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Why the Conventional Approach Fails

In our first attempt, we followed the conventional wisdom: extract the TCP related code from the kernel along the narrowest possible interface; and run it with a kernel library that provides stubs for all the kernel services the TCP code requires. Choosing a narrow interface keeps the library simple. This approach also has the advantage of minimizing the state size of the model, as the kernel library can be optimized by removing any redundant states.

Starting from the core set of TCP modules, we conservatively added a few tightly coupled modules (such as IP) to the model. To close the system, we then manually provided stub implementations for all the interface functions in the system boundary.

However, providing correct implementations for these interface functions proved to be an extremely difficult task. The TCP code interacts with the rest of the kernel along complex and undocumented interfaces. Our initial version of the kernel library involved around $150$ interface functions. Providing stub implementations and understanding the subtle interactions between various interface functions required considerable understanding of the different kernel modules. More often than not, our stubs were buggy.

Faulty stubs typically result in false behaviors that CMC will (falsely) flag as errors in the checked code. These false positives can be very hard to debug and fix. For instance, after days of debugging we found that a memory leak of a socket structure was caused by incorrect stub implementation in the timer module. The TCP implementation uses a function mod_timer() to modify the expiration time of a previously queued timer. This function's return value depends on whether the timer is pending when the function is called. However, our initial stub implementation did not capture this behavior. This incorrect stub confused the reference counting mechanism of the socket structures leading to a memory leak. (As TCP timers are members of the socket structure, a queued timer amounts to an extra reference to the parent socket.)

During our initial runs, we progressively fixed bugs in our implementations as we found them. After spending months, we gave up. It is quite possible that after sufficient iterations of fixing errors in the environment model, we would have converged on a model that implemented all the interfaces accurately. However, subsequent iterations involved bugs that were more subtle and took longer to debug.

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Madanlal Musuvathi 2004-03-03