JVM '02 Call for papers
2nd Java™ Virtual Machine Research and
Technology Symposium (JVM '02)
August 1-2, 2002
Marriott Hotel,
San Francisco, California, USA
Paper submissions due: Feb. 4, 2002
Notification of acceptance: March 12, 2002
Camera-ready final papers due: May 28, 2002
Symposium begins: August 1, 2002
Program Chair
Sam Midkiff, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Email: jvm02chair@usenix.org
Program Committee
Shameem Akhter, Intel
Urs Gleim, Siemens
David Hardin, Ajile Systems
Michael Hind, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Jaejin Lee, Michigan State University
Bernd Mathiske, Sun Microsystems
Eliot Moss, University of Massachussetts, Amherst
Bill Pugh, University of Maryland
Matt Welsh, University of California, Berkeley
Saul Wold, Sun Microsystems
For the 2nd Java™ Virtual Machine Research and Technology
Symposium, we invite the submission of quality papers describing
research or experiences with the Java™ Virtual Machine. Research
papers should describe original work that offers significant
contributions to the state of JVMs. Experience papers should
describe general insights gained from porting, integrating, or
tuning JVMs -- insights that can be applied by other practitioners
in the field. Submitted papers should make substantial
contributions to the field and be useful to members of both the
research and industrial communities.
This symposium will have 2 days of technical sessions. Sessions
will include presentations by invited speakers and authors of
refereed papers, as well as the popular Work in Progress section.
JVM '02 will emphasize research and advanced engineering techniques
applicable to the development of Java Virtual Machines, with an
emphasis on experimental results. A Symposium Proceedings will
be printed and distributed to attendees. Following the symposium,
the proceedings will be available online for USENIX members, and
available for purchase.
Awards for the best paper and the best paper that is primarily the
work of a student are presented at the Symposium.
Relevant topics for JVM '02 include, but are not
limited to the following:
Alternate VM implementation
Hardware implementation
JITs and Execution Engines
Compilation Models
Security and VM issues
Garbage Collection techniques
Small JVM (á la JavaCard and JVM's for embedded systems)
Large JVM and Server Issues (scalability and
Porting Experience Improvements
Performance Issues and Tuning Techniques
Proposed standards, particularly empirical studies
Questions about the relevance of a topic may be addressed to the Program Chair
at jvm02chair@usenix.org
What to
Submissions should be full papers, 10 to 14 pages (around
5,000-6,000 words) in length. Late and too long papers will
be rejected. All submissions will be judged on originality,
significance, relevance, correctness, and clarity. Each
submission must include the paper title, the contact author,
email and regular addresses, and a phone number. For more
information, please read the detailed author guidelines.
The JVM symposium, like most conferences and journals, requires that
papers (or significantly similar papers) not be submitted
simultaneously to any other conference or publication, that
submissions not be previously published, and that accepted papers
not be subsequently published elsewhere for a year from date of
acceptance by USENIX. Papers accompanied by non-disclosure
agreement forms are not acceptable and will be returned to the
author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest
confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a
matter of policy and in accord with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
How to
Web-based electronic submission will be expected. Submissions should
be in Postscript that is interpretable by Ghostscript or in PDF that
is interpretable by Acroread, and should be printable on US Letter
sized paper. Please use this Web form for submissions.
All submissions will be acknowledged.
Submitters for whom web submission is a hardship should contact
the Program Chair for alternative means of submission at
The JVM Symposium will include a session on "work in progress" (WiP) to
introduce new ideas to the community and solicit early feedback. We are
particularly interested in the presentation of student work and bleeding edge VM
implementation and intergration in both software and hardware. WiP abstracts
will be lightly screened to facilitate focused discussions during the session.
The submission process for WiP abstracts will begin in May 2002. Full
submission information will be available at the symposium Web site.
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) are very informal gatherings organized by
attendees interested in a particular topic. BoFs will be held in the evening.
BoFs may be scheduled in advance by phoning the Conference Office at +1 (510) 528-8649
or via email to conference@usenix.org.
BoFs may also be
scheduled at the symposium.
Complete program and registration information will be available in April
2002 here on the symposium Web site. The
information will be in both html and a printable PDF file. If you would
like to receive the program booklet in print, please email your request,
including your postal address, to: