Poster Session Chair: Michael Walfish, The University of Texas at Austin
Accepted Posters
The following posters will be presented during the reception on Thursday, March 31, 2011, from 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m., in the Constitution Ballroom. Some posters will include demos, as noted below.
Distributed Parallel Network Stack for Multicore
Charles Gruenwald, Nathan Beckmann, David Wentzlaff, Harshad Kasture, Jeff Ward, and Anant Agarwal, MIT CSAIL
Predicting the Safety of Web Logins with Piigeon Poster Plus Demo
Xiao Sophia Wang and David Choffnes, University of Washington; Patrick Gage Kelley, Carnegie Mellon University; Ben Greenstein, Intel Labs Seattle; David Wetherall, University of Washington
Enhancing Application Robustness in Virtualized Data Centers
Madalin Mihailescu, Andres Rodriguez, and Cristiana Amza, University of Toronto
Stealing Thunder: A Selfish Perspective on Slack Resources in Cloud Environments
Shriram Rajagopalan, Dhirendra Kholia, Mohammad Shamma, and Andrew Warfield, University of British Columbia
WebCloud: Enabling More Direct Content Exchange Between Web Clients Poster Plus Demo
Fangfei Zhou, Liang Zhang, and Eric J. Franco, Northeastern University; Richard Revis, Jandrell, Pearson & Revis Ltd.; Alan Mislove and Ravi Sundaram, Northeastern University
Seeking Efficient Data-Intensive Computing
Elie Krevat and Tomer Shiran, Carnegie Mellon University; Eric A. Anderson, Joseph Tucek, and Jay J. Wylie, HP Labs; Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University
Armonia: A Highly Available Distributed Transactional Memory Store
Mehul A. Shah, Nathan Binkert, Stavros Harizopoulos, Wojciech Golab, and Indrajit Roy, HP Labs
On Lookups in Content-based Routers
Ashok Anand, Nilay Vaish, and Aditya Akella, University of Wisconsin–Madison
A Memory-Efficient, High-Performance Key-Value Store
Hyeontaek Lim, Bin Fan, and David G. Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael Kaminsky, Intel Labs
Towards Transactional Cloud Resource Orchestration Poster Plus Demo
Changbin Liu, University of Pennsylvania; Yun Mao, Xu Chen, and Mary F. Fernandez, AT&T Labs—Research; Boon Thau Loo, University of Pennsylvania; Kobus Van der Merwe, AT&T Labs—Research
Structured Comparative Analysis of Systems Logs Using Distalyzer
Karthik Nagaraj, Charles Killian, and Jennifer Neville, Purdue University
Work in Progress: Uncovering the Privacy Implications of Web Usage
Hendrik vom Lehn, Jó Ágila Bitsch Link, and Klaus Wehrle, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
InContext: Simple Parallelism for Distributed Applications
Sunghwan Yoo, Milind Kulkarni, Charles Killian, and Hyo J. Lee, Purdue University
Mobile Human Computation for Indoor Localization and Navigation Poster Plus Demo
Athula Balachandran and Wolfgang Richter, Carnegie Mellon University
SNEAP: A Social Network-Enabled EAP Method: No More Open Hotspots Poster Plus Demo
Aldo Cassola, Tao Jin, Harsh Kumar, Guevara Noubir, and Kamal Sharma, Northeastern University
Seattle: The Internet as a Testbed Poster Plus Demo
Jeff Rasley, Monzur Muhammad, Alex Hanson, Sebastian Morgan, Alan Loh, and Justin Cappos, University of Washington
Towards Formally Safe Inter-domain Routing Systems
Anduo Wang, University of Pennsylvania; Limin Jia, Carnegie Mellon University; Wenchao Zhou, Yiqing Ren, and Boon Thau Loo, University of Pennsylvania; Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University; Vivek Nigam, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Andre Scedrov, University of Pennsylvania; Carolyn L. Talcott, SRI International
Secure Forensics Without Trusted Components Poster Plus Demo
Wenchao Zhou, Qiong Fei, Arjun Narayan, Andreas Haeberlen, and Boon Thau Loo, University of Pennsylvania; Micah Sherr, Georgetown University
Network Configuration Analysis
Theophilus Benson, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Hyojoon Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology; Aditya Akella, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology
BISMark: A Platform for Studying Home Networks
Walter de Donato, University of Napoli Federico II; Srikanth Sundaresan and Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology; Renata Teixeira, CNRS/UPMC Sorbonne Universités; Antonio Pescapé, University of Napoli Federico II
vFlood: Opportunistic Flooding to Improve TCP Transmit Performance in Virtualized Clouds
Sahan Gamage, Ardalan Kangarlou, Ramana Rao Kompella, and Dongyan Xu, Purdue University
DARD: Distributed Adaptive Routing for Datacenter Networks
Xin Wu and Xiaowei Yang, Duke University
An Empirical Study on the Person-to-Public Distribution of Tor Bridges
Xiao Wang, Jinqiao Shi, Binxing Fang, Qingfeng Tan, and Li Guo, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, China
Suppressing Malicious Bot Traffic Using an Accurate Human Attester
Muhammad Jamshed, Younghwan Go, and KyoungSoo Park, KAIST
Assuring Network Service with Bandwidth and Integrity Based Fairness
Fariba Khan and Carl A. Gunter, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
dBug: Systematic Testing of Distributed and Multi-Threaded Systems
Jiri Simsa, Garth Gibson, and Randy Bryant, Carnegie Mellon University
Don't Settle for Eventual: Stronger Consistency for Wide-Area Storage
Wyatt Lloyd and Michael J. Freedman, Princeton University; Michael Kaminsky, Intel Labs; David G. Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University
Block-based Bitrate Control for Wireless Networks
Xiaozheng Tie, Anand Seetharam, Arun Venkataramani, Deepak Ganesan, and Dennis L. Goeckel, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Wide-Area Data Center Selection and Traffic Engineering for Online Service Providers
Srinivas Narayana, Joe Wenjie Jiang, and Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University
LocalFlow: Simple, Local Flow Scheduling in Data Centers
Siddhartha Sen, Sunghwan Ihm, Kay Ousterhout, and Michael J. Freedman, Princeton University
A Service Access Layer, at Your Service Poster Plus Demo
David Shue, Matvey Arye, Prem Gopalan, and Erik Nordström, Princeton University; Steven Y. Ko, SUNY, Buffalo; Michael J. Freedman and Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University