Full Day (9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
S1 Royal Palms Salon 3/4
Rik Farrow
Hands-on Linux Security Class: Learn How to Defend Linux/UNIX Systems by Learning to Think Like a Hacker (Day 1 of 2)
S2 Sheffield
James Mauro and Richard McDougall
Solaris 10 Performance, Observability, and Debugging
S3 Royal Palms Salon 1/2
Tina Darmohray and John Nicholson
Surviving IT Compliance
S4 Pacific Salon 1
Abe Singer
Building a Logging Infrastructure and Log Analysis for Security
S5 Pacific Salon 2
John Sellens
System and Network Monitoring
S6 Pacific Salon 3
Don Bailey
802.11 Wireless Network Penetration Testing
S7 Windsor
Joshua Jensen
Linux Systems Administration
S8 Hampton
Lee Damon
Issues in UNIX Infrastructure Design
S9 Royal Palms Salon 5/6
David Rhoades
Network Security Assessments
Full Day (9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
M1 Royal Palms Salon 3/4
Rik Farrow
Hands-on Linux Security Class: Learn How to Defend Linux/UNIX Systems by Learning to Think Like a Hacker (Day 2 of 2)
M2 Hampton
Peter Baer Galvin
Advanced Solaris System Administration Topics
M3 Windsor
Æleen Frisch
Administering Linux in Production Environments
M4 Pacific Salon 3
John Gannon and John Arrasjid
Introduction to VMware ESX Server
M5 Pacific Salon 1
John Sellens
System and Network Monitoring: Tools in Depth
Half Day Tutorials (a.m.)
M7 Sheffield
Abe Singer
Security Without Firewalls
M8 Royal Palms Salon 1/2
Dan Appelman
Intellectual Property Protection and the System Administrator
M9 Royal Palms Salon 5/6
Chip Salzenberg
Regular Expression Mastery
M10 Crescent
W. Curtis Preston
Backup on a Budget
Half Day Tutorials (p.m.)
M11 Crescent
Deryck Hodge
Google-Driven Web Development
M12 Pacific Salon 2
Mark Burgess
Introduction to Host Configuration and Maintenance with Cfengine
M13 Royal Palms Salon 5/6
Chip Salzenberg
Welcome to My ~/bin
M14 Sheffield
David Rhoades
The Latest Hacking Tools and Defenses
Full Day (9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
T1 Pacific Salon 1
Richard Bejtlich
Network Security Monitoring with Open Source Tools
T2 Royal Palms Salon 1/2
Joshua Jensen
Linux Network Service Administration
T3 Windsor
Trent Hein and Ned McClain
Advanced Topics in System Administration
T5 Pacific Salon 3
Tom Limoncelli
Help! Everyone Hates Our IT Department!
T6 Pacific Salon 2
Gerald Carter
Implementing LDAP Directories
Half Day Tutorials (a.m.)
T7 San Diego
David N. Blank-Edelman
Over the Edge System Administration, Vol. 1
T8 Hampton
Mark Burgess
Advanced Topics in Host Configuration and Maintenance with Cfengine
T9 Sheffield
Jacob Farmer
Disk-to-Disk Backup and Eliminating Backup System Bottlenecks
T10 Royal Palms Salon 5/6
Strata Rose Chalup
Taming the Wild Project
Half Day Tutorials (p.m.)
T11 Sheffield
John Sellens
Databases: What You Need to Know
T12 Hampton
Peter Baer Galvin
Solaris 10 Security Features Workshop
T13 Royal Palms Salon 3/4
David Rhoades
In-depth Topics for Web Application Security
T14 Royal Palms Salon 5/6
Strata Rose Chalup
RSS vs. Information Overload
Full Day (9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
W1 Crescent
Richard Bejtlich
Network Incident Response
W2 Windsor
Marc Staveley
System and Network Performance Tuning
Half Day Tutorials (a.m.)
W3 Sheffield
Gerald Carter
Kerberos 5: Revenge of the Three-Headed Dog
W4 Royal Palms Salon 3/4
Evan Marcus
Sure, You Can Archive Data, But Will You Be Able to Retrieve It in Ten Years?
W5 Hampton
Strata Rose Chalup
Practical Project Management for Sysadmins and IT Professionals
Half Day Tutorials (p.m.)
W6 Sheffield
Mike Ciavarella
Advanced Shell Programming
W7 Royal Palms Salon 3/4
Evan Marcus
Disaster Planning (and Recovery): How to Keep Your Company (and Your Job) Alive
W8 Hampton
Gerald Carter
Ethereal and the Art of Debugging Networks
Full Day (9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
R1 Pacific Salon 1
Richard Bejtlich
Network Forensics
R2 Pacific Salon 2
Tom Christiansen
Advanced Perl Programming
Half Day Tutorials (a.m.)
R3 Pacific Salon 3
Mike Ciavarella
Pretty and Effective: Fast Wins with Graphical Monitoring
R4 Royal Palms Salon 3/4
Theodore Ts'o
Recovering from Linux Hard Drive Disasters
R5 Hampton
Tom Limoncelli
Time Management for System Administrators: Getting It All Done and Not Going (More) Crazy!
Half Day Tutorials (p.m.)
R6 Pacific Salon 3
Mike Ciavarella
Documentation Techniques for Sysadmins
R7 Royal Palms Salon 3/4
Andrew Cowie
Mastering Massive Changes and Upgrades to Mission-Critical Systems
R8 Hampton
Mark Burgess
Understanding Configuration Management
Full Day (9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
F1 Windsor
Gerald Carter
Managing Samba 3.0
F2 Crescent
Eric Allman
Advanced Technology in Sendmail
F3 Sheffield
Mike Ciavarella and Lee Damon
Seven Habits of the Highly Effective System Administrator: Hints, Tricks, Techniques, & Tools of the Trade
F4 Hampton
Geoff Halprin
Production Change Management: To Each, His or Her Own