the aggregate criteria of
all dimensions touched.
The value of systems work that falls into the science category lies in
its ability to expose new truths about the constructs, abstractions,
architectures, algorithms, and implementation techniques that make up
the core of systems research. On one hand, evaluation criteria must
fathom the depth of the truths revealed, based on
their ability to categorize and explain existing constructs or
and their generality and applicability to multiple platforms
and environments.
Papers that build a comprehensive design space
around a set of ad-hoc techniques (like peer-to-peer routing
protocols), or those that provide a foundation for understanding the
tradeoffs in the use of different constructs (like threads vs. events,
VMMs vs. microkernels), are stronger science than those that simply
provide engineering insight into the behavior of a particular system
On the other hand, it is important to evaluate the methodological
rigor of systems science. The essence of science -- the scientific
method -- involves the careful testing or mathematical proof of an
explicitly-formed hypothesis. Evaluators of science should look for
work that forms a clear hypothesis, that constructs reproducible
experiments to shed light on that hypothesis while controlling other
variables, and that includes the analysis needed to prove or disprove
the hypothesis. In particular, careful measurements are essential to
strong science work.
The value of systems work that falls into the engineering category
lies in its utility: the breadth of applicability of the engineering
technique to important real-world contexts, and the power of the
technique to solve important problems in those contexts. Engineering
work that succeeds on the first criterion will define techniques that
open up a broad space of new applications--such as the introduction of
BPF [17], which enabled a large body of work on such varied topics
as intrusion detection, worm filtering, and tunneling--or that
addresses a persistent problem that appears in many contexts, such as
caching. Work that succeeds on the second criterion will typically
introduce a method for solving a problem that is more effective than
any existing known solution--a ``best of breed'' technique. The best
engineering work succeeds on both criteria, introducing powerful
solutions to broadly-applicable problems. Work that only addresses one
criterion must be examined carefully relative to its practical
utility; for example, work that provides a powerful solution to a
non-problem (``engineering for its own sake'') does not represent
high-value engineering research, although it might fall into the
category of art.
Another key criterion for evaluating engineering work, especially in
the form of a research paper, is the strength of its evaluation. Good
engineering work includes detailed measurements that demonstrate the
value of the work along both the power and applicability
axes. The latter is key--a paper that claims broad applicability
but only measures its technique on a series of microbenchmarks does
not demonstrate its value as well as one that analyzes the technique's
power across a variety of realistic environments.
Evaluating systems research that falls into the art category is
inherently a subjective business. The typical evaluation criteria for
art include elegance, beauty, simplicity, and its ability to introduce
new perspectives on existing, well-trodden areas. None of these are
easily quantified except perhaps the last, and even that is subject to
interpretation. Human factors studies (such as those commonly found in
HCI research) are perhaps a first step toward collecting and
correlating evaluations of aspects of art, such as
usability or elegance, and perhaps should be seen more frequently in
systems research work; however, they remain based on subjective assessments.
Thus, since there will likely always be some disagreement
about artistic value, ``artful'' systems research is best left to be
evaluated by its consumers and the impartial view of history. A more
practical approach, perhaps, is to use a panel of expert judges as is
done in other artistic fields; the existing construct of a program
committee fits well into this paradigm although it can suffer the same
capriciousness that plagues judging in the arts.
4 A Prescription for More Rigorous Evaluation
While the systems research community has an excellent track record of
producing high-quality, high-impact research in all three dimensions
of science, engineering, and art, it has historically fallen short in
evaluating that work with the rigor and discipline of other scientific
and engineering communities. This weakness can be attributed to many
factors, including the field's relative youth and its tight
association with the fast-moving marketplace, but two stand out in
particular: (1) a lack of solid methodology for scientific and
engineering evaluation, and (2) a lack of recognition that some
systems work is art and must be evaluated as such. As an impetus to
remedy this situation, the following sections propose guidelines and
research directions to help steer the community toward more
rigorous and effective evaluation.
Science is defined by the scientific method, namely the identification
of a hypothesis, reproducible collection of experimental data related
to that hypothesis, and analysis of the data to evaluate the validity
of the hypothesis. Systems research that falls along the science
dimension must be evaluated with respect to how well it implements the
scientific method.
For the researcher, that means several things. Most important is
establishing a well-defined hypothesis. At one extreme, this could be
a theorem to be proven; it could also be a claim about system
behavior, for example that the same scalability is achievable with
threaded architectures as with event-driven architectures. The
hypothesis must then be followed up with a set of well-designed,
reproducible experiments that illuminate the hypothesis and control
for unrelated variables. When control is not possible, enough data
must be collected to allow a statistical analysis of the effect of the
uncontrolled variables. For example, in the threads-vs.-events
hypothesis above, a good set of experiments will control the
application, platform, workload, and quality of the implementations
being evaluated; if the implementation quality could not be
controlled, the experiments should collect data on multiple
Finally, good science-style systems research must include a sound
analysis of the experimental data relative to the hypothesis. A key
aspect missing from much systems research is the use of statistics and
statistical tests to analyze experimental data--just compare the
typical paper in the biological or physical sciences to the typical
systems research paper to see the difference! Systems researchers
should learn and use the toolbox of statistical tests available to
them; systems papers should start reporting p-values to support claims
that experimental data proves a hypothesis.
And those evaluating completed systems work--like program
committees--should look for and insist on rigorous application of
the scientific method, including well-defined hypotheses, reproducible
experiments, and the kind of rigorous statistical analysis that we
advocate. They should look for experiments and data that directly assess the
hypothesis, not just that provide numbers--there are many hypotheses
in systems research, particularly in the new focus areas of
dependability and reliability, that are not proven by lists of
performance figures. Since reproducibility is a key aspect of the
scientific method, the community should also provide forums for
publishing reproductions of key system results--perhaps as part of
graduate student training or in special sessions at key conferences
and workshops.
As described in Section 3, the key criterion for evaluating
engineering work is applicability. For the researcher, this means that
good engineering systems work (and the papers that describe it) will
include evaluations illustrating the work's utility in real-world
situations. This is a challenge for much modern systems research,
since our evaluation metrics and methodologies are primarily built
around performance assessment, and the utility challenges faced in
many real environments center on other aspects like dependability,
maintainability, usability, predictability, and cost. Another
challenge is that it is often impractical to evaluate research work
directly in the context of real-world deployments or laboratory
mock-ups of such systems, so surrogate environments, such as those
defined by application benchmarks, must be used instead.
Thus there are two critical research challenges that must be addressed
before we can easily evaluate systems research as to real-world
utility. The first involves creating the surrogate environments that
researchers, particularly academic researchers, can use to recreate
real-world problems and demonstrate the applicability of new
engineered technology. Accomplishing this goal will require increased
cooperation between industry and academia, and in particular finding
ways to transfer the applications and technology behind real-world
systems to the academic community. We believe this to be a priority
for the continued success and relevance of the systems research
community, and call on industry leaders to find solutions to the
current stumbling blocks of intellectual property restrictions and
licensing costs.
Another promising possibility for creating surrogate environments is to explore ways to
do for core systems research what PlanetLab did for distributed and
networked computing research: create a shared, commonly-available,
realistic mock-up of the complex deployments found in real production
environments. For example, a consortium of researchers (academic and
industrial) could be assembled to build
and operate a production-grade enterprise service (such as a
supply-chain operation or an online multiplayer game), providing a
test bed for evaluating systems research technologies in the
resiliency, security, and maintainability spaces, while sharing the
burden of constructing and operating the environment.
The second challenge is to significantly advance our ability to
evaluate aspects of utility other than performance. This implies
research into metrics, reproducible methodologies, and realistic
workloads--benchmarks--for non-performance aspects of systems
engineering. Initial work has begun on benchmarks for dependability
and usability [6,13], but much additional research is needed. This
effort will require research along all three dimensions of systems
research--art to figure out how to approach the problem, science to
develop and test methodologies and metrics, and engineering to
implement them as benchmarks--and its success will be evaluated by
the improvements in rigor and applicability we can achieve in
assessing the real-world utility of engineering-style systems
Despite the inherent subjectivity in its evaluation, ``artistic''
systems research can have tremendous value, particularly in spurring
the development of new subfields and in laying the foundation for
future advances in science and engineering. But because this value is
judged subjectively, artistic research cannot (and should not) be
evaluated on the same scale as scientific- or engineering-style
research--i.e., one should not demand quantitative results in a paper
whose primary contribution is artistic. Today, most forums for
publication and discussion receive a mix of artistic, scientific, and
engineering submissions, biasing the selection away from the
necessarily less-quantified artistic submissions. Instead, the systems
community needs to create spaces where artistic research can be
presented, examined, and subjectively judged against other artistic
research. How this is best accomplished is an open question, since
there is a definite risk of marginalizing art papers if handled
incorrectly, but one possibility is to dedicate a certain fraction of
the paper slots or sessions at the major conferences (or issues of
the major journals) to artistic research, perhaps even with a separate
reviewing process than the remainder of the conference or journal.
5 Related Work
Related work in this area is available mostly in the form of referee guidelines published
by conference program committees and paper evaluation criteria presented in calls for
papers. Guidelines for conference referees usually ask committee members to evaluate the degree of technical
contribution, novelty, originality and importance to the
community [1,2]. A typical call
for papers suggests that a good systems paper would have attacked a significant problem,
demonstrated advancement beyond previous work, devised a clever solution and argued
its practicality, and drawn appropriate conclusions [3,4].
Their proposed criteria are overly
general and may not fit all types of systems project equally well.
Patterson suggested that the principal criterion for evaluating research is its long-term
impact on the technology [18]. While this is a reasonable criterion for a long-running
project, it cannot be easily applied to new research, because it is difficult to envision the
long-term impact that this research will produce.
Work by Levin and Redell, Ninth SOSP Committee co-chairmen, is perhaps the closest
to our work, and is one of the first publications describing a systematic process of
evaluating systems research [16]. Like us, they state that there exist different
classes of
research and that different criteria should be applied for different classes. They propose
the following evaluation criteria: originality of ideas, availability of real implementations,
importance of lessons learned, extent to which alternative design choices were explored
and soundness of assumptions. They describe how to apply these criteria and emphasize
which criteria are more appropriate for a particular type of
research. In contrast, the contribution of
our work is categorization of criteria along the dimensions of science,
engineering, and art, as well as the
description of criteria for each dimension and suggestions on how to
incorporate those in the
evaluation of systems research.
6 Conclusions
Systems research is difficult to evaluate because of its multidimensional
nature. In this paper we have identified three dimensions of systems research:
science, engineering, and art. We mention several research papers in each
of these three domains.
For each of these domains we have outlined desirable characteristics to conduct
and present research work.
Because of the multidimensional nature of systems
research, we argue for dimension-specific evaluation criteria.
In this regard, we suggest a set of evaluation guidelines
for the above mentioned three dimensions.
We propose that scientific research works be evaluated by how strictly they adhere to the
rigors of scientific methodology; that utility and applicability be the yardstick for
engineering research works; and that, in the category of art,
research works be judged by their elegance and simplicity.
By guiding researchers to better
conduct and present their work, and reviewers to evaluate publications
with applicable criteria, we believe that this discussion may
prove beneficial in improving the systems research landscape.
The material in this paper was initially developed during a breakout
session at the Tenth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
(HotOS-X). We wish
to recognize and thank the following participants as key contributors
to the ideas and content of this paper: Pei Cao, Ira Cohen, Robert
Grimm, Gernot Heiser, Sharon Perl, Ion Stoica, and
Xiaoyun Zhu.
- 1
1999 PPoPP electronic referee's report form.,
- 2
PLDI 2001 referee's report form.,
- 3
USENIX 2002 call for papers.,
- 4
OSDI 2004 call for papers., 2004.
- 5
Using conceptual change research to reason about curriculum.
Research Series No. 195, Michigan State University, Institute
for Research on Teaching (1989).
- 6
Towards availability benchmarks: A case study of software RAID
In USENIX '00: Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical
Conference (San Diego, California, USA, June 2000), USENIX Association.
- 7
A logic of authentication.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 8, 1 (1990), 18-36.
- 8
Practical byzantine fault tolerance.
In OSDI '99: Proceedings of the third symposium on Operating
systems design and implementation (New Orleans, Louisiana, United States,
1999), USENIX Association, pp. 173-186.
- 9
The structure of the ``THE''-multi-programming system.
Commun. ACM 11, 5 (1968), 341-346.
- 10
Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty process.
J. ACM 32, 2 (1985), 374-382.
- 11
The Google file system.
In SOSP '03: Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM symposium on
Operating systems principles (Bolton Landing, NY, USA, 2003), ACM Press,
pp. 29-43.
- 12
The impact of DHT routing geometry on resilience and proximity.
In SIGCOMM '03: Proceedings of the 2003 conference on
Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer
communications (New York, NY, USA, 2003), ACM Press, pp. 381-394.
- 13
A framework for dependability benchmarking.
In DSN '02: Proceedings of the Workshop on Dependability
Benchmarking (Washington, DC, United States, June 2002).
- 14
On the duality of operating system structures.
SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 13, 2 (1979), 3-19.
- 15
On the self-similar nature of ethernet traffic (extended version).
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2, 1 (1994), 1-15.
- 16
An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions or How (and How Not) to
Write a Good Systems Paper., 1983.
- 17
The BSD packet filter: A new architecture for user-level packet
In USENIX '93: Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical
Conference (San Diego, California, USA, Jan. 1993), USENIX Association.
- 18
How to have a bad career in research/academia.
- 19
Tangler: a censorship-resistant publishing system based on document
In CCS '01: Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Computer
and Communications Security (New York, NY, USA, 2001), ACM Press,
pp. 126-135.
- 20
Context, Content and Commodities: e-Learning Objects.
In Proceedings of the 2003 European Conference on eLearning
(Glasgow, UK, Nov. 2003), pp. 485-494.
- ... research1
- Under the term ``systems
research'' we bundle any work that would come out of a ``systems
group'' at a research university, including not only Operating
Systems, but networking, distributed systems, theory about systems,
etc. In short, we consider work that would conceivably appear in the
proceedings of HotOS, OSDI, NSDI, SOSP, etc.