NSDI '06 Paper
[NSDI '06 Technical Program]
Re: Reliable Email
Re: Reliable Email
Scott Garriss†,
Michael Kaminsky∗
Michael J. Freedman‡∘,
Brad Karp∗∗,
David Mazières∘,
Haifeng Yu∗†
†Carnegie Mellon University,
∗Intel Research Pittsburgh,
‡New York University,
∗∗University College London,
∘Stanford University
The explosive growth in unwanted email has prompted the development of
techniques for the rejection of email, intended to shield
recipients from the onerous task of identifying the legitimate email
in their inboxes amid a sea of spam. Unfortunately, widely used
content-based filtering systems have converted the spam problem into a
false positive one: email has become unreliable. Email
acceptance techniques complement rejection ones; they can help
prevent false positives by filing email into a user's inbox before it
is considered for rejection. Whitelisting, whereby recipients accept
email from some set of authorized senders, is one such
acceptance technique.
We present Reliable Email (Re:), a new whitelisting system that
incurs zero false positives among socially connected users.
Unlike previous whitelisting systems, which require that whitelists
be populated manually, Re: exploits friend-of-friend
relationships among email correspondents to populate whitelists
automatically. To do so, Re: permits an email's recipient to discover
whether other email users have whitelisted the email's sender, while
preserving the privacy of users' email contacts with cryptographic
private matching techniques.
Using real email traces from two sites, we demonstrate that Re:
renders a significant fraction of received email reliable. Our
evaluation also shows that Re: can
prevent up to 88% of the false positives incurred by a widely
deployed email rejection system, at modest computational cost.
1 Introduction and Motivation
Written communication is most useful when it is reliable; that
is, when senders and recipients can both expect that a message sent
will be received successfully by the intended recipient. Correspondents
who are connected socially, whether directly or indirectly, often have
something to lose if a message is not received (e.g., an urgent
request from one colleague to another, or an urgent communication to a
parent from her child's teacher). Similarly, a sender
is most likely to expect a recipient to read and act on communication
when the two parties have a preexisting social relationship, direct or
By the above definition, Internet email has been reliable throughout
most of its entire long history, beginning with its 1971 origins on
the ARPAnet. Email users
have come to rely upon email reaching its destination.1
Today, however, unsolicited commercial email has rendered Internet
email unreliable, as we explain below. We seek to restore email's
reliability among correspondents who are linked to one another
Spam inconveniences users by forcing them to search for legitimate email
in an inbox dominated by chaff. Despite the efforts of legislative and
law-enforcement bodies to the contrary, spam remains a pressing
problem of large scale. In 2003, corporations spent an estimated $2.5
billion on increased SMTP server capacity needed to process
spam [30], and in July 2005, over 65% of email that
crossed the Internet was spam [1]. The natural
response of researchers and practitioners has been to develop and
deploy a broad range of techniques intended to ensure that spam does
not reach a user's
inbox [6,2,4,29,32,33,8,23,19].
Content-based filtering has been particularly widely adopted as
a spam defense strategy, perhaps because of its wide availability in
free and commercial implementations. These systems are designed to
reject email based on the presence of string tokens associated
with spam. These tokens may either be selected manually by an
administrator, or may be learned, most often by applying Bayesian
learning to user-supplied training examples.
Many have reported great success at rejecting spam using content-based
techniques, as measured by sub-1% false negative
rates [34,20]. Unfortunately,
content-based filtering has replaced the spam problem with a
false positive one. That is, misclassification of legitimate email as
spam by content-based filters has rendered email unreliable. False
positives are arguably more severe than spam in one's inbox, in that
they are not merely a waste of a user's time-they represent possibly
important email the user does not see.
The reasons why content-based filters result in false
positives are manifold.2 A legitimate communication may contain
strings associated with spam (e.g., "mortgage," "offer,"
"lottery," "Lagos," or any number of more colorful words that
figure prominently in the descriptions of items flogged by
spammers). Even if one were to build a content-based filter that could
avoid false positives in these cases, others remain problematic, such
as forwarding an interesting spam to a mailing list used for
discussion by spam filter designers. In effect, content-based filters
act as "dumb censors," as they prevent legitimate discussion on the
basis of keyword matching-users can no longer say what they want in
Figure 1: Complementary whitelisting and blacklisting.
In this paper, we propose Reliable Email (Re:), an automated
email acceptance system based on whitelisting of email according to
its sender. Figure 1 depicts a schematic view of how
Re: fits into an email recipient's spam-fighting system. Re: is first
to examine inbound email, and it delivers any message it accepts directly
to the recipient's inbox. Note that Re: is entirely complementary to a
mail rejection system; it cannot increase false positives because it
either accepts a message or passes it to whatever rejection system was
already in place.
The concept of a mail acceptance system is hardly new. Perhaps the
simplest mail acceptance system is a sender whitelist, which
places mail from senders enumerated on a list directly into the
recipient's inbox.
whitelisting is rarely used in practice for three chief reasons:
- Whitelisting based on sender is trivially defeated by forging
From: addresses, which are unauthenticated in SMTP. Even without
knowing the contents of a recipient's whitelist, a spammer may
trivially generate spam forged to appear to be from the
recipient, whose address is most likely whitelisted.
- A recipient's whitelist cannot accept mail from a sender
previously unknown to the recipient.
- Populating whitelists requires manual effort
distributed diffusely in time, as users acquire new contacts.
Re: incorporates a mechanism to defeat forgery of From:
addresses, as do other proposals that aim to stop
spam [8,33]. More significantly, Re:
automatically broadens the set of senders whose mail is accepted by
recipients' whitelists by explicitly examining the social network
among email users. In particular, Re: allows user A to attest
to user B. Such an attestation indicates that user A is
willing to have email from user B directly filed in his inbox. An
attestation thus roughly corresponds to the notion, "User A trusts
user B not to send him spam." We say B is a friend of A.
Clearly, attestations are useful for accepting mail in cases where a
sender and recipient are friends; a sender may choose to generate an
attestation for a recipient, and vice-versa, on the basis of the other
party's identity.
We observe further that attestations are useful for accepting mail in
cases where the sender and recipient are not already friends, but
instead share a friend in common, a situation we term
friend-of-friend (FoF). Suppose A and B are friends, B and C
are friends, but A and C are as yet unknown to each other. If C
sends email to A, the FoF relationship between A and C may give
A confidence that C is not a spammer. That is, A may trust B
not to be a spammer, B may trust C not to be a spammer, and on this
basis, A may conclude that C is unlikely to be one.
Each email domain that participates in Re: runs a server that stores
attestations. Together, the distributed collection of Re: servers
allows FoF queries over attestations, whereby an email's
recipient may determine whether the email's sender is an FoF. Re: thus
allows a recipient to accept email from FoFs without requiring all
users to trust a central authority.
Because attestations name email correspondents, allowing one user to
query another user for attestations raises privacy concerns. Re:
employs cryptographic private matching
techniques to preserve the privacy of users' contact
lists. Section 3.8 details the specific guarantees
that Re: provides.
A central question is how useful FoF relationships are in increasing
the number of emails Re: accepts into a user's inbox, versus the
number of emails accepted by direct friend relationships alone. We
consider this question in detail in Section 5. By way of
motivation, we note briefly here that when evaluating the utility of
social whitelisting using email traces from multiple sites, we find
that Re: can accept almost 75% of received email and can
prevent up to 88% of the false positives incurred by the
existing spam filter. Moreover,
augmenting friend relationships with FoF relationships increases the
fraction of all received email accepted by Re: by at least 10%-a
significant improvement in the fraction of received email rendered
We proceed in the remainder of this paper as follows. After reviewing
related work in Section 2, Section 3
offers design goals for a distributed whitelisting system
and describes the design of Re:
in detail. Section 4
describes our working Re: prototype, and Section 5
evaluates the system.
Section 6 discusses
various design decisions and open questions. We conclude in
Section 7.
2 Related Work
We now survey the numerous and varied schemes proposed to fight spam,
and compare these approaches to that taken in Re: .
Forgery Protection.
Today's whitelists are often vulnerable to abuse because sender addresses
are unauthenticated in SMTP, and thus may be forged trivially.
Current methods for the prevention of mail forgery fall into two categories:
digitally signed mail and trusted senders.
Digitally signing mail (e.g., with PGP [35]) allows
recipients to authenticate the mail's content, including the sender's
address. Clearly, requiring that all mail
be digitally signed would solve the address forgery problem,
but the use of digital signatures is hampered
by the lack of any widely deployed public-key infrastructure.
Under trusted senders, a recipient can determine whether a
received mail originated from a mail server in the domain of the
sender's address. The Sender Policy Framework (SPF [33]),
its derivative, Sender ID [26], and Yahoo! Domain
Keys [8] exemplify this approach.
Social Networks.
Ebel et al. [16] study
the topology of an email social network and show that it
exhibits small-world behavior.
Kong et al. [23] use this finding to propose a
collaborative, content-based email rejection system based on social
networks, in which a user manually identifies the spam he receives,
and publishes a digest of it to his social network. A user queries
these digests to determine if mail he has received was previously
classified as spam by others in his social network. This scheme
presumes that users who are connected socially have the same
definition of what constitutes spam content.
Ceglowski and Schachter [12] and Brickley and
Miller [11] propose mechanisms for exchanging
whitelist information using Bloom filters and SHA-1 hashes,
respectively. These data structures do not contain cleartext whitelist
entries, but are open to straightforward dictionary attacks. Both
schemes assume sender addresses are not forged. Goldbeck and
Hendler [19] present an algorithm that infers a
trust score for a given sender based on social relationships, but
compromises user privacy by requiring that users publish their social
PGP [35], though not originally intended to fight
spam, uses a web-of-trust model for key distribution. The web-of-trust
model relies on friend-of-friend trust relationships, as does
Re: . Re: , however, uses these FoF relationships only to help
identify legitimate senders, not for key distribution. Re: intentionally
sidesteps the problem of robust key distribution, as described in
Section 3.4.
Mail Rejection Systems.
Machine learning techniques for text classification have been adapted
to distinguish spam from legitimate
email [21,31]. Systems in this
category, as exemplified by SpamAssassin [6], are by
far the most widely deployed spam defense. As previously described,
such systems reduce the reliability of email, as they inevitably
classify some legitimate email as spam. Such false positives are
a severe enough problem that some of the most accurate spam
classification systems (e.g., [2]) resort to human labor
to help with their classification, at greatly increased cost.
Since human-directed classification is accurate, but costly, several
efforts have been made to distribute that cost across an email system's
users. SpamNet [3], Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse
(DCC) [4], and Razor2 [29] are all systems in which
email users collaborate to classify spam. In each of these systems,
users report spam to a centralized database.
It is unclear
how resilient these systems are to malicious users, particularly ones
who mount a Sybil attack [13].
One may also reject email on the basis of the IP address of the
sending host; past spam sources are thus blacklisted. Realtime
Blackhole Lists (RBLs [5], or more generally, DNSBLs) and
SpamCop [7] take this approach. These systems automate the
distribution of a list of IP addresses known to have sent spam or run
open SMTP relays.
Blacklisting the SMTP
server for a domain runs the risk of blacklisting many legitimate users.
Because these lists are maintained in ad hoc fashion, it can be
slow to have a server's reputation "cleared."
Other Mail Acceptance Systems.
In proof-of-work schemes [14,15,9], a sender "pays" to send an email by solving a
computational puzzle. Payment schemes rely on a similar notion, but
they require senders to expend money rather than computation, e.g., by
directly paying recipients [25]. For both
classes of system, the intent is that the resources required to send
mail will be prohibitively expensive in volume for a spammer, while
affordable in smaller quantities for an average legitimate email
sender. Laurie and Clayton [24] argue that
spammers may harness the computational resources of large collections
of compromised hosts to send spam in volume.
Keeping email too expensive for spammers might then entail making it
too expensive for heavy legitimate email users.
DQE [32] aims to limit the volume of email any one sender may
send, without compromising the reliability of email between legitimate
users. To achieve this goal, DQE employs a central authority trusted
by all email users, which allocates quotas of unforgeable stamps to
email senders. Senders attach a stamp to every email they
send. Recipients check the validity of the stamp on mail they
receive. DQE eliminates false positives between sender-recipient pairs that
adopt the system (and thus trust the same central quota allocator).
When DQE is deployed incrementally, however, a recipient that wants
protection from spam must fall back on a mail rejection system when it
receives unstamped mail; in so doing, the recipient risks a false
We believe Re: and DQE
complement one another well. Re: incurs no false positives for email
between friends and FoFs, but cannot prevent false positives on mail
whose sender is not a friend or FoF of the recipient. DQE, in
contrast, can prevent false positives between any
sender-recipient pair, provided they trust the same central quota
3 Design
We now continue by offering design goals for a robust and secure
distributed email social whitelisting system. We then define terms
useful in reasoning about Re: , describe Re: 's major components, and
explain the system by way of a typical email usage scenario. We
conclude this section by presenting the assumptions
under which Re: operates and its corresponding security guarantees.
3.1 Design Goals
To be robust and secure, a distributed system that whitelists
email and allows users to generate and query for attestations must
provide three basic guarantees.
Sender addresses cannot be forged. Because a
whitelisting system automatically accepts email based on sender
address, protecting against this type of forgery is particularly
important. Basic SMTP, however, does not provide any mechanism to
prevent a user from sending email with an arbitrary From:
Re: robustly verifies that the From: address in a received email
has not been forged.
Attestations cannot be forged.
An attestation is a statement by one user that another user is trusted
to send email. Forging attestations would allow an adversary (spammer)
to trick the recipient into accepting the adversary's email, even if
the sender's address is not forged. Re: uses digital signatures to
guarantee that attestations cannot be forged.
Privacy when exchanging whitelist information. A
social whitelisting system can automatically accept email based on FoF
relationships. A naive approach to learning about mutual friends is
for one party to send his list of friends to the other party, who
computes the set intersection. This approach, however, compromises
the privacy of the first party. Re: uses a private set-matching protocol
to compute the intersection of sets of friends, but still provides
provable privacy guarantees for both parties.
Additionally, any spam-fighting system is far more easily deployable
if it provides two practical properties:
Incremental deployability. Inevitably, some users will
adopt a spam-fighting system before others. A spam-fighting system
ideally will offer real benefit to the community of users who have
adopted it thus far. Because Re: is a mail acceptance system, it is
complementary to pre-existing spam rejection systems, and thus easy to
deploy incrementally. Clearly, the deployment of Re: does nothing to
worsen the spam problem for those who have not adopted it. Moreover,
Re: can confer benefit in the form of reduced false positives in any
pairwise deployment, in which the domains of both sender and recipient
run it.
Compatibility with today's SMTP. Making changes to the SMTP
protocol slows adoption because
developers must incorporate the new
anti-spam SMTP protocol extensions into their mail software,
and site administrators must then
adopt one of the resulting new releases of this software. Re: does not
change SMTP in any way; the system communicates over its own
connections, and it is easily placed in the email processing path
of most mail servers.
3.2 Definitions
The two key participants in any email exchange are the sender (S)
and the recipient (R). Every user U in Re:
possesses a public/secret key pair, denoted by PKU and SKU.
The user keeps his secret key somewhere where he can access it while
sending email. He registers his public key with his Attestation
Server (AS), described below.
As described in Section 1,
a user can issue an attestation to vouch
that another user is a legitimate sender. An attestation by A for
B, written A → B, indicates that A trusts B to send
email, and that A believes that other people should trust B to
send email. Attestations contain the
identities of the attester and the attestee, as well as an expiration
time. More formally, an attestation is
A→ B = { Hash(A), Hash(B), start,duration }SKA |
Hash() is a collision-resistant cryptographic hash (e.g.,
SHA-1) of the attester's or attestee's email address. The start and
duration fields specify when the attestation expires. The entire
attestation is cryptographically signed by the attester using his
secret key.
Each SMTP domain that participates in Re: runs an Attestation Server
(AS) responsible for storing attestations both by and to the users of
that domain. The AS also stores the public keys of its users as well as the public
keys of users attested to by its users (i.e., for each attestation
A → B, where A is in the AS's domain, the AS
stores PKB). When the AS's users receive email from third-party
senders, they use these attestee public keys
to verify the signatures on the attestations that the third-party presents
during an
FoF query, as described below.
The AS can run on the same machine as the domain's SMTP
server, or on a different host, as indicated by DNS
SRV records [22].
An AS responds to several types of client requests, such as queries
for public keys, attestations, and FoFs. Some queries
are restricted to users in the AS's domain
(e.g., storing a public key) while others are open to everyone
(e.g., getting a public key). Section 4 describes the full list
of requests an AS supports.
Figure 2: Sending Mail and Finding FoFs with Re:
3.3 Example: Sending Mail with Re:
Figure 2 shows
an example of how two users running Re: , S and
R, correspond by email.
First, S composes a message to R and
creates an authentication token (see Section 3.4).
S signs the authentication token
with his secret key and sends the message to R using standard
SMTP. The authentication token is included as a header in the email
message to avoid requiring modifications to the SMTP protocol.
R can decide to accept the mail based on the sender in one
of two ways, depending on whether the sender is a direct friend or an
These two cases differ in what R sends to S and what S returns.
Figure 2 shows the FoF case.
To check for direct friendship, R
examines the list of senders to whom he has attested
(stored on R's AS); these attestations
are of the form R→*. If the recipient has attested to the
sender (i.e., R→ S exists), R contacts S's AS to
verify the authentication token.
In this case, the token verification is the only communication between
R and S.
If the verification succeeds, Re: accepts the message
and delivers it directly to the recipient's inbox.
If S is not one of R's direct friends,
R will try to determine if S is an FoF.
R seeks to discover
whether any of his direct friends has attested to S:
is there an x such that R→ x and x→S? To answer this question, R
queries the sender's AS. This query effectively contains a list of the
recipient's direct friends.
The sender's AS responds with a list of
any attestations to the sender it holds from those direct friends. In
Figure 2, the sender's AS returns B→ S,
where B is a mutual friend.
In this case, the communication between R and S combines the FoF
query and verification of the authentication token.
In practice, R never actually sends its list of friends directly to S.
R performs this FoF query using a private set matching protocol
described in Section 3.8, which guarantees that
the sender does not learn any of the recipient's direct friends and
that the recipient only learns the attestations that are from his
friends (i.e., the set intersection).
R finds a match for this FoF query-e.g., an attestation to the
sender by a B-it verifies the signature and freshness of this
attestation. Note that R's own AS already has the mutual
friend's public key, PKB, stored alongside R→ B. If the
attestation is valid and the authentication token verification succeeds,
accepts the message and delivers it to the recipient's inbox.
concludes that it is unable to
determine whether or not the message is spam.
R can then perform a default action (e.g., running the mail through a spam
filter, graylisting it, etc.).
3.4 Sender Authentication
Re: attaches an authentication token to each outgoing email
to protect against forged sender email addresses.
This token is defined as follows:
{ Sender, Recipient, Timestamp, Message ID }SKS |
The recipient
verifies the authentication token before determining whether an
incoming email should be whitelisted: (1) The recipient checks that
the sender, recipient, and unique message ID match the values found in the
message itself.
This check ensures that the token cannot successfully be attached
to an email destined to a different address.
The recipient then connects to the sender's AS, which
(2) checks that the authentication token is unused and (3) verifies
the token's signature, as the AS knows the sender's public
key PKS. If an authentication token has been previously redeemed
or the signature fails verification, the token check fails.3
Thus, authentication tokens serve two purposes. First, they allow
recipients to reject forged sender addresses. Second, they prevent
an adversary from making arbitrary FoF queries to the AS by
replaying a previously redeemed token. Restricting FoF queries
prevents the adversary from learning who has attested to the sender.
To verify that the authentication token is unused, the AS caches
previously used tokens. To bound the size of this cache, the
authentication token contains a timestamp. The AS only keeps
tokens whose corresponding timestamps (times of issuance) are
more recent than t seconds in the past. A reasonable value for t
might be one week. Expiring authentication tokens based on timestamps
assumes loosely synchronized clocks.
Because the recipient contacts the sender's AS to verify the
authentication token, the recipient need not know the sender's public
key. This method of verification assumes, however, that an adversary
cannot perform a man-in-the-middle attack (see
Section 3.7).
Performing a
man-in-the-middle attack in the wide-area network is non-trivial, and
is far more work than a typical spammer would have the resources to
perform for each email. Furthermore, successfully tricking the
recipient into believing an invalid authentication token is valid
results in, at worst, accepting a spam email into a user's inbox
(i.e., a false negative).
3.5 Revocation
If a user's secret key is compromised or lost, authentication tokens
and attestations signed by that key should be revoked. Once a user
discovers that his key has been compromised, he uploads a new public
key to his Attestation Server. From that point forward, the AS simply
stops accepting authentication tokens signed with the old key.
For attestations, there are two cases that Re: must handle.
First, when a recipient R's key is compromised, he should invalidate all attestations
R → * stored at its own AS; we call these local
attestations. When R uploads a new key to its AS, the AS
can simply remove these local attestations;
R can then re-issue the attestations as needed.
Second, R's friends must stop using R's attestations stored at
their Attestation Servers; we call these remote attestations.
Currently, Re: does not have a way to notify every one
of R's friends automatically that his attestations are now invalid.
Re: handles this case through expiration dates in attestations.
Two expiration dates are relevant: (1) The remote attestation
itself (signed by R) has an expiration date and after this date,
R's friends will stop using it.
(2) During an FoF query,
R's friends present these remote attestations to users who
have attested to R, and these users attempt to verify the signature
on the remote attestations using R's public key, which they stored when
attesting to R. These users will reject the remote attestation if
it is signed with an old, now invalid key.
For example, if user U holds U → R and PKR, U
will re-fetch the attestation and PKR once the attestation expires.
Until then, however, U might accept mail from one of R's friends,
or an adversary that
can generate any R → * using R's compromised key.
A similar situation exists for revoking a single attestation, e.g.,
after a recipient R attests to a spammer by accident. To prevent the
attestation's direct use (not FoF use), R simply removes the offending local attestation from his AS, thereby eliminating
future false negatives from this spammer. This removal, however, does
not help if the spammer (the attestee) is already holding a copy of
the attestation, as he can subsequently use this remote attestation to
send mail to users who have attested to R. Currently, Re: only limits
the duration of a bad attestation by its expiration time, but alternatively
the user can decide to remove his attestation for the recipient and thereby
disregard the remote attestation presented by the spammer, as described
in the following section.
3.6 Policy Decisions
Re: leaves several policy decisions to the user and/or system
administrator. Most importantly, a user must
decide when to create attestations. The most labor-intensive but
least error-prone policy is for the user to manually attest to other
users after verifying that the sender is trusted to send email.
This verification can be out-of-band (the user knows the sender
personally) or can be based on the recommendation of a mutual friend
learned through the Re: protocols. In the example above, the
recipient R might decide to attest to the sender S because his
mutual friend B attested to S. In this way, FoF queries help
bootstrap a user's attestations to include a previously unknown
Users can also specify policies that automatically create
attestations. For example, a user might decide that anyone to whom he
sends email is a trusted sender-presumably this user does not send
email to spammers-and thus automatically create an attestation for
each recipient of his outbound email. The user might also tune such a
policy decision to include or exclude mail sent to particular domains.
Another example of automatic attestation creation might be to attest
to anyone that sends a user three non-spam emails that the user does
not discard.
Users must also decide how to set expiration dates in an attestation.
Expiration dates allow users to limit how long their friends will
continue using the remote attestation. For example, a user might
choose a more distant expiration date for personal acquaintances
versus senders attested to automatically because they have sent three
legitimate emails.
We presume that a user's trusted friend will only rarely attest to a
spammer. If this friend does attest to a spammer, the user will accept
mail from the spammer because of the FoF social relationship. The
user will know, however, which friend attested to the spammer. In this
sense, Re: limits the harm of attesting to a spammer: users can
identify a friend's ill-considered remote attestation, and they can choose
to ignore that friend's remote attestations when accepting inbound email
in the future.
We elected to limit the social networking component of our system
to one level (FoF). One might also consider using social
relationships of three hops or longer in whitelisting email. We
defer a discussion of this choice to Section 6.
3.7 Assumptions
In addition to standard cryptographic hardness assumptions,
Re: operates under the following assumptions:
- Clocks are loosely synchronized to within some error bound. This is to
ensure that (1) the sender's AS accepts only authentication tokens
that are not too old, and that (2) the recipient uses only attestations
that have not expired.
- An adversary cannot launch a man-in-the-middle attack. This
assumption implies, for example,
that the adversary cannot subvert forward DNS
queries or intercept and modify IP packets traveling between an
email sender and recipient.
- An adversary cannot compromise the sender's AS and/or convince it
to lie about the validity of an authentication token or public key.
- An adversary cannot compromise a sender's machine. Section 6
discusses this assumption in more detail.
3.8 Privacy Protection
The FoF query allows the recipient to determine if any of his friends
have attested to the sender. Re: performs this set intersection
using a Private Matching (PM) protocol [18] that
provides the following attractive privacy properties:
- The sender S does not learn anything about the recipient's
friends. Both sender and recipient do learn an upper bound on
the number of real friends presented by the opposite party,
- The recipient R learns only the intersection of the two sets
of friends, i.e., those persons f for whom R→ f and
f→ S. The PM protocol does not prevent parties from
"lying" about their inputs; thus, the recipient can include
arbitrary friends in his list when computing the set intersection.
However, such inputs will fail later attestation verification
and thus not result in a successful FoF chain.
- A third party observing all messages between sender and
recipient learns only an upper bound on the size of each input, but
nothing about their content nor the size of the intersection.
- No other party other than the recipient can execute the FoF
query, as the AS only allows one query per valid authentication
Re: 's private matching protocol is a type of secure two-party
computation that is optimized for computation and communication
efficiency. At a high level, the basic protocol has three steps:
- The recipient encodes his kR friends' names in a special
encrypted data structure, which he sends to the sender.
- The sender performs a computation on the encrypted data structure with each of
her kS friends' names and the corresponding attestations,
generating kS outputs. If the
sender's friend f is encoded within the encrypted data structure,
an output's
underlying plaintext becomes the attestation f→ S; otherwise,
that output's
plaintext becomes random. She sends the kS outputs back
to the recipient.
- The recipient decrypts these kS results. He recovers the
attestations corresponding to their set of friends in common.
Our private matching protocol takes advantage of the special
mathematical properties of certain public-key encryption schemes, such
as Paillier [28] and a variant of
ElGamal [17]4, that preserve the group homomorphism of
addition and allow multiplication by a constant.
In other words, the following operations can be performed without
knowledge of the private key:
(1) Given two encryptions enc(m1) and enc(m2),
one can compute
enc(m1 + m2) = enc(m1)·enc(m2).
(2) Given some constant c belonging to the same group,
enc(cm) = enc(m)c.
We use the following corollary of these properties:
(3) Given encryptions of the coefficients a0,…,ak of a
polynomial P of degree k, and a plaintext y, one can
compute an encryption of P(y).
We now construct a basic secure PM protocol in the following
- The recipient R defines a polynomial P whose roots are hash
values encoding his kR friends, i.e., given xi ←Hash(fiR), R computes:
P(y) = (x1 − y)(x2 − y)…(xkR − y) = |
kR ∑
au yu |
R encrypts these kR coefficients under his public key and sends
the resulting ciphertexts to S.
- The sender S uses the homomorphic properties of the encryption
system to evaluate the polynomial on each hash value of her
kS friends, i.e., ∀i, yi ← Hash(fiS):
enc |
(P (yi))
= enc(a0) | (
enc(a1) | (
…enc(akR)yi | )
| )
S then multiplies each P(yi) result by a fresh random number r
to get an intermediate result, and she adds it to
her corresponding attestation from fiS
(encrypted under R's public key):
enc | (
r·P(yi) + {fiS→ S} | )
S randomly permutes this set and returns it to R.
- R decrypts each element of this set. For every friend in
common, P(yi) = 0 and R recovers the attestation
fiS→ S. Otherwise, P(yi) is non-zero and the
resulting decryption appears random. R checks that fiS is in
its friends list and verifies the attestation fiS→ S
before accepting the FoF chain.
For proofs of the protocol's security, as well as efficiency
optimizations and other implementation details, we refer the reader
to Freedman et al. [2004].
Such cryptographic tools must be applied with care to
prevent information leakage that unknowingly introduces side-channel
attacks against the protocol's privacy.
For example, one may be tempted to distribute public keys inside
FoF attestations, much like a web-of-trust for key distribution.
However, this approach can be used to break the system's privacy.
Consider the case in which a sender maintains multiple public keys. If
the sender receives attestations from friends on different keys, and a
recipient accepts one such key following a successful FoF protocol
with the sender and then subsequently attests to it, the sender can
immediately deduce which friend the two parties have in common. Thus,
all identifying information (public keys, email addresses) must be
retrieved directly from their corresponding parties,
in order to ensure consistency across participants and thus
prevent such side-channel attacks.
4 Implementation
The current Re: prototype
consists of the Attestation Server, Private Matching (PM) implementation,
and a number of utilities for creating attestations, authentication tokens,
and for checking incoming mail.
The prototype is built atop the SFS
toolkit [27], which provides primitives for
asynchronous event-driven programming, cryptography, and RPC. We have
integrated the Re: prototype with the Mutt
mail client, the Mail Avenger
SMTP server, and the
Postfix SMTP client. Note that we made no modifications to any of
these pre-existing mail tools. Re: is roughly 4500
lines of C++ source, plus 275 lines of Sun XDR code for the Re: wire protocol specification. Re: uses
for digital signatures on attestations and
authentication tokens. For the PM protocol, Re: uses
the ElGamal variant [17].
4.1 Attestation Server
Currently, each email domain that wishes to participate in Re: must run an
Attestation Server. The domain publishes SRV records [22]
to indicate the location of the AS. For
each user A in the domain, the Attestation Server is responsible
for maintaining the following:
- A's public key PKA
- all unexpired, redeemed authentication tokens
generated by A when sending email
- all attestations A→ x created by A, along
with x's public key PKx
- all remote attestations x→ A for A
Public RPCs | | Private RPCs |
GetPK | | GetWhitelist |
SubmitAtt | | GetAtt |
CheckAuth | | SetPK |
FindFriend | |
Table 1: RPC interface to the Attestation Server
In addition to maintaining this
information, the Attestation Server provides two RPC interfaces (see
Table 1).
The public interface is used by email recipients to decide whether to
accept mail sent from this domain. The private interface, requiring
authentication, is used only by the domain's recipients:
when processing incoming mail, for updating public keys,
and for providing users access to
their attestations and the corresponding attestee public keys.
The current implementation restricts access to the private RPCs to
clients running on the same machine as the AS; future versions of the
Attestation Server could allow clients to authenticate through
existing security mechanisms (e.g., SSL, Kerberos) and/or provide a
secure Web interface to the
private RPCs (e.g., SetPK). We now describe the public RPCs in
GetPK retrieves the public key for a user in this domain. This
function is used only when a user generates an attestation for a
user in this domain.
SubmitAtt serves two purposes. The first is to allow users in this
domain to upload attestations that they have created for other users.
The Attestation Server knows the public keys for its local users, and can
thus verify that an attestation is valid before accepting it.
The second purpose of SubmitAtt is to accept attestations created
by other users for a user in this domain. In this situation, the
Attestation Server does not know the public key of the issuer of the
attestation, so it stores
the attestation without verifying it.
Attestations of this type are only used as part of a transitive link, and
they are verified by the person who wishes to use the transitive
link to accept mail.
CheckAuth verifies the authentication tokens included in
messages sent by users in this domain. The AS verifies
the token's digital signature and that the authentication token
has not been used previously. To enforce the latter, the server
caches tokens that have been redeemed, but it limits the size of
the cache by rejecting tokens older than a fixed window of time
(e.g., one week).
FindFriend uses PM to compute the intersection between
the supplied set of email addresses and the email addresses of people
who have attested to the sender. The
authentication token is included as a parameter to FindFriend so
that the recipient does not need to issue a separate CheckAuth
4.2 Incremental Deployment
One requirement of any practical system is that it be incrementally deployable.
Since Re: either accepts an email on the basis of attestations
or passes the email to the user's traditional
spam filter, deploying Re: does not adversely affect a user's ability
to send and receive mail.
The current Re: prototype is deployable on a per-domain basis.
A domain that wishes to use Re: must install and configure
an Attestation Server plus make various Re:
utilities available to its users.
In the future, we envision that these utilities will exist as
easily downloadable plugins for popular mail clients. To ease
early adoption, future versions of Re: may also allow users
to specify an alternative AS for situations in which the
user's ISP does not run its own AS.
It is important to note that Re: is also incrementally deployable
within domains themselves. Users who do not download and install
the new client software will still be able to send and receive mail;
they merely will not be able to take advantage of the reliability
offered by Re: .
5 Evaluation
We now turn to evaluating Re: ; particularly, we are concerned with its
effectiveness at whitelisting email, its potential to reduce false
the computational cost of private matching in the system, and the
end-to-end email processing throughput attainable when a standard
email processing system is augmented with Re: .
5.1 Effectiveness of Re:
The goal of Re: is to accept email, thereby preventing these messages
from becoming false positives in a mail rejection system. To ascertain
the effectiveness of Re: at meeting this goal, our evaluation must
answer three questions:
- Overall utility: What fraction of inbound emails
are accepted by Re: ?
This fraction of email is protected from becoming false positives.
- Utility of FoF relationships: By how much do FoF
relationships improve Re: 's effectiveness in accepting email beyond
direct attestations?
- End-to-end effectiveness: If Re: were deployed, would it
eliminate real false positives produced by today's rejection systems?
Ideally, we would perform a controlled experiment. We would find a
large population of email users and have them run both Re: and
a traditional content-based email rejection system, side-by-side. We
would pass a copy of every inbound email to each of the two systems. For
Re: , users would create attestations as they saw fit, typically upon
sending or receiving email. As the social network (distributedly stored
attestations) builds up, we would measure the fraction of accepted
email. For the rejection system, we would have users inspect a spam
folder that contains messages that the rejection system flagged as spam,
and manually note any false positives. Finally, we would directly count the emails
accepted by Re: that would have been false positives had the rejection system been
deployed alone.
Unfortunately, we do not have a large-scale deployment. We do, however,
have email traces from a large corporation and a large university.
For the corporate dataset, we also have data on
false positives reported to the email system administrators. Using
this information, we can approximate the ideal experiments. The
main problem, however, is that we must emulate user generation of
attestations, as described below.
Email traces.
The first trace is taken from a
large corporation with well over 80,000 employees, all of whom use
email. The trace covers about one month of email and contains over
63 million anonymized messages, where a message with multiple
recipients counts as one message per recipient.
Because of the corporation's email
server architecture and the placement of the monitoring point, email
in the trace is nearly exclusively email sent into and out of the
corporate network (not mail internal to the network). The
corporation's mail server uses a popular content-based spam filter,
and the trace indicates whether or not the server's spam filter judged
each message to be spam (via a spam score).
The second trace covers New York University's top-level domain, which
includes approximately 60,000 email users. The trace covers about one
week of email and contains approximately 6 million anonymized messages.
NYU uses the SpamAssassin-derived PureMessage filter,
and the trace also contains a spam score for each message. Unlike the
corporate trace, this university trace also contains messages sent
within the domain (e.g., between two students).
A model for creating attestations.
Lacking the social network for the users in our email traces, we developed
a model for when users might
create attestations based on the trace itself and the following assumptions.
These rules were applied while processing the traces in chronological order,
ignoring all messages that were flagged as spam by the server's content-filter.
- Every sender attests to every recipient.
- Every recipient attests to every sender.
- (Corporate trace only) Every employee attests to every
other employee.
We believe that the first rule is reasonable since we assume that the
messages considered are not spam. Presumably, users are not sending
email to spammers; furthermore, by attesting to the recipient, they
will automatically whitelist any replies. The second rule would be
dangerous, of course, if the trace contained spam, as the user would
whitelist the spammer. Again, we assume that all messages considered
are not spam. Even so, this rule might be optimistic, but it is useful for
bootstrapping the social network from a trace. The second rule means
that the recipient will accept all subsequent mail from that sender
(the first message, though, would not be whitelisted as the rule is
applied after processing the message).
The third rule is specific to the corporate trace;
the rule's purpose is to capture the large body of email messages that do not
appear in the trace-the messages between users within the
corporate email network. In a real deployment, these messages
and the resulting attestations would provide critical links in the
social network.
The evaluation of the corporate dataset contains two sources of
error that result directly from limitations of the dataset itself.
The first source of error is the attestation model described above,
which assumes that every employee at the company attests
to every other employee. This assumption
may cause us to overestimate the hit rate for whitelisting.
A more conservative rule for generating intra-company attestations might
produce a lower hit rate. The second source of error is that the dataset does not include
intra-company messages. This omission may cause us to underestimate
the hit rate for whitelisting.
5.1.1 Fraction of Mail Whitelisted
Given these traces and a model for when users would create attestations, our first
experiment was to measure the fraction of mail that Re: could
whitelist based on social relationships (both direct and FoF). Re: 's
ability to whitelist messages gives an indication of what fraction of
mail the system can make reliable.
We consider two measures of whitelisting's efficacy. First, we
examine total whitelisting coverage, or the fraction of all emails
whitelisted. Second, we examine whitelisting coverage for
email from strangers. When there is no previous message from
a sender to a recipient, we term the sender a stranger. It is precisely
in this case where FoF relationships are crucial to the acceptance of
Figure 3: Re: Total coverage
Figure 3 shows the
results of the total coverage
experiment. The x-axis shows the number of email messages processed
(in chronological order) so far, and the y-axis shows the percentage
of email received so far (i.e., percentage of x) that
the system was able to whitelist. The attestations are
created as the trace is processed. The lower curve (for each trace) is the
effectiveness of whitelisting, based on our attestation generation
rules above, without considering social links. The upper curve plots
the additional effectiveness of the whitelist when one accepts mail
from FoFs.
The two traces are plotted on the same graph to ease comparison.
Examining the 5 million email mark, where the university trace ends, we
see that the two environments have relatively similar results.
In the corporate trace, after processing 20 million non-spam
messages, social whitelisting can accept almost 75% of
email received, approximately 10% more than the direct whitelist.
In the one-week university trace, after processing almost 5 million
non-spam messages, social whitelisting can accept over
60% of email received, approximately 7% more than direct whitelisting.
Figure 4: Re: Stranger coverage
Figure 4 shows
the results of the strangers coverage
experiment, with the x-axis as before, and the y-axis depicting
the fraction of email received from strangers that the system was able
to whitelist. While the attestation generation rules used in this experiment
are the same as before,
direct attestation whitelists very few emails, as one expects:
only emails from never-before-heard-from senders are considered.
In fact, the only emails
whitelisted by direct attestation are the first replies
sent by strangers in response
to emails from recipients.
FoF queries are able to whitelist an additional 26%
(corporate) or 13% (university) of email from strangers.
5.1.2 False Positives Saved
To make email reliable, Re: must reduce the incidence of false
positives. Specifically, Re: can help by accepting email messages from
friends or FoFs that would otherwise be classified as spam. As noted above, we
were able to obtain false positive data for the corporate environment
but not for the university one.
The corporate false positive data is a list of all user-reported
false positives during the one-month trace period. Typically, these
reports are submitted by users outside of the company who received a
bounce message from the company's mail server after the spam filter
(incorrectly) determined the user's message was spam. The list contains
the anonymized sender and recipient email addresses for each of these
Using this data, we measured the effectiveness of Re: at reducing
false positives as follows. We ran the same experiment described in
Section 5.1.1, except we did not automatically drop
all messages that were flagged as spam in the trace. Instead, for
each of these flagged messages, we
consulted the list of reported false positives to see if it contained
the message's sender-recipient pair. If so, we assumed that the
message was not spam, but rather a false positive. This assumption is
reasonable if one assumes that spammers did not report false positives
to the company in order to get their spam through and that spammers did
not forge mail with the exact same sender-recipient pair that appeared
in the false positive list.
For each false positive identified during the trace, we recorded if
the system would accept that message based on the current social
network. Out of 20 million messages, we identified 172
false positives. Of those false positives, approximately 84% would have
been whitelisted by Re: using direct attestations and an additional
5% using FoF
relationships. We note that the number of reported false positives is
most likely much lower than the number of actual false positives.
5.2 Microbenchmarks
This section provides microbenchmarks for the speed of
homomorphic cryptosystems and private matching
protocol [18] implementations. Benchmarks were performed
on a 3 GHz Intel Xeon processor-based
computer running in 64-bit mode.
| Encrypt | Decrypt | HAdd |
Paillier | 21.8 | 1.5 | .017 |
ElGamal | 1.7 | 0.8 | .010 |
Table 2: Speed (ms) of 1024-bit public-key operations
Table 2 shows the performance of
Paillier [28] (in fast decryption mode) and
ElGamal [17] operations given as the mean over 300 runs
across five different keys.
HAdd corresponds to the cost of performing a homomorphic addition of
plaintexts, which is akin to modular multiplication. Due to its
superior performance, we use ElGamal to instantiate our PM protocol.
This section's subsequent PM benchmarks reflect this choice of
There are three stages to evaluate in the Private Matching protocol:
(1) the recipient's setup time to
construct an encrypted polynomial, (2) the sender's
evaluation of this polynomial on its inputs, and (3) the recipient's
subsequent recovery of the intersection.
The recipient's setup time is directly measured by kR encryptions.
These encryptions only need to be precomputed once
per input set (friendship list); the recipient recomputes
these encrypted coefficients upon adding or removing an element
from its input.
Figure 5: Sender-side PM performance (seconds).
Figure 5 shows the sender-side performance of PM, given
as the mean of three runs. We graph performance for varying sender
(kS) and recipient (kR) input sizes. Recall that the sender
must perform O(kS ·kR) operations, i.e., to evaluate each of
its inputs on a degree-kR polynomial. Yet, we see the
practical effect of using Horner's Rule for evaluating the polynomial
"from the inside out": most homomorphic operations work with
exponents of small size. Thus, in practice, the performance
appears to grow only linearly in both kR and kS for
reasonably small input sizes (i.e., its slope
in log-log scale is 1).
The sender-side computation overhead is acceptable for smaller set
sizes. For example, when a sender and recipient each have a set of
40 friends they want to intersect, the sender spends 2.8 seconds to
complete the PM computation. At larger sizes, the overhead is more
noticeable. To intersect two sets of 160 friends, for example, the
sender needs almost 40 seconds of computation.
We make several observations as to this performance:
(1) The asymptotic running time of
the PM can be reduced to O(kS (1+ lnlnkR)) by using
multiple low-degree polynomials for potential performance
improvements [18].
(2) All operations are completely parallelizable onto multi-processor
architectures, as each computation on the sender's kS inputs are
independent of one another.
Furthermore, a single domain can deploy multiple Attestation Servers
to distribute the load. Given the money that people spend on fighting
spam today, we believe the additional cost is reasonable. (3)
Alternatively, the cryptographic operations can be partially or fully
implemented in hardware for higher performance.
(4) Finally, we observe from Section 5.1.1 that
a large fraction of
messages for certain Re: deployments may be satisfied with direct
attestations and thus would never perform FoF queries in the first
S input size | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160 |
R comp. time (s) | .008 | .015 | .032 | .063 | .126 |
Table 3: Time (s) for recipient to recover intersection
Last, we examine the recipient's time to recover the
intersection (see Table 3).
Note that performance is independent of the recipient's input and
computation can again be parallelized over kS processors. We also
conclude that most of the protocol's load is placed on the sender,
which provides some protection against computational DoS attacks
against email recipients.
5.3 Throughput
To analyze end-to-end throughput, we augment a standard
mail processing system with Re: and measure its impact.
For all experiments, the SMTP server is
a 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4
processor-based computer
running Mail Avenger, and all machines are connected via a local
area network.
First, we measure how Re: affects
the rate at which mail is received by measuring how much time
an SMTP server needs to process mail with and without Re: .
Our experimental setup consists of our SMTP server and
three senders, each running on a different machine.
The senders simultaneously bombard the SMTP server with sufficiently many
messages to saturate it (e.g., sending 500 messages each as rapidly as possible).
In the Re: case,
the recipient has attested to all of the senders, and
each sender serves as its own AS for authentication checks.
Table 4 shows that the addition of Re: reduces
throughput by 13.5%.
Second, we measure the time it takes for an AS to process
CheckAuth and FindFriend
queries from recipients.
Because the AS must be contacted for each outgoing mail,
this time affects the rate at which a domain's users can send mail.
(Note that the processing time required on the client to add an
authentication token to each
message is the time to generate a digital signature times the number of
To measure the query-processing rate on the AS, we have a single
sender periodically send a mail to our SMTP server. For these
tests, the sender's AS is a 3 GHz
Intel Xeon processor-based computer
running in 64-bit mode. The average
time to process CheckAuth and FindFriend5 queries is 0.0516
and 2.85 seconds, respectively. Equivalently, the
AS can process 1162 CheckAuth queries per minute
or 21.1 FindFriend queries per minute. We note
here too the performance observations enumerated in the
previous section, which apply to the FindFriend queries.
| Mean | StdDev |
Mail Avenger | 16.7 | 0.57 |
Re: + Mail Avenger | 14.4 | 0.76 |
Table 4: Delivery throughput (messages/second)
6 Discussion
We now discuss various design decisions, open questions,
and useful enhancements to Re: .
Compromised Senders and Audit Trails.
Under normal operation, Re: assumes that a sender's machine is not
compromised (see Section 3.7).
If this assumption is violated,
a spammer's message will appear to come
from a legitimate user. Unfortunately, any acceptance system based on
identity (e.g., the sender) or even an opaque token (e.g., a stamp) is
susceptible to attacks in which the sender is compromised.
The problem of compromised senders, though, is just about false
negatives: at worst, a compromised sender in Re: can cause a
recipient to accept spam.
Re: provides
the nice property, however, that the recipient knows with some degree
of certainty-due to the authentication token-who sent the
received spam and why Re: accepted it. The "why" can be either
because of a direct attestation or an FoF relationship. For example,
this audit trail might indicate that Re: accepted the spam
because the recipient attested to Bob and Bob attested to the sender.
Given this information,
a recipient can choose to reconsider using his attestations for Bob.
False Negatives.
Unfortunately, our anonymized traces do not provide sufficient
information to quantify how Re: would affect the false negative rate.
Qualitatively, however, Re: is robust against false negatives: a
false negative can occur in Re: only if the recipient has
attested directly to a spammer or is connected via an FoF chain.
In either case, the recipient knows who the responsible
party is, providing an important audit trail
that describes the trust relationship between recipient and sender.
An attestation for a spammer might exist for several reasons. A user
may erroneously attest, he may have been compromised by a virus, or he
may be malicious and attest to a spammer intentionally. One simple
way to limit the damage caused by machine compromises is to require a
password to generate a new attestation.6
Mail with Multiple Recipients.
Our previous discussion has been confined to mail that is addressed to
a single recipient. Many messages, however, contain multiple recipients.
These recipients are either listed explicitly, or
they are hidden behind a mailing list. In the former case, the sender must
generate a different authentication token for each recipient because the
attestation server rejects duplicate tokens to prevent replay attacks
(i.e., the AS ensures one FoF query per token).
The sender must make sure, however, to send each token to only the
corresponding recipient. Sending all of the tokens to all of the
recipients would allow one misbehaving recipient
to use up all of the tokens to
make FoF queries to the AS. Other recipients would get an error when
trying to use their tokens because the request would look like a replay
attack. Note that the AS has no way to ensure that the recipient is
using the "correct" authentication token (the one in which she appears)
because the AS has no way to identify the requester as any particular
Regarding mailing lists, the simplest solution is for users to attest to
the mailing list itself. The mailing list moderator is then responsible
for ensuring that spam does not make it on to the list. Unfortunately,
unmoderated lists still pose a problem-there is no simple solution
beyond the current content-based filtering.
Sender Privacy and Profiles.
One inherent property of the Re: design is that senders do reveal a
subset of their friends to the recipient (i.e., those that intersect with
the recipient's list of friends). Thus, a malicious recipient has the
opportunity to query the sender with an arbitrary list of friends to
discover who has attested to the sender. We can address this issue
partially with sender profiles, which can allow the sender to
control what attestations the sender uses during the FoF query. A
sender might choose to have a profile with a restricted set of
attestations-i.e., maintaining separate personal and work profiles-so the
recipient cannot learn about specific people who have
attested to the sender. The potential downside of eliminating attestations
from a profile is that the chance of intersecting with the recipient's
set of friends, and thus the sender having his mail automatically
accepted, is lower.
Length of Social Paths.
In this work, we have only explored direct and FoF
social relationships, but clearly longer paths bear examination: they are
more inclusive of previously unknown senders, and could thus
potentially whitelist more email. On the other hand, there is also a
tension between this greater coverage and an increased risk of false
negatives. As the length of the shortest social path between the
sender and recipient increases, it becomes increasingly unclear whether
the recipient can safely automatically accept email.
If and how private matching protocols would work beyond
two degrees of separation is also an open question; furthermore,
even if providing privacy with longer chains of trust were possible,
it would likely require that other parties be online during the mail
transaction besides the sender and recipient.
7 Conclusion
Motivated by the decline in the end-to-end reliability of email at the
hands of spam-rejection systems, we have described Re: , a system for
automatically accepting mail based on its sender. As an acceptance system,
Re: is complementary to existing spam-defense systems; it simply
bypasses mail rejection systems for senders who are deemed trustworthy.
Re: improves upon standard whitelisting approaches in two ways: by
preventing sender forgery though the use of an authentication token,
and more importantly, by increasing the fraction of email that can
be whitelisted through the examination of social relationships, while
preserving the privacy of users' correspondents.
We have shown that Re: can reliably deliver the majority of a site's
incoming mail; furthermore, augmenting direct-friend attestations
with friend-of-friend relationships significantly increases the
percentage of accepted mail. More importantly, experiments show that
Re: can eliminate
a large percentage of false positives produced by an existing content-based
spam filter.
Our full implementation of Re: does not significantly reduce the rate
at which an SMTP server can accept incoming mail
or impose a substantial bottleneck on the rate at which users of
a domain can send mail.
8 Acknowledgments
The authors thank the anonymous reviewers, their shepherd Dan
Rubenstein, Michael Walfish, and Mark Handley for their feedback and
comments. The authors also extend a special thanks to Michael Puskar
and NYU ITS,
Robert Johnson, Marc Foster, and Greg Matthews, without
whom the data analysis in this paper would not have been possible.
Antonio Nicolosi and Benny Pinkas provided valuable help with the
cryptography, and Michael Ryan contributed to the code.
This work was partially supported by project IRIS under
NSF Cooperative Agreement ANI-0225660.
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server failures, disk exhaustion, and other hardware or software
failures-or a recipient's simply not reading his email-can all of
course result in delay or non-delivery. Such cases have not
historically led users to view email itself as significantly
unreliable, and some are not amenable to eradication by technical
means. They are thus beyond the scope of consideration in this work.
2Some argue that spammers will
eventually be able to evade Bayesian-trained content
filters [10]; we are concerned chiefly with their
false positives in this work.
3If after the recipient redeems the authentication token, one
party suffers a crash or a network failure, the recipient will be unable
to complete the SMTP transaction. When the sender retries, Re: will
attempt to redeem the same authentication token a second time. This
authentication check will fail, however, and Re: will not be able to
accept the message automatically. In the current design, the recipient
will then simply fall back to its default action. In future versions
of the protocol, however, we intend to make Re: robust under such
4Standard ElGamal, which encrypts a
message m as 〈gx, gxrm 〉, does not directly
support the necessary homomorphic operations required. Thus, when
requiring these homomorphic properties, we encrypt m as 〈gx, gxrgm 〉, even though decrypting this ciphertext only
recovers gm, not m! This variant is sufficient
for almost all operations, with the exception of the sender encrypting
its attestation for later recovery by the recipient, which therefore
uses standard ElGamal.
5PM protocol performed using
40 friends in each set.
6Of course, a sophisticated
adversary could use a keystroke sniffer.