4th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation
Pp. 369–382 of the Proceedings
\LARGE Tesseract: A 4D Network Control Plane
Tesseract: A 4D Network Control Plane
Hong Yan†, David A. Maltz‡, T. S. Eugene Ng§, Hemant Gogineni†,
Hui Zhang†, Zheng Cai§
†Carnegie Mellon University
‡Microsoft Research §Rice University
We present Tesseract, an experimental system that enables the
direct control of a computer network that is under a single
administrative domain. Tesseract's design is based on the 4D
architecture, which advocates the decomposition of the network control
plane into decision, dissemination, discovery, and
data planes. Tesseract provides two primary abstract services
to enable direct control: the dissemination service that carries
opaque control information from the network decision element to the
nodes in the network, and the node configuration service which
provides the interface for the decision element to command the nodes in
the network to carry out the desired control policies.
Tesseract is designed to enable easy innovation. The neighbor
discovery, dissemination and node configuration services, which are
agnostic to network control policies, are the only distributed
functions implemented in the switch nodes. A variety of network
control policies can be implemented outside of switch nodes
without the need for introducing new distributed protocols.
Tesseract also minimizes the need for manual node configurations to
reduce human errors. We evaluate Tesseract's responsiveness and
robustness when applied to backbone and enterprise network topologies
in the Emulab environment. We find that Tesseract is resilient to
component failures. Its responsiveness for intra-domain routing
control is sufficiently scalable to handle a thousand
nodes. Moreover, we demonstrate Tesseract's flexibility by showing its
application in joint packet forwarding and policy based filtering for
IP networks, and in link-cost driven Ethernet packet forwarding.
1 Introduction
We present Tesseract, an experimental system that enables the
direct control of a computer network that is under a single
administrative domain. The term direct control refers to a
network control paradigm in which a decision element
directly and explicitly creates the forwarding state at the network
nodes, rather than indirectly configuring other processes that then
compute the forwarding state.
This paradigm can significantly simplify network control.
In a typical IP network today,
the desired control policy of
an administrative domain is implemented via the synthesis of several
indirect control mechanisms. For example, load balanced best-effort
forwarding may be implemented by carefully tuning OSPF link weights to
indirectly control the paths used for forwarding.
Inter-domain routing policy may be indirectly
implemented by setting OSPF link weights to change the local cost
metric used in BGP calculations.
combination of such indirect mechanisms create subtle
dependencies. For instance, when OSPF link weights are changed to load
balance the traffic in the network,
inter-domain routing policy may be
impacted. The outcome of the synthesis of indirect control mechanisms
can be difficult to predict and exacerbates the complexity of network
control [1].
The direct control paradigm avoids these problems because it forces
the dependencies between control policies to become explicit.
In direct control, a logically centralized entity called the decision
element is responsible for creating all the state at every switch.
As a result, any conflicts between the policy objectives
can be detected at the time of state creation.
With today's multiple independent and distributed
mechanisms, these conflicts often only appear in vivo after some
part of the configuration state has been changed by one of the
The direct control paradigm also simplifies the switch functionality.
Because algorithms making control decisions are no
longer run at switches, the only distributed functions to be
implemented by switches are those that discover the
neighborhood status at each switch and those that enable the control
communications between the decision element and the switches. Thus, the
switch software can be very light-weight. Yet, sophisticated control
algorithms can be easily implemented with this minimal set of
distributed functions.
The Tesseract (a tesseract is a 4-dimensional cube) system is based on
the 4D architecture that advocates the decomposition of the network
control plane into the decision, dissemination,
discovery, and data planes. Tesseract implements two services
to enable direct control:
Dissemination service: The dissemination service provides a
logical connection between decision element and network switch nodes to
facilitate direct control. The dissemination service only assumes
network nodes are pre-configured with appropriate keys and can
discover and communicate with direct physical neighbors. The
dissemination service thus enables plug-and-play bootstrapping of the
Tesseract system.
Node configuration service: The node configuration service
provides an abstract packet lookup table interface that hides the
details of the node hardware and software from the decision
element. Each table entry contains a packet matching rule and the
corresponding control actions. The decision element issues commands to
the node configuration service through the logical connection provided
by the dissemination service.
This paper presents the design, implementation, evaluation, and demonstration of the
Tesseract system. To guide our design, we explicitly select a set of
goals and devise solutions to address them. We deploy
Tesseract on Emulab [2] to evaluate its performance. We
show how Tesseract can rapidly react to link, node, and decision
element failures and efficiently re-configure network switches in
response. Also, micro-benchmark experiments show that the
system can easily handle the intra-domain routing control for a
thousand-node network.
We then demonstrate Tesseract's flexibility by showing its
applications in joint packet forwarding and policy based filtering in
IP networks, and in link cost driven Ethernet packet forwarding.
2 From the 4D Architecture to Tesseract Design Goals
Figure 1: The 4D architectural concepts.
This section explains the key concepts in the 4D
Since the 4D
architecture describes a very large design space, we present the
design goals we used to guide our design of the specific Tesseract
2.1 The 4D Architectural Concepts
The 4D architecture advocates decomposing the network control plane
into four conceptual components: decision, dissemination,
discovery, and data planes. These conceptual components
are illustrated in Figure 1 and are explained
below. For an in-depth discussion of the 4D architecture, please refer
to [3].
Data plane: The data plane operates in network switches and
provides user services such as IPv4, IPv6, or Ethernet packet
forwarding. The actions of the data plane are based on the state in the
switches, and this state is controlled solely by
the decision plane. Example state in switches includes
the forwarding table or forwarding information base (FIB),
packet filters, flow-scheduling weights,
queue-management parameters, tunnels and network address translation
mappings, etc. The arrow in the figure represents an end-to-end data
Discovery plane:
Each node is responsible for
discovering its hardware capabilities (e.g., what
interfaces are on this switch and what are their capacities?
How many FIB entries can the switch hold?) and its physical connectivity to
neighboring nodes.
A border node adjacent to a neighboring network is also responsible for
discovering the logical connectivity to remote nodes that are
reachable via that neighbor network (in today's environment, this may be
implemented by an eBGP session). The dotted arrows in the figure
represent the local communications used for discovering
connectivity. The information discovered is then reported to the
decision element in the decision plane via the logical connections
maintained by the dissemination plane. The solid arrows in the figure
represent these reporting activities.
For backward compatibility, end hosts do not explicitly participate in
the discovery plane.
Dissemination plane: The dissemination plane
is responsible for
maintaining robust logical channels that carry control information
between the decision element and
the network switches.
The arrows in the
figure represent the paths used by the logical channels. While control
information may traverse the same set of physical links as the data
packets in the data plane, the dissemination paths are maintained
separately from the data paths so they can be operational without
requiring configuration or successful establishment of paths in the
data plane. In contrast, in today's networks, control and management
information is carried over the data paths, which need to be established by
routing protocols before use. This creates a circular dependency.
Decision plane:
and the network switches.
The decision plane consists of a logically centralized decision
element that makes
all decisions driving network control, such as reachability,
load balancing, access control, and security.
The decision element makes use of the information gathered by
the discovery plane to make decisions, and these decisions are sent as
commands to switches via the dissemination plane (shown as arrows in
the figure). The decision element
commands the switches using the node configuration service
interface exposed by the network switches. While logically
centralized as a single decision element, in practice multiple
redundant decision elements may be used for resiliency.
2.2 Tesseract Design Goals
Tesseract is based on the
general 4D architectural concepts, but these concepts admit a wide
variety of design choices.
We used the following goals to guide our decisions while designing
Tesseract, and
goals can be roughly grouped into three categories. The first category
concerns system performance and robustness objectives:
Timely reaction to network changes: Planned and unplanned network
changes, such as switch maintenance and link failures, can cause traffic
disruption. Tesseract should be optimized to react to network changes
quickly and minimize traffic disruption.
Resilient to decision plane failure: Tesseract should provide
built-in support for decision plane redundancy so that it can
survive the failure of a decision element.
Robust and secure control channels: The logical channels for
control communications maintained by Tesseract should continue to function
in the presence of compromised switches, decision
elements or failed links/nodes.
The next set of goals concern making Tesseract easy to deploy:
Minimal switch configuration: The Tesseract software on each
switch should require no manual configuration prior to deployment
except for security keys that identify the switch. We do, however,
assume that the underlying switch allows Tesseract to discover the
switch's properties at run-time.
Backward compatibility: Tesseract should require no changes to
the end host software, hardware, or protocols. Thus, Tesseract can be
deployed as the network control system transparently to the end users.
The final set of goals concerns making Tesseract a flexible platform:
Support diverse decision algorithms: Tesseract should
provide a friendly platform on which diverse algorithms can be easily
implemented to control networks.
Support multiple data planes: Tesseract should support
heterogeneous data plane protocols (e.g., IP or Ethernet). Thus, the
system should not assume particular data plane protocols and the
dissemination service should be agnostic to the semantics of the
control communications.
3 Design and Implementation of Tesseract
In this section, we present the design and implementation of
Tesseract. We first provide an overview of the software architecture,
and then discuss each component of the system in detail.
3.1 System Overview
Figure 2: High-level overview of Tesseract.
The Tesseract system is composed of two applications implemented on
Linux. These applications are called the Switch and the Decision
Element (DE). Figure 2 illustrates the software
organization of these applications.
The discovery plane implementation currently
deals only with neighbor node discovery. It includes two modules, one
for discovering hosts connected to the switch and the other for
discovering other switches. The switch discovery module exchanges
hello messages with neighbor switches to detect them, and creates Link
State Advertisements (LSAs) that contain the status of its interfaces
and the identities of the switches connected to the interfaces. The
generated LSAs are reported to DE via the dissemination plane.
To avoid requiring changes to hosts,
the discovery plane
identifies what hosts are connected to a switch by snooping
the MAC and IP addresses on packets received
on the interfaces that are not connected to another switch.
The dissemination plane is cooperatively implemented by both
Switch and DE. The dissemination service is realized by a
distributed protocol that maintains robust logical communication
channels between the switches and decision elements.
Switch leverages existing packet forwarding and filtering
components to implement the data plane.
Switch interacts with DE in the decision plane through
the node configuration service interface. The interface is implemented
by data plane drivers, which translate generic configuration
commands from DE into specific configurations for the packet
forwarding and filtering components.
DE implements the discovery, dissemination and decision
planes. The discovery and dissemination plane functions are as
outlined above. The decision plane constructs an abstract network
model from the information reported by the switches and computes
switch configuration commands for all the switches based on the
specific decision algorithm used. The computed switch configuration
commands are sent to the switches via the dissemination service.
3.2 Decision Plane: Versatility, Efficiency and Survivability
The decision plane implements a platform for the deployment of
network control algorithms. In addition, it implements mechanisms that
enable the replication of the decision logic among multiple decision
elements (DEs) so that DE failures can
be tolerated.
Figure 3: The network model separates general purpose algorithms from network specific mechanisms.
Support diverse network control algorithms: In designing the
decision plane, our focus is not to hard-wire sophisticated network
decision logics into the system. Instead, our goal is to make the
decision plane a friendly platform where any network control
algorithm can be easily integrated and used to control any suitable network
Towards this end, we introduce an abstract network model to separate
generic network control algorithms (e.g., shortest path
computation, load balancing) from network specific mechanisms (e.g.,
IP, Ethernet).
Figure 3 illustrates the abstract network model.
The model consists of node element and link interface objects,
and is constructed from information discovered and reported by
switches (e.g. LSA) through the dissemination service. Operating on
this model, Tesseract currently implements four generic
algorithms: incremental shortest path, spanning tree, joint packet
filter/routing (Section 5.1), and
link-cost-based traffic engineering (Section 5.2).
Finally, technology-specific plug-ins
translate the general control decisions into network specific
configuration commands that are sent to switches via the dissemination
service. These commands are then processed by the node configuration
service at individual switches.
As an example, we implement an incremental shortest path
algorithm [4] on the abstract network model, and the
same code can be used to generate either IP routing table in IP
networks or Ethernet forwarding entries in Ethernet.
Efficient network event processing:
The DE must efficiently handle multiple simultaneous network changes,
which the DE will receive as events communicated over the
dissemination plane.
We chose a different
event processing architecture than that used in
typical implementation of OSPF,
where a hold-down timer is used to delay the start of route
recomputation after an event arrives to force the batching
of whatever events arrive during
the hold-down window.
Instead, the Tesseract DE uses a push timer.
The DE runs a decision thread that processes all queued events to update
the network-wide view,
starts the push timer as a deadline for pushing out new switch configuration
commands, and then enters its computation cycle.
After the compution of new forwarding state finishes,
the DE will immediately push out the new commands
if the push timer has expired, if the event queue is empty,
or if the queued events
do not change the network-wide view used in
the computation. Otherwise, the DE
will dequeue all pending events and re-compute.
We use a push timer
instead of a fixed hold-down timer
for two reasons.
In the common case where a single link fails,
the push timer avoid unnecessary waiting. The first LSA announcing
the failure starts the route recomputation, and subsequent LSAs
announcing the same failure do not change the network-wide view and so
are ignored. In the less common case of multiple failures, a push
timer may result in recomputation running more than once for the same
event. However, since recomputation has latency on the same order as
typical hold-down timers and DEs are unlikely to be CPU-limited, it is
reasonable to
trade off extra computation for faster reconvergence.
The DE also records the state that has been pushed to each switch and
uses delta-encoding techniques to reduce
the bandwidth required for sending configuration commands to the
Acknowledgments between DE and the node configuration service on each switch
ensure the delta-encoded commands are received.
Provide decision plane resiliency:
Our decision plane copes with DE failures using hot-standbys.
At any time a single master DE takes responsibility
for configuring the network switches, but multiple DEs can be
connected to the network. Each standby DE receives the same
information from the switches and performs the same computations
as the master. However, the standby DEs do not send out the results of
their computations.
The master DE is selected using a simple
leader election protocol based on periodic DE
heartbeats that carry totally ordered DE priorities.
Each DE has a unique priority, and at boot time it
begins flooding its priority with a heartbeat message
every heartbeat period (e.g., 20 ms). Each DE listens for heartbeats
from other DEs for at least five times the heartbeat period (we assume
that 5 times heartbeat period will be greater than the maximum latency
of a packet crossing the network). After
this waiting period, the DE that has the highest priority among all
received heartbeats decides to be the master and begins sending
commands to switches. When the master DE receives a heartbeat from a
DE with a higher priority than its own, it immediately changes into a
standby DE and ceases sending commands to switches. A DE also
periodically floods a path explorer message, which has the effect of
triggering switches to reply with their current state. In this way, a
new DE can gather the latest switch state. Switches simply process
commands from any DE. Authentication is handled by the dissemination
plane and is discussed next.
3.3 Dissemination Plane: Robustness and Security
The goal of the dissemination plane is to maintain robust and secure
communication channels between each DE and the switches.
With respect to robustness, the dissemination plane should remain
operational under link and node failure scenarios. With respect to
security, the network should remain operational when a switch or even a DE is
Observing that the traffic pattern in dissemination plane is
few-to-many (switches communicate not with each other, but only with the DEs),
we adopt an asymmetric design where the dissemination module at a DE node
implements more functionality than the dissemination module at a switch.
Dissemination plane design overview: Tesseract's dissemination
plane is implemented using source routes. Each control message is
segmented into dissemination frames, and each frame carries in its
header the identity of the source, destination, and the series of
switches through which it must pass. We choose a source routing
solution because: (1) It requires
the minimal amount of routing state and functionality in each switch.
Each switch needs only to maintain the routes to the DEs.
(2) Source routes provide very flexible control over routing, as a
different path can be specified for each destination, making it easy
to take advantage of preferred paths suggested by the decision plane.
(3) Combining source routing with the few-to-many communication pattern
enable us to design a dissemination plane with desirable security
properties, as discussed below. To protect control communications from
user data traffic, the queuing of dissemination frames is separate
from user data traffic and dissemination frames have higher
transmission priority.
To protect the source-routes from being misused by adversaries inside
the network, we encrypt them at each hop before they are
Threat model:
Tesseract is designed to cope with the
following threat model:
(1) Adversaries can compromise a switch, gaining full control over
it including the ability to change the way dissemination packets are forwarded;
(2) A compromised switch can piggyback data on packets
to collude with other compromised switches downstream;
(3) A compromised switch can peek into dissemination plane data to try
to learn the network topology or location of
critical resources; and
(4) Adversaries can compromise a DE and use it to install bad forwarding
state on the switches.
Bootstrapping security:
The Tesseract trust model is based on a network certificate (i.e., a
signed public key for the network) - all the other keys and
certificates are derived from the network certificate
and can be replaced while network continues operating. Switches will
accept commands from any DE holding a DE certificate that is signed by the
network certificate.
The private key of the network certificate is
secret-shared [5] among the
DEs, so that any quorum of DEs can cooperate to generate a new DE
certificate when needed.
When a switch is first deployed, the network certificate and a DE
certificate are installed into it.
This is done by plugging a USB key containing the certificates
into each switch or as part of the default factory configuration of the switch
before it is deployed in the field.
The switch then constructs a DeviceID, which can be as simple as
a randomly generated 128-bit number,
and a private/public key pair.
The switch stores the network and DE certificates, its DeviceID, and its
key pair into nonvolatile memory. The switch then encrypts the
information with the public key of the DE, and writes it back onto the
USB key. When the USB key is eventually inserted into a DE, the DE
will have a secret channel to each device and a list of the valid
DeviceIDs. As each switch communicates with a DE for the first time,
it uses ISAKMP [6] and its private/public keys to establish
a shared-secret key known only by that switch and the DE.
subsequent dissemination plane operations use symmetric cryptography.
Computing dissemination plane routes:
Dissemination plane routes are computed by each decision element flooding a
path explorer message through the network. To ensure fast recovery
from link failures, the path explorer is sent periodically every 20 ms
in our prototype, and can be triggered by topology updates.
Onion-encryption (or encapsulated encryption)
is used in path explorers to support dissemination security.
The DE initiates the path explorer by embedding its DeviceID as the
source route and flooding it over all its ports.
When a switch receives the path explorer, it (1) optionally verifies
the route to the DE contained in the path explorer; (2)
records the source route; (3) encrypts the existing source route using
the secret key it shares with the DE that sent the path explorer; (4)
appends its own DeviceID to the path explorer in plain text; and (5)
floods the path explorer out its other interfaces. Path explorers
carry sequence numbers so that switches can avoid unnecessary re-flooding.
To send data to a DE, a switch uses the encrypted source route it
recorded from a path explorer sent by that DE. When an upstream
switch receives the message, it decrypts the source-route using its
secret key. This reveals the ID of the next hop switch along the path
to the DE. By successive decryption of the source route by the
on-route switches, dissemination plane packets are delivered to the
DE. Since the DE knows the secret-key of every switch, it can
construct an onion-encrypted route to any switch it desires.
As part of the negotiation of its secret key over ISAKMP, each switch
learns whether it is required to perform the optional source route
verification in step (1) before forwarding a path explorer. If
verification is required, the switch first checks a cache of source
routes from that DE to see if the source route has already been
verified. If the source route is not known to be valid, the switch
forwards the source route to the DE in a signed Verify packet.
the DE knows the secret keys of all the switches, it can
iteratively decrypt the source route and verify that each
hop corresponds to link it has learned about in an LSA. Once
the DE sends a VerifyOk message
to the switch using the extracted source route, confirming the
validity of the route. The DE confirmation is signed with a HMAC
computed using the secret key of the destination switch to prevent it
from being tampered or forged.
Security properties: The optional verification step exposes a
classic trade-off between security and performance. In Tesseract, we
provide a dissemination plane with two different levels of security.
The network operator can choose the semantics desired.
The basic security property is that a compromised switch cannot order
other switches to install invalid forwarding state or forge LSAs from
other switches.
This is achieved by each switch having a secret
key shared only with the DE.
If path explorers are not verified before being forwarded,
a compromised switch can forge path explorers that artificially
shorten its distance to the DE and attract dissemination plane traffic
from other switches (e.g., so the attacker can drop or delay the
traffic). Compromised switches can also communicate with each other
over the dissemination plane to coordinate attacks.
If path explorers are verified before being forwarded, a
compromised switch cannot lie about its distance to the DE. Also,
compromised switches are prevented from communicating arbitrarily over
the dissemination plane unless they are directly connected.
This is because the DE
will not validate a source route that originates and ends at
switches. A switch also cannot discover the identity or connectivity
of another switch that is two or more hops away. This prevents
attackers from identifying and targeting critical resources in the
The cost of the extra security benefits provided by verifying source
routes is the extra latency during reconvergence of the dissemination
plane. If a link breaks and a switch receives path explorers over a
source route it has not previously verified, it must wait a round-trip
time for the verification to succeed before the switches downstream
can learn of the new route to the DE.
One approach to minimize this penalty
is for the DE to pre-populate the verified
source route tables of switches with the routes that are most likely
to be use in failure scenarios. A triggered path explorer flooded by
the DE in response to link failure will then quickly inform each
switch which preverified routes are currently working.
Surviving DE compromise: As a logically centralized system, if a
DE were compromised, it could order switches to install bad forwarding
state and wreck havoc on the data plane. However, recovery is still
possible. Other DEs can query the forwarding state installed at each
switch and compare it to the forwarding state they would have
installed, allowing a compromised or misbehaving DE to be identified.
Because the private key of the network certificate is secret-shared,
as long as a quorum of DEs remain uncompromised they can generate a
new DE certificate and use the dissemination plane to remotely re-key
the switches with this new DE certificate.
Notice that while a compromised DE can
totally disrupt data plane traffic, it cannot
disrupt the dissemination traffic between other DEs and the
switches. This is one of the benefits of having control traffic
traversing a secured dissemination plane that is logically separate
from paths traversed by data packets.
re-keyed, the switches will ignore the compromised DEs.
As a point of comparison, in today's data networks
recovering from the compromise of a management station is hard as the
compromised station
can block the uncompromised ones from
reaching the switches. At the level of the control plane,
the security of OSPF today is based on a
single secret key stored in plain-text in the configuration file. If
any switch is compromised, the key is compromised, and incorrect LSAs
can be flooded through the network. The attacker could then DoS all
the switches by forcing them to continuously rerun shortest path
computation or draw traffic to itself by forging LSAs from other
routers indicating broken links. Since a distributed link-state
computation depends on all-to-all communications among the switches,
alternative to using a single shared key is for each switch to
negotiate a secret key with every other switch. Establishing this
O(n2) mesh of keys requires every switch to know the public key of
every other switch. Both key establishment and revocation are more
complex when compared to the direct control paradigm of Tesseract.
3.4 Discovery Plane: Minimizing Manual Configurations
The discovery plane supports three categories of activities: (1)
providing the DE with information on the state of the network; (2)
interacting with external networks and informing the DE of the
external world; and (3) bootstrapping end hosts into the network.
Gathering local information:
Since misconfiguration is the source of many network outages, the 4D
architecture eliminates as much manually configured state as
possible. In the long term vision, the switch hardware should
self-describe its capabilities and provide run-time information such
as traffic load to the discovery plane.
The current Tesseract implementation supports the discovery of
physical switch neighbors via periodic Hello message
exchanges. Switches are identified by the same DeviceID used in the
dissemination plane.
Interacting with external networks:
The DE directs the border switches that peer with neighbor networks to
begin eBGP sessions with the neighbor switches. Through this peering,
the DE discovers the destinations available via the external networks.
Rather than processing the BGP updates at the switches,
the switches simply report them to the DE via the dissemination
service, and the DE implements the decision logic for external route
The DE sends the appropriate eBGP replies to the
border switches, as well as configuring external routes directly into
all the switches via the dissemination service.
RCP [7] has already demonstrated that the overall approach of
centralized BGP computation is feasible, although they continue to use
iBGP for backward compatibility with existing routers.
It is important to note that an internal link or switch failure in a
Tesseract network does not lead to massive updates of external routes
being transmitted from the DE to the switches. The reason is that
external routes identify only the egress points. External and internal
routes are maintained in two separate tables and are combined locally
at switches to generate the full routing table. This is identical to
how OSPF and BGP computed routes are combined today. In general, an
internal link or switch failure does not change external routes and
thus no update to them is necessary.
Bootstrapping end hosts: For backward compatibility, end hosts
do not directly participate in Tesseract discovery plane.
In networks running IP, the discovery plane acts as a DHCP proxy.
The DE configures each switch to tunnel
DHCP requests to it via the dissemination service.
Whenever a host transmits a DHCP request, the DE learns the MAC
address and the connection point of the host in the network. The DE
can then assign the appropriate IP address and other configuration to
the host.
In networks operating as a switched Ethernet LAN, the discovery
plane of a switch reports the MAC address and the connection
point of a newly appeared end host to the DE. The DE then configures
the network switches appropriately to support the new
host. Section 5.2 describes how we use
Tesseract to control a switched Ethernet LAN and provide enhancements.
3.5 Data Plane: Support Heterogeneity
The data plane is configured by the decision plane via the node
configuration service exposed by the switches. Tesseract abstracts the
state in the data plane of a switch as a lookup table. The lookup
table abstraction is quite general and can support multiple
technologies such as the forwarding of IPv4, IPv6, or Ethernet
packets, or the tunneling and filtering of packets, etc.
Tesseract's data plane is implemented using existing Linux kernel
and Click components.
For each component, we provide a driver to interface the
component with the Tesseract decision plane as shown in
Figure 2. The drivers model the components as
lookup tables and expose a simple WriteTable interface to
provide the node configuration service to the DE. For example, when
the DE decides to add or delete an IP routing or Ethernet forwarding
table entry, it sends a add_table_entry or
delete_table_entry command through the WriteTable interface,
and the driver is responsible for translating the command into
component-specific configurations. This allows the algorithms plugged
into the DE to implement network control logic without
dealing with the details of each data-plane component. We implemented
three drivers and describe their details next.
Linux IP forwarding kernel: The Linux kernel can forward packets
received from one network interface to another. To determine the
outgoing network interface, the Linux kernel uses two data structures:
a Forwarding Information Base (FIB) that stores all routes, and a
routing cache that speeds up route search. As in all Tesseract data
plane drivers, the driver for Linux IP forwarding kernel implements the
WriteTable interface. The driver interprets commands from the
DE, creates a rtentry structure with the route to add or delete,
and invokes the ioctl system call to modify the FIB. We set
proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/min_delay to zero so that the routing
cache is flushed immediately after the FIB is modified.
Click router: We use Click for forwarding Ethernet frames.
The driver for Click includes two parts: an implementation of the
WriteTable interface, and a Click element package called the
4DSwitch that is integrated into Click. The implementation of
WriteTable parses commands and executes those commands by exchanging
control messages with the 4DSwitch element in the Click process via a
TCP channel. The 4DSwitch element maintains an Ethernet
forwarding table and updates the table according to the received
control messages. To control the data forwarding behavior of Click,
the 4DSwitch element overrides the Click
Element::push function and directs incoming traffic to the outgoing port(s)
specified in the 4DSwitch forwarding table.
netfilter/iptables: Tesseract uses netfilter/iptables to
implement reachability control in IP networks. The driver for
netfilter/iptables translates commands into iptables rules (e.g.,
-A FORWARD -s -d -i eth0 -j DROP) and
forks an iptables process to install the rules.
3.6 Decision/Dissemination Interface
In designing the interface between the decision plane and the
dissemination plane, there is a tension between the conflicting goals
of creating a clean abstraction with rigid separation of functionality
and the goal of achieving high performance with the cooperation of the
decision and dissemination planes.
The key consideration is that the dissemination plane must be able to
function independently of the decision plane. Our solution is to build
into the dissemination plane a completely self-contained mechanism for
maintaining connectivity. This makes the dissemination plane API very
simple, giving the basic decision plane only three interface
functions: Send(buf,dst), which sends control information to a
specific switch, Flood(buf), which floods control information to
all switches, and RegisterUpCall(*func()), which identifies the
decision plane function that handles incoming information.
However, to optimize the performance of the dissemination plane, we
add two interface functions: LinkFailure(link), which the DE
uses to identify a known failed link to the dissemination plane so the
dissemination plane can avoid it immediately, and
PreferredRoute(dst,sourceRoute), which the DE uses to suggest a
specific source route for carrying control information to switch
dst. This solution enables a sophisticated DE to optimize the
dissemination plane to its liking, but also allows the simplest DE to
fully function.
4 Performance Evaluation
In this section, we evaluate Tesseract to answer the following
questions: How fast does a Tesseract-controlled network converge upon
various network failures? How large a network can Tesseract scale to and
what are the bottlenecks? How resilient is Tesseract in the presence
of decision-element failures?
4.1 Methodology
We perform both emulation and simulation experiments.
We use Emulab to conduct intra-domain routing experiments using two
different topologies. The first topology is an ISP backbone network (AS 3967)
from Rocketfuel [8] data that spans Japan, U.S., and
Europe, with a maximum round trip delay of 250 ms. The other is a
typical enterprise network with negligible propagation delay from our
earlier study [9].
Emulab PCs have 4 interfaces each, so routers
that have more than 4 interfaces are modeled by
chaining together PCs to create a "supernode" (e.g., a router with 8
interfaces will be represented by a string of 3 Emulab PCs). As a
result, the backbone network is emulated by 114 PCs with 190 links, and
the enterprise network is emulated by 40 PCs with 60 links.
For each Tesseract experiment, there are 5 decision elements - these
run on "pc3000" machines that have a 3GHZ CPU and 2GB of RAM.
To inject a link failure, we bring down the interface with the
ifconfig down command. To inject a switch failure, we
abruptly terminate all the relevant software running on a switch.
So that we evaluate the worst-case behavior of the control plane, we measure
the time required for the entire network to reconverge after an event.
We calculate this network convergence time as the elapsed time
between the event occurring
and the last forwarding state update being applied at
the last switch to update.
We use
Emulab's NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers to synchronize the clocks
of all the nodes to within 1 millisecond.
Figure 4: CDF of convergence times for single link failures in enterprise and backbone networks. We pick one link to fail at a time and we enumerate all the links to get the distribution of convergence times. The zero convergence times are caused by failures disconnecting switches at the edge of the network.
As a point for comparison, we present the performance of an
aggressively tuned OSPF control plane called Fast OSPF.
Fast OSPF's
convergence time represents the best possible performance achievable
by OSPF and it is determined by the time to detect a link failure
and the one way propagation delay required for the LSA
flood. Such uniform and aggressive tuning might not be
practical in a real network as it could lead
to CPU overload on older routers, but Fast OSPF serves as a useful benchmark.
We implemented Fast OSPF by modifying Quagga 0.99.4[10] to
support millisecond timer intervals. There are four relevant timers in
Quagga: (1) the hello timer that sets the frequency of Hello
(2) the dead timer that sets how long after the last Hello is received is the link declared dead;
(3) the
delay timer that sets the minimum delay between receiving an LSA
update and beginning routing computation; and (4) the hold-down
timer that sets the minimum interval between successive routing
computations. For Fast OSPF, we use hello timer = 20 ms, dead timer
= 100 ms,
delay timer = 10 ms (to
ensure a received LSA is flooded before routing computation begins),
and 0 ms for the hold down timer. Tesseract uses the same
hello and dead timer values to make direct comparison possible. There
is no need for the delay timer or the hold-down timer in Tesseract.
4.2 Routing Convergence
Common concerns with using a logically centralized DE to provide
direct control are that reconvergence time will suffer or the DE will
attempt to control the network using an out-of-date view of the
To evaluate
these issues, we measure intra-domain routing convergence after single
link failures, single switch failures, regional failures
(i.e. simultaneous multiple switch failures in a geographic region),
and single link flapping.
Single link failures:
Figure 4 shows the cumulative distribution of
convergence times of Tesseract and Fast OSPF for all single link
failures in both topologies (Some convergence times are 0 because the
link failure partitioned a stub switch and no forwarding state
updates were required).
First, consider the enterprise network scenario where the network
propagation delay is negligible. For Fast OSPF, which represents an
ideal target for convergence time, its performance is primarily a
function of the link failure detection time, which is controlled by
the dead timer value (100 ms), and the time to compute and install new
Even though Tesseract has a single DE machine compute all the routes,
its performance is nearly identical to that of Fast OSPF, thanks to the
usage of an efficient dynamic shortest path algorithm and the delta
encoding of switch configurations. The only observable difference is
that Tesseract's convergence time has a slightly larger variance due
to the variability of the dynamic shortest path algorithm on different
failed links.
In the backbone network scenario, propagation delay becomes an
important factor as switch-to-switch RTT ranges from 1 ms to
250 ms. Tesseract's convergence requires the link state update to be
transmitted to the DE and the new switch configurations to be
transmitted back to the switches. On the other hand, Fast OSPF only
requires the one-way flooding of the link state update. This is
why Tesseract's convergence time is roughly a one-way delay
slower than Fast OSPF. In return, however, the direct control paradigm
enabled by Tesseract allows other control functions, such as packet
filtering, to be implemented together with intra-domain routing in a
simple and consistent manner.
Switch failures and regional failures: Next, we examine the
convergence time under single switch failures and regional failures.
To emulate regional failures, we divide the backbone topology into 27
geographic regions with each region containing a mean of 7 and a
maximum of 26 switches, and we simultaneously fail all switches
in a region.
Figure 5: CDF of convergence times for single switch failures and regional failures.
Figure 5 compares the cumulative distributions of
convergence times of Tesseract and Fast OSPF on switch and regional
failures. In the enterprise network, again, the performance of
Tesseract is very similar to that of Fast OSPF.
In the backbone network, the difference between Tesseract and Fast
OSPF is still dominated by network delay, and both are able to
gracefully handle bursts of network state changes. There are two
additional points to make. First, Fast OSPF has more cases where the
convergence time is zero. This is because the 10 ms delay timer in
Fast OSPF is acting as a hold-down timer. As a result, Fast OSPF does
not react immediately to individual link state updates for a
completely failed switch and sometimes that can avoid unnecessary
configuration changes. In Tesseract, there is no hold-down timer, so
it reacts to some link state updates that are ultimately
inconsequential. Second, in some cases, Tesseract has faster
convergence time in regional failure than in single switch
failure. The reason is that the large number of failed switches in
regional failure reduces the amount of configuration updates Tesseract
needs to send.
Link flapping:
From the earliest days of routing in the Internet there has been
concern that a rapidly flapping link could overload the control plane
and cause a widespread outage worse than the failure of that single
link. Using Emulab we conduct an experiment to show
the effects of link flapping
on the end-to-end behavior of Tesseract.
On the emulated backbone network, we ping the Tokyo node from
the Amsterdam node at an interval of 10 ms and measure the RTT. We
start to flap the link between Santa Clara and Herndon 2 seconds
into the experiment. The flapping link is up for 100 ms and
then down for 2 seconds. As the link flaps, the route from Tokyo to
Amsterdam oscillates between a 10-hop path traversing Santa
Clara, Herndon, Weehawken, and London with an average RTT of 240 ms,
and a 12-hop path through San Jose and Oak Brook with an average RTT
of 246 ms, as shown in Figure 6.
This experiment demonstrates that a logically centralized system like
Tesseract can handle continual network changes.
It is also worth mentioning that the Tesseract decision plane makes it
easy to plug in damping algorithms to handle this situation in a more
intelligent way.
Figure 6: Effects of link flapping on ICMP packets sent at a rate of 100 packets/sec.
4.3 Scaling Properties
Another concern with a logically centralized system like Tesseract is
can it scale to size of today's networks, which often contain more than
1,000 switches.
Since Emulab experiments are limited in size to at most a few hundred
we perform several simulation experiments to evaluate Tesseract's
scaling properties. This evaluation uses a DE running the same code and
hardware as the previous evaluations, but its dissemination plane is
connected to another machine that simulates the control plane of the
We evaluate Tesseract's scalability on a set
of Rocketfuel topologies with varying sizes. For
each topology, we independently fail each link in the graph and
measure the time for the DE to compute new forwarding state and the
size of the state updates.
DE Computation Time: Every time a failure occurs in the network, the decision element needs
to recompute the forwarding tables for the switches based on the new
state of the network. Figure 7 shows the
results of DE path computation time.
As shown in the figure, even in the largest network of 1347 nodes and
6244 edges, the worst case recomputation time is 151 ms and the 99th
percentile is 40 ms.
Figure 7: CPU time for computing incremental shortest paths for
various Rocketfuel topologies in logarithmic scale. The box shows
the lower quartile, upper quartile and median. The whiskers show
the min and max data values, out to 1.5 times the interquartile
range, and outliers are plotted as `+'s.
Bandwidth Overhead of Control Packets:
Each time the DE computes new forwarding state for a switch, it needs to
push out the new state to the switch.
Figure 8 plots the number of control bytes
that the DE pushes out for independent link failures with different
topologies. As shown in the figure, the worst case bandwidth overhead is
4.4MB in the largest network of 1347 nodes and 6244 edges. This is a
scenario where 90% of the switches must be updated with new state.
Notice that the bandwidth overhead reported here
includes only intra-domain routes.
Even when a Tesseract network carries
external BGP routes, the amount of forwarding state expected to change
in response to an internal link failure
will be roughly the same. Switches use two-level routing tables, so even if
default-free BGP routing tables are in use, the BGP routes only
change when the egress point for traffic changes - not when
internal links fail.
As has been pointed out by
many [11,7], Internet routing stability would improve if
networks did not change egress points solely because the local cost
changed, and Tesseract's framework for direct control makes it easier
to implement this logic.
Figure 8: Switch configuration traffic sent out on a single link
failure for various Rocketfuel topologies in logarithmic scale.
4.4 Response to DE Failure and Partition
This section evaluates decision plane resiliency by measuring the
DE failover time, defined as the time from when the master DE is
partitioned to when a standby DE takes over and becomes the new master
We use the backbone network topology and perform 10 experiments in
which the master and stand-by DEs are 50 ms apart.
DE failure: Failure of any DE but the master DE is harmless,
since in Tesseract the other DEs are hot standbys. To evaluate
the effect of the failure of the master DE, we abruptly shutdown the
master DE.
Table 1 shows the time required for a new DE
to take control of the network after the master DE fails. As
expected, the average failover time is approximately 140 ms, which can
be derived from a simple equation that describes the expected failover
time: (DEDeadTime + PropagationDelay - HeartbeatInterval / 2 = 100ms+50ms-10ms).
| Min | Mean | Max | SD |
Backup DE takes over | 130 ms | 142 ms | 155 ms | 6 ms |
Table 1: Minimum, mean, and maximum times, and standard deviation for DE failover in DE failure experiments on the backbone network.
Network partition:
We inject a large number of link failures into the backbone
topology to create scenarios with multiple network partitions.
In the partition with the original master DE, Tesseract
responds in essentially the same manner as in the regional-failure
scenarios examined in Section 4.2, since the
original master DE sees the partition as a large number of link
failures. In the partitions that do not contain the
original master, the convergence time is
the same as when the master DE fails.
Just as network designers can choose to build a topology that has the
right level of resistance against network partition (e.g., a ring
versus a complete graph), the designers can intelligently select
locations for placing redundant DEs to defend against network
5 Tesseract Applications
In this section, we demonstrate two applications that take advantage
of Tesseract's direct control paradigm.
5.1 Joint Control of Routing and Filtering
Today, many enterprise networks configure packet filters to control which
hosts and services can reach each
other [9].
Unfortunately, errors in creating network configurations are
rampant. The majority of disruptions in network services can be traced
mis-configurations [12,13].
The situation with packet filters is especially painful, as routes are
automatically updated by routing protocols to accommodate topology
changes, while there is no mechanism to automatically adapt packet
filter configurations.
The Tesseract approach makes joint routing and filtering easy. The
decision logic takes as input a specification of the desired security
policy, which lists the pairs of source and destination subnets that
should or should not be allowed to exchange packets.
Then, in addition to computing routes, for each source-destination
subnet pair that is prohibited from communicating, the DE initially
places a packet filter to drop that traffic on the interface closest
to the destination. The decision logic then further optimizes filter
placement by pulling the filters towards the source of forbidden
traffic and combining them until further pulling would require
duplicating the filters.
Figure 9: Enterprise network with two locations, each location with a front
office and a data center. The dashed link is added as an upgrade.
As a concrete example,
consider the network in Figure 9. This company's
network is spread across two locations, A and B. Each location has a
number of front office computers used by sales agents (AF1-2 and
BF1-2) and a data center where servers are kept (AD1-2 and BD1-2).
Initially, the two locations are connected by a link between the front
office routers, R2 and R4, over which inter-office communications
flow. The routing metric for each link is shown in italics. Later, a
dedicated link between the data centers (shown as a dashed line
between R1 and R3) is added so the data centers can use each other as
remote backup locations. The security policy is that front-office
computers can communicate with the other location's
front office computers and with the local data center's servers, but not
the data center of the other location. Such policies are common in
industries like insurance, where the sales agents of each location are
effectively competing against each other.
We experimentally compared the Tesseract-based solution with
a conventional solution that uses OSPF and manually placed packet filters.
During the
experiments we generate data traffic from AF1 to BF1 (which should be
permitted) and from AF1 to BD1 (which should be forbidden) at 240
packets per second and monitor for any leaked or lost packets.
In the OSPF network, the filter is manually placed on interface i3.1
to prevent A's front office traffic from reaching BD.
After allowing the routing to stabilize, we add a new link between the
data centers (dotted line in Figure 9).
the OSPF network, OSPF responds to the additional link by
recomputing routes and
redirects traffic from AF to BD over the new link, bypassing the packet
filter on interface i3.1 and creating a security hole that will have to be patched
by a human operator.
In contrast, Tesseract computes both new routes and new
packet filter placements appropriate for those routes
and loads into the routers simultaneously, so
no forbidden traffic is leaked. Most
importantly, once the security policy is specified, it is automatically
enforced with no human involvement required.
5.2 Link Cost Driven Ethernet Switching
Ethernet is a compelling layer-2 technology: large switched Ethernets
are often used in enterprise, data center, and access networks. Its
key features are: (1) a widely implemented frame format; (2) support
for broadcasting frames, which makes writing LAN services like ARP,
and DHCP significantly easier; and (3)
its transparent address learning model, which means hosts can simply
Unfortunately, today's Ethernet control plane is
primitive [14,15,16]. Based
on routing frames along a spanning tree of the switches, it makes
very inefficient use of the available links.
Convergence time in response to failures can be long,
as the IEEE 802.1D Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is known to
count to infinity in common topologies.
We have implemented a Tesseract control plane for Ethernet that
preserves all three beneficial properties, avoids the pitfalls of a
distributed spanning tree protocol, and improves performance.
The DE first creates a spanning tree from the
discovered network topology and generate default forwarding entries
for the switches that follow the tree - this enables
traditional tree-based broadcast.
Additionally, when an end host sends its first
frame to its first-hop switch, the switch notifies the DE of the
newly discovered end host via the dissemination service. The DE then
computes appropriate paths from all switches to that end host and adds
the generated forwarding entries to the switches. From then on, all
frames destined to the end host can be forwarded using the specific
paths (e.g. shortest paths) instead of the spanning tree.
Figure 10: Full-mesh Ethernet topology.
To experimentally illustrate the benefits of the Tesseract approach,
we use the topology shown in Figure 10 on Emulab.
The four switches are connected by 100 Mbps Ethernet links, and each
end host is connected to one switch via a 1 Gbps Ethernet link. We run
iperf [17] TCP servers on the four end hosts and
simultaneously start six TCP flows. They are H1 to H2, H1 to H3, H1 to
H4, H2 to H3, H2 to H4, and H3 to H4.
In the first experiment, the network is controlled by Tesseract using
shortest path as the routing policy.
In the second experiment, the network is controlled by
an implementation of IEEE 802.1D RSTP on Click.
Figure 11: Aggregate network throughput, RSTP versus Tesseract. S1 fails at 60 second.
Figure 11 shows the aggregated throughput of
the network for both experiments. With the Tesseract control plane,
all six TCP flows are routed along the shortest paths, and the
aggregate throughput is 570 Mbps. At time 60 s, switch S1 fails
and H1 is cut off.
The Tesseract system reacts quickly and the aggregate throughput of
the remaining 3 TCP flows stabilizes at 280 Mbps. In contrast, in a
conventional RSTP Ethernet control plane, forwarding is performed over
a spanning tree with S1 as the root.
This means the capacities of the S2-S3, S2-S4, and S3-S4 links are
totally unused.
As a result, the aggregate throughput of the RSTP controlled network
is only 280 Mbps, a factor of two less than Tesseract. When
switch S1 fails at time 60 s, RSTP tries to reconfigure the
spanning tree to use S2 as the root and begins a
The combination of frame loss when ports oscillate between
forwarding/blocking state
and TCP congestion control back-off
means the throughput does not recover for many seconds. When
RSTP has finally reconverged, the aggregate throughput is again
substantially less than the Tesseract network.
Figure 12: Typical Ethernet topology gadget.
As a second example of the value of being able to change the decision
logic and the ease with which Tesseract makes this possible, consider
Figure 12. This topology gadget is a typical
building block found in Ethernet campus networks [18]
which provides protection against any single link failure.
Basic Ethernet cannot take advantage of the capacities of the
redundant links since RSTP forms a spanning tree with S1 as the root,
and the S2-S6, S3-S6, and S4-S6 links only provide backup paths and
are not used for data forwarding. As a result, traffic flows from H2,
H3, and H4 to R must share the capacity of link S1-S5.
In contrast, when there exists two or more equal cost paths from a
source to a destination, the Tesseract decision logic
breaks the tie by randomly picking a path. By centralizing the
route computations and using even such simple load-balancing
heuristics, Tesseract is able to take advantage of the multiple paths
and achieve a substantial increase in performance. In our example, the
capacities of both link S1-S5 and S1-S6 are fully utilized for a
factor of two improvement in aggregate throughput over RSTP.
The examples shown in this section illustrate the benefit of the
direct control paradigm, where the only distributed functions to be
implemented by network switches are those that discover the
neighborhood status at each switch and those that enable the control
communications between the DE and the switches. As a result, it
becomes easy to design and change the decision logics that control the
network. There is no need to design distributed protocols that
attempt to achieve the desired control policies.
6 Related Work
Previous position
papers [19,3]
have laid down the conceptual framework of 4D, and this paper provides
the details of an implementation and measured performance.
The Routing Control Platform
(RCP) [7,20] and the Secure Architecture for the
Networked Enterprise (SANE) [21] are the most notable examples
that share conceptual elements with 4D.
RCP is a solution for controlling inter-domain
routing in IP networks.
RCP computes the BGP routes for an
Autonomous Systems (AS) at centralized servers to give the operators
of transit networks more control over how BGP routing decisions are
The RCP servers have a very similar role as the decision plane
in 4D. For backward compatibility, the RCP servers use iBGP to
communicate with routers. This iBGP communication channel has a
role similar to the dissemination plane in 4D.
SANE is a solution for enforcing security
policies in an enterprise network. In a SANE network, communications
between hosts are disabled unless they are explicitly allowed by the
domain controller.
Switches only forward
packets that have authentic secure source routes attached to them.
For communications between switches and the
domain controller, SANE constructs a spanning tree rooted at the
domain controller.
This spanning tree has a role similar to the
dissemination plane in Tesseract.
Tempest [22] proposes an alternate framework for network
control, where each switch is divided into switchlets and the
functionality of each switch is exposed through a common interface
called Ariel.
Tempest allows multiple control planes to operate
independently, each controlling their own virtual network composed of
the switchlets, and the framework has been used on both MPLS
and ATM data planes.
Tesseract's dissemination plane provides a complete bootstrap solution,
where Tempest's implementation assumed a pre-existing
IP-over-ATM network for communication with remote switches.
While both projects abstract switch functionality,
Tesseract does not assume that switches can be fully virtualized into
independent switchlets,
and it leaves resource allocation to the decision logic.
FIRE [23] presents a framework to ease the
implementation of distributed routing protocols by providing a secure
flooding mechanism for link-state data, hooks to which route
algorithms can be attached, and
a separate FIB used for downloading code into the router. Tesseract
eases the implementation of centralized network control algorithms by
assembling a network-wide view, enabling direct control via a robust
and self-bootstrapping dissemination plane, and providing redundancy
through the election of DEs.
7 Summary
This paper presents the design and implementation of Tesseract, a
network control plane that enables direct control. In designing
Tesseract, we paid particular attention to the robustness of the
decision plane and the dissemination plane. The security of Tesseract is
enhanced by the mechanisms built into the dissemination service. The
system is designed to be easily reusable and we demonstrated how
Tesseract can be used to control both Ethernet and IP
services. Finally, good performance is achieved by adopting efficient
algorithms like incremental shortest path and delta encoding of switch
configuration updates.
We find that Tesseract is sufficiently scalable
to control intra-domain routing in networks of more
than one thousand switches,
and its reconvergence performance after a failure is detected is on
the order of one round-trip propagation delay across the network.
The most important benefit of Tesseract is that it enables direct
Direct control means sophisticated control policies can be
implemented in a centralized fashion, which may be much easier to
understand and deploy than a distributed protocol. Direct control
also means the software running on each switch is simplified, with
potential benefits for operators and vendors.
We strongly believe that the direct control
paradigm is the right approach in the long run, as there is a clear
trend towards ever more sophisticated network control policies.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and our shepherd Jon
Crowcroft for helpful feedback on earlier versions of the paper. This
research was sponsored by the NSF under ITR Awards ANI-0085920,
ANI-0331653, and NeTS Grant CNS-0520187. Views and conclusions
contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be
interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or
implied, of Microsoft, NSF, or the U.S. government.
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version 3.77. On 18 Feb 2007, 23:11.