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PRESTO: Feedback-driven Data Management in Sensor Networks

Ming Li, Deepak Ganesan, and Prashant Shenoy
Department of Computer Science,
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA 01003.


This paper presents PRESTO, a novel two-tier sensor data management architecture comprising proxies and sensors that cooperate with one another for acquiring data and processing queries. PRESTO proxies construct time-series models of observed trends in the sensor data and transmit the parameters of the model to sensors. Sensors check sensed data with model-predicted values and transmit only deviations from the predictions back to the proxy. Such a model-driven push approach is energy-efficient, while ensuring that anomalous data trends are never missed. In addition to supporting queries on current data, PRESTO also supports queries on historical data using interpolation and local archival at sensors. PRESTO can adapt model and system parameters to data and query dynamics to further extract energy savings. We have implemented PRESTO on a sensor testbed comprising Intel Stargates and Telos Motes. Our experiments show that in a temperature monitoring application, PRESTO yields one to two orders of magnitude reduction in energy requirements over on-demand, proactive or model-driven pull approaches. PRESTO also results in an order of magnitude reduction in query latency in a 1% duty-cycled five hop sensor network over a system that forwards all queries to remote sensor nodes.

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root 2006-03-29