- The Deadline:
- Confirmation of our faxed printout of your electronic file must be received by 29 March 2006.
- The Format of the Printed Paper:
- The text of the paper must be set in two columns.
- The type must be Times Roman, 10 point type on 12 point leading ("single spaced").
- The type must fit inside an area 6.5 inches wide by 9 inches deep.
- The notes must appear at the end of the paper, not at the foot of the page.
- Do NOT include page numbers or running titles.
- The Electronic Files:
- We must receive your signed consent form(s) at the time you submit your files. All authors may sign a single form, or each author may send in a separate signed form, as convenient. Please mail or fax your signed consent form to the address on the form.
DEADLINE (back to top)
The files are due on or before 29 March 2006.
Copy received after this date may not be included in the printed or CD-ROM proceedings.
FILE FORMATS (back to top)
Email two electronic versions of your paper to
The PDF will be used to prepare the printed proceedings, and both versions will be permanently mounted on the USENIX Web site. NSDI '06 papers may also be included in the ACM
Digital Library (please contact Craig Rodkin,, with any questions or concerns about the ACM use). Please send:
- One version, including any figures, as a PDF file with all fonts embedded.
- A second version, in fully formatted HTML, with any illustrations in
PNG, GIF, or JPEG format. A compressed file (e.g., uuencoded tar, gzip, zip) is recommended for transmission. Please be sure to include your .css file.
SUBMISSION (back to top)
Simply email the PDF and HTML files of your paper and your fax number to We will print the paper in our office and fax you a copy for approval. Unless this method of submission proves impossible for you, you should not mail physical copies of your paper. Send only the signed consent form by fax or regular mail to the USENIX office.
Physical Paper Submission (last resort, if you cannot submit electronic files) (back to top)
Please send two copies of original, single-sided output, not
xerographic copies of output. Number your pages lightly
in pencil on the the reverse side of each page. Please
package the submission in a way that will permit it to survive the journey. Mail the final paper to
Production Director
USENIX Association
2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215
Berkeley, CA 94710
so that it will be received by the deadline.
Final copy should be printed on a 600 dpi or better
laser printer.
The authors, not the USENIX staff, are solely responsible for the content and formatting of their paper. It is not possible for USENIX to proofread or correct the papers before we print them. USENIX staff will be happy to advise about any aspect of paper presentation: send email to the Production Director, Jane-Ellen Long, before the paper submission deadline.
(back to top)
Content (back to top)
Note that some licensed material may not be publishable.
USENIX does not have the resources to research licensed material
and will rely on your determination. If there is any question on this
matter, please contact your program chairs immediately.
Attribution information (authors' affiliations and email addresses) should be included on the first page of the paper. Dedicated title pages should not be used. Keep the attribution short—no biographies or other extended information.
A 200–300 word abstract should follow the title and author names, before the main body of the paper.
Take care when making general references to people that the pronouns "she" and "he" are used fairly. If this is not done, the usage becomes offensive and distracting. It is also contrary to expected behavior,
particularly in a professional forum.
Proofread your paper carefully yourself, run a spell-checker, and also have
someone else proofread it. See above, Your Responsibilities.
Format (back to top)
USENIX maintains a consistent style in our proceedings. Authors are required to adhere to the following specifications:
- Length: maximum 14 pages
- Text block 6.5 x 9 inches
- No page numbers or running titles
- 2 columns: each 3.125 inches (") wide
- Gutter between columns: .25"
- Font: Times Roman
- Title: 14 pt bold
- Text: 10 pt type on 12 pt leading
- Attribution:
- Author's name: 12 pt roman
- Author's affiliation: 12 pt italic
- Headings: 12 pt bold
- Endnotes (not footnotes), equations,
& illustration captions: no smaller than 8 point
- Illustrations: clearly reproducible in black & white (color is fine for the HTML)
Typeface and Type Sizes (back to top)
Papers should be set in Times Roman. The body text should be 10 point type.
Text should be printed single-spaced (12 pt leading for 10 pt text, 10 or 11 pt leading for 8 or 9 pt captions).
Headings should be set in 12 point type, and endnotes, equations, and illustration
captions set in 8 or 9 pt type. Type that is too small will not reproduce legibly.
Layout (back to top)
In the PDF, all type, including illustrations,
should be contained within a 6.5 by 9 inch rectangle.
Text should be set in two columns (3.125" each) in portrait orientation
(long axis vertical). Illustrations and diagrams may be either
portrait or landscape orientation.
Please gather all notes and references at the end of your paper, i.e., do not typeset them as footnotes.
Reproduction in the proceedings will be black on white only, on flat-surface paper. Keep
this in mind when producing illustrations, particularly when using shaded areas—many shadings are hard to differentiate in offset-printed copies.
Do not include running titles or page numbers on the papers.
PAGE COUNT: (back to top)
Maximum 14 pages
PRESENTATIONS (back to top)
Each paper will be scheduled in a 30-minute time period (no more than 25 minutes for your
talk and at least 5 reserved for questions). We will
monitor the time very closely and will not allow talks to run over
their allotted time. Prepare your talks accordingly.
We will provide the following equipment:
- 1 projector (either overhead or LCD—your choice)
- 1 screen
- 1 wired Lavalier microphone
- cables and extension cords
Please note: laptops are not provided. If you wish to discuss any special A/V needs, please contact Devon Shaw, Conference Coordinator, via email at or via phone at 510-528-8649 ext. 21.
QUESTIONS? (back to top)
If you have any questions that aren't answered above, contact:
Production Director
Jane-Ellen Long
(510) 528-8649
Program Chairs:
Larry Peterson and Timothy Roscoe,
Meeting Planner
(regarding hotel, registration and A-V needs)
Devon Shaw
Tel: (510) 528-8649 ext. 21
Fax: (510) 548-5738