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The LSAR captures LSAs from the network for real-time and off-line analysis. LSA traffic is reliably flooded by OSPF, not routed since LSAs need to be reliably communicated even when routing is impaired or broken. As a result, the LSAR has to be closely attached to the network it monitors. There are four choices for network attachment. Below, we describe these four choices along with their pros and cons:

Wire-tap mode: An obvious way of capturing LSAs from a network is to use a tap on a link of the network, either a physical tap or port forwarding on a layer-2 switch. We will generically refer to this way of capturing LSAs as the wire-tap mode. If done in the right manner, this allows one to capture LSAs in a completely passive manner. However, depending on the physical media or the layer-2 technology being used, wire-tapping may not be operationally feasible. As a result, the LSAR currently does not support wire-tap, though it should be relatively straight-forward to add a module that supports LSA capture via wire-tap.

Host mode: LSAs are exchanged via a multicast group all-rtrs on a broadcast network [1]. Thus, on broadcast networks, LSAs can be received by joining this group; we term this mode of network attachment as the host mode. In this mode, the LSAR does not have to establish any form of adjacency with operational routers in the network. As a result, the LSAR is completely invisible to the routers, which is the ideal situation for any passive monitoring system. However, there are a few disadvantages. First, the LSAR has to initialize the database as routers flood LSAs on the network during the refresh process. In the worst case, it can take one refresh cycle (30 minutes as per [1]) for the LSAR to receive the first copy of an LSA after it comes up. Second, OSPF's reliable flooding does not extend to the LSAR in the host mode. If the LSAR misses transmission of an LSA to the multicast group for any reason, the sending router will be unaware of this, and there will be no retransmission. Finally, the host mode can be used only on a broadcast capable media where LSAs are sent to the multicast group.

Full adjacency mode: On a point-to-point link where routers do not send LSAs to the multicast group, the LSAR has to establish an adjacency with a router to receive LSAs. We will refer to this mode as the full adjacency mode. In this mode, the LSAR cannot be completely invisible to the network. However, it is crucial to ensure that the LSAR has minimal impact on the network, and most importantly, other routers in the network never send data packets to the LSAR to be forwarded elsewhere. A natural line of defense is to use router configuration measures: assign high OSPF weights and install strict access control lists and route filters on the link to the LSAR. Another line of defense stems from the fact that the LSAR (by design) cannot send LSAs. As a result, the link from the LSAR to the router it attaches to does not exist in the OSPF topology graph. Since OSPF uses a link for data forwarding only if both of its unidirectional edges exist in the graph [1], this ensures that the LSAR-router link cannot be used for data forwarding. However, the LSAR might still have an impact on the network since the router advertises a link to the monitor in its router LSA. If the LSAR or its link with the router is flapping (going up and down), the associated adjacency can start flapping, triggering SPF calculations around the network.

Partial adjacency mode: To prevent network-wide SPF calculations when the adjacency between the LSAR and the router is flapping in the full adjacency mode, we can keep the adjacency in an ``intermediate'' state at the router, so that the router does not include a link to the LSAR but still sends LSAs to it. We refer to this mode as the partial adjacency mode. To keep the LSAR-router adjacency in the intermediate state, the LSAR describes a ``fake'' LSA to the router during the link state database synchronization process but never actually sends it out to the router. As a result, the database is never synchronized, the adjacency stays in OSPF's loading state, and is never fully established. Note that this is permissible under the OSPF specification [1]. With the partial adjacency, instability at the LSAR does not impact other routers in the network, which makes for an attractive choice. However, there are two potential issues. First, with an adjacency in the intermediate state, the router cannot delete LSAs from its link state database [1]. In the worst case, this might lead to memory exhaustion on the router. We deal with this problem by periodically dropping the partial adjacency (so that the router has a chance of garbage collecting the link state database) and then re-establishing the partial adjacency after a short time interval. In our implementation, the LSAR drops its adjacency once every 24 hours for a five second period. While there is a possibility for the LSAR to lose data during this five second period, we believe that chances of this happening are rare. Second, the use of the partial adjacency is a deviation from the normal behavior of OSPF. Keeping an adjacency in the loading state on a router for a long time might generate alarms, or might cause the router to drop the adjacency. However, we have not observed this problem with the commercial routers we have tested.

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aman shaikh