1 University of California, Berkeley, 2 Intel Research, Berkeley, 3 Intel Research, Seattle, 4 University of Washington
We present the design and evaluation of two forms of power management schemes
that reduce the energy consumption of networks. The first is based on putting
network components to sleep during idle times, reducing energy consumed in the
absence of packets. The second is based on adapting the rate of network
operation to the offered workload, reducing the energy consumed when actively
processing packets.
For real-world traffic workloads and topologies and using power constants drawn
from existing network equipment,
we show that even simple schemes for sleeping or rate-adaptation can offer
substantial savings.
For instance, our practical algorithms stand to halve energy consumption for
lightly utilized networks (10-20%). We show that these savings approach
the maximum achievable by any algorithms using the same power management
Moreover this energy can be saved without noticeably increasing loss and with a
small and controlled increase in latency ( < 10ms).
Finally, we show that both sleeping and rate adaptation are valuable
depending (primarily) on the power profile of network equipment and the
utilization of the network itself.
In this paper, we consider power management for networks from a perspective
that has recently begun to receive attention: the conservation of energy for
operating and environmental reasons. Energy consumption in network exchanges
is rising as higher capacity network equipment becomes more power-hungry and
requires greater amounts of cooling. Combined with rising energy costs, this
has made the cost of powering network exchanges a substantial and growing
fraction of the total cost of ownership - up to half by some
estimates[23]. Various studies now estimate the power usage of
the US network infrastructure at between 5 and 24 TWh/year[25,,], or $0.5-2.4B/year at a rate of $0.10/KWh,
depending on what is included. Public concern about
carbon footprints is also rising, and stands to affect network equipment much
as it has computers via standards such as EnergyStar. In fact, EnergyStar standard
proposals for 2009 discuss slower operation of network links to
conserve energy when idle. A new IEEE working group was launched in early 2007
to focus on this issue for Ethernet [15].
Fortunately, there is an opportunity for substantial reductions in the energy
consumption of existing networks due to two factors. First, networks are
provisioned for worst-case or busy-hour load, and this load typically exceeds
their long-term utilization by a wide margin. For example, measurements reveal
backbone utilizations under 30% [16] and up to hour-long idle
times at access points in enterprise wireless networks [17]. Second,
the energy consumption of network equipment remains substantial even when the
network is idle. The implication of these factors is that most of the
energy consumed in networks is wasted.
Our work is an initial exploration of how overall network energy consumption
might be reduced without adversely affecting network performance. This will
require two steps. First, network equipment ranging from routers to switches
and NICs will need power management primitives at the hardware level. By
analogy, power management in computers has evolved around hardware support for
sleep and performance states. The former (e.g.,C-states in Intel
processors) reduce idle consumption by powering off sub-components to different
extents, while the latter (e.g.,SpeedStep, P-states in Intel processors)
tradeoff performance for power via operating frequency. Second, network
protocols will need to make use of the hardware primitives to best effect.
Again, by analogy with computers, power management preferences control how
the system switches between the available states to save energy with minimal
impact on users.
Of these two steps, our focus is on the network protocols. Admittedly, these
protocols build on hardware support for power management that is in its infancy
for networking equipment. Yet the necessary support will readily be deployed in
networks where it proves valuable, with forms such as sleeping and rapid rate selection for
Ethernet [15] already under development. For comparison, computer power
management compatible with the ACPI standard has gone from scarce to widely
deployed over the past five to ten years and is now expanding into the server
market. Thus our goal is to learn: what magnitude of energy savings a protocol
using feasible hardware primitives might offer; what performance tradeoff comes
with these savings; and which of the feasible kinds of hardware primitives
would maximize benefits. We hope that our research can positively influence the
hardware support offered by industry.
The hardware support we assume from network equipment is in the form of
performance and sleep states. Performance states help to save power when
routers are active, while sleep states help to save power when routers are
idle. The performance states we assume dynamically change the rate of links and
their associated interfaces. The sleep states we assume quickly power off network interfaces when they
are idle.
While link support for sleeping and rate adaptation would have seemed
unlikely even in the recent past, efforts such as the recently formed IEEE
802.3az Task Force make this kinds of support a likely outcome.
We develop two approaches to save energy with these primitives. The first puts
network interfaces to sleep during short idle periods. To make this effective
we introduce small amounts of buffering, much as 802.11 APs do for sleeping
clients; this collects packets into small bursts and thereby creates gaps long
enough to profitably sleep. Potential concerns are that buffering will add too
much delay across the network and that bursts will exacerbate loss. Our
algorithms arrange for routers and switches to sleep in a manner that
ensures the buffering delay penalty is paid only once (not per link) and
that routers clear bursts so as to not amplify loss noticeably.
The result is a novel scheme that differs from 802.11
schemes in that all network elements are able to sleep when not
utilized yet added delay is bounded. The second approach adapts the rate of
individual links based on the utilization and queuing delay of the link.
We then evaluate these approaches using real-world network topologies and
traffic workloads from Abilene and Intel. We find that: (1) rate-adaptation and
sleeping have the potential to deliver substantial energy savings for typical
networks; (2) the simple schemes we develop are able to capture most of this
energy-saving potential; (3) our schemes do not noticeably degrade network
performance; and (4) both sleeping and rate-adaptation are valuable depending
primarily on the utilization of the network and equipment power profiles.
This section describes the high-level model for power consumption that
motivates our rate adaptation and sleeping solutions, as well as the
methodology by which we evaluate these solutions.
Active and idle power
A network element is active when it is
actively processing incoming or outgoing traffic, and idle when it is
powered on but does not process traffic.
Given these modes, the energy consumption for a network element is:
E = pa Ta + pi Ti
where pa, pi denote the power consumption in active and idle
modes respectively and Ta, Ti the times spent in each mode.
Reducing power through sleep and performance states
Sleep states
lower power consumption by putting sub-components of the overall system to
sleep when there is no work to process. Thus sleeping reduces the power
consumed when idle, i.e.,it reduces the pi Ti term of Eqn. (2) by
reducing the pi to some sleep-mode power draw ps where ps < pi.
Performance states reduce power consumption by lowering the rate at which
work is processed. As we elaborate on in later sections, some portion
of both active and idle power consumption depends on the
frequency and voltage at which work is processed.
Hence performance states that scale frequency and/or
voltage reduce both the pa and pi power draws
resulting in an overall reduction in energy consumption.
We also assume a penalty for transitioning between power states. For
simplicity, we measure this penalty in time, typically milliseconds, treating
it as a period in which the router can do no useful work.
We use this as a simple switching model that lumps all penalties, ignoring
other effects that may be associated with switches such as a transient increase
in power consumption.
Thus there is also a cost for switching between states.
Networks with rate adaptation and sleeping support
In a network context, the sleeping and rate
adaptation decisions one router makes fundamentally impacts - and is impacted
by - the decisions of its neighboring routers.
Moreover, as we see later in the paper, the strategies by which each is best exploited
are very different (Intuitively this is because sleep-mode savings are best
exploited by maximizing idle times, which implies processing work as quickly
as possible, while performance-scaling is best exploited by processing work as
slowly as possible, which reduces idle times).
Hence, to avoid complex interactions, we consider that the whole network, or at least well-defined components of it, run in either rate adaptation or sleep mode.
We develop the specifics of our sleeping schemes in Section 3, and our
rate adaptation schemes in Section 4. Note that our solutions are deliberately
constructed to apply broadly to the networking infrastructure - from end-host
NICs, to switches, and IP routers, etc. - so that they may be applied wherever
they prove to be the most valuable. They are not tied to IP-layer protocols.
The overall energy savings we can expect will depend on the extent
to which our power-management algorithms can successful exploit
opportunities to sleep or rate adapt as well as the power profile of
network equipment (i.e.,, relative magnitudes of pa, pi and ps).
To clearly separate the effect of each, we evaluate sleep solutions
in terms of the fraction of time for which network elements can
sleep and rate-adaptation solutions in terms of the reduction in
the average rate at which the network operates 1.
In this way we assess each solution with the appropriate baseline.
We then evaluate how these metrics translate into overall network energy
savings for different equipment power profiles and hence compare the
relative merits of sleeping and rate-adaptation (Section 5).
For both sleep and rate-adaptation, we calibrate the savings achieved
by our practical solutions by comparing to the maximum savings
achievable by optimal, but not necessarily practical, solutions.
In network environments where packet arrival rates can be highly non-uniform,
allowing network elements to transition between operating rates or sleep/active modes
with corresponding transition times can introduce additional packet delay, or
even loss, that would have not otherwise occurred. Our goal
is to explore solutions that usefully navigate the tradeoff between potential
energy savings and performance.
In terms of performance, we measure the average and 98th
percentile of the end-to-end packet delay and loss.
In the absence of network equipment with hardware support for power
management, we base our evaluations on packet-level simulation with
real-world network topologies and traffic workloads. The key factors on which
power savings then depend, beyond the details of the solutions themselves, are
the technology constants of the sleep and performance states and the
characteristics of the network. In particular, the utilization of links
determines the relative magnitudes of Tactive and Tidle as well as
the opportunities for profitably exploiting sleep and performance states. We
give simple models for technology constants in the following sections. To
capture the effect of the network on power savings, we drive our simulation
with two realistic network topologies and traffic workloads (Abilene and Intel)
that are summarized below. We use ns2 as our packet-level simulator.
We use Abilene as a test case because of the ready
availability of detailed topology and traffic information.
The information from [27] provides us with the
link connectivity, weights (to compute routes), latencies and
capacities for Abilene's router-level topology.
We use measured Abilene traffic matrices
(TMs) available in the community [29] to generate realistic
workloads over this topology. Unless otherwise
stated, we use as our default a traffic matrix whose link
utilization levels reflect the average link utilization
over the entire day - this corresponds to a 5%
link utilization on average with bottleneck links
experiencing about 15% utilization.
We linearly scale TMs to study performance with increasing utilization
up to a maximum average network utilization of 31% as beyond this
some links reach very high utilizations.
Finally, while the TMs specify the 5-minute average
rate observed for each ingress-egress pair, we still
require a packet-level traffic generation model that creates
this rate. In keeping with previous studies [18,31] we
generate traffic as a mix of Pareto flows, and for some results we use constant bit-rate
(CBR) traffic. As per standard practice, we set router queue sizes equal to
the bandwidth-delay product in the network; we use the
bandwidth of the bottleneck link, and a delay of 100ms.
As an additional real-world dataset, we collected topology and traffic
information for the global Intel enterprise network. This network
connects Intel sites worldwide, from small remote offices to large
multi-building sites with thousands of users.
It comprises approximately 300 routers and over 600 links
with capacities ranging from 1.5Mbps to 1Gbps.
To simulate realistic traffic, we collected unsampled Netflow records [6] from the
core routers. The records, exported by each router every minute, contain
per flow information
that allows us to recreate the traffic sourced by ingress nodes.
A well established technique, as used by microprocessors and mobiles, is to
reduce idle power by putting hardware sub-components to sleep. For example,
modern Intel processors such as the Core Duo [1] have a succession
of sleep states (called C-states) that offer increasingly reduced power at the
cost of increasingly high latencies to enter and exit these states. We assume
similar sleep states made available for network equipment. For the purpose of
this study we ignore the options afforded by multiple sleep states and assume
as an initial simplification that we have a single sleep state.
We model a network sleep state as characterized by three features or
parameters. The first is the power draw in sleep mode ps which we
assume to be a small fraction of the idle mode power draw pi.
The second characterizing parameter of a sleep state is the time δ it
takes to transition in and out of sleep states.
Higher values of δ raise the bar on when the network element can
profitably enter sleep mode and hence δ critically affects potential
savings. While network interface cards can make physical-layer transitions in
as low as 10ms, transition times that involve restoring
state at higher layers (memory, operating system) are likely to be higher [13].
We thus evaluate our solutions over a wide range values of transition times.
Finally, network equipment must support a mechanism for invoking and exiting
sleep states. The option that makes the fewest assumptions about the
sophistication of hardware support is timer-driven sleeping, in which the
network element enters and exits sleep at well-defined times.
Prior to entering sleep the network element specifies the time in the future
at which it will exit sleep and all packets that arrive at a sleeping interface are lost.
The second possibility, described in [12], is
for routers to wake up automatically on sensing incoming traffic on their input
ports. To achieve this "wake-on-arrival" (WoA), the circuitry that senses
packets on a line is left powered on even in sleep mode.
While support for WoA is not common in either computers or interfaces
today, this is a form of hardware support that might
prove desirable for future network equipment and is currently
under discussion in the IEEE 802.3az Task Force [13].
Note that even with wake-on-arrival, bits arriving during the
transition period δ are effectively lost. To handle this,
the authors in [6] propose the use of "dummy" packets to rouse a sleeping neighbor.
A node A that wishes to wake B first sends B a dummy packet, and
then waits for time δ before transmitting the actual data traffic.
The solutions we develop in this paper apply seamlessly to either timer-driven or
WoA-based hardware.
Measuring savings and performance
In this section, we measure savings in terms of the
percentage of time network elements spend asleep and
performance in terms of the average and 98th
percentile of the end-to-end packet delay and loss.
We assume that individual line cards in a network element can be
independently put to sleep. This allows for more opportunities to sleep than
if one were to require that a router sleep in its entirety (as the latter is
only possible when there is no incoming traffic at any of the incoming
interfaces). Correspondingly our energy savings are with respect to interface
cards which typically represent a major portion of the overall consumption of a
network device. That said, one could in addition put the route processor and
switch fabric to sleep at times when all line cards are asleep.
For interfaces that support wake-on-arrival, one approach to exploiting sleep
states is that of opportunistic sleeping in which link interfaces sleep
when idle - i.e.,a router is awakened by an incoming (dummy) packet and, after
forwarding it on, returns to sleep if no subsequent packet arrives for some
time. While very simple,
such an approach can result in frequent transitions
which limits savings for higher transition times and/or higher link speeds.
For example, with a 10Gbps link, even under low utilization (5%) and packet
sizes of 1KB, the average packet inter-arrival time is very small - 15ms.
Thus while opportunistic sleeping might be effective in
LANs [11,22] with high idle times, for fast links this technique
is only effective for very low transition times δ (we quantify this
In addition, opportunistic sleep is only possible with the more sophisticated
hardware support of wake-on-arrival.
To create greater opportunities for sleep, we consider a novel approach that
allows us to explicitly control the tradeoff between network performance
and energy savings. Our approach is to
shape traffic into small bursts at the edges of the network - edge devices
then transmit packets in bunches and routers within the network wake up to
process a burst of packets, and then sleep until the next burst arrives. The
intent is to provide sufficient bunching to create opportunities for sleep if
the load is low, yet not add excessive delay. This is a radical
approach in the sense that much other work seeks to avoid bursts rather than
create them (e.g., token buckets for QOS, congestion avoidance, buffering at
routers). As our measurements of loss and delay show, our schemes avoid the
pitfalls associated with bursts because we introduce only a bounded and small
amount of burstiness and a router never enters sleep until it has cleared all
bursts it has built up. More precisely, we introduce a buffer interval "B"
that controls the tradeoff between savings and performance. An ingress
router buffers incoming traffic for up to B ms and, once every B ms, forwards
buffered traffic in a burst.
Figure 1: Packets within a burst are organized by destination.
To ensure that bursts created at the ingress are retained
as they traverse through the network, an ingress router
arranges packets within the burst such that all packets
destined for the same egress router are contiguous within
the burst (see figure 1).
The above "buffer-and-burst" approach (B&B) creates
alternating periods of contiguous activity and
sleep leading to fewer transitions and amortizing the
transition penalty δ over multiple packets.
This improvement comes at the cost of
an added end-to-end delay of up to B ms. Note that because
only ingress routers buffer traffic, the additional delay
due to buffering is only incurred once along the entire
ingress-to-egress path.
As importantly, this approach - unlike opportunistic sleep -
can be used by interfaces that support only timer-driven sleep.
A router R1 that receives a burst from upstream router R2
at time t1 knows that the next start-of-burst will arrive
at time t1+B and can hence sleep between bursts.
Figure 2: Examples of burst synchronization.
The question then is how significant are the savings this
approach enables for reasonable additional delay?
We note that the best possible savings would occur if
a router received the incoming bursts from all ingress
routers close in time such that it processes all
incoming bursts and returns to sleep thus incurring
exactly one sleep/wake transition per B ms.
This might appear possible by having ingress
routers coordinate the times at which they
transmit bursts such that bursts from different
ingresses arrive close in time at intermediate routers.
For example, consider the scenario in Figure 2(a)
where ingress routers R0 and R1 are
scheduled to transmit traffic at times 2 and 1 respectively. If instead
R1 were to schedule its burst for time 7 instead, then bursts
from R0 and R2 would align in time at R2 thus reducing the number of distinct
burst times - and sleep-to-wake transitions - at downstream routers R3 and R4.
Unfortunately, the example in Figure 2(b) suggests
this is unachievable for general topologies. Here, Si and
Sj represent the arrival times of incoming bursts to nodes
R3 and R1 respectively and we see that the topology makes
it impossible to find times Si and Sj that
could simultaneously align the bursts downstream from R2 and R4.
We thus use a brute-force strategy to evaluate the
maximum achievable coordination.
For a given topology and traffic workload, we
consider the start-of-burst time for traffic from each
ingress I to egress J (denoted Sij) and
perform an exhaustive search of all Sij to find a
set of start times that minimizes the number
of transitions across all the interfaces in the network.
We call this scheme optB&B.
Clearly, such an algorithm is not practical and
we use it merely as an optimistic bound on what might
be achievable were nodes to coordinate in shaping traffic
under a buffer-and-burst approach.
We compare the sleep time achieved by optB&B to the
upper bound on sleep as given by 1 - m,
where m is the network utilization.
This upper bound is not achievable by any algorithm
since (unlike optB&B) it does not take into
account the overhead δ due to sleep/wake transitions.
Nonetheless it serves to capture the loss in savings
due to δ and the inability to achieve perfect
Any traffic shaping incurs some additional complexity and hence
a valid question is whether we need any traffic shaping,
or whether opportunistic sleeping that does not require
shaping is enough?
We therefore also compare optB&B to opportunistic
sleeping based on wake-on-arrival (WoA). For this naive WoA, we
assume optimistically that an interface knows the precise arrival
time of the subsequent packet and returns to sleep only for
inter-packet arrival periods greater than δ.
Because the performance of opportunistic WoA
depends greatly on the inter-arrival times of
we evaluate WoA for two types of traffic: constant
bit rate (CBR) and Pareto.
Figure 3: Time asleep using optB&B and opportunistic sleeping
and compared to the upper bound (1-m).
For each of the above bounds, Figure 3 plots the
percentage of time asleep under increasing utilization in Abilene.
We use a buffer period of B=10ms and assume a
(conservative) transition time δ of 1ms.
Comparing the savings from optB&B to the utilization bound,
we see that a traffic shaping approach based on buffer-and-burst can achieve
much of the potential for exploiting sleep.
As expected, even at very low utilization, WoA with CBR traffic
can rarely sleep; perhaps more surprising is that even
with bursty traffic WoA performs relatively poorly.
These results suggest that - even assuming hardware WoA -
traffic shaping offers a significant improvement over opportunistic
We consider a very simple buffer-and-burst scheme, called practB&B, in
which each ingress router sends its bursts destined for the various egresses
one after the other in a single "train of bursts". At routers close
to the ingress this appears as a single burst which then disperses as it
traverses through the network.
practB&B bounds the number of bursts (and correspondingly the number of
transitions) seen by any router R in an interval of B ms to
at most IR, the total number of ingress routers that send traffic through
R. In practice, our results show that the number of
bursts seen by R in time Bms is significantly smaller than this bound.
practB&B is simple - it requires no inter-router coordination as
the time at which bursts are transmitted is decided independently by
each ingress router. For networks supporting
wake-on-arrival the implementation is trivial - the only additional feature is
the implementation of buffer-and-burst at the ingress nodes. For networks that
employ timer-driven sleeping, packet bursts would need to include a marker denoting the end of
burst and notifying the router of when it should expect the next burst on that
We evaluate the savings vs. performance tradeoff achieved by
practB&B algorithm and the impact of equipment and network parameters on the same.
Savings vs. performance using practB&B
We compare the sleep time achieved by practB&B to that achievable by optB&B.
In terms of performance, we compare the end-to-end packet delay and loss in
a network using practB&B to that of a network that never sleeps (as today)
as this shows the overall performance penalty due to our sleep protocols.
Figure 4: Time asleep using CBR and Pareto traffic.
Figure 4 plots the sleep time
with increasing utilization on the Abilene network using a buffering interval B=10ms.
We plot the percentage sleep time under both CBR and Pareto traffic workloads.
We see that even a scheme as simple as practB&B can create and exploit
significant opportunities for sleep and approaches the
savings achieved by the significantly more complex optB&B.
As with opportunistic sleeping, we see that practB&B's savings with
CBR traffic are lower than for the more bursty Pareto workloads,
but that this reduction is significantly smaller in the case
of practB&B than with opportunistic sleeping (recall Figure 3).
That Pareto traffic improves savings is to be expected
as burstier traffic only enhances our bunching strategy.
Figures 5(a) and (b) plot the corresponding
average and 98th percentile of the end-to-end delay.
As expected, we see that the additional delay in both cases
is proportional to the buffering interval B.
Note that this is the end-to-end delay, reinforcing that the buffering
delay B is incurred once for the entire end-to-end path.
We see that for higher B, the delay grows slightly faster with utilization
(e.g.,compare the absolute increase in delay for B=5ms to 25ms)
because this situation is more prone to larger bursts overlapping
at intermediate routers. However this effect is relatively small even in
a situation combining larger B (25ms) and larger utilizations (20-30%)
and is negligible for smaller B and/or more typical utilizations.
We see that both average and maximum delays increase abruptly beyond network utilizations
exceeding 25%. This occurs when certain links approach full utilization
and queuing delays increase (recall that the utilization on the horizontal
axis is the average network-wide utilization). However this increase occurs even in the
default network scenario and is thus not caused by practB&B's traffic shaping.
Finally, our measurements revealed that practB&B introduced no
additional packet loss (relative to the default network scenario)
until we approach utilizations that come close to saturating some
For example, in a network
scenario losses greater than 0.1% occur at 41% utilization without any
buffering, they occur at 38% utilization with B=10ms, and at 36% utilization
with B=25. As networks do not typically operate with links close
to saturation point, we do not expect this additional loss to be a problem in practice.
In summary, the above results suggest that practB&B can yield significant
savings with a very small (and controllable) impact on network delay and loss.
For example, at a utilization of 10%, a buffering time of just B=5ms
allows the network to spend over 60% of its time in sleep mode
for under 5ms added delay.
Figure 5: The impact on delay of practB&B.
Impact of hardware characteristics
We now evaluate how the transition time δ affects
the performance of practB&B
Figure 6(a) plots the sleep time achieved by
practB&B for a range of transition times
and compares this to the ideal case of having instantaneous transitions.
As expected, the ability to sleep degrades drastically with increasing
δ. This observation holds across various buffer intervals B
as illustrated in Figure 6(b) that plots the sleep time achieved
at typical utilization ( » 5%) for increasing transition times and
different values of B.
Figure 6: The impact of hardware constants on sleep time.
These findings reinforce our intuition that hardware support featuring
low-power sleep states and quick transitions (preferably < 1ms)
between these states are essential to effectively save energy.
Impact of network topology
We now evaluate practB&B for the Intel enterprise network.
The routing structure of the Intel network is strictly hierarchical with a
relatively small number of nodes that connect to the wide-area. Because of
this we find a wide variation in link utilization - far more than on the
Abilene network. Over 77% of links have utilizations below 1% while a small
number of links ( 2.5%) can see significantly higher utilizations of between
Correspondingly, the opportunity for sleep also varies greatly across links.
This is shown in Figure 7 - each point in the
scatter-plot corresponds to a single link and we look at sleep times
for two transition times: 0.1ms and 1ms.
We see that the dominant trends in sleep time vs. utilization
remains and that higher δ yields lower savings.
Background In general, operating a device at a lower frequency can
enable dramatic reductions in energy consumption for two reasons.
First, simply operating more slowly offers some fairly substantial savings. For
example, Ethernet links dissipate between 2-4W when operating between
100Mbps-1Gbps compared to 10-20W between 10Gbps[10].
Second, operating at a lower frequency also allows the use of dynamic voltage
scaling (DVS) that reduces the operating voltage. This allows power to scale
cubically, and hence energy consumption quadratically, with
operating frequency[32].
DVS and frequency scaling are already common in microprocessors for these reasons.
We assume the application of these techniques to network links and associated
equipment (i.e., linecards, transceivers). While the use of DVS has been
demonstrated in prototype linecards [21], it is not currently
supported in commercial equipment and hence we investigate savings under
two different scenarios: (1) equipment that supports only frequency scaling and
(2) equipment that supports both frequency and voltage scaling.
We assume individual links can switch performance states independently and
with independent rates for transmission and reception on interfaces.
Hence the savings we obtain apply directly to the consumption at the links and
interface cards of a network element, although in practice one could also scale
the rate of operation of the switch fabric and/or route processor.
We assume that each network interface supports N performance states
corresponding to link rates r1, ¼, rn (with ri < ri+1 and
rn = rmax, the default maximum link rate), and we investigate the
effect that the granularity and distribution (linear vs. exponential)
of these rates has on the potential energy savings.
The final defining characteristic of performance states is the
transition time, denoted δ, during which packet transmission is stalled as
the link transitions between successive rates.
We explore performance for a range of transition times (δ) from 0.1 to 10 milliseconds.
Measuring savings and performance
As in the case of sleep
we're interested in solutions that reduce the rate at which links
operate without significantly affecting performance.
In this section, we use the percentage reduction in average link rate as an
indicative measure of energy savings and relate this to overall
energy savings in Section 5 where we take into
account the power profile of equipment (including whether it supports
DVS or not).
In terms of performance, we again measure the average and 98th percentile of the end-to-end
packet delay and packet loss.
Our initial interest is to understand the extent to which performance states
can help if used to best effect. For a DVS processor, it has been shown that
the most energy-efficient way to execute C cycles within a given time interval
T is to maintain a constant clock speed of C/T [20]. In the context of
a network link, this translates into sending packets at a constant rate equal
to the average arrival rate.
However under non-uniform traffic this can result in arbitrary delays and hence
we instead look for an optimal schedule of rates (i.e.,the set of rates at
which the link should operate at different points in time) that minimize energy
while respecting a specified constraint on the additional delay incurred at the
More precisely, given a packet arrival curve AC, we look for a service curve SC
that minimizes energy consumption, while respecting a given upper bound d on the
per-packet queuing delay. The delay parameter d thus serves to tradeoff savings for
increased delay.
Figure 8(a) shows an example arrival curve and the associated
latest-departure curve (AC+d), which is simply the arrival curve shifted in
time by the delay bound d. To meet the delay constraint, the service curve
SC must lie within the area between the arrival and latest-departure curves.
Figure 8: An illustration of delay-constrained service curves and the
service curve minimizing energy.
In the context of wireless links, [19] proves that if the
energy can be expressed as a convex, monotonically increasing function of
the transmission rate, then
the minimal energy service curve is the shortest Euclidean distance
in the arrival space (bytes × time) between the arrival and shifted
arrival curves.
In the scenario where we assume DVS support, the energy consumption
is a convex, monotonically increasing function of link rate and thus
this result applies to our context as well. Where only frequency scaling
is supported, any service curve between the arrival and
shifted-arrival curves would achieve the same energy savings and therefore the
service curve with the shortest Euclidean distance would be optimal in
this case too. In summary, for both frequency-scaling and DVS, the
shortest distance service curve would achieve the highest possible energy savings.
Fig. 8 illustrates an example of such a minimal energy
service curve. Intuitively, this is the set of lowest constant rates obeying
the delay constraint.
Note that this per-link optimal strategy is not suited to practical implementation
since it assumes perfect knowledge of the future arrival curve,
link rates of infinite granularity and ignores switching overheads. Nonetheless,
it is useful as an estimate of the potential savings by which to calibrate
practical protocols.
We will evaluate the savings achieved by applying the above per-link solution
at all links in the network and call this approach link_optRA. One issue in doing so is that
the service curves at the different links are inter-dependent - i.e.,
the service curve for a link l depends in turn on the service curves at
other links (since the latter in turn determine the arrival curve at l).
We address this by applying the per-link optimal algorithm iteratively across
all links until the service and arrival curves at the different links converge.
Building on the insight offered by the per-link optimal algorithm, we develop a
simple approach, called practRA (practical rate adaptation), that seeks to navigate the tradeoff between savings and
delay constraints.
A practical approach differs from the optimum in that (i) it does not have
knowledge of future packet arrivals, (ii) it can only choose among a fixed
set of available rates r1, ¼, rn, and (iii) at every rate switch, it
incurs a penalty δ, during which it cannot send packets.
While knowledge of the future arrival rate is unavailable, we can use the
history of packet arrivals to predict the future arrival rate. We
denote this predicted arrival rate as [^r]f and estimate it with an
exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) of the measured history of
past arrivals. Similarly, we can use the current link buffer size q and rate ri
to estimate the potential queuing delay so as to avoid violating the delay constraint.
With these substitutes, we define a technique inspired by the per-link optimal algorithm.
In practRA, packets are serviced at a constant rate until
we intersect one of the two bounding curves presented
earlier (Figure 8): the arrival
curve (AC), and the latest-departure curve (AC+d).
Thus, we avoid increasing the operating rate ri unless not doing so would violate
the delay constraint. This leads to the following condition for rate increases:
A link operating at rate ri with current queue size q
increases its rate to ri+1 iff ([q/(ri)] > d OR [(δ[^r]f + q)/(ri+1)] > d - δ)
The first term checks whether the delay bound d would be violated
were we to maintain the current link rate. The second constraint ensures that the
service curve does not get too close to the delay-constrained curve which
would prevent us from attempting a rate increase in the future without violating
the delay bound.
That is, we need to allow enough time for a link that increases its rate
to subsequently process packets that arrived during the transition time (estimated by
δ·[^r]f) and its already-accumulated queue.
Note that we cannot use delay constraints d smaller than the transition time δ.
Similarly, the condition under which we allow a rate decrease is as follows:
A link operating at rate ri with current queue
size q decreases its rate to ri-1 iff q = 0 AND [^r]f < ri-1
First, we only attempt to switch to a lower rate when the queue at the
link is empty (q=0). Intuitively, this corresponds to an intersection between
the arrival curve and the service curve. However, we don't always switch
to a lower rate ri-1 when a queue empties as doing so would prevent
the algorithm from operating in a (desired) steady state mode with zero queuing delay.
Instead, the desirable steady state is one where ri > rf > ri+1
and we want to avoid oscillating between rates (which would lead to larger average
delay). For example, a link that sees a constant arrival rate of 3.5Mbps
might oscillate between 3 and 4Mbps (incurring queuing delays at 3Mbps),
instead of remaining at 4Mbps (with low average queuing delay).
We thus use the additional condition: [^r]f < ri-1
to steer our algorithm toward the desired steady state and ensure
that switching to a lower rate does not immediately lead to larger queues.
In addition to the above conditions, we further discourage oscillations
by enforcing a minimum time K δ between consecutive switches.
Intuitively, this is because rate switching should not occur on
timescales smaller than the transition time δ.
In our experiments, we found K=4 to be a reasonable value for this
Note that unlike the link_optRA algorithm, the above decision process
does not guarantee that the delay constraints will be met since it is based on
estimated rather than true arrival rates. Similarly, practRA cannot
guarantee that the rates used by the links match those used by the link-optimal
algorithm. In section 5, after discussing how power scales
with rate, we use simulation to compare our approximate algorithm to the
optimal under realistic network conditions. We leave it to future work to
analytically bound the inaccuracy due to our approximations.
Finally, we observe that the above rate-adaptation is simple in that it
requires no coordination across different nodes, and is amenable to
implementation in high-speed equipment. This is because the above decision
making need not be performed on a per-packet basis.
We evaluate the savings vs. performance tradeoff achieved by our
practical rate-adaptation algorithm and the impact of equipment and network
parameters on the same.
We first evaluate
the percentage reduction in average link rate achieved by practRA for
the Abilene network.
For comparison, we consider the rate reduction due to link_optRA and
the upper bound on rate reduction as determined by the average link utilization.
In this case, since we found the reduction from link_optRA was virtually
indistinguishable from the utilization bound, we only show the latter here for clarity.
(We report on the energy savings due to link_optRA in the following section.)
To measure performance, we measure the end-to-end packet delay and loss
in a network using practRA to that in a network with no rate adaptation.
Impact of hardware characteristics
The main constants affecting the performance of practRA are (1) the
granularity and distribution of available rates, and (2) δ, the time to
transition between successive rates.
We investigate the reduction in rate for three different distributions of rates
r1,..., rn: (i) 10 rates uniformly distributed between 1Gbps
to 10Gbps, (ii) 4 rates uniformly distributed between 1Gbps to 10Gbps and
(iii) 4 exponentially distributed rates (10Gbps, 1Gbps, 100Mbps, 10Mbps).
We consider the latter case since physical layer technologies for these rates already
exist making these likely candidates for early rate-adaptation technologies.
Figure 9 plots the average rate reduction under increasing
utilizations, with a per-link delay constraint d = δ + 2ms, and a
transition time δ = 1ms.
We see that for 10 uniformly distributed rates, practRA operates links at
a rate that approaches the average link utilization. With 4 uniformly distributed
rates this reduction drops, but not significantly.
However, for exponentially distributed rates, the algorithm performs poorly, indicating
that support for uniformly distributed rates is essential.
Figure 9: Average rate of operation. The average is weighted by the time spent at a particular rate.
Figure 10: Average and 98th percentile delay achieved by practRA for various available rates
Figure 10 plots the corresponding average and 98th
percentile of the end-to-end delay. We see that, for all the scenarios,
the increase in average delay due to practRA is very small: ~ 5ms
in the worst case, and less than 2ms for the scenario using 4 uniform rates.
The increase in maximum delay is also reasonable: at most 78ms with practRA,
relative to 69ms with no adaptation.
Perhaps surprisingly, the lowest additional delay occurs
in the case of 4 uniformly distributed rates. We found this occurs
because there are fewer rate transitions, with corresponding transition
delays, in this case.
Finally, we found that practRA introduced no additional packet loss for the range of
utilizations considered.
Next, we look at the impact of transition times δ.
Figures 11 (a) and (b) plot the average rate reduction and
98th percentile of delay under increasing δ for different network
utilizations. For each test, we set the delay constraint as d = δ+ 2ms,
and we assume 10 uniform rates.
As would be expected, we see that larger δ lead to reduced savings and
higher delay. On the whole we see that, in this scenario, both savings and
performance remain attractive for transition times as high as ~ 2ms.
Figure 11: Impact of Switch Time (δ) for practRA
In summary, these results suggest that rate adaptation as implemented by
practRA has the potential to offers significant energy savings with little
impact on packet loss or delay. In all our tests, we found practRA to
have minimal effects on the average delay and loss and hence, from here on, we
measure the performance impact only in terms of the 98th percentile in packet
Impact of network topology
We now evaluate practRA applied to the Intel enterprise network.
Figure 12 plots the rate reduction across links - each
point in the scatter-plot corresponds to a single link, and we look at
rate reduction for two rate distribution policies: 10 uniformly
distributed rates and 4 exponentially distributed rates.
Since these are per-link results, we see significant variations in rate
reduction for the same utilization, due to specifics of traffic across
various links. We also notice that the dominant trend in reduction remains
similar to that seen in the Abilene network (Figure 9).
In the previous sections we evaluated power-management solutions based on their
ability to increase sleep times (Section 3), or
operate at reduced rates (Section 4). In this section, we
translate these to overall energy savings and hence compare
the relative merits of rate adaptation vs. sleeping.
For this, we develop an analytical model of power consumption under different
operating modes. Our model derives from measurements of existing
networking equipment[13,4,24]. At the
same time, we construct the model to be sufficiently general that we may
study the potential impact of future, more energy-efficient, hardware.
Recall from section 2 that the total energy consumption
of a network element operating in the absence of any power-saving modes
can be approximated as: E = pa Ta + pi Ti.
We start by considering the power consumption when actively processing
packets (pa). Typically, a portion of this power draw is static
in the sense that it does not depend on the operating frequency (e.g.,
refresh power in memory blocks, leakage currents and so forth)
while the dominant portion of power draw does scale with operating
frequency. Correspondingly, we set:
pa(r) = C + f(r)
Intuitively, C can be viewed as that portion of power draw
that cannot be eliminated through rate adaptation while
f(r) reflects the rate-dependent portion of energy consumption.
To reflect the relative proportions of C and f(r) we set C
to be relatively small - between 0.1 and 0.3 of
the maximum active power pa(rn).
To study the effect of just frequency scaling alone we set
f(r)=O(r) and set f(r)=O(r3) to evaluate dynamic voltage scaling (DVS).
In evaluating DVS, we need to consider an additional constraint - namely
that, in practice, there is a minimum rate threshold below which
scaling the link rate offers no further reduction in voltage.
We thus define a maximum scaling factor λ and limit
our choice of available operating rates to lie between [rn/λ, rn], for
scenarios that assume voltage scaling.
While current transistor technology allows scaling up to factors as
high as 5 [32], current processors typically use λ ~ 2 and hence we investigate both values as potential rate scaling limits.
Empirical measurements further reveal that the idle mode power draw, pi,
varies with operating frequency in a manner similar to the active-mode
power draw but with lower absolute value[13]. Correspondingly, we model
the idle-mode power draw as:
pi(r) = C + βf(r)
Intuitively, the parameter β represents the relative magnitudes of
routine work incurred even in the absence of packets to
the work incurred when actively processing packets.
While measurements from existing equipment suggest values
of β as high as 0.8 for network interface cards [13] and
router linecards [4], we would like to capture the potential
for future energy-efficient equipment and hence
consider a wide range of β between [0.1, 0.9].
Energy savings from rate adaptation
With the above definitions of pa and pi, we can now
evaluate the overall energy savings due to rate adaptation.
The total energy consumption is now given by:
pa(rk)Ta(rk) + pi(rk)Ti(rk)
Our evaluation in Section 4 yields the values of
Ta(rk) and Ti(rk) for different rk and test scenarios,
while Eqns. 2 and 3 allow us to model
pa(rk) and pi(rk) for different C, β and f(r).
We first evaluate the energy savings using rate adaptation
under frequency scaling (f(r)=O(r)) and DVS (f(r)=O(r3)).
For these tests, we set C and β to middle-of-the-range
values of 0.2 and 0.5 respectively; we examine the effect
of varying C and β in the next section.
Figure 13: Total Energy Saving with Sleeping and Rate Adaptation
Figure 13(a) plots the energy savings
for our practical (practRA) and optimal (link_optRA) rate adaptation
algorithms assuming only frequency scaling.
We see that, in this case,
the relative energy savings for the different algorithms
as well as the impact of the different rate distributions is
similar to our previous results (Fig. 9) that
measured savings in terms of the average reduction in link rates.
Overall, we see that significant savings are possible even in the
case of frequency scaling alone.
Figure 13(b) repeats the above test assuming
voltage scaling for two different values
of λ, the maximum rate scaling factor allowed by DVS.
In this case, we see that the use of DVS significantly changes
the savings curve - the more aggressive voltage scaling allows for
larger savings that can be maintained over a wide range of utilizations.
Moreover, we see that once again the savings from our practical
algorithm (practRA) approach those from the optimal algorithm. Finally, as
expected, increasing the range of supported rates (λ) results
in additional energy savings.
Energy savings from sleeping
To model the energy savings with sleeping, we need to pin down the
relative magnitudes of the sleep mode power draw (ps) relative
to that when idle (pi). We do so by introducing a
parameter γ and set:
ps = γpi(rn)
where 0.0 £ γ £ 1.0. While the value of γ
will depend on the hardware characteristics of the network element in
question, empirical data suggest that sleep mode power is typically
a very small fraction of the idle-mode power consumption: ~ 0.02 for
network interfaces [13], 0.001 for RFM radios [11],
0.3 for PC cards [11] and less than 0.1 for DRAM memory [7].
In our evaluation we consider values of γ between 0 and 0.3.
With this, the energy consumption of an element that spends time Ts
in sleep is given by:
E = pa(rn) Ta + pi(rn)(Ti - Ts) + ps Ts.
Our evaluation from Section 3 estimated Ts for
different scenarios. Figure 13(c) plots the corresponding
overall energy savings for different values of γ for
our practB&B algorithm.
We assume a transition time δ = 1ms, and a buffering interval B=10ms.
Again, our results confirm that sleeping offers good overall energy
savings and that, as expected, energy savings are directly proportional to γ.
We now compare the savings from sleeping vs. rate adaptation
by varying the two defining axes of our power model: C, the
percentage of power that doesn't scale with frequency, and β
that determines the relative magnitudes of idle to active power draws.
We consider two end-of-the-range values for each: C=0.1 and C=0.3
and β = 0.1 and β = 0.8. Combining the two gives us four
test cases that span the spectrum of hardware power profiles:
C=0.1 and β = 0.1: captures the case where
the static portion of power consumption (that cannot be
rate-scaled away) is low and idle-mode power is significantly
lower than active-mode power.
C=0.1 and β = 0.8: the static portion of power
consumption is low and idle-mode power is almost
comparable to active-mode power.
C=0.3 and β = 0.1: the static portion of power
consumption is high; idle-mode power is significantly lower than that
in active mode.
C=0.3 and β = 0.8: the static portion of power
consumption is high; idle-mode power is almost comparable to
active-mode power.
We evaluate energy savings for each of the above scenarios
for the case where the hardware supports DVS and when
the hardware only supports frequency scaling.
With DVS: f(r)=O(r3)
Figures 14 plots the overall energy savings for practRA and
practB&B for the different test scenarios. These tests assume
10 uniformly distributed rates and a sleep power ps = 0.1 pi(rn).
In each case, for both sleep and rate-adaptation, we consider hardware
parameters that reflect the best and worst case savings for the
algorithm in question. For practRA, these parameters are λ
(the range for voltage scaling) and δ (the transition time).
For the best-case results these are λ = 5 and δ = 0.1ms;
for the worst case: λ = 2, δ = 1ms.
The parameter for practB&B is the transition time δ which
we set as δ = 0.1ms (best case) and δ = 1ms (worst case).
The conclusion we draw from Figure 14 is that, in each
scenario there is a "boundary" utilization below which sleeping offers
greater savings, and above which rate adaptation is preferable.
Comparing across graphs,
we see that the boundary utilization depends primarily on the values
of C and β, and only secondarily on the transition time and other
hardware parameters of the algorithm.
For example, the boundary utilization for C=0.1 and β = 0.1
varies between approximately 5-11% while at C=0.3,β = 0.8
this boundary utilization lies between 4% and 27%.
We also evaluated savings under different traffic characteristics (CBR, Pareto)
and found that the burstiness of traffic has a more secondary effect on
the boundary utilization.
Figure 14: Comparison of energy savings between sleep and rate adaptation.
Support for dynamic voltage scaling.
For further insight on what determines the boundary utilization, we
consider the scenario of a single idealized link. The sleep-mode
energy consumption of such an idealized link can be viewed as:
Esleep = pa(rmax) mT + ps(1-m)T
Similarly, the idealized link with rate adaptation is one that
runs with an average rate of mrmax for an energy
consumption of:
Erate = pa(mrmax)T
Figure 15 represents the boundary utilization for
this idealized link as a function of C. In this idealized scenario, the dominant
parameter is C because the link is never idle and therefore β has only
a small, indirect effect on ps. The gray zone in the figure
represents the spread in boundary utilization obtained by varying β
between 0.1 and 0.9.
Figure 15: Sleeping vs. rate-adaptation
With frequency scaling alone: f(r)=O(r)
Figures 16 plots the overall energy savings for practRA and
practB&B for the different test scenarios in the more pessimistic scenario where
voltage scaling is not supported. Due to lack of space, we only plot the
comparison for the first two test scenarios where C=0.1; at C=0.3, the
savings show a similar scaling trend but with significantly poorer
performance for rate-adaptation and hence add little additional information.
The primary observation is that the savings from rate adaptation are significantly
lower than in the previous case with DVS and, in this case, sleeping outperforms rate adaptation
more frequently.
We also see that - unlike the DVS case - network utilization impacts energy savings in
a similar manner for both sleeping and rate-adaptation (i.e., the overall "slope" of the
savings-vs-utilization curves is similar with both sleeping and rate-adaptation
while they were dramatically different with DVS - see Fig. 14).
Once again, we obtain insight on this by studying the
the highly simplified case of a single idealized link.
For this idealized scenario with f(r)=O(r), we find that the
boundary condition that determines whether to use sleep or rate adaptation
is in fact independent of network utilization.
Instead, one can show that sleep is superior to rate-adaptation if the
following inequality holds:
c >
1 - γ( 1 - β)
Otherwise, rate adaptation is superior.
In practice, network utilization does play a role (as our results clearly
indicate) because the various practical constraints due to delay bounds
and transition times prevent our algorithms from fully exploiting
all opportunities to sleep or change rates.
In summary, we find that both sleeping and rate-adaptation are useful,
with the tradeoff between them depending primarily on the power profile
of hardware capabilities and network utilization.
Results such as those presented here can guide operators in deciding how to best run their
networks. For example, an operator might choose to run the network with rate
adaptation during the day and sleeping at night based on where the boundary
utilization intersects diurnal behavior, or identify components of the network
with consistently low (or high) utilization to be run with sleeping (or
Figure 16: Energy savings of sleep vs. rate adaptation, β = 0.1, frequency scaling alone.
There is a large body of work on power management in contexts complementary to ours.
This includes power provisioning and load balancing in data centers[5,8],
and OS techniques to extend battery lifetimes in mobiles[9,30].
Perhaps the first to draw attention to the problem of saving overall energy in the network
was an early position paper by Gupta et al. [12]. They use data from
the US Department of Commerce to detail the growth in
network energy consumption and argue the case for energy-saving
network protocols, including the possibility of wake-on-arrival in wired routers.
In follow-on work they evaluate the
application of opportunistic sleeping in a campus LAN environment [22,11].
Other recent work looks at powering-down redundant access points (APs) in enterprise
wireless networks [17]. The authors propose that a central server collect AP connectivity and utilization information
to determine which APs can be safely powered down. This approach is
less applicable to wired networks that exhibit much less redundancy.
Sleeping has also been explored in the context of 802.11 to save client power, e.g., see [2]. The 802.11 standard itself includes two schemes (Power-Save Poll and Automatic Power Save Delivery) by which access points may buffer packets so that clients may sleep for short intervals. In some sense, our proposal for bunching traffic to improve
sleep opportunities can be viewed as extending this idea deep into the network.
Finally, the IEEE Energy Efficient Ethernet Task Force has recently started to
explore both sleeping and rate adaptation for energy savings. Some initial
studies consider individual links and are based on synthetic traffic and
infinite buffers [3].
In the domain of sensor networks, there have been numerous efforts to design energy efficient
protocols. Approaches investigated include putting
nodes to sleep using TDMA-like techniques to coordinate transmission and
idle times (e.g., FPS [14]), and distributed algorithms for sleeping (e.g.,S-MAC [28]).
This context differs from ours in many ways.
We have argued that power management states that slow down links and put
components to sleep stand to save much of the present energy expenditure of
At a high-level, this is apparent from the facts that while network
energy consumption is growing networks continue to operate at low average
We present the design and evaluation of simple power management algorithms
that exploit these states for energy conservation and show that -
with the right hardware support - there is the potential for saving much
energy with a small and bounded impact on performance, e.g., a few milliseconds of delay.
We hope these preliminary results will encourage the development of hardware support for
power saving as well as algorithms that use them more effectively to realize
greater savings.
We thank Robert Hays, Bob Grow, Bruce Nordman, Rabin Patra and Ioan Bejenaru for their suggestions.
We also thank the anonymous reviewers and our shepherd Jon Crowcroft for their
useful feedback.
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In reality the energy savings using rate-adaptation will depend on
the distribution of operating rates over time and the
corresponding power consumption at each rate. For simplicity, we
initially use the average rate of operation as an indirect measure of savings in
Section 4 and then consider the complete distribution of operating
rates in Section 5 when we compute energy savings.