NSDI '06 Abstract
Pp. 114 of the Proceedings
Awarded Best Paper!
Experience with an Object Reputation System for Peer-to-Peer Filesharing
Kevin Walsh and Emin Gün Sirer, Cornell University
In this paper, we describe Credence, a decentralized
object reputation and ranking system for large-scale peer-to-peer filesharing networks. Credence
counteracts pollution in these networks by allowing honest peers to assess the
authenticity of online content through secure tabulation and
management of endorsements from other peers. Our system enables peers
to learn relationships even in the absence of direct observations or
interactions through a novel, flow-based trust computation to discover
trustworthy peers. We have deployed Credence as an
overlay on top of the Gnutella filesharing network, with more than
10,000 downloads of our client software to date. We describe the system design, our
experience with its deployment, and results from a long-term study of
the trust network built by users. Data from the
live deployment shows that Credence's flow-based trust computation
enables users to avoid
undesirable content. Honest Credence clients can identify
three quarters of the decoys encountered when querying the Gnutella network.
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