Hardware Ops
Release Engineering
(or How I Learned to Stop Worrying,
and Love The Red Tape)
Avleen Vig
, Google Inc.
Intro: /usr/bin/whoami
With Google since August 2005
Systems administrator in Hardware Operations
Developed several internal tools to assist with information flow
Created release engineering practices for Hardware Operations
Software Categories
Release Prerequisites
Release Notification
Separation of Responsibilities
Inter-team Coordination
Release Prerequisites
Deployment instructions
Backout instructions
Pre-deploy and post-deploy testing (unit tests, service tests..)
End-user readable release notes
Software Categories
Critical software:
Does it really hurt that much? REALLY? Probably not!
Important software:
Most software is important to someone :-)
All the rest:
We still care about you!
Approval mechanism
How many groups are involved?
Release schedules agreed to by all
Change Control Boards
Release notification
Organisation distribution dictates notification
Critical software gets more notification (24 hours -> 7 days)
Important software gets less notification (1min -> 24 hours)
No pre-notification for the rest
Release notification
Notification on success is important!
Are postmortems needed?
Separation of responsibility
Developers develop
Sysadmins deploy
Deployment timetables
Define days that are off-limits
Friday and weekend deploys are often bad
Holiday moratoriums
Lessons Learned!
Developers will be developers! Don't expect them to like release engineering.
Obsess on reducing red tape.
Flexibility is more important than rigid procedure.
Q & A
Q & A
Hardware Ops
Release Engineering
(or How I Learned to Stop Worrying,
and Love The Red Tape)
Avleen Vig
, Google Inc.
Slide 1 of 12: Hardware Ops Release Engine...
Slide 2 of 12: Intro: /usr/bin/whoami
Slide 3 of 12: Overview
Slide 4 of 12: Release Prerequisites
Slide 5 of 12: Software Categories
Slide 6 of 12: Approval mechanism
Slide 7 of 12: Release notification
Slide 8 of 12: Release notification
Slide 9 of 12: Separation of responsibility
Slide 10 of 12: Deployment timetables
Slide 11 of 12: Lessons Learned!
Slide 12 of 12: Q & A
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